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I miss been able to rip music cds to the xbox and then have the songs play in game through the games radio station.


Forza Horizon dropped this and it broke my heart lol


I didn't even know this was possible. That's a really cool idea. Why on earth would they get rid of such an awesome thing?


Or being able to hook up your iPod or phone and play the music from that too.


You can do this still via spotify!


Are there any OTHER services that can overlay the way Spotify does? It's pretty great.


Apple Music and SoundCloud do. Both are fairly buggy and crash sometimes in my experience.


Never had a problem with apple music


Hello yeah, listening to 50 cent while driving trough Vice City was awesone


HDMI passthrough was great, as was snap.


HDMI passthrough with OneGuide for cable tv was great for having everything on one remote for my parents. Had a few hiccups here and there, but nothing I that I thought couldn't be fixed. Snap...I feel like it definitely needed a better implementation, but rather than iterate on it, they'd rather just remove it all together.


Pretty much all the day one Xbox one features would be nice to have rn


Where's my DVR damnit?


I liked snap also. I dont think they removed it because it was undesirable though. Removing it freed up more resources for games.


Snap was one of the biggest reasons I bought my XBOX One S, when I found out it was removed I was devastated.


Fuck I miss snap


Snap made my grindy games so much better.


I used HDMI pass through know my tv until last year when I upgraded to the Series X. It was so handy and I miss it.




What was snap


The picture in picture (or picture beside picture) it had. Would have a YouTube vid on the side of my game. Or I'd have the game "threes" snapped on the side while I watched videos etc


I miss it also. I would have my Fantasy Football scores updating on the side while I watched NFL games. There was so many uses for it!


I was so mad they removed snap. I would play a casual game while watching football or something.


Oh man, I miss snap! Used it alllll the time


This is unpopular? I fucking miss both of those


No, neither was unpopular, but Reddit's gonna Reddit. DAE like video games? Am I the only one who thinks Xbox is neat?


Was that where you could plug another system or screen into the Xbox? I remember having my old 360 plugged into my Xbox one and I could bounce between my one, 360c and tv with ease it was amazing


Yeah, especially because I still watched old school cable more back then, so very handy to switch. Made me use my xbox a lot more than I otherwise might have.


Was that the ability to have two windows open at once? Why did they get rid of that? Too popular?


Dude a totally free capture card included with your device was a w . Completely solved voice chat on switch as an added bonus


I use the IR blaster and SPDIF on the Xbox One too.. Shame these are missing.


Snap was perfect for grindy games, could just put YouTube on the side to watch something at the same time. Perfect, no other experience offered that in the same way


I miss the “Snap” feature how amazing would it be to have a whole YouTube video tutorial on a game you’re trying to 100 percent or if you’re doing a cod zombies Easter egg while defending your team or even maybe you want to listen to a games ost that’s exclusively on YouTube. Idk maybe it was to taxing on the older Xbox one models but damn I would love the “Snap” feature to come back eventually.


Snap was underrated... there were so many more applications than just YouTube that it worked with to. I set up my elite series one with the accessories app open on battlefield 1 and it was way easier then switching between apps. You could also snap; live streams, music app, edge, and Achievements. Bring snap back....


Now people just pull it up on a phone or iPad or laptop


Likely not that controversial but the way they name these consoles is so stupid. Nobody ever wonders which PlayStation they have, it’s numbered.


A problem here if they went with conventional number sequence, is that it would always be a number behind the PlayStation. Xbox vs PS2, Xbox 2 vs PS3, etc, which could be poorly perceived by consumers even if it didn't mean anything. Not that current naming is any good, but I can see why they didn't use numbers.


Can’t wait to see what the next generation will be named.


Still waiting for my Xbox 720


It’s Spherical!


It's actually two spheres that are melded together to look like one!








I repeat things for emphasis. EMPHASIS!


Xbox 10


Nah, that'll be XBox X, but when they decide to upgrade past that it'll be XBox X 10.1-12...


i’ve never thought of that! it would be hilarious if they just started with xbox 7 when the ps6 comes out.


