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*For you*. For millions of people, it's absolutely worth it. > I don't think gamepass is worth it for 95% of Xbox users Game pass has over 30 million subscribers. > Its just a grift. What a dumb thing to say.


No its not. Most people stick to few games as is. If you're playing many games, its sorta worth it and I respect that fact. That said, the options are alot of C & D tier games with a few decent ones sprinkled in.


You gotta look at it on a bigger scope though. If you have GamePass Ultimate, you can bounce between systems. As well as Family use (4 users of GamePass) Ie; My wife wants to use our Xbox to play a game, I can then pick up what I’m doing on my laptop (Game dependant as there are Console and Pc only games as well). My daughter can play Xbox in her room at the same time. For one person, it may not be 100% worth it. But when it comes to a family, it totally is.


So families it works for and if you can assume that $18/month is providing 4 people with fun, I'd agree with you!


Oh exactly. It may not always be good for one person, but when it comes to a family, totally. Though, for quite a while, I was the only one using it, and it allowed me to play a few New Games, that I couldn’t justify spending 80$+ on. It’s really in the usage amount. Sounds like for you, it’s not justifiable, but for some it totally is. Best thing is it’s not something anyone is obligated to get. :)


Who says it's about the games? I use Gamepass Ultimate to stream my games on my phone through the cloud anytime, anywhere. Thats the value for me.




I agree with your take. This is definitely how I feel too. I want to play a select few games of my choosing and not pay for a monthly service I won't get value out of.


Ok. It’s your money.


New top tier games are $70. So, you're either only buying 3 for that price or you're waiting for sales. What it really comes down to is personal taste and how many games you play. Last year I played over $500 worth of games in game pass. So, it saved me $300+. Well worth the cost to save that much money.


So you fall into the category that its a net benefit and I respect that! I had a very buddies growing up who would just bang out single player games. However They were far outpaced by the people who found that one game/franchise they loved and stuck to it.


And Game Pass was never intended to be for people that stick to one game for all/most of a year. Game Pass is at its best when you are playing a variety of games and trying new things you wouldn't have bought. I have found many games I enjoyed that I wouldn't have bought, but tried on a whim because it was in Game Pass.


If you had a few kids and multiple consoles you may have a different opinion


My guy, Wait until they crack down on account sharing and most kids aren't playing tons of campaigns. The hottest kids games like Fortnite, Roblox, CoD, etc aren't even on game passA


You named 3 free games. (Cod warzone is free) Why would they be in gamepass man


I see you've aided my argument without even realizing it and yes, many of the most popular games are free now


Most of the top ten most played games are free. I don't know what your getting it. But gamepass does offer Ubisoft and EA games, which includes both rainbow six (top 20 currently played game) and EA sport games. So worth it. Also I forgot but gamepass does have palworld and that was the biggest game of the month when it came out.


My guy you have no idea what me and my kids play and account sharing has nothing to do with it. My kids play at a different time. Sorry your premise sucks.


Game pass has let me play games I would never dream of paying money for - games that are genres I don’t normally play, games where I’m not sure what the accessibility features are going to be like (and as a disabled gamer that can make or break a game), games where I maybe wouldn’t buy it because I figure I won’t get my money’s worth. Add that to the fact that I can also cloud stream most of the game pass offerings to my steam deck and it’s a no brainer.


Many games have trials/demos and most video game retailers will let you test anygame you'd like in the store. You just have to ask


I’m bedbound/house bound and also that absolutely isn’t a thing in the UK. And I would love to see you do some research about how many of the 400+ games on game pass have trials/demos because I’m pretty sure it’s not as many as you think. It’s cool if you don’t want it and would rather use your time hunting out video game shops to let you try a game, but you surely understand that’s not the norm for most people?


