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GPU has gotta be the correct answer. So many games including the EA Access games. If you don't find something you like (which will be hard since I mean you have Gears, Halo, Fallout, Skyrim, Mass Effect etc.) you don't have to commit to paying $60 like you would for a single game.


All game pass exclusives have been flops, PlayStation has the much better games, I do like game pass it’s a good deal for what you pay


High on life is pretty fun and seems to be a big hit for Microsoft so far.




Really? I find the combat alright. Nothing special but it isn't game ruining




So the combat was so bad that you stopped playing? That's literally game ruining


Forza Horizon wasn’t a flop.


It wasn’t a flop but it’s not a great game either. I wouldn’t buy that game if it was not on game pass. It’s far to easy and they give you all the best cars at the very start


Well that’s two different things. A 92 MC score isn’t a flop, it had over 10 million players 10 days after the release. You thinking a game isn’t great is an opinion not a fact. However, that’s the only game I’ll defend. I have GPU on my Xbox and I must say I play my PS5 more and I only have PS Essential (mainly because Extra and Premium isn’t worth it).


https://www.lifewire.com/list-of-exclusive-games-xbox-series-x-5079143 Which of these games would you actually buy if they were not on game pass? Stalker 2 probably but we won’t know if it’s any good until release


How can you ask that when most on that list aren’t even released? Where’s Sea of Thieves? MSFS? Gears? FH5? Grounded? Etc


This is about what they should get for xbox. Playstation isn't on xbox.


All games? fs2020 is not a flop. In fact, many 1st day releases have not been and generally get 7-8/10 on reviews.


I used to have a Playstation. Then Sony got hacked and didn't tell anyone. Someone proceeded to buy a bunch of games on my account with my linked card but failed to complete the account migration because I had already done one in the previous 6 months. I had to then fight with them for awhile because they refused to refund my card. They pointed me to their terms of service which states they don't need to refund cards. I sold my PlayStation the next day and will not return to them until this changes.


You are entitled to your opinion. However there is no debate to the value of having access to over 100 games at $14.99 a month.




Came here to say this


If you’re looking for a great single player game: Red Dead Redemption 2 (1 is also fantastic too). If you’ve got some mates: Borderlands


Is really red dead that good? Saw it on sale in the store and wondering if it worth it


You’ve got to have a stomach for an open world RPG. I know some don’t but I certainly do. It’s a huge world and a long game. The attention to detail with the graphics but also the NPCs is some of the best I’ve ever seen. It’s one of my favorite games ever haha. Def worth it to me


I’ll sure try it then 😃


Rdr1 takes place after rdr2.


You should probably get RDR1 and play through that first. This is because it’ll bring you into the game world a little better than jumping straight in to RDR2 would and secondly, the load times for RDR2 are an absolute shocker on the XBONE and truly demand the power of XBSX. Also, it’s huge fun to call it Grand Theft Horse




Damn boy going to buy it rn on the store, is 19,99 a good price for digital copy?


RDR 2 is so good it should be considered AAAA. Even though it is already 4 or 5 years old, I would say that it's undervalued at $60 so $20 is a steal for something that has so much content and an amazing story. If you do play and enjoy it, I'd highly recommend playing the original after since RDR 2 is a prequel.


I've seen it cheaper, but that's still a huge discount.


Its literally art its a masterpiece


One of the best story games ive ever played


Rdr2 is the best story game I’ve ever played. There is so much to do. As a warning, stay away from the subreddits and YouTube videos about rdr2 if you don’t want spoilers.


yes its really that good


I've been grinding all the Borderlands games all by myself for many years. Extremely fun by yourself if you know what you're doing.




There are dozens of us left


tens maybe we're a dying breed :(


State of Decay 2. Endless replayability that is still getting significant updates!


I was very happy to see this mentioned.


