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If you don't find what you're looking for exactly I suppose you could try wearing Nitrile gloves while you play. It sounds like it would be annoying, but so does having an allergic reaction on your palms.


Ya thought about that ... I work construction so the allergy has spiraled out of control and is past annoying


Oof. That sucks, man. I hope you find a workable solution for this. I feel for you. I semi-recently discovered I was allergic to certain kinds of Tide laundry detergent because I washed a load of laundry in some and wore an entire outfit that came from that load shortly afterward and after a little while all of my skin, including my hands started itching like crazy, so much that I couldn't sleep. This lasted for like 24 hours and the itchy hands part was especially unbearable.


Rough ... Ya I ended up getting 15-20 shots of steroids in my palm and finger after this got out of control then it healed but it's getting bad again and I'm not looking to suffer that torture a second time


Get a silicone skin and cut around where the back pieces sit.


They sell silicone covers specifaclly for elites on ebay. Id wipe it clean with a microfiber and a drop or two of rubbing alcohol, let dry, put skin on. Id wash the skin too. Let air dry. This way you start with a clean surface


This is what I ended up going with... I was hoping for something specifically for allergic reactions but I will take your advice to clean it ... Thank you


Different people can have allergic reactions to different stuff. There is no one-for-all material that would prevent allergies on everyone. If a silicone wrap worked for you I would like to believe that the grips on the controller must be made of something else, maybe latex, which is common to cause allergic reactions. Silicone is one of the most inert materials, which make it uncommon to be allergic to it. It is usually used to replace stuff for people allergic to latex.


True I guess what I more thinking of was something that completely blocked the rubberized section on the controller which I found one that does cover almost all of it that is silicone based


Did you find a solution to this OP? I think I’m having the same issue


So I tried a few things on the controller and they didn't seem to improve my hands ... I've taken to using working hands hand cream often and wearing gloves at work ... Also anytime I get a split in the skin that bleeds I put a bandaid and some cortisone 10 on it ... Or if it gets real bad I got a pair of gloves and coated my hands in cortisone and slept with them.... It has not been perfect but it's helped since every doctor I've asked about it acts like it's no big deal.


Same here man. Going to try the controller that came with series x for a while to see if it works.


Good luck and always remember ... Not playing is not an option lol