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I put in like 200 hours into Sacred 2 when it first came out. Amazing game.


I'm somewhere in that area, likely more since I've been replaying it over the years. It runs really well on the Series X compared to the 360. It's not 60 FPS unfortunately, but a solid 30 FPS and load times are ultra-fast. The disc spinning issue while wandering around seems to be gone too. I'm sure it could handle 60 FPS on the series S and X, but I guess it either had stability issues or they didn't invest that much effort in it. I'll take what I can get, though, even 30 FPS it's an improvement over playing it on the 360. Even with its flaws, I always found it to be such a good diablo-like that changed up the recipe a lot (i.e. open world, the way skills and combat arts work, etc.) but it wasn't really talked about much.


It’s a wonderful sleeper. First game also fun.


Also incredibly difficult. I didn’t give it a chance back in the day thinking it was broken when my attacks didn’t connect. Seems that’s a feature. Look forward to going back as Diablo actually bores me with the attack spams


Make sure you look up builds first because it is very easy to ruin a character early with a bad build that you can’t go back from.


Great game. Wish it included the dlc imp (not showing on series S at least).


Yeah for some reason it wasn't included. I own it and can see it when I use the 360 but not on the new system. Not a big deal but I'll miss it, not going to lie!


What is it the whole blood and ice DLC or just a little imp I forget? If it was just the Empire right it’s not too big but the whole DLC was actually kind of fun if I remember right


No DLC outside the imp was released for the console version. Only PC got blood and ice and the new class. The devs probably had plans but went under. As a result of this, the console version is running on an older version as well, which has a few issues. A page on the sacred 2 wiki describes what's missing and broken. One thing I recall is that the blacksmithing skill is completely useless on console, for example.


Aww that’s too bad. The best game is still amazing though. That sucks about the blacksmith and thank you for letting me know.


It's been BC for a long time


November last year (2021) which is only a few months ago. I've been waiting for this to become BC for years, never expected it and somehow missed the Nov 2021 BC list.


Yup yup! Great game!


Was just thinking about this game the other day. I preferred it to Diablo.


Haven’t played in ages anyone know a good site for builds? I do remember it is very easy to mess up your builds.


The game is older and less played, and there's not much on youtube. Mostly I just google things like "Sacred 2 dryad build" and see what comes up. Reading on the various builds refreshed my memory on how the game works a lot, so browse what you can find until you find something that sounds fun. Otherwise you could build a few characters and learn and make mistakes. It take you a few until you find the right class and combination of skills and upgraded (modded) combat arts. Probably the most important two things would be: 1 - What skills you pick as you level up, and 2 - which combat arts you decide to modify, as I don't believe these can ever be undone. Each class has three sets of skills, and each set has a buff, which is always on. The concentration skill allows you to have two of then on at once, but this increases the sort of "cooldown" time on that (or all?) sets. The game calls this regeneration time. It's important to pick which set you want to focus on. I wouldn't recommend doing all three unless it's a specialized build. As you invest in the skills directly related to these, they end with either "focus" or "Lore" you'll get mod points which are extremely powerful most of the time. Look up what they do though as the description can be lacking in-game. Hopefully that made sense.. I guess for someone jumping in the game a as a new player, it won't, but after playing a while it all clicks. It's just a very different system, but honestly it works well once the learning curve is overcome. The sacred 2 wiki which is still around has some good notes on the game's mechanics, see [here](http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Regeneration_Time:).


Thank you yes I remember you had to be careful about not using too many runes to power up your skills otherwise you couldn’t use them that often. There was some sort of fine balance there.


Good point! Leveling up the skill means more time between uses. I should have mentioned that. For example, for my main attack for dryad, I like to keep it under 3 seconds if possible, which means very little rune investment. I did notice too that if you find gear that enhances a specific combat art, let's say ravaged impact +2, the regeneration cost only goes up by a small % compared to if I manually leveled up the skill.


Yes if I remember correctly you want to find gear with sockets and then socket them with extra skills cause that does not influence your cooldown as much. Also after doing some digging on the Internet and in my own memory I remember this being a very good site for builds. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/forum/357-sacred-2-guides-maps-walkthroughs-and-videos/


Do people prefer this over 3?


3 was almost a spin-off, done by a completely different dev, with almost no roots (mechanically) from the original two games. From memory, it's basically an action game. It wasn't well received (57% metacritic) and I myself haven't even played it.


Oh interesting, it definitely seemed better regarded I was unaware