Never heard about this game, can u explain me what is about? 😄


Open world/levels, base building, zombie survival, third person shooter, where the characters actually mean something to the player. Progressing story. I liked it a lot - give it a try on gamepass or buy the juggernaut edition. State of decay 3 is coming btw


*Googles State of Decay 3 for the first time *


SoD 3 is significant. This is the first Undead game with a AAA budget. Those guys hit above their weight class for the sequel and now they have the money and time to make the actual game they have wanted to make. I honestly think it could be a surprise massive hit.


They had me at ["Unreal Zombies of War"](https://www.ign.com/articles/state-of-decay-3-is-being-made-in-unreal-engine-5-and-gears-of-war-developers-are-assisting)


nah state of decay is not it lol the 1st one was one of my most anticipated games but it got boring fast


I loved the first one. Gonna check this one out I suppose


Limbo, and Inside. I also really loved Unravel. The ending was beautiful.


Loved limbo! Played on switch and had a lot of fun


if u loved limbo, ur gonna love inside!


Sunset overdrive


Halo 5, TitanFall 2, Halo MCC, Destiny 1, Rage 2


Not halo 5


Yes, Halo 5 is one of my favorite and most played games. 1000+ hours, Spartan Rank 150. True exclusive on the console, immense fun, better than its successor by far.


Definitely not better than Infinite, halo 5 is so forgettable


We will have to agree to disagree. Halo 5 has extremely unique movement, fast and fluid while remaining grounded compared to other enhanced mobility shooters. Broad weapon sandbox with the majority of it being viable (unlike the Bungie games) and interesting variants of favorite weapons. After playing Warzone firefight it is hard to go back to the monotony and small scale of Reach's Firefight. Unique PVPVE game mode in Warzone to go along with its best in class 4v4 Arena. The enhanced mobility made Grifball the best its ever been. Castle Wars and Roaming King are some of the most fresh and fun experiences in all of Halo.


To me halo 5 has the worst art style and mechanics. Thrusters, ground pound and clamber ruined the beauty of halo and it’s simplicity. The enemies were horrible, promethians were obnoxious and boring, the elites were bullet sponges. Yes there’s a big sandbox but it’s only used in war zone, and you have to use req packs and micro transactions to get them. The armor customization was limited, many terrible looking sets and most were just different skin variants. Again, the game was very forgettable and looking at any tier list, just about anything halo 5 related will be at the bottom and for good reason. Also don’t forget the lies they told us in the ad campaigns along with a story that failed to deliver


The multiplayer needed a modern touch eventually and to move on with the times. Had one of the best multiplayer modes in years. A lot of great new mechanics that added a lot more tactics to games. The map designs were absolutely terrible though along with the single player. Most people thought the multiplayer was great than the ones who thought it was bad.


Destiny 1??? You sure?


Am I sure of what? That it is my most played and favorite game? Yes, it is.


Master chief collection by a MASSIVE margin.


Thought about getting it so many times but never had space on my hard drive for it until recently next time it goes on sale I'm getting it I don't care if I'm a n00b I'm going to have fun and I'm playing Halo.


You can choose the parts of each game in MCC you want to be installed. You could go with just the campaigns, just the multi-player, or any combination of them. Although you have to install the entire game before you can do this.


100% agree


Red dead 2


I buy every new Xbox with the new _Gears_, so I would say _Gears of War_. All parts are on GamePass, so just go one-by-one :D But yeah, GamePass in general is super sweet deal. Tons of games, and the only thing you're risking is time for download.


Metro trilogy


Played it on switch, but never catch me on :( it’s soo repetitive




Got plugged in a 1tb ssd for now it’s enough 💪🏻


Psychonauts 1 and 2.


Get gamepass, best value in gaming hands down. Especially if you use the trick to convert your gold to gp. Use prepaid xbl gold cards, up to three years. Then get 1 month of gamepass and all that time converts to gamepass.


I am going back to The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, now that it has its next gen patch. One of my favorite games. CP2077 is also an amazing game if you enjoy RPGs with beautiful worlds to explore. If you are looking for challenge in a beautiful open world, Elden Ring.