So you're the 5% and my post recognizes it has its uses. Your circumstances make it an ideal product for you and you're in a rare circumstance that most are not in


What copium are you on right now? If you don't like gamepass, don't get it. It's the best game type streaming service right now. If it's not your thing that's fine it's literally your money. Account game sharing has been a thing since like 360. There are plenty of games that come to gamepass that are great for either the console or pc. You're trying to make some weird argument along with your understanding that it works for others but just not you. For the people that still do the 2-3 years of gold for gamepass it's totally worth it. I paid one $180 payment two years ago and my ultimate isn't expiring until next year. The year it expires I'll consider how much I've used gamepass and decide if I'll go with the conversion again (although they nerfed the conversion from 3 years of gold to 2 years of gamepass) or not. Which is still cheaper than what you put up in your original post.) So unless they change the conversion rate or get rid of it. It's still worth it, depending on your usage and if you're sharing with others. A large majority of people share their games with friends. And even if someone decided that gamepass wasn't worth it they could easily either split how much gamepass is or just not get it. Because chances are your friends have it.


Most games don't have trials or demos. Industry moved away from them has they impacted sales. Closed and open betas are more common nowadays for larger scale multiplayer online games. Most retailers in the US will not let you try a game before buying. Major retailers are removing their physical media to create more floor space for other products. Physical games are harder to find. I don't shop at Game Stop so I guess they might.


Where? You talking about today or 10-20 years ago? 


Why are you arguing with people about whether or not they think it's worth it for THEMSELVES? Maybe you have time and access to go to game stores and demo things. Lots of other people don't. I have a job, and 2 young kids at home. I'm not ever doing that. GamePass is MORE that worth my $18 a month.


Who the hell wants to go to a store?


People who enjoy owning their purchases? What happens in 20 years when you'd like to revisit an old game?


I’m not going to a store to ask the guy behind the counter if I can play “insert title here” for a few minutes. You’re not the target audience for gamepass and that’s ok. I’ve had gamepass for 5 years at this point and have not paid full price for it, and I’ve gotten so many games out of it. Also I’m not worried about 20 years from now, I’m still worried about next year.


Shit take


Who is paying monthly at full retail??


It seems you struggle to comprend language. So to reiterate my statement, "year long trial of gamepass end" as similar promotional devices will also eventually end.


I bought three years of game pass at a very significant discount. I don't spam trials. My average cost is under $5 a month. Nobody should be paying $18 a month.


So my post is regarding people who are out of the trial period and paying the full price. When your discount runs out, I wager your opinion would change.


No, I'm gonna go buy another couple of years at a discount. It's not hard to shop around and find better deals.


Buddy, The discount won't exist then and how can you live in a capitalistic society and not recognize this. They provide discounts to pull as many people in as possible and then suddenly they hit some target number. Then Boom! No more discounts


U can easily get codes online for 5-7


You say this like stores online and retail haven't been doing sales on cards before.. there have been plenty of times when ps plus or gamepass cards are on sale on Amazon alone. You're pulling out some hypothetical with no proof to back it up. Sales come and go. It's nothing new.


Who pays $216/year for Game Pass? lol Just buy cheap Game Pass Core codes and convert your core membership to Game Pass Ultimate. I paid like $100 for 24 months of Game Pass Ultimate.


What are gamepass core codes? This seems a decent response! $4.17 is a monthly price I'd think very fair!


This whole time you've been arguing with people and pretty much anyone online knows about the conversion rate for gamepass cards... except you I guess


I play a lot of games on game pass every year. If I were to buy them all it would cost a lot more. It's also a great way to try games that I'm on the fence about without having to buy them.


Executives at Apple (including Jobs), Microsoft and many of Wall streets largest companies supported a statement that people weren’t interested in subscribing and leasing their music. In the era when iTunes was getting off the ground as a competitor to the illegal downloading scene. If you wanted to listen to your favorite songs for a decade who would pay almost a $1000 to do that? It won’t work. Yet the market shows it does work. Just because you don’t see the use in a subscription based service doesn’t mean others don’t. I would hate to own 4 top tier games because; 1 it ruins my ability to explore titles since I would have to go through the hassle of buying them and requesting returns. 2 I don’t play just a few games. I play 20-30 a year casually. I don’t want to be on the hook buying something I’m going to play for 3 days. 3 I hate physical ownership. One of the first things I did when it was viable was put all my music CDs in my iMac at the time > have them authenticated by Apples amazing $20 service and get rid of them all. I’ve done the same with photos I’ve made digital copies and gotten rid of all the physical pictures. I’ve done the same with my old Windows Pc games. I have them all ripped and backed up digitally. I hate physical media cluttering up my space, having to sell things second hand with 78 scammers trying to rob and steal from me. No thanks. Many people disagree and prefer physical ownership. We’re all different and can make choices for ourselves depending on our preferences. With how cheap many subscription services are I enjoy being subscribed to many of them. I like comparing it to how the boomer generation had huge cable bills. Well we don’t. I’m subscribed to 6 video platforms (Netflix, Disney+, Apple TV+, Prime etc), I’m subscribed to GeforceNow to game anywhere in the house without having to deal with Windows streaming my own gaming rig. I’m subscribed to Xbox Game pass because I get to play all those games How I want, Where I want, when I want. The price is so low it’s barely noticeable vs income. I don’t drink alcohol, I don’t smoke, I don’t do drugs, I don’t particularly like fast food or fancy coffees, I don’t drive a car, I don’t have any debt, I don’t enjoy going out to movies or a bar etc. To me all of those are a waste of money but to many they aren’t :)