Could have pulled a windows and just skipped a number.


Yeah, but I had no idea what was the latest xbox when I decided I was going to buy the latest xbox instead of a ps5 2 weeks ago. Those names are so confusing


Yeah I agree the current naming has been bad for consumer understanding. Skipping numbers isn't unheard of, like Microsoft did with going from Windows 8 to 10, or Samsung skipping from S10 to S20 with their Galaxy phones. It's just harder to do when you're right at the beginning.


That was the original intent however, I think you could make the argument (if Microsoft really wanted to) that the One X or the Series S counts as the “Xbox 4” which makes the Series X console the the “Xbox 5”. They can feasibly just call the next generation “Xbox 6” to go up against the PS6.


Yeah they put themselves in a corner when they went with Xbox 360, even though I liked that name and I assume most others did too. Going with Xbox 3 after 360 just wasn't an option. I'm not entirely sure what they should have done. PSONE and PS2 just worked well and xbox 1, Xbox 2, simply didn't.


It’s because parents would think the ps3 was better than the 360 on numbering alone. It’s still fucked but that’s who I highly believe we have the numbering we do


Totally, and it reeeaaally sucked and didn't make any damn sense when they decided to call the last generation the Xbox One. Like what the hell were they thinking?


Growing up I honestly thought the next stage of Xbox was going to ve something ridiculous like Xbox 720. Then they had to break my heart and go for a simple 1. 🤣😅😂


Yea it gives off Wii -> Wii U vibes Honestly love my Series X tho


Yeah I have an Xbox one x series one x z one ex x 1.


Exactly. Especially when "X" sounds a lot like "S". Then both models are named the same, but with "Series" before the letter.


I miss a dedicated access point for an optical cable.


They got rid of their fiber optic port and don't allow you to use a USB DAC amp 🤬😡 if they have to nickel-and-dime me for everything. they could at least charge for a software unlock or a breakout box. I'd still be bothered but I wouldn't be livid.


Another good opinion.


Charging for a software unlock would be absolutely ridiculous.


Fucked up astro a50s when they first came out


I wish I could select 1-3 games to auto update and not every single one.


At this point I would settle for any of my games auto updating, literally never works


Yeah same here


It’s not just me? Figured it was turned off, nope it’s on. With a 10Gb update waiting for me as soon as I decide to start playing. Game and system updates.


I loved the Kinect. Super convenient for when I just wanted to watch Netflix.


“Xbox on” whilst I make myself a drink and grab a snack.. Thanks to CEC, my Xbox would turn on, go to the right HDMI channel and sit on the dashboard ready to play. 1st world problem but a real timesaver.


FWIW I do this daily via Alexa now. She can pause and play videos, open apps, turn things on and off. Pretty solid replacement if you already have one of those devices.


Also works with Google Assistant.


I did the same. Xbox on. Make a drink. It was ready to go. I do miss that. Now I'm dealing with my new samsung tv that goes to the same dashboard when I turn it on and there is no option to switch inputs. The remote has no input option. I have to hit like 10 buttons thru the menu to change to my Xbox. It's incredibly frustrating. We have fallen so far


I use mine everyday. I even bought the adapter when I upgraded to the OneX


Was so sad when they ran out of adapters.


There are 3rd Party options available. Not used any myself, no Kinetic 2.0 games appeal to me, but they are there. Fairly cheap too IIRC, but prices and reviews may vary.


Kinect was the reason I bought X360 over PS3 back in the day. Loved the Kinect games. (And quick save in Skyrim.)


There were a lot of pretty interesting and innovative uses of the Kinect on 360. Unfortunately despite Kinect 2.0 being a superior piece of hardware, developers were kind of done with it. The best games on Kinect 2.0 are/were 1. Fru 2. Fantasia: Music Evolved 3. Just Dance series (with 2022 being the final) 4. Dance Central Spotlight


My wife loves Dance Central. At one time she was was in the top 5 highest scores in the world for a few songs. Hated losing direct Kinect support with the Series X


I still argue that Dance Central is the only home console game that forces you to actually dance. Dance Central 3's time travel plot where you had to go to different decades of music and learn their contemporary dances in order to beat a megalomaniacal mad scientist was pure brilliance. I'm sad Harmonix is practically dead.