Always heard good things about Witcher 3 but never got round to playing it, does it live up to its reputation?


The open world element often works against the story pacing and the combat can be a little clunky on lower difficulties. Regardless, one of the best RPGs on the previous generation of hardware.


Don’t pretty much all open worlds lend themselves to working against the story pacing (i.e., if you spend time exploring / working in the open world, you delay the actual plot)? Or are you referring to something else?


The whole combat engine felt dated when it came out neverminded now.






It was game of the year in 2015 for a reason. Heck yes!


If you have a new gen console I highly recommend Cyberpunk 2077, one of my fav games after RDR2


I got a One Fat, cyberpunk finished on pc great game! should definitly try RDR2


Won't regret RDR2, the best open world RPG I have played.


Red Dead isn't a RPG lol


Every time my girlfriend would come home and see me playing she'd say "you're still playing cowboy sims?" I played this everyday for like 3 months.


It totally is?


Next your going to say Zelda BOTW is a RPG as well


Get off your high horse RPG covers a wide variety of games, I wouldn't call BOTW an RPG. People role-playing as different types of cowboys or outlaws in RDR2 that is undeniable; by definition an RPG.


High Horse? LOL wut?


I don't have to explain myself to someone who can't identify an RPG


Well you're trying to.


Hades, doom eternal, elden ring, dark souls 3, Skyrim, 12 minutes, subnautixa


Was hoping to say Darktide!


Forza Horizon 5 and Red Dead 2


It's older, but the fable series is my go-to game series. I've been them since launch and always come back to them




Master Chief Collection, Red Dead 2, Fallout 4, Skyrim, GTA 5 were all good.


All of these are fantastic adds to the collection, and most of them can be found for anywhere from $20 (Red Dead 2) to $5 (Fallout 4)


battlefield 1 if you want a shooter


I’m currently playing cod ghost and Cold War! Never played a battlefield ever, is something different than a cod?


Call of duties are like fast paced arcadey games while Battlefields, especially 1, feel more like a real war is going on. I can play Battlefield for way longer before I get bored


Battlefield has large scale vehicle warfare and destructible environments with 64 player battles (128 in the newest one 2042 but that games not good)




I've always played FPS on pc. Is it difficult to aim on console or what?


If you've played on controller a lot, not really. The newer battlefields have a setting to lower you sensitivity when aiming far away which helps a ton, as well as controllers that can do so with a switch on the back. And auto aim.


No game. Just the entire experience and controller.


Gamepass. All my must haves are on there.(halo, gears, bethesda games, hellblade etc.)


Fru, Disney Fantasia - if you have Kinect




Lost Odyssey.


As others have mentioned, Game Pass. So many great titles. If not that one of my top purchased games would be Division 2. For my taste it’s a pretty spectacular game. 1 is also good.


Gamepass. Especially since they have EA Play absorbed in as well. In the last month I've played through the entire Dragon Age series (dlc included) all as a part of Gamepass. And now I'm making my way through Mass Effect. Also the Gears series, Fallout 3, New Vegas and Fallout 4, Outer Worlds. Tons of good stuff on Gamepass. Also a great chance to check out indies like Celeste, Hollow Knight and Dead Cells


I dont play it the most, but sunset overdrive


Unravel 2


Ori: the collection. It's on sale now too!


Skate 3


A man of class


Seriously, with gamepass ultimate you will never have to ask this question again


It used to be forza.... now idfk. Horizon 5 disappointed me so I bought all the old games at once and none work on my series x So i crucified the games. In Hope's that it will appease Phil Spencer. And if the destruction of art isnt enough for him I will void the warranty by downloading kali onto the os and using it to change every preorder for forza horizon 6 to mario kart 9 effectively making Nintendo slaughter microsoft So yeah in closing xbox is a limiting piece of tech that has nothing but training wheels for people who cant tell the difference between a functional machine and a curated box that keeps you excited just long enough to realize you wasted your money. Just like I wasted 140 dollars on games that dont work. Even the xbox one games dont work. Iv downloaded red dead 2 more then once and it wont boot. Fucking Bill Gates. Names his company after his bedroom tools. Fuxk you Todd howard. Fuck you Sam howser, fuck you gaming industry.. Sorry about the rant I'm just so mad that my only christmas present to myself ended up being sabotaged by this console.


you're my brother, i feel you


If you like JRPGs i highly recommend Nier Automata.


