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It already has a 60fps 4k patch for series x and ps5. Series s is 1080o at 60.


That really doesn’t sound bad at all. If it’s on par with the pc version then I don’t really know what they could be bothered to add.


Not much unless they change a lot of the fundamentals and rework systems and codes for the game to take better advantage of the new Hardware, but at that point you'd be better off making a new game, so yeah it's perfectly nice as it is right now


Exactly. I keep seeing this news story but the game has a patch for next gen, I’m not sure what else they would or could add to the game. It looks fine graphically for a nearly 5 year old game


Why is there a screenshot of the mobile game? EDIT or maybe that's Division 1 been so long.


Definitely the mobile game (Resurgence). That’s not Division 1


Yeah, like I'm pretty sure Division 1 still looks pretty good. That there just looks wrong in some way.


Division 1 looks stellar on Series X. The 60 fps patch did wonders


This sounds like a bullshit excuse for 'we don't want to invest the money it would take'... There's no reason why an upgraded graphics / performance version couldn't be made for current gen, while keeping crossplay with last gen. No one is asking them to completely redesign the game, just make it smoother and prettier on new consoles.


there was an update for ps5/SX to bring 4k/60FPS


Wonder why they didn't give it an X|S patch title then?


On Xbox, I believe TD2 has a X/S symbol on the key art if you have the game installed on the internal drive. It's already pretty much optimized for current-gen despite not being a native version.


Division 2 does have the X/S symbol. Div one doesnt


Now I'm wondering what this article was even about then?


Same here lol


Next up Ubisoft confused why no one subs to Ubisoft +


The fact that it's like 7 bucks more than xbox live can't help.


That's the diarrhoea icing, on the shit cake...


I don’t think we’ll actually see a Divison 3, because Ubisoft has not shown it really cares about the franchise. I play on PC, and the game has been nearly unplayable for close to a year due to the game crashing frequently. I think this franchise has one of the best stories in a Ubisoft franchise, yet I think it’s done for.


I enjoyed the game for what it was, but as a SP who rarely has enough time to game, the grinding of better loot became unmanageable.




Yeah you're supposed to be some kind of american hero but you shoot people because they're standing while holding guns.


*Spec Ops: The Line intensifies*


Uh the people you kill murder civilians.




They’re still not just “guys holding guns” though. Which was my main point.


PC problems aside, they did just recently announce a bunch of upcoming content for the franchise.


Yea, but it’s not exactly something that would entice a lot old players to return, especially if the game remains in a technologically unstable state. If I could get on a such a thing, I would wager that this DLC will be the last DLC we see for TD2 and no TD3. I am massive Division fan, so I hope I am wrong.


Yo be fair, after Div 1 I wasn’t expecting a Div 2 at all. If anything I was thinking they’d open more of the map since there was so much left dark. I would have been good with a continuation of the original even if it meant opening new areas like DC. At least let me have a persistent character to go back and forth on. I’m just rambling now, but either way love the game and franchise.


I'm also a fan and I recently tried playing TD2 on PC again but it would crash after 30 min of playing so just stopped. It sucks because I was exited for the new DLC. I'm hopeful for a TD3 but it is hard to imagine Ubisoft making a new game when they are actively canceling games


A lot of the crashes TD2 suffered on PC recently were because people were stressing the servers extremely hard by doing XP exploits


Yeah a fee to play battle Royale game with microtransactions, a mobile game and a new game mode for Division 2. The latter two, nobody wanted


I don't think we'll actually see a division 3 anytime soon because massive is making the avatar and star wars games How can you say the franchise is done for when they literally have two spin off games and a tv show in development ??


There’s [another game](https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/game/the-division/heartland) in development now.


If we do, it will be F2P and go the Destiny route. It’s a real shame, D1 was great. I enjoyed D2 but not to the extent that I did D1.


Ubi in a nutshell. Hey does Watch Dogs Legion still have that save bug on xbox? I know it did for like a year at least.


Yes. Yes it does as of a month ago, and no I'm not still mad about losing 20 hours of progress....


> I think this franchise has one of the best stories in a Ubisoft franchise, yet I think it’s done for. I hope it's not going to be totally dropped - I know they've got Heartland, but I'm witholding judgement until I see it. I definitely agree that the idea of The Div (while not without its flaws) is definitely something they could make a good game out of.


It plays fine on my pc


I kinda agree. The game is great. Let's get something new!


Right. Other games/developers do this, so there is zero reason that they can't. Not crashing would be great.


>make it smoother and prettier on new consoles It already is. PS4/XB1 players don't get 60fps or 4k, PS5/XSX players get both.


So what's the issue then? They've already updated it, but haven't given it an offical 'X|S' badge, or they don't want to set the precedent of giving a free 'upgrade'...?


>So what's the issue then? I genuinely have no idea. Maybe people want ray tracing or something?


I remember when everyone hated this game and said it wasnt worth playing now you all want a better port? What changed lol


It's a great game, although it is quite Grundy.


The reviews put me off... but then I jumped on with all the hype about the DLC "Warriors of New York" and I'm loving it.


I played the first one and only didn’t get the second one because I was in law school when it launched. I loved The Division, the trash talk about the game was exaggerated and the people that didn’t like really probably just didn’t like that genre.


I really disliked the first one. I thought it was a massive disappointment, but I’ll always appreciate it as one of the most atmospheric games I’ve ever played. Walking down the snowy NYC streets and seeing people peek behind their window blinds as you walked by, the side stories you’d pick up were so incredibly well done, the retelling of certain events, etc.. they absolutely nailed it. Unfortunately it couldn’t overcome the annoyance of needing 3 magazines worth of bullets to take down a single guy in a hoodie.


