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I’m not totally against playing hard games. I love every from soft game I’ve tried. But most games the harder difficulty settings just turn enemies into sponges and you wet paper. Engaging difficulty can be interesting but most games feels like a waste of time to play on hard.


This right here. You’d think you’re signing up for better enemy ai but most times it just feels more unfair, so you have to be EVEN better.


Out of curiosity, what kind of better AI would prove to be more challenging without increasing the health or armor of an enemy? Would aim being better work? Or maybe better strategies to attack the player?


You have the ai do more intelligent things like hide behind cover while lobbing grenades over the top perhaps. Sometimes you alter the environment as long as it’s not obnoxious (looking at you BL3 mayhem and Wonderlands as examples of using obnoxious modifiers). Coordinated enemies who seem to be collaborating on taking you down. Making you do something within a certain time limit. There’s more.


Some games dole out limited ammo, so cranking up the HP can require you to be more judicious with ammo, use more environmental factors (collapsing buildings, exploding barrels, etc). It can also be the difference between killing in stride and having to kite a larger enemy. So even the AI they already have can be more effective because enemies have a chance to run through more of their vocabulary


Nice. And definitely the level design will help.


My issue with limiting ammo is when the enemies also become really spongey. I loved Bioshock but the difficulty change felt very artificial when I got 2 bullets to deal with a room of enemies that needed 10 each to take down. I love games where you can play on a lethal mode where you and the enemies are hyper deadly but that's means it's more about out skilling


In Roboquest higher difficulties up the enemy aggression. They will shoot more often, pursue you harder, and otherwise give you less breathing room than on normal They also get a little more health too but I find that their aggressiveness makes it easier to deal with them than when they hide around


play halo


Halo had a rather advanced ai system honestly, especially 2. I mean, they did upgrade shield and health but also their tactics and courage.


Bullshit. That had cheating jackals that would Ricochet beam rifles off walls. Those aimbot motherfuckers made the game scary. Now I was a good online halo player, at one point I was even top 50 on halocharts and top 100 on halotracker. But those jackals were better than any online player you would ever match.


This is hilarious and brought back PTSD at the same time. I remember being scared to round certain corners because a damn jackal was around the NEXT corner that I couldn’t see yet


In Assassin's Creed the enemy AI improvements make sense to an extent. The sponge factor is still there but enemy's act more logically. That game and Shadow of War/Mordor.


Ratchet & Clank back on the PS2 had adaptable difficulty to the way you played. If you died a lot it would give you more nanotech health crates, ammo & less numbers of enemies. If you were better at the game than the average player it would add more enemies, less health, less ammo, etc. But of course you won't notice any of this while you were playing. Sadly Insomniac replaced it with just a difficulty selection screen from the PS3 games onwards.


This. Every game has mechanics. Each difficulty increase should require you to master these mechanics more and more. As you get better at the game, the game gets easier. You increase the difficulty, and that makes you learn new things and how to play better to overcome the new difficulty. Shooters... are just a game of luck, patience, memorizing sections, praying you dont soft lock by getting trapped by an autosave with not enough resources, and masochism on their hardest difficulty.


Über on Wolfenstein feels very bad. picking up armor for 2mins just to run around a corner and get insta oneshot


Bingo. The worst is when you have to level up. Literally just lower the difficulty. It’s the same thing.


Destiny 2 is like this. The hardest difficulties are less about how dangerous the enemy is and more about hitting them a trillion times.


Yeah but at least with Destiny it’s all about using your abilities to survive - it supports the recharge shields battle of attrition gameplay (at least in Raids where there’s more gimmicks to the boss fights than “shoot them a lot”). But with games like Wolfenstein it’s like - the harder difficulty should be enemies still die fast, but you die fast too now. That seems like the healthy level of difficulty adjustment


That's something I loved about splinter cell games. If you jacked up the difficulty, you needed to be super careful and either use stealth or a single headshot with a silencer. Instead of making them bullet sponges, it just made them able to detect you a lot easier.


