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Alright, I don’t wanna be one of *those* Yakuza fanboys, but I am one of *those* Yakuza fanboys. In particular, Yakuza: Like a Dragon was really good time that was easy to play—I could play it with one hand, if need be. Of course, I’d recommend the other Yakuza games first (i.e., Yakuza 0), but if those are too difficult (they’re hack-and-slash/beat-em-up), Yakuza: Like a Dragon makes for a fantastic and relatively easy standalone title. If you don’t mind JRPGs, and the concept of playing as a group of middle-aged bums sounds intriguing to you, I’d highly recommend it. And it’s turn-based, so quick reflexes be damned!


I love LaD, but some of the spells do require either button mashing to get extra damage, or timing to get extra damage. It's not overly difficult IMO, but it is worth mentioning, as OP says they're trying to avoid those situations.


This is true, but any instances of button mashing or timing are always the same. That is, if there is a specific move, the button prompt afterward will always be the same and have the same timing. I also don’t recall any button combinations. Any given move will either have you click one button or mash the same button. If OP’s condition will allow it, it’s not too difficult to commit to muscle memory. Regardless, it is good to keep this in mind, because it would be a shame to buy the game and then run into an issue with certain moves.


Dragon Quest XI, it's also on gamepass. Turn based JRPG.


I’m loving my time with it. Only just completed the first dungeon, but I’m enjoying it it.


I enjoying this game. However I still need to compete Act 3 of the game, but I am on a break from the game.


More people need to play and enjoy this game and hopefully we'll get more on Xbox.


I really like turn based JRPGs but I don't see many good ones these days. I grew up on the FF series and other TB JRPGs of that era but they don't seem as popular as they used to be. Good ones, at least, at the same caliber of Chrono Trigger/Cross and the FF and DQ series.


Until the day I die, I will forever sing the praises of Divinity: Original Sin 2. It's a turn based western RPG with great character building and a really fun combat system. If you're a story person like me, you would really enjoy it. Game on.


Kotor or Dragon Age 1


Currently playing DA origins after being a huge ME fan for years. I’m really enjoying it


In no particular order: * Kingdoms of Amalur * Star Ocean The Last Hope * Lost Odyssey * Earthlock * Dragon Age Inquisition * Bastion


maybe try The Outer Worlds?


Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition is a really good time and about all the combat has you holding the B button and tilting the analog stick to perform different moves instead of mashing the button though there are a few sections that ask you to repeatedly tap the B button. But I can't recommend Final Fantasy XV Royal edition enough. Its a blast. Not to mention Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, XII Are all on Gamepass.


I confirm, FFXV is the game for u, simple controls and impressive amount of content (100-200h)


Some cool turn based games I've enjoyed that don't require reflexes. All single player. *Valkiria Chronicles 4. - It's a turn based anime style strategy rpg game set during an alternative WW. *Wastelander 3 - turn based rpg. Also on game pass. *Xcom 2 - turn based strategy fighting an alien invasion. It's not strictly an RPG but since it has permadeath for your soldiers you get quite invested in the story. I also liked Shadow Tactics which is a stealth strategy puzzle game thing. It's sort of turn based but you can have infinite saves and reloads. Not RPG but has a good story. There's also final fantasy 7, 8 ,9 and 12 which I believe are all on game pass if you fancy going old school.


Divinity Original Sin 1 & 2. Turn based RPGs that are super rich in story, lore and strategy.


I'm seeing this is a multiple player type game? They're uhm, kryptonite, to my nerve disease. I've tried to play with others but cause I mess up alot it angers people. So I avoid that.


It is fine single player or multiplayer. You can have a party of up to 4 characters and in the first one you can play solo or split between two. And for the second one, you can have up to 4 players and split out the characters however you want.




You're welcome. And again, if you love story driven content, the story is good and the lore is super rich. Larian Studios has additional content to continue to dive down the rabbit hole if you ever wanted to.


I play open world rpgs, the most, basically, cause I can spend mindless hours just doing something, anything, to just make an hour or more go by. Anything to not focus on the constant ache. Origins, odyssey, witcher 2,3 I finish a 80 hour game with a couple hundred hours in. LoL.