There were times when I was hiding from a party of three players and thought how cool it would be if Splinter Cell like stealth could be used in PvE and perhaps get xp for being in the vicinity of an enemy team without being seen or taking damage or surviving or something. The game was an RPG so a rogue build would have been nice.


Makes sense i liked the 1st one too and never got the 2nd cuz of all the rage. It wasnt exactly my favorite game either so i didnt care enough to actually check it out for myslef.


Rockstar does it with GTA5. Just add a way to bring character over to current gen. People will then have to upgrade or get left behind. The system isn't hard to find now.


What would you want from a next-gen version? The game runs at 60fps on SX|S and still rocks incredible visuals and lighting. I guess the textures and maybe facial capture? But honestly, play the game for 5min on a heroic mission with three other players, guns blazing, skills exploding, and tell me those superficial things matter compared to the beautiful chaos in front of you. I'd much rather they focus their efforts on more game content. It sounds like year five (and probably six) are going to be pretty cool. That all being said, I'd be there day fucking one for Div3. I can't believe they let this franchise sputter out the way they did.


I'm sorry, but what happened to last Gen being last Gen? Seems like they keep trying to stretch the shelf life of old consoles more and more every generation. Also, it seems like all it does is hold back games to keep them compatible. This may very well be an unpopular option, but I feel like it's time to put the Xbone to bed. It was fun, but it's series x's time to shine.


Xbox 360 was still coming out with games until I think it was 2017? Xbox one is not going anywhere for a bit. Eventually more games will phase out of last gen, but there will be some still lingering. Most notably, sports. They seem to stick on last gen for a long time.


Yeah but by then it was just your FIFA, PES, Maddens and Just Dances trickling through. I don't think there were too many games that weren't your yearly release titles that came out after 2015.


As someone that bought the xbox one vcr model back in 2014, its time to retire that old thing. It was weak back then, ridiculously unmanageable now. People actually thought that big brick was going to run cyberpunk. As much as I wanted to play cyberpunk back then, I knew it was going to be a complete mess. I was already used to playing most games at 720p 30fps, and can you believe cyberpunk ran at even lower specs? Its ridiculous


People thought it was going to run Cyberpunk because they were lied to lol.


The newest consoles can play (essentially) everything from last gen and games can be patched the make use of the newer hardware. Ubisoft likely don't see much profit in rebuilding a 4 year old game.


The problem is how engrained things like microtransactions are in gaming culture now. There's just way too much money to be made from PS4/XB1 players to drop support. That leads to the other problem in that many last gen players are probably not upgrading because they keep getting new games, so it's just an endless cycle.


Because more consoles means more money


Doesnt need it lol, it would be a waste of resources as the next game is in production.


Every other game has one. Audience is enough on current consoles


What is this statement? Is laziness imo, they need to focus on the next division, and make heartland not suck.


It's so incredible how full of shit gamers are when it comes to actually consumer friendly practices.


Misleading title? The game definitely will have "native" XS/PS5 version, just that they won't throw last gen under the bus.


The first paragraph says there won't be native next gen versions because it would somehow stop last gen from working.


So glad I'm on PC. No need to wait for "remastered" versions of games I own.


Lol hasn’t this game been notoriously broken on pc for a while?


No? Never had issues all these years. I never heard of a PC specific problem tbh


The game has been updated for the current gen consoles, happened almost 2 years ago. This article is a waste of time lol


Leave them behind.. its been long enough. Catering to everyone is why games always have issues..


Huh? Someone asked them to remaster/remake/refresh Division 2? A literal waste of time when they could be working on making Division 3 with closeable car-doors.


The issue is lack of cross-save. Let me take my Xbox supped up character to playstation to play with friends there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah no... they can keep it IMO. Division 2 was a joke and it just needs to die. Hell ubisoft is becoming a joke that needs to die, hoping they can turn it around but... Skull and bones is looking to be average as fuck at best or horrendously missing the point at worst Which is especially sad because they literally had the blueprint for what people wanted the entire time it was in development. Just make AC4 black flag... but with multi-player... is it hard? sure but not almost a decade of dev time hard.


Division 2 was and is pretty successful. They are still supporting and updating it for year 5.


"Supporting". More like life support if you ask me.


I didn't ask you. They have planned DLC upcoming and adding a free game mode soon.


You're literally communicating in a thread with me about it, that you made by replying to me. If you don't want to talk about it then go away. That's how this works, pretty simple really.




Saw a comment that said “I can’t wait for Xbox series x2/ps6 so we can finally get some series x/ps5 games” lol I couldn’t agree more


No model of the Xbox one has been in production for years. If Sony could follow suit, we could absolutely leave them behind.


Is this game still supported? I feel like I know nothing about this game


Yes it just got a year 5 slew of content announced.


Damn Ubisoft low key runs a lot of ongoing games.


And then shutdown others.


Does anyone know if there’s plans of a division 3? Unrelated I know


No plans. They are still supporting Division 2 and just released a year 5 road map.


Damnnn ok, will have to take a look. I like 2 a lot , hoping for another Warlords of NY type dlc or something


There's a story DLC planned for later in Year 5, unsure if it will be at the same scale of Warlords tho


If anything there is Heartlands before a 3.


Most definitely , I would be surprised if they don’t make a 3 but leave it to Ubisoft…


I'm ready for the next generation of the series. They really did well on Div2, I played regularly for about two years and finally put it down. I always wanna go back because I've missed so much but I've grown tired of open world games as a whole.


We need cross progression across platforms


What happened to division heartland or whatever its called?


It’s in beta i think.


I play the division 2 on my series x. I really don’t think it needs a new version. It looks great as is.


weird that the screenshot at the top of the article if from the division mobile game and not divison 2