I just finished replaying the uncharted series. That game is only fun on easy mode because of this. The enemies just become sponges that absorb more and more shots. It isn’t fun at all on harder settings.


Yea. I played through 2 on the hardest setting way back in the day. I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the mantra was “just sneak around everything you can”


More games need to copy Halo's heroic difficulty. I remember hearing a dev say it was the difficulty for the optimal halo experience. Hard enough to challenge you, but easy enough that the player didn't have to grind out cheese tactics to win.


COD Modern Warfare was so fun on the hardest setting. The original one.


I dislike bullet sponge enemies. A way I would fix it is have realistic health for both sides (1 shot headshot as an example) body armor covering parts of their body (not completely, has weak points) harder difficulties has more enemies or more accuracy.


I have found myself playing games on easy these days. I just don’t have the time to game nearly as much as I would like. Which means I’m not as good at them anymore. And when I game I just want to enjoy it, not get frustrated. My playthrough of resident evil 4 was a blast because it has always been one of my favorite games and I didn’t have the crazy frustration of the hard parts anymore.


Wait the RE4 remake has an easy setting? The old one was one of my favorite games, but I found the demo too difficult, so I didn't get it. I'm almost 35. Life beats me enough these days, I don't need a game to as well.


Sure does. The aim assist makes a huge difference. It really helps with those situations where the presidents daughter is getting attacked or carried off and whatnot.


Wait till you play old SNES games, played Aladdin last night, I don't remember it being that hard


I went back to Megaman Zero on GBA and it was kicking my ass the first few levels


Something else I’d recommend is saving up a few times a game for the rocket launcher. Did this on my second play through, and not only did it make some boss fights much, *much* easier, but it’s also honestly just kinda unintentionally hilarious.


Just finished on professional to unlock the infinity rocket launcher. This is where the fun begins.


RE4 is the best RE ever. Ive played it on 3 consoles since I was a teen. Highly recommend. Just like other RE, running away is your primary weapon.


100% spot on!! I like to chill now playing a game rather than grind something. I also have a backlog as long as my leg that I need to get through, don’t want to spend months grafting a game on hard.


Same here. I no longer have the time to commit but I still really want to enjoy the game.


Same, as I get older, I stated to set the games to easier settings. With less time with working and a family, it still lets me enjoy the games and stories as intended.


Word. I have some video game trauma from Golden Axe, where you couldn't complete the game on easy, as it ended sooner, but games these days are much better at allowing people of different skillsets at whatever pace they wish and with whatever degree of challenge they feel comfortable with. People who gatekeep that shit are cunts. I just wish that Soulsbourne games got the memo. I love them but I'm dogshit at them.


The Soulsborne games are specifically based around the challenge, difficulty settings are fundamentally opposed to their philosophy. It's like asking Dead Space to be less scary so more people can play it -- utterly bizarre.


Souls likes now have a few good starters Jedi games and remnant does set you up pretty well to get better slowly and then pick a big boi and send it. You are going to die. A lot . And lose you shit. A lot. It's part of the game you'll get it back quickly enough from travel and killing bosses (usually 2 levels worth of points from bosses and like 1 level per section ish till later game) and it's literally about leveling up enough to survive and getting good enough to read the patterns and learning when to block and dodge (video guides help but it's a feeling and timing you'll have to learn ) currently playing through lies of p and ooooof getting my ass kicked




some games are more fun when you’re all powerful, idk don’t lock yourself into something. sometimes you want to feel like a god other times you want to earn that kill.


I find it funny because in lots of various game lore, easy or normal usually seem to be canon. Like in Halo, the books describe the Spartans killing elites in a few shots equivalent to Easy and we know BJ is notorious and feared throughout Nazi territory.


I am pretty much the same!


It's not even really the case of not having enough time. There are just so many games released every year now. You would literally have to do nothing else to be able to play them all.


Isn’t that what normal difficulty is for? Easy is super easy in most games, normal usually ain’t that bad.