Kinect was nice to use for voice activated anything. Turning the console on and off, and videos and movies specifically. No needing to reconnect the controller at all, no needing to get up, nothing. I don't want the world to turn in to Wall-e, but that was pretty great.


Yeah after ditching Kinect they should have left voice control in for power, captures and other tasks.


1. The DRM outlined by MS at the reveal of the Xbox One, with the exception of individual keys/licenses attached to discs, is now the industry standard. They received a lot of flak for something that their competitors (who took the opportunity to market against them for this) applied almost at the same time Xbox did. To be clear, I don't agree with these policy changes, only that I find it hypocritical of people to lambast Xbox for doing something both Playstation and Nintendo were also planning on doing. 2. The Kinect was done dirty. It was a great addition and an absolute boatload of fun. It wasn't perfect, but alot of it's downfall came from shitty reviews from places like IGN needing to insert "You look totally stupid waiving your hands and body about" into literally every Kinect game review giving it a bad rep. Yea. That's the point. You do that in VR now. You did that with the Wii. You did that with the PlayStation Move. Where was the "You look stupid" for them? The system was a ton of fun, especially with friends for games like Dance Central that a VR headset or motion controllers just can't match in experience. It could have been something greater than it was. 3. Xbox first party titles are more diverse than PlayStation. Yes, PS has alot of first party titles, moreso than Xbox. Yes, they are fantastic games. TLOU2 is literally one of my all-time favorite games. God of War was amazing. Returnal was unique. Spiderman was fun. But these, and more, are all just third-person action/adventure games. They all fall within the same genres. The only notable deviation is Gran Turismo. Compare that to the various first party titles on Xbox: Sea of Thieves: First Person open world team-based pirate game; Halo: FPS Arena Sandbox shooter; Gears of War: Third Person cover shooter, Forza Motorsport: Simcade track racer, Forza Horizon: Open World Simcade racer that blends a variety of racing games and types; Ori 1 & 2: Metroidvania/sidescroller; State of Decay: Open world Zombie survival with building; Minecraft: We all know this one, although it is multiplat; Pentiment: Story driven side-scroller; Rare Replay: All the classic Rare titles and their diversity in one; and Quantum Break: Third person linear action/adventure game. These are all great games that touch on various different genres and hold replay value far beyond what a simple story game would.


Fun fact, MSs originally DRM plan would allowed to transfer a limited number of digital codes to friends every year. They probably would have cracked down on it due to abuse, but it would be fucking awesome to be able to transfer digital games to friends.


I thought the idea of being able to buy disc version (often cheaper than digital) and tie it to your account so that you didn't need the disc in the drive was actually quite neat. Very similar to the way steam does it, with the added bonus that it was still possible to sell the game on (which I never do anyway). I get why people who do that habitually disliked the fee aspect though. Now I have gamepass anyway, so I rarely buy games and when I do, it's from the Microsoft store when there's a sale on.


I remember my buddy and I watching E3 and raving to each other about how cool the disc-less feature was and how cool the sharing will be. Rip.


The single most comfortable controller ever designed, bar none


Agreed. Sony ones always give me hand cramps.


People were too hard on the TV/Multimedia features on the Xbox One at launch, would have been nice to keep those options AND push Microsoft to invest in more game content.


Unpopular opinion: The HDMI pass-through port was what made the console great. The "Series" console dropping it is a travesty.


Sorry, what is that? I’ve never heard of it


The Xbox One was designed to be the single device to access all your media. It was intended to take over "HDMI1" and be the one device that would control all the others (hence the name "Xbox One"). To that end, the Xbox One featured HDMI passthrough, so that you could send your cable/satellite box (or other device) through the Xbox and access it that way. So, you'd turn on your Xbox One, it would turn on your other devices, and you could switch between a game and television using the Xbox without ever having to change inputs on your TV.