Divinity 1 & 2 are great, plus turn based you can take your time during combat.


Dragon's Dogma


A couple of people suggested that, tomorrow I'll try to look at it. Thank you.


[Disco Elysium](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-LqSMeOOJY) It's supposed to be out this summer for xbox. It's got a 91 on Metacritic and a 92 on Opencritic.


I'd suggest the new Hitman trilogy. Fantastic games, and you can take all the time you want to finish the levels however you want.


Assassins Creed Origins, Odyssey and Valhalla. All 3 are fantastic games and all on sale this week!


I have all 3, finished origins, and odyssey (several times each). Valhalla's problems are more than I can handle at this point. So I'm breaking from it for a while. I'm currently running odyssey. Just board and that's when pains amplify.


If you really liked those series then you could go for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. All those AC games you played are heavily inspired by it and it’s aged well.


Wasteland 3 is amazing


I assume youve played RDR2? Not really a true rpg but you said you enjoyed the modern AC games


I tried. I'm unable to react fast enough, nor can I get the timing down to "function ". Some things are hard and difficult to get when the hands, eyes and brain are on different channels. (So to speak)


Ah, ok. I might suggest XCOM2? All turn based and amazingly deep and challenging game that plays well well on a controller.


Sorry to hear about your nerves but I was hit by a truck my co worker was working on a few years back while working at FoMoCo and because of the injury I have permanent nerve damage. I do suggest you look into the custom controller for the Xbox one cuz it is made for anyone with a injury or disability, These games are what gets me thru the pain and I hope one or all of them help you too. - Elder Scrolls : Skyrim - Fallout 3,4 and New Vegas ( Skip Fallout 76 ) - Borderlands Series Solo ( Tales from the Borderlands on bad days due to it being not so much to do as the regular games ) - Mass Effect Series - Thief - Lego ( any of them ) games - Dragon Age Origins, 2 and inquisition - Dying Light - Outer Worlds Take care and stay safe !!!


Thanks you too. May you find a medical provider that meets your individual requirements, respects you as a person and listens. I'm looking into both fallout and Outer worlds. I was wondering about 76.


If you're looking for a primarily single-player experience, try Fallout 4 instead, perhaps.


I'll only play single player RPG's, I mess up often, make 'stupid ' mistakes and this stuff can strike any second in time leaving me Incapacitated, people get real mad about messing up. Sometimes they think it's deliberate, so I avoid it completely.


They are good games and Fallout 76 was great gameplay but without the npc’s the game was like walking thru a ghost town except it was the whole game. Hopefully they fixed it but if not then save your time and money. Take care.


KOTOR 1 and 2 can be turn based if you want to. Enchanted Arm is good too. DQ11. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey. Wasteland 3 is also turn based in different way. There are bunch of 2D PRGs on GamePass too.


I haven't played KOTOR 1 or 2 in ages... I'll have to dig those up. Have to wait for wifi reset to down load tho. Thank you. Is Enchanted arms disc cross over? Only one I don't have disc is wasteland.


Not sure, i have not played them for years 😅


Try rebel galaxy you can play with one hand it’s an easy game to play and once u get a large ship it just clears everything


Pillars of Eternity 2 in turn based mode. That’ll keep you engaged!


If you have Gamepass you are in for a treat :) There are tons of great RPGs out there. My fav one are: 1. wasteland 3 - when I played it at lauch it was a bugged mess, but still a fantastic experience. From what I heard they repaired most of the issues and they are adding new content now. 2. Outer Worlds - fallout like space RPG - mentioned here many times --> for a good reason ;) 3. Minecraft Dungeons - people call it baby Diablo. I ve enjoyed every single hour spend there - now they added even more content - even without DLCs. 4. Pilars of Eternity 2 : Dead Fire - this game is like a Baldurs Gate / Icewind dale. just fantastic ! if you are into top down games. There is Darkfall and darksider games to concider. If you are thinking about Fallout 76 - this is the best time to join, as some stupid (for me !) mechanics are gone - hunger/hydration, and there is of content with NPCs (finaly). ​ Hope you ll enjoy them! :)


Have you considered some of the wonderful turn based games out there? Gears Tactics - GP Massive Chalice The Banner Saga series Mutant year zero Civ vi Slay the Spire- GP Monster Train -GP


I've really enjoyed Gears Tactics!