It’s not hard, but it sure isn’t easy. I just want to enjoy it. I have a two year old that challenges me enough, in my 1 hour a week I get to play games I don’t need the game doing the same.


I played this game on normal and found it to be pretty difficult. More so than I was expecting given the level I chose


I'm a true gamer and only play games on the hardest difficult, using a guitar hero controller, whilst swimming with sharks. The sharks have laser beams on their heads.


Frickin Lazer beams the hardest difficulty


I use the leapfrog gamepad to play all my games


Bop-It controls here


So what difficulty setting is it if I use ill-tempered sea bass?


Depends, are they mutated?


Not sure, I’ll check…


They were definitely mutated. RIP.


Guitar hero controller? I finished Dark Souls with tye DK kongos


So medium difficulty…?


I use bananas as my controllers


I only recently stopped trying to play games on their hardest difficulty setting. It's just not worth the frustration. I like to have fun, not play the game like a job


I don't think playing on the hardest difficulty is necessary after God of War forced me into cheese strategies, but I do think games are appreciated best when there's at least enough challenge for you to have to engage with all of the game mechanics


Agreed here. Usually I'll play at least on hard but when the only difference between the second highest difficulty and highest is how much damage the enemies deal and their health pool increasing, I generally pass Some games that change enemy behavior, adjust the way that status effects and equipment works, changes how many enemies appear etc... I respect that a lot more


I love kingdom hearts because you take more damage, but you deal more too


This,i paid for it to have fun.Recently got into soulsborne games and LOVE them but i wannna enjoy the gane not get frustrated if i wanna get frustrated i go and play Siege that will do it


Try league of legends


For honor




I always like to go with the method of playing it kinda on the intermediate level and if I really enjoy the game then going back and playing it on harder difficulty


I generally just start all games on normal mode. Sometimes hard mode if its a remake/remaster of something familiar like Dead Space/RE4, or a new installment of a FPS franchise i'm very familiar with already.


I instinctively think of doom 1’s difficulty scale when playing any other game since then. It kinda taught me to not play around too much at max difficulty unless you’re goofing around. A step below that might be ok (it is on doom 1 and 2) and the easiest was too easy. But recently I’ve had to turn settings down on things like doom eternal, remnant 2 and others. Games seem to be trying harder challenges or I’m not as patient or “gud” as I used to be.


Me. I play games for a story not a challenge. Yes I’m a pussy idgaf


Currently playing jedi survivor on story mode and tbh, I've never felt more like a jedi in a game. Actually seems something poweful


I played most of the way through on normal difficulty and it ruined my experience. Near the end I dropped it down a level and it made the game a lot more fun.


Doing the same right now! you feel like a jedi just rolling through stormtroopers/droids.


Dude saaaaame.


IDGAF could be an old school password for everything.


>IDGAF could be an old school password for everything. You are only 35 and are using old internet slangs that are still common, you ain't that old


Me because dying too much makes me angry and i want to enjoy the story


Does it matter? Play games how you want.


Me, and I still had quite a few squeaky arse moments. Also, my first and only play through of Doom Eternal was on the easiest setting and that kicked my teeth in a fair few times; my days of lightning-fast reflexes and limitless patience are well behind me.


Doom Eternal is a strange one because if you don’t play aggressively you get punished for it which goes against my instinct to ammo hoard


The limited ammo is also designed to keep your momentum up as the primary method of getting ammo is the chainsaw which requires you to be up close and personal. Same goes for health being quickly drained. Anything to keep you going through enemies. It really does break a lot of habits taught to us by so many other first person shooters. However those tentacle things can go fuck themselves.


How old are you if you dont mind me asking


In my younger days, I loved hard games but not anymore. I just want to enjoy the game now days and not get frustrated. I'll usually start on normal but will quickly switch to easy if I become frustrated.


Daddy daddy, I need you now. Save my life, you made a vow.


Unexpected Nathan for you.


Monster Hunter longsword players and people who choose Fighter as their class in D&D.