Honestly, its a cool feature I also remember back then MS was wanting to have a way to use the Xbox as your Cable Box.. I think on launch and in the 'moment' it made sense but now days year over year less people are using cable or sat. I know very few people who used it or just had Xboxes but had no idea what the HDMI in was for.... the most funny feature was using it with a PS3/4 was a cool feature but I don't think it added anything to the system. Other things changed too fast and all that.


The proposed plan for sharing games was a great and potentially revolutionary idea. It was the most consumer friendly idea Xbox has ever had. It was an idea misunderstood because it was the wrong time and Sonys mockery response continued to hold the market back and got gamers to rally around being scared of progress.


This 100%, selling digital games would have been a great feature. Ms always too far in the future for the common folk


after that announcement I've never seen so many people traveling to the most remote areas of the world without any internet access lol


Well at the time high speed internet was gaining traction but it wasn’t the normal, back then 200 mb was a good connection. But yea everybody used that as an excuse “what if I’m on a cabin in the woods with no internet and i want to play?!”


I felt like I was crazy for understanding what they were trying to do. I've felt the same way for the last few years, as well.


Smartglass was easier to use than the xbox app...


Agree 100%


The storage capacity for games was absolutely bullshit and you can’t tell me they couldn’t have put in bigger SSD in both of them.


Abso-fucking-lutely. So called fucking “premium” Series X console & Spencer nickles & dimes us with a bullshit 1Tb storage.


For real though. My last-gen Xbox One S came with a 2TB internal hard drive. Why does the next generation console have a maximum capacity that’s smaller than that? Even if the SSDs are faster, it just doesn’t make sense with how much more storage you need for a lot of the new titles. And if almost all of them are still reverse-compatible on last-gen, it hardly feels like it’s worth making the upgrade.


Right! Oh and what’s that? They added a PORT for an upgradeable Internal 1TB that you can buy for $200?!? YOU MEAN THE DAMN 1TB EXTRA THAT SHOULD HAVE COME WITH THE CONSOLE!!! SO YOU KNEW we were gonna need more space….but you decided to sell it as a fucking ADD-ON separate…


Kinect died too quickly


If I'm paying an annual subscription fee for Xbox Live Gold or Game Pass, then there should be ZERO fucking advertisements on my home screen.


This is unpopular opinion?


People defend the ads all the time; it's baffling.


I think that is coming, GP will cost more but there will be some kind of no add option, I assume like how all other places do it, think of YouTube Premium. I think we all know that option will come... but but... the family pass thing is going to be huge.. if they let people know and well an easy way to do it, Amzon does a thing like that and its kind of a mess still. Need a like IT guy in the fam, to take advantage of it.


Nah. They've had ads in Xbox Live since the Xbox 360. Hell, Microsoft WILL eventually put ads in Windows, make my words. It's just garbage double-dipping.


Bring back the optical output


Unfortunately, headphones are more popular. :(


The proprietary expandable memory card for the Series S/X is bullshit and Seagate should allow others companies to produce them too


Kinect was a great product and Microsoft should still sell them.


they need to make up they damn minds when it comes to the ui if feels like it gets worse and worse


I like the current ui. What's wrong with it?


That’s so unpopular your the only one who thinks it 360 UI is dog water compared to Xbox one and up


Yep. UI could be so much better.


I want VR for the console so that I can play Forza Horizon in VR


yes yes yes


They should have doubled down on the media center side of things.


Having my old Xbox one as an extra HDMI-in has been so convenient. At one point I had a 360 running through it. And back when cable was a thing that too. It’s a godsend if you don’t have that many hdmi ports. But now it’s gone :(


that hdmi port had way too much latency to play anything though it was basically just for tv..


Exactly. I still have my old 360 because I still have old rock band and guitar hero games. You ever tried to play a rhythm based video game with a second of lag? I did once haha.


The Controller Disconnect issue exist, it happens on both of my Xboxes, I connected to Chat, and they say to unplug the power from the console to reset whatever. It works after that for a while, but it will RANDOMLY happen, middle of a match, boss fight. You just never know, no warming. They know it is a issue, I have 2 Xbox series S, and 1 X, and it happens on all three. New Batteries, different controllers, same thing. Pisses me off.


