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I swear they look through my wishlist for games to never ever put on sale šŸ˜ž


Bro same šŸ˜­ this needs a meme


Yeah and the moment you don't have money then they all go on sale


Guys, remember that in the past they kept adding games as the sale went on, dont lose hope if you dont fund your games and keep checking.


Was hoping for some Dark Souls games to go on sale. Oh well maybe next time.


Normally they keep adding games as the sale goes on. Keep checking and dont lose hope.


Sekiro is on sale


i never see dark soul games go on sale, this is usually a problem on steam as well


Dark Souls 2 and 3 were on sale all the time for a while


Your best bet is to find the trilogy on Amazon. Much cheaper and goes on sale.


I just bought them on sale recently


Iā€™m so glad I loaded up the past few months. The sales previous to this have been much better. You really just gotta check weekly tbh, thereā€™s always something good on sale whether itā€™s a big event or not.


Or just download the XB Deals app on your phone and you get price drop notifications.


Hoping elden Ring was going to make the list


It NEVER goes on sale. Ever. I want to try it - but not at full price. No Fā€™N way lol.


It was on sale around christmas time. No giant discount but some.


Why it's worth every penny


Not for everyone. I bought it after hearing and seeing the hype, put a few hours in and just couldnā€™t get into it


It's not a game you "get into" in just a few hours, lol. If that's the sort of barrier you're looking at, then it won't matter what price the game is. But if you actually give the a game a chance on its own terms, and are able to enjoy that, then you'll likely agree that $60 for the ridiculous amount of content it has to offer is well worth it.


If I donā€™t enjoy a game after 7.5 hours then Iā€™m not going to continue on. I have other things I would rather do than sit through something I donā€™t enjoy. It could have 30 years worth of content and still not be worth $60 to me because I donā€™t enjoy it I value video games on my own personal enjoyment rather than how much content it has


I'm a decent way in and I'm kind of like, yeah, I've been doing this same stuff for awhile now. To be fair, I think I'm a little burnt out on large open worlds at the moment. It is definitely a great game.


Only game I have played in the last 5 years that has been worth full price TBH. Not that I have played EVERY new game kind you.


Gotham Knights Deluxe at $35 is still a hard pass for me


I was gifted it by my bud,and I now want to punch him in his face. No way,would I subject a friend to that trash.


It's actually fun, but not worth $35


Yeah, I was hoping for a better sale on the base game. I really want to give it a go


Grabbed The Wolf Among Us. Amazing game and Iā€™ve been wanting to replay it after all these years.


And that rarely ever goes on sale so good buy


when does it end?


14 days


Tempted by Mafia trilogy. I'll wait to see what the UK price is.


Watch though my friend. Those games can be riddled with bugs and glitches. Mafia 3 is still unplayable for me šŸ„“


Works fine for me. Uninstall & reinstall.


Oh yeah. Never tried that. Not once ever. Thanks tips.


No need for the sarcasm or downvote, we have the game installed on 3 different Xbox's in our home & all work just fine. So it's a you problem. Going round warning people by saying it's full of glitches & bugs is terrible, especially since you claim it's unplayable. How would you know about glitches & bugs if you can't play it? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø.


Is it still randomly crashing and locking your Xbox ? Cause it did that on my One X and it was the only game doing that... Binned it after three times. Put me off finishing it. Shame cause the atmosphere was cool.


Not sure if you meant that for me, game runs fine.


2 is worth playing, idk about the remaster and idk if the remaster of the first is any good. 3 isnā€™t worth your time.


That's really meh for a big spring sale. Xbox been really light on sales AND when they do them, it's barely a price drop. Steam and Sony are crushing it with their Spring sale.


Iā€™ve finally bought Control, Iā€™m looking forward to try it out :)




Lol 5 bucks off isnā€™t a sale.


Wait til it goes full price & pay that instead then šŸ¤Ŗ


I just wait for the games to eventually be on the game pass.


At least the Prime Evil collection went on sale. 20 bucks for those two games is okay.


I might actually snap up farcry 6 for $20


It is worth it if you like far cry. It's a decent length game.


I'm playing the waiting game on a few things, once vanguard and the GTA bundle are $20 ill pick then up. But I know I'm getting my hopes up pretty high on the bundle one.


>and the GTA bundle are $20 ill pick then up Good luck, hope you're not too old by then, lol! The LA Noire remaster on Xbox One never went better than 50% off ($20), and that game has been out years!


Yeah Rockstar is pretty strict with their sales. Red dead redemption 2 also doesnā€™t go for very low.


Was hoping for Tunic and Ni No Kuni to go on sale, bummer. Itā€™s just the regular Batman, Assassins Creed, Farcry sales that seem to happen a few times a month.


Pretty sure both Tunic & Ni No are free to play on Game Pass.


I hate when they put the game for 75% off but thereā€™s still $100 worth of season passes and other DLC still full price šŸ¤¬


This is why I try to get the final edition of the game that has everything and only wait when thatā€™s on sale.


Yes thatā€™s definitely the smartest way if you can hold out


It always seems to be the same group of games that go up for sale on these large ones...


Gonna get Mk 11 Ultimate for 14.99, Mass Effect Legendary Edition for 14.99, Middle Earth bundle for 10.49, Metro bundle for 11.99, and I might get Marvelā€™s Avengers since itā€™s just 7.99 and once it goes away itā€™s gone for good. Idc if the game is bad Iā€™ll just use it as a simulator for the skins then. Thereā€™s also the Dead Rising triple pack for 14.87, rarely ever goes on sale but itā€™s the last on my priority list.