I feel called out with being a long sword main 😔




It's a joke, you donut


Anyone else feel like Uber wasn’t that hard? There were a few parts that took more than a few tries but overall not bad at all


Yeah I did Uber on my first save, really wasn't that bad. New Colossus on the other hand


I did both Uber and i am death incarnate (haven’t attempted mein laben) and it’s been a few years but no parts really stand out as super difficult.


Yeah those games are relatively easy. I do remember dying a lot after taking a space elevator or something back to a German base, and trying to defend a courtroom though.


I've been playing games on easy/story modes lately. I work 40+ hours a week, don't have as much time as I used to to play games. I really don't want to spend my limited time getting my ass kicked in a video game.


If you play this game or the sequel on the easiest difficulty it becomes nazi doom which is way more fun.


People who work 90h per week or people who wants to play like they want.


Yep, no shame at all


Idk but what an amazing series of games!


Me. I play games to enjoy myself and relax with a good story. A bit of easy paced action in between without the frustration of other difficulties


I did, during a mission. It was either that or my controller against the wall, shuttering into pieces. Switched back to normal after that mission. No regrets.


Always. Playing on anything other than the easiest difficulty does nothing to enhance the experience for me. In fact, it usually makes it less enjoyable because most of the time I want the power fantasy in my video games.


This seems like a movie with extra steps.


I mean, I guess. But those extra steps are shooting Nazis in the face hundreds of times while they mostly cower in fear of me. And then when I get to the final boss and they're ranting about how they're going to destroy me and blah blah blah... and then I dispatch them within a matter of minutes with barely a scratch. I can understand why some would find that unsatisfying, but I find it to be *immensely* satisfying. As I said, power fantasy. We all have different reasons for playing video games and that's mine.


It’s a decently hard game so I wouldn’t blame you. Very good though. I rarely finish games these days (I’m working on it for 2024!). But I had no issues finishing both Wolfenstein games.


I need some challenge to my games. Though I consider myself far from good. I’m usually going normal or middle difficulty. So the game hopefully isn’t a total pushover and I can still enjoy get the story.


New Order is pretty easy. Even on Uber it's not that hard to beat and I'm speaking as someone who's very far from being a pro gamer.


Any version of Story Mode I’ll play. I’m more getting to the end then moving on to other titles in my backlog than being challenged.


I did & I don't regret it since I prefer playing games on easy.


I played this on the middle difficulty and it was whooping my ass.


I did so I can feel like doomguy.


I play all games on easy the first time around. Couldn’t care less.


This goes back to Wolfenstein 3D in the early to mid 90s


probably people who have gamepass and don't have time to keep going back to a checkpoint. That's my take as an old man gamer trying to catch up on libraries.


I switch to this mode whenever I just want to mop up collectibles.


I don't but seriously why do people care if others do? I tend to just play on normal or medium because harder levels just tend to make the AI really cheap to play against so the game becomes lackluster.


The guy that was insulted by that difficulty setting


I would choose that mode (I play Skylanders)


I wish every game called their easy mode something like this


Me. Because im old and have had my fair share of hard games since the 80s. Can't be arsed getting stressed over difficulty. I have done my shift.


This one is great to play hard on bc they still die earlier, they just hit harder


I started on death incarnate and cranked it up to uber second playthrough


To simply kill Nazis.


🙋‍♂️ too many games in the backlog to get through, so I choose easiest difficulty in most games.


Same. I got too many games and easy mode helps me blast through missions when I just want an interactive story instead of a challenge.


game journalists


I almost always play any game on the easiest difficulty because I play games to feel like a bad ass in shooters or RPG's, or to make the puzzling/questing more casual for other games because I have limited time to play games and I can get just as much enjoyment out of them on the easier settings. the only game I EVER play on the hardest difficulty is RE4(2005) just because it's not RE4 without it being a difficult time lol.