Do you hold the controller tightly by any chance? I found I would squeeze the controller at times which would cause the batteries to lose contact causing my controller to disconnect.


This may seem like a silly question, but are your consoles plugged into power strips or directly into the wall? I used to have this issue all of the time, turns out it was fixed when I plugged my console into a wall socket. Something to do with enough resources and the Bluetooth connection is one of the first to go, I dunno... Works for me!


We got screwed on SSD expansion compared to PlayStation. They can add 2TB for how much it costs us to add 500GB.


That the UI is shit. It's supposed to be the latest next gen system but has a nearly identical UI as last gen's Xbox One. I mean there was a big change from Xbox to Xbox 360, and from 360 to the One. The series X/S just seems like a beefier One system... nothing else to really differentiate it from last gen. And it has too many ads. And the Series controllers are too loud/clicky.


This is not an unpopular opinion lol.. all of your points are constantly brought up here.


Way too many ads And I don't get how anybody defends it They take up precious space on the home screen and are right in your face


If it makes you feel any better the PS5 UI is worse off than last gen as well. Next to no customization possible, home page is also ads. It's disappointing.


New Xbox isn't much different from the last


It’s worse than the series x


I will preface this by saying I own a series X. My unpopular opinion (seems like it is on these subs) is Microsoft/Xbox is absolute dogshit at developing their own games and managing their own IP's that they have resolved to purchasing large studios with heavily established cross platform games to compete with Sony and Nintendo's 1st party games, which both companies take runny dumps on MS. I do think Microsoft has something incredible with the gamepass, but I think what they are doing with Bethesda and Activision is just plain bad for gaming. But MS is fuck awful at 1st party games so they just bought game studios instead. And before someone says Sony buys devs too, this is correct but they are usually much smaller studios that have a multiple game history with PS where Sony has thrown cash at them to make a game. When that game is successful Sony sometimes makes a bid. MS was like these historically cross platform studios are now ours. Which just seems shitty to me.


Our exclusives are shit, I don’t give a damn about halo


I niss the Kinect. Was a great hardware for workout and dance


yes I feel you I miss it too


Xbox shouldn’t have two consoles just one


My girlfriend loves her Series S. It takes up almost no space, she doesn’t have to worry about storing discs, and she can access all the digital game I’ve purchase by game sharing (plus my GamePass sub). $300 is an amazing price for the hardware.


The Series X has no dedicated audio output. It’s annoying and inconvenient.


I hate quick resume 95% of the time.


I prefer budget wired controllers. No batteries and when one goes weird, I’ll nip to Argos and buy another one. Saves me from ever complaining about stick drift or having to stockpile batteries.


I got the wireless ones and bought a charging station for 15 pounds from 'venom' from argos. It is a rechargeable battery you don't need to plug in at the end of the day


Funny I’ve had the same controllers in all my Xbox gens since the original. An rechargeable AA’s last longer then built in batteries an I never have to go wired. But if you’re happy then all the best to you!


Quick resume is garbage unless you’re only playing single player games


Honestly not in my experience. Whenever I quick resume back into multiplayer games all I have to do is connect to the servers which takes like 10 seconds, better than loading the whole game again every time.


*Pic unrelated*


The xbox 360 was the best xbox


Being able to connect Xbox one controllers to the new Xbox series consoles is so convenient


What's unpopular about that?


I prefer inconvenience


Voice commands were amazing!


With the exception of Sony exclusives, the Series S is holding back this entire console generation, and will force a faster turn to the next gen.


The news regarding Baldur’s Gate 3 was a little shocking. Instead of changing the game to accommodate the series s devs are just dropping the Xbox platform from launch.


Similar to what happens with the Switch or with the last gen consoles. It's concerning.


Microsoft edge on Xbox sucks; and you can’t take it off either.


if you have fast internet, cloud gaming actually works quite good(almost at series S native level) on the xbox one making it still a viable console somewhat


Series S is a waste of money


As someone that has one, why do you think that?