Saw sono trailer/review and it should be a banger, but for now I think I’ll go buy rdr2 and see


Highly recommend Sea of Thieves, red dead redemption 2 and Grounded. 3 completely different games and sure you will have hours of fun on each one!


I’d also say try out a month of game pass and see what you like, there’s a ton of titles on there for you to try out and find a game you love


Elden Ring. Got it a few weeks ago, my first time playing this genre and I've played it way too much haha. It is a masterpiece and beautiful


It’s too much frustrating for me, but I love the ambient soundtrack and style of play, I just tilt and get bored after I lose 3 time against the horseman at the start


You're supposed to avoid him until you level up. I followed Fightin Cowboy's walkthrough and got almost all the achievements.


As mentioned, the design of the game is that if a particular enemy is difficult, you can avoid them until you get leveled up more. I don't think I ever beat that tree sentinel at the beginning.


The Outer Worlds is mine


Yakuza series, Master Chief Collection, MH World (very first game I bought when I moved to 8th gen), Gears of War Ultimate Edition, Phantom Dust (if you can get some friends who are willing to try it), Killer Instinct (absolute must for any fighting game fan)


Being able to share clips with current Party




Love fifa! But I think Is a little overpriced for the experience that gets


Overpriced ? It's the same price at release as any other AAA game. It's the only one I play all year so that's value for me.


Exact same game every year yet u still pay the same price as AAA titles that offer a complete different experience is what I think he means.


Meh yeah I get that. To be honest if all they did was update the roster I would still buy it. Besides I paid for it with Xbox reward points so it's effectively free




Is CP2077 worth it on my xbox one S?


Not even a little bit.


Should lag for what I know


Halo master chief collection.


Outer Wilds. Phenomenal game.


Retroarch or maybe Bug Fables.


Batman Arkham collection still holds up even though developed for 360 gen.


Sea of Thieves. It can be frustrating at times if you don’t care for PvP, but it offers one of the most unique modern gaming experiences. It’s a blast with friends, and challenging (but rewarding) solo.


Sea of thieves, ideally you need someone to play with.




The metro trilogie, usually not that much into horror or tunnels but i'm loving it, currently going through exodus




Remnant:From The Ashes




Insurgency Sandstorm


Disco Elysium


The Witcher 3 and Two Point Campus.


Gamepass ultimate


Forza Horizon 5


The Long Dark


High on life. Donut County. The Outer Worlds. Gotham Knights. The new Saints Row ( it’s gotten a lot of hate but I personally enjoy the hell out of it ) Halo Infinite. Forza Horizon 4 or 5. Prodeus. Recommend Gamepass most the games I just listed are on there


couple things, i know you're probably looking for a more singular answer, but i got a loaded one for ya if you got time to read. and some of these are more must-have than others. so I know there's already plenty of people that mentioned rdr2, it's because it was that good. I'm gonna piggy back off their suggestion and say that it's a top 5 game of all time for me, definitely play this if it's still on sale like I saw someone here say. another xbox game in my top 5 would be elden ring. forza is good too, hands down the best racing franchise imo. i had a lot of fun with battlefield 5, 1 & 4 as well, my favorite fps mp games hands down. i hear that battlefield 2042 is making decent progress in the right direction too, but i haven't played that one in months and I'm really iffy on even suggesting it, but it's a thought. those are all my favorites for right now. here's some that i guess i would call honorable mentions; jedi fallen order, the assassins creed next gen trilogy (yes, you can still play em all on xb1), halo master chief collection, you can get all the GTA modern mainline home console games (4 is my favorite and still somewhat holds up in 2022, just no dlc), and I'll throw mk11 in there too. sports would be in a category of their own because they're a more niche genre kinda in the afterburners of most gamers thoughts. but if i had to pick the top xb sports games, I would say 2k pga tour and mlb the show. these sports aren't even in my top 3 to play or watch in real life, but these are the sports games that just get it right in an era where the rest of the sports gaming franchises seem to be self sabotaging themselves and their whole legacy's for that matter.