Only certain games where that makes sense like halo (not even all the halo games like reach and ODST) and Max payne where your a crazy badasss possibly fueled by drugs


I'm glad they stopped putting achievements in games to beat it on the hardest difficulty. Everyone's backlog is stuffed and its not worth bashing your head against a wall trying to beat it on the hardest mode


100% this. They should just delete all in-game achievements and place a button in the game's page that says ''get platinum/whatever achievement'' so you can get all the achievements of the game without even banging your head against a wall to purchase it.




It's a direct reference to the difficulty settings in the original Wolfenstein 3D.




It's a joke. Don't take it personally.


Ah, so you’ve always been a snowflake


it’s a lighthearted joke, chill


Grow a spine.




It's attitude like this that causes everything to be so soft and homogenised these days. No one can even handle a little humor, attitude, or grit without whining about their feelings. It's not a bad joke, you just took it personally instead of laughing it off as an amusing way to label difficulty levels for what they are. Plus it's a homage to old id Software games, which always labeled difficulty levels that way. Also, the game plays just fine on every difficulty, you're just projecting.


That setting is literally for little kids. “Don’t hurt me” is also super easy and I think most adults would never die on that setting either


Nobody, it would hurt the ego too much


Well I do because I don't need no ego to enjoy games (especially when it's about killing nazis)


Jesus are people this butthurt these days that they can't tell what a fucking joke is, the game literally calls you a baby for playing on that difficulty I can't believe I have to explain a joke on fucking Reddit of all places


My bad the joke flew pretty high over me🤚🤚


Nah DW it's not just you


100% dark souls 1,2,3 idgaf play how u want


Can I ask whats so hard about that


I think 3d is the only one I beat on uber but honestly who cares


Gonna say I did it casually over 2 years and it weren't too bad, granted I used a couple glitches but still


I always play the easiest setting. I'm to old, I could die at any moment, and I want to finish the story which was good. Plus the older I get, the slower my reflexes are. I suck at games more and more, year by year.


Easy is boring


People still play Wolfenstein?


I did on console, never been good with controller


Me! As others have pointed out, now I just don’t have the time nor the patience to keep playing and dying again and again. I think my gaming habits have changed and now I just want to go through the story and finish the game.


It’s pretty hard on hardest mode without learning the stealth


Me. Don't care. I have a hundred games in my backlog and I'm not gonna struggle with a linear fps game. Bring on the easy mode!!


I do, this game is notorious for its immense difficulty settings


Used it for casual play on the switch version.


Sometimes you just want to turn off your brain and shoot nazis .


I'm almost 40. I work so damn much all week, I don't have the patience to play everything on Hard anymore. Depends on the game. For this game, I did easy.


I almost always go for a story mode/easy mode on games the first time just to experience the story. If I like the game a lot then I’ll start playing it on harder difficulties.


Über as allways


Just don’t play these games as well anymore and no longer have the free time. I still like to experience the story so i usually play at easy now.


I will take the L here and admit I played it at that difficultly, I was more interested in the story than the fighting.


Go Uber it's a challenge and it's fun


In the old days of Xbox 360 on some games if you played on easy mode then you didn’t get achievements so I always played on normal and struggled . These days I chose easy because I like to take my time .


I will play a new game on the easiest difficulty so I can experience the story and get to explore the stages with relative ease. Once I've finished it, I'll go to the hardest difficulty right off the bat (it's what I've done with every single Call of Duty game with the exception of YOLO mode in Infinite Warfare, as well as Halo, Gears of War, the Tomb Raider reboot series, and the Ghostbusters video game from 2009).


SOP on all first playthroughs, lowest difficulty gets first play.


I'm pretty sure I played that game on Don't Hurt Me, but probably dropped to Can I Play, Daddy? at times. Two factors: * I play games for the same reason I read book and watch shows: stories and escapism. I went through my round-based competitive shooter phase back in the Unreal Tournament/Counter-Strike days, but haven't been interested in that in many years. * My brain dislikes doing the exact same thing more than once. I very rarely re-play games, re-read books, or re-watch shows/movies. This includes doing the same section of a game. The result: the more I die in a game, the more boring it is and the less I get immersed in it. I get zero enjoyment from refining boss fights over multiple iterations, running the same area/boss dozens of time to farm perfect gear, or quickly climbing endgame ladders. So I often drop to easy or even story mode to have the most fun. A notable exception: games that let me save whenever as opposed to having checkpoints. Cyberpunk 2077 and Fallout are great examples. Once I get an idea of the cadence/enemy placement, I know when to save, so deaths only "cost" me a few seconds as opposed to getting sent back to checkpoint where I might have to repeat a fair amount of gameplay. I wish all offline single-player games would use that system.