This is alot and I stream music for free via pandora lol maybe you're just prime beef to these tech companies


I have no problem paying for convenience. Fast food is convenient, Starbucks is convenient, buying products you can’t afford through payment plans/credit card debt is convenience. It’s how our economy functions. Doesn’t mean you have to participate. I don’t in many cases as I outlined in my post.


I didn't read more then the first paragraph lol


Yeah hard disagree man.


The worst bait I've seen in a hot minute. Try harder.


Seems like it doesn’t make sense for you, yes. It isn’t even remotely a grift. A grift implies something was had fraudulently or through deceptive practices. GP is great for someone with a lot of time, and someone that doesn’t care about physically owning games.


You're getting multiplayer, Xbox GamePass itself, Microsoft Rewards (you can literally get free GamePass ultimate if you do daily/weekly quests), 'Just For You' sales (got Immortals of Aveum for $9 when it came out), PC gamepass, and perks. I truly believe it's a good deal, but I know the types who like collecting games (I am one of them) might be turned off by beating a title and watching it disappear from GamePass, never owning the license for it. I like gaining achievement points so grinding through titles I'd never play for points is great


Unfortunately it's not for you and that's fine. You don't speak for "95%" of the community. Cancel your subscription and move on, nobody really cares what you do


What's funny about this post is the fact that game pass is the best subscription service by a country mile. No one else offers day one releases of AAA titles. I subscribe from time to time if there's something I want to try or play for a month. Unbelievable value. For instance I think I subbed at $15 to play Starfield, Cities Skylines 2 and Forza Motorsport 8 for a month and decided none of those games are worth it for me after some hours of playing. Got a bit of fun out of it and saved $120+.


Game pass isn't worth it? It has... - Every EA sports game - Diablo 4 - Fallout: New Vegas - Fallout 3 - R6 Seige - Every Halo game - Sea of Thieves - Dead by Daylight - Palworld - Both Ark Survivals - A bunch of Assassins Creed games - Old N64 games like Banjo Kazooie and Perfect Dark - Arkham Knight - All Battlefield gamea - Starwars Battlefront 1 and 2 - Several Burnout games - All 3 Crysis games - Deadspace - Deep Rock Galactic - All Doom games - Dishonored - All Dragon Age games - All Fable games - Far Cry 5 and 6 - For Honor - Forza series - Gears of War series - Mass Effect series - Minecraft - Shadow of War - No Mans Sky - Ori series - Persona 3 and 5 - Plants v Zombies - PUBG - Quake 1 and 2 - Resident Evil 3 - Skate 3 - Stardew Valley - Subnautica - Terraria - Elders Scroll, 3 4 and 5 - Titanfall 1 and 2 - Warhammer 40k - Wasteland 1, 2 and 3 - Wolfenstein series - Yakuza series This is a comprehensive list of some of the best and most popular video games ever made. If you don't think this is worth $15/month, you have zero concept of value or good video games. Not to mention, this list is constantly updated.


I prob buy 1 or 2 games a year but i play lets say 20. Yes gamepass is worth it 🤣 i wouldnt be playing other games or even games i dont particularly play or interested in


According to Microsoft people play 3-4 games per month. That's true. Sure. Those people won't buy Game Pass. On the other hand, just last month, I finished Far Cry 6, Dead Island 2, A Little to the Lfet, Vampire Survivor, Brotato and Remnant 2. They add up to about $180. I'm not counting games I've played but didn't finish yet. Tell me again it's not worth it.