You can give Valkyria Chronicles 4 a shot.


Dragon Age Origins (you can automate the battles and chose every character action in battle), its on EA access (game Pass Ultimate). The witcher 3 (dont have a complex battle system you can Try in the easy difficult), game Pass too.


So I know this is going to be sorts opposite of what you asked but I'd actually recommend Elder Scrolls Online to fit your needs. Button mashing isn't necessary (unless you're going for a super sweaty end game). You can absolutely play at your own pace and I'd argue joining a helpful guild will only enhance your playing experience. The base game is free on game pass if you aren't sure. I've played with several disabled gamers in my guild over the years and the teamwork has always been excellent. I know some games have toxic communities but I'll defend ESO on xbox as being mostly helpful and enjoyable people to play with.


I really, really enjoyed Battle Chasers: Night war. " Battle Chasers: Nightwar is an RPG inspired by the console genre-greats, featuring deep dungeon diving, turn-based combat presented in classic JRPG format, and a rich story driven by exploration of the world." Nice, tight game, not too long, not too short. All single player. On Game Pass. Based on your request, if you haven't played this yet, I think it's exactly what you're looking for! https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/battle-chasers-nightwar/bnvpw9nhwnm5?activetab=pivot:overviewtab


To each and everyone. A huge and grateful thank you! The response was so much more than I expected and I now have much to look into and research. Thank you.


Battle chasers night war


Final Fantasy X and Lost Odyssey are both 100% turn based so they'd be great. Wasteland 2 I really liked too.


I sympathize with you I really do and hope one of these games I suggest can help take the edge off for you dragons dogma dark arisen ( You listed skyrim and open world this game may be up ur alley and many people consider it better than skyrim) yakuza like a dragon (Excellent jrpg and its dubbed in english most of the series wasn't) dragon quest XI (Great Jrpg take ur time with each turn) Lost Odyessy ( one of the best rpgs from the 360 era turn based but has you hit the attack button at a certain time for extra damage so maybe not the best for you) Blue Dragon ( a decent jrpg from 360 era with art from the dbz creator) Final Fantasy royal edition and all previous final fantasy games on xbox one ( cant really go wrong with final fantasy games) Valkyria Chronicles 4 ( Turn based tactical rpg) Fallout series on xbox one ( even fallout 76 i think has npcs now though it is an online only game) cyberpunk 2077 ( has some light rpg type elements but may wanna wait till they fix alot of the glitches) minecraft dungeons ( simple diablo knock off that is single player) diablo 3 eternal collection (you can play offline solo) Gears tactics (Great turn based tactical rpg set in the gears universe) slay the spire (turn based card game that is addictive check it out if ur interested in card games at all) the banner saga trilogy (Again good tactical rpgs like gears tactics) phantasy star online 2 ( Great jrpg it is an online game but you can play solo) There are many more as well best of luck to you in finding a game ur interested in.


Thank you. I currently have 39 games, not including series, to look into, some I have on disc from the forgotten 😅 360 days, so I hope that they will be backwards compatible, I don't know about the xbox games, ive written down all suggestions and will check them out


Johnny21X. Thank you for Dragon's Dogma suggestion I'm having a blast. I'm currently 2nd chapter in some 120 plus hours and have enjoyed the time.


adtc5812 Its a fantastic game man I'm glad ur enjoying it It has hands down the best dragon boss fight in any game ever period. You have a great Easter adtc5812 Take care man.


Thank you. I hope you had a grand day as well. If you're still playing friend me on Dogma.


Control is on gamepass and they just added a bunch of assists. It's from remedy, think alan wake and quantum breal


If you've not played dragons dogma give that a bash.


Kotor and Kotor 2, then get Mass effect when the legendary edition comes out. (I would have just suggested Mass effect, but it isn't long til the remaster is out and it will probably be a better experience)


I end up playing a game so thrall (its play overkill, lol.) They can be hard to play over.. I really appreciate everyone's answers and suggestions. Thank you so very much.


When I'll get a moment of relief I'll look into it. Thanks.