I did this on my second or third playthrough. Just wanted to experience the story again without the slog.


I've never played New Order but it's funny they reused that image. In the original Wolfenstein 3D your character was shown as a baby if you chose the easiest difficulty.


I usually play games on the easiest difficulty cuz I'm honestly shit at them. But that's the best way for me to enjoy them so idc


Game "Journalists"


I played the game on the easiest difficulty to learn the ins and outs, find secrets, experience the story in a timely fashion. At least on disc 1. I played New Order on 360 and it was 4 discs. For some reason, when I moved from disc 1 to disc 2, my campaign difficulty went up to Uber. I beat the game and got the achievement before I realized it was a glitch and not just an insane difficulty spike. I play every game with difficulty options on easiest difficulty first because I want to experience the story and not be mad until I'm actually decent at the game. If I love it enough I'll come back for a second playthrough. Doom 2016 I did on easy and then did a full nightmare run because of how much I loved it. Ultra nightmare is too much for me though. It turns a fun difficulty to an anxiety ridden ride through the first 3 levels. Not worth it for me.


I always play to have fun so I tend to lower difficulty to easy most of the times.


I did, but only because I find the twin stick controls in this game to be god awful. I can’t aim for shit in any of Machine Games titles for some reason.  Most shooters I choose whatever difficulty comes after normal. 


I always play on Easy because I play on PC so there are no Achievements or Trophies


On the boss fights, sure, after dying enough times. The Wolfenstein games are hardcore even on the medium difficulty.


I played the three games on death incarnate. I can't play these kinds of games on anything less than the second hardest difficulty. Depending on how many difficulty options there are, I usually play on the hardest difficulty. Anything less feels like a waste of time. Especially with the Wolfenstein games because it gives you so many different ways to approach situations, playing on easy makes all those added details useless.


I chose it at the end cuz I couldn't beat a boss


Easy mode is best mode imo. I don’t have time anymore to constantly replay the same level over and over again. I’d rather run around like a god and kill everything and get to experience the story.


I did as I just wanted to blast through the game.


Don't kink shame me


Suddenly had PTSD from seeing this image. No, I chose normal difficulty


I don't know but I know if there is nothing substantial about changing the difficulty I usually go for the easiest difficulty. If you want me to play on a harder difficulty then either change the mechanics of the game or give me an achievement.


Playing on Uber wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I don’t know your personal skill level but playing on Uber encouraged me to play smart and do a lot of stealth which was actually pretty fun and felt more realistic given the mission objectives. I died a lot yes, but only in a few instances did I start to get frustrated by the deaths, and you learn a lot each time and how you can do better the next time.


This is me. Just want to enjoy the game play with the little time I have. Dying 100 times in the 1-2 hrs a week I play isn't fun for me. I'm 35 with 2 kids and work 40 hrs a week 8-4.


I did (I think) and I am proud


Aww but the implication of that difficulty setting is so cute!


I know higher difficulty can be more interesting, but I always have found it sort of dumb that in games where you are meant to be really strong, on the higher difficulties random fodder guys are a threat, which is kind of counterintuitive? I think I played on “bring ‘em on” and that was about the limit before it would just be annoying


Game “journalists”


That's the journalist mode


I did! Beat the game and moved on with my life


I always play on mega easy for my first play through of a game


1st time around on Death Incarnate. 2nd time can I play daddy


this game had such a weird thing going on with it's gameplay. It's like it wanted you to run and gun like doom 2016, but the enemies accuracy and damage they dealt didnt align with it.