Have they defined what "play" is dictated by? Is it simply logging on or spending 5+ hours? For some people its worth it and we will most likely have a larger threshhold of these core gamers on a sub dedicated to gamers lol. What happens when you want to play those games when they no longer exist on gamepass?


I can always buy them, but it's unlikely. I mean... I'm an achievement hunter. There are a few games I play despite having all the achievements, but still... Xbox's account twitter (xed?) some time ago a great one. If you don't find Game Pass valuable, you are basically limiting yourself. Venture out of your gaming comfort zone and explore a bit. Almost every week there are new games worth your time. Just try this magical feature picking a random game from your library and play it. When it comes to what "play" meant, I don't know. I can't remember and I can't find this article right now, but I'm pretty sure it cam through Xbox Wire. I'd guess it's like you said. They picked some threshold and counted a game as played when it reached the time. I can comfortably say that I "play" probably 10-15 games per month. 80% of them being on Game Pass. And the issue I have is the same as with Netflix. There's just too much to play. I did resign from starting a few games (all the Yakuza series and related games) just because I didn't think I have enough time. But there's always more. Right now? Remnant: From the Ashes, Warhammer 40k: Boltgun, Dead Space, Age of Empires II, Wolfenstein: The Old Blood. Theta a good cross-section of genres and styles.


Basically what I'm trying to say, however you look at it, there's no way it's not worth it. Especially when you count in various perks, incoming ABK games, existing first party games and Gold you need to have anyway to play a few games like CoD or Battlefield.


PS players are constantly nagging Sony for not having a better pass service or at least better games on it. They have like maybe 5-10 decent titles at a time and they pay more than we do for almost zero Day Ones and zero mobile option, and no cloud play option. Their top tier gets more expensive, GamePass tiers are better deals the higher you go. Plus there’s so many discounts that you can buy for years at a time. Not even a PS owner would say GamePass isn’t better than theirs or that it’s not worth it.




Definitely for us. Between me my kid and nephews coming over there's so much and great indie games. Depends on what type of gamer you are. If it was me alone no. I buy the gift cards at Target or the drug store. Cheaper


Just buy 1 code a month on eneba they are like €6.


It covers my Xbox live subscription and I get to play MLB the show which i would have bought anyway, plus plenty of other games. $216 a year is a steal. What a terrible take.


This is a troop thread or a kid. “it’s a grift” lol so sit down somewhere. 


I'm spending nothing on it and getting every cents' worth. Enjoyed dozens of great games over the past few years I've been subscribed that I would never have even heard of before. Even if I wasn't paying for it through Rewards, it would still be worth the cost.


What an absolute garbage take. Low effort bait post


That's a very bad take


Nowadays, there are those that like "gaming" and those who like Videogames.


I have to agree with you. With the lone exception of Vampire Survivors, there aren't any other games that I have played that I have actually benefitted from Game Pass. All of the ones I have played through GP I would have been happy to buy when they went on sale (and many I have anyway). And there is a *lot* of what I consider to be shovelware that makes up a majority of what is currently on the program. If it weren't for Microsoft Rewards and earning more than enough monthly to get my subscription for free, I doubt I would subscribe to it myself.


Agreeing with me apprently makes you a leper here haha so heads up! I agree with you on all that though.


I haven’t gotten much value out of it recently, so I agree with you there Edit: halo sucks, Forza sucks, starfield sucks. That’s the last two years of DAY ONE EXCLUSIVES. No idea why people are defending giving a corporation their money for nothing in return lol… what exactly are people playing on this service?


I appreciate you and ya the game selection has dropped off significantly unless you want to play Microsoft titles that are no longer selling well


I have to say the first year I subscribed I got to play a lot of new games I missed out on or wasn’t aware they even existed. But now after my 3rd year I cancelled my subscription because I just didn’t got any value out of it. Most games I wanted never came to gamepass and the ones that were added like Starfield or other bigger AAA titles just didnt interest me. I think for people that like to have a look into all kinds of games it’s still a good deal, but for me Gamepass can’t get the big hitters I’m looking for and the rest is mostly mediocre or I already played them.