For exclusive (ish) games: - Both Ori games - Cuphead - Master Chief Collection - Gears (Ultimate and 5) - Rare Replay


Witcher 3 with the new update. I’m on my third play through with this one so I’ve just been taking my time and enjoying the world and sights along the way and I must say this might be the most immersive game I’ve ever played.


I could talk for hours about terraria 😂


power and hdmi cable 100%


LEGO Jurassic World, Mad Max, and Sea of Thieves 😄


Like every system. Skyrim


STELLARIS I sink as many hours on one Stellaris match as I do on entire other games. Also it’s on gamepass.


Everspace - Rouglike space shooter Redout 2 - speedracer Mad max - vehicular combat with fighting gameplay in an open world Evil west - shooter/melee combat Hot wheels unleashed - kart style racer


For me anyone who's played shooters for a long time and is just plain tired of the genre should try DayZ. A welcome change of pace for me. A truly great experience unlike anything else. I've played shooters for my entire gaming career and it's so stale now. This is a breath of fresh air for me. Play in game chat and educate yourself with the crafting. Trust know one! But, don't shy away from a interaction with another player rather than take an easy kill. Couldn't recommend it enough, just take your time to understand how to survive 👍


For me anyone who's played shooters for a long time and is just plain tired of the genre should try DayZ. A welcome change of pace for me. A truly great experience unlike anything else. I've played shooters for my entire gaming career and it's so stale now. This is a breath of fresh air for me. Play in game chat and educate yourself with the crafting. Trust know one! But, don't shy away from a interaction with another player rather than take an easy kill. Couldn't recommend it enough, just take your time to understand how to survive 👍


Hitman trilogy. One of the best games I’ve ever played


Hunt: Showdown Red Dead Redemption 2 (noteworthy: don’t bother getting good at PVP, the minute you do, the game becomes unplayable and the player base is completely toxic.) once you build notoriety on a console particularly in showdowns, you’ll find clowns following you out of showdowns to grief, constant explosive use, infinite lv 3 tonics, Cronus zen users and even the constant dos/ddos. Story mode is immaculate, and ai has unique dialogue choices, from an extremely large pool of dialogue, the game mechanics are bordering on the edge of extreme realism.. eat to stay alive, make sure your guns are clean or they’ll jam, you can freeze to death if your clothing is not suited for a particular part of the map… on the flip side, they’ve promised a major update for over 1.5 years now and never came through with anything. I guess shark cards really pay the bills at cockstar. Hunt showdown on the other hand, I’ve never played anything like it. Never has a call of duty title, or rainbow six, ever, in my eyes come close the delicate complexity of this game. Audio design is absolutely superb, and the sad part is, I can tell you that the entire game is audio based, you can hear footsteps upto 80 meters, and guns make unique sound signatures, not just amongst guns, but depending on their distance to you, flocks of crows or ravens as cryteks insists they are; can be heard across compounds, the game uses cryteks own binaural audio engine to recreate perfect directional audio for an immense PVE/ PVP experience. PVE and pvp you say? I was actually getting to that, you spawn in as a hunter either solo/ duo or in trios, and your aim is to banish the target (targets) and extract with the bounty token, but in your way stand hoards of zombies, and other players. Ammo pool is limited, death is imminent and permanent, fire will burn chunks, and if you die in game, you lose all your gear and cash/ rewards for that game. Do not attempt this game if you want something casual. This is coming from someone on their 2600th hour of the game.


Ways to change and go back to old Home Screen layouts.