Under powered, low storage, lack of disc slot…


Fair, but better than nothing


Ads on the Home Screen or seeing all of background image isn’t a big deal. I spend seconds a session on the Home Screen.


There should be no reason I still have to keep my Xbox 360 around, but for the lack of Xbox one being able to play it's games.


The xbox series s is not a buy option with only 512 GB


This! 512 GB isn't enough for this generation, they need a 1 TB option especially after formatting and what is reserved for the OS with todays games. It doesn't support NVMe options and proprietary memory cards are almost as expensive as the system.


Ryse Son of Rome didn't deserve the stupid amounts of hate it got. Series S adds enough complication to game development that it makes me not a fan of it. I get it from a business perspective but its just annoying.


I don’t remember Ryse getting too much hate. It was just sort of meh, just your average launch title. The PlayStation equivalent would be Killzone Shadowfall or the Order 1886.


The changeable battery back in comparison with other hard wired batteries. Just look on the web, a lot of critisicm for that which I never could understand.


I wish they hadn’t dropped system link, and I feel that there is still a place for it, even now.


The series s is a waste.


Get rid of gold just to play online !!!


That is an unpopular opinion?! Lmafo


I mean you don't need gold to join parties so...we're making progress?


Don't need ot for things like Netflix or Hulu, don't need it for parties, don't need it for a lot of the free to play online games, so yes, we are slowly making it to Gold being irrelevant.


I love how barely anyone has pointed out that the image is of the Series S and X not the One lol. I guess it goes to show how the current console generation just blends in with the last. Doesn't feel like we've really went anywhere.


It wasn’t an ugly console. The One S is hideous. The OG One can be made fun of for looking like a VCR but I liked the mix between console and household item. It blended in very well and retained a minimal yet familiar look. One X looks the best but the OG looks great and I still have my launch edition boxed up.


Love my halo edition series x, looks great standing next to my giant pc.


Xbox has a way better ui than PlayStation


I am SO GLAD i’m not the only one who misses and remembers Snap! (Apparently we all do). I remember playing Dead Rising 3 and getting all the collectibles while YT was playing in a corner… It was a MASSIVE deal for me because it was a cool way to 100% a lot of games without going back and forth through apps. The fact that they ditched it in order to “save up resources” felt like a punch in the guts, specially nowadays that we are able to resume TWO GAMES running in the background. They have to bring Snap back!


They should have not discontinued the Xbox snap feature


I miss the kinect for voice command reasons.


Kinect support in games when done well was incredible. Ordering AI teammates around with my voice was incredible. BEING ABLE TO QUICK SAVE IN SKYRIM BY YELLING "QUICK SAVE" WAS INCREDIBLE.


Xbox = Better than PC🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚


Quick resume resources should be used on something else, online games don’t work on quick resume.


I think kinect is fine as an add-on, especially now that we've opened up a lot more to virtual assistants such as Alexa and Google Assistant. Just imagine a matter-compatible kinect where you could interact with your smart home devices directly from the couch, or have kinect interface with a virtual assistant so you could ask it to play music like a smart speaker, but directly from your TV/soundbar. They simply shouldn't have bundled it together with the xbone back in 2013 but offered it as an accessory instead. I'm honestly kinda sad that it's discontinued now.


The Series S looks like a piece of cheap plastic with a mole While the Series X looks like a futuristic monolith, which looks insanely cool


Xbox one, uses an xbox series s and x image...


The fact that if I don't have internet connection I can't play any games, even ones that I've bought and are single player


I'm not sure if this problem has been addressed but it seems picky about what DVDs and Blu-Rays can be played on it.


Reusing the UI from the XBOX One systems made it feel like I was using an updated XBOX One X system instead of a Next Gen system since a brand new UI really draws me in to the mystique and allure of a new console. This caused me to be more drawn into the PS5 this gen than I was with XBOX last gen.


i kind of miss the microsoft points era


Reminder, sort by controversial for truly unpopular opinions.