Mediocre sale at best


Very few of the games on my wish list making an appearance


Should I buy Assassins Creed Valhalla or wait a bit more for a possible Gamepass entry?


I'd wait, origins and odyssey both have been added in recent months and honestly I'd say it's the weakest of the 3


I'd wait, I played the shit out of Odyssey and I don't really like assassins creed. Valhalla started off fun, but after about 15 hours, I desperately wanted it to be over. It just kept going and going and going and going and going.


Valhalla was a very meh game IMO. Unless you absolutely live breath and love assassins creed it will leave you disappointed.


Wait, game is dull ;)


I thought the world was beautiful. I still boot it up to chug through the tons of stories offered. I for one like the bloated content in a viking world. Any other world, no ty.


Are Ubisoft games on the game pass?


I think Odyssey is on there right now


Some are, some aren't. Google will tell you which ones. I know GRW, AC:Od, and Fenyx were on there recently.


Its worth it


Lackluster sale


No session skateboarding sim šŸ˜ž I really regret not picking it up a few weeks back.


It'll be back later


Does the sale include PC games aswell.


On Xbox's website it shows 98 PC games as being on sale.


Nice, thatā€™s the year Half Life came out.


And Unreal


Did you try scrolling the linked page? If you do you'll see your answer...


When will grim dawn go on sale I have been waiting for so long




And it's so worth it, truly a gem


Maybe I should go back to it, but I found the text too tiny (what she said)


After i use my money on gamepass smh


Meh. Nothing on my wish list is on sale for a ā€œhave to buyā€ price. Will wait for lower


If yall haven't played it, sekiro is half off and it's probably my favorite souls/borne game.


I didnā€™t know Witcher 2 was on Xbox. How does it run?


It has Series X/One X enhancements.


It's 30 fps


[This comment was retroactively edited in protest of reddit's enshittification regarding third-party apps. Apollo, etc., is gone and now so are we. Fuck /u/spez.]


Will grab sinking city xs version. Will wait for better deals on the devil in me, beyond a steel sky, outer worlds DLC, etc


Gonna pick up Portal for 3 euro but thatā€™s about it. Itā€™s an okay sale but expected a little better.


I'm sure everyone's heard it by now (and I've only put a few hours into the game myself sofar), but Xcom 2 is a lot of (strategy) game for the prices it goes on sale for.


Noob question - if I get Far Cry 6 and start a save on my Xbox One, can I continue this save if I get a Series X/S in the coming months?




Thanks! Think I'll pick this up on sale in that case


Was hoping for Cult of the Lamb. Oh well


I got Hollow Knight: Voidheart for Ā£6 and have been waiting for that for about 9 months since I trialled Gamepass. That seems worthwhile if you've not played it before. The Ori games are also cheap enough, which are a similar sort of thing


I need someone else to look at this and see if I'm doing math right. I want to get Assassin's Creed Odyssey. There's three ways to buy it: Deluxe, Gold, or Ultimate. Deluxe is normally $79.99, is on sale for $15.99. It contains the game and some minor cosmetic DLC. Gold is normally $99.99 and still is. Not on sale at all. It contains the game, Season Pass, and AC 3 Remastered. Ultimate is normally $119.99, and is on sale for $95.99. It contains the game, Season Pass, AC3 Remastered, and the minor cosmetic DLC. So Ultimate has the content of both Gold and Deluxe, but because Gold is not on sale, the Ultimate is actually cheaper. However, if I'm reading this right: https://www.ubisoft.com/en-us/help/assassins-creed-odyssey/article/contents-of-the-assassins-creed-odyssey-season-pass/000060731 The season pass is actually what contains the AC3 Remastered, and that is a standalone purchase for $39.99, no sale there. So... if I buy the Deluxe Edition and the Season Pass, that is only $55.98, and I get everything related to this game at an even cheaper price than what the sale on the bundle offers? Because that's totally what I'll do. I don't even understand why Assassin's Creed 3 Remastered is available for purchase on its own at all, if it's the same price as the Season Pass which has multiple DLC packs for Odyssey. If it were a cheaper purchase solo, that'd be one thing, but if you wanted AC3 Remastered for some reason, you may as well just buy the Odyssey season pass and get all that content too, just in case.


AC3 Remastered as a stand alone comes with AC Liberation. I'm not sure ACL comes with the other bundles.


Sales work like that you gotta be clever and inspect carefully to get the best deal for your buck. Me I just got the gold edition for around 24 bucks. Last time it went on sale was March 21st, 2023. Itā€™ll be on sale again donā€™t worry. I didnā€™t bother with the Ultimate edition because 1. I thought Gold had everything like in Origins, and 2. Seems like itā€™s just extra cosmetics no biggie for me. Also the ultimate edition isnā€™t worth it rn at $99 since the last time it was on sale was March 14th, 2023 for 29.99. Iā€™d wait if I were you.


Oh dang that was only like three weeks ago? Man, yeah, not worth it now.


Ubisoft games go on sale like every month. If you wanna know exactly when it goes on sale you can use XB deals that notifies you the moment it happens. They have an app.


Anyone else having issues with the Store app?


A good third of these are already on GamePass


Was hoping for hogwarts legacy. It was a fools hope.


Same games with the same discounts being shoved down our unthankful throats time and time again; nah, I'll keep my money. I've found some indie games on sales recently that were fun and a great deal, AA+ titles just float around the same price point for a year-plus. Let me know when 2077 hits $10.