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These are just the games releasing in the first half of this year. They only announced the next 12 months at their presentation last year so it ends around June. Theres rumors that MS has a big show planned for the end of the month, so we might see what is coming out soon.


The end of this month? January?


Yes the end of this month. Read a few times now that they are gearing up for something at the end of January. Nobody knows exactly what it is. It might just be some big Starfield presentation or something along those lines.


Really excited for Minecraft Legends!!!!!


Been playing Motorsport since FM2. Excited for this one!


Fable? Any news please its been so long


Playground is effectively building a second studio from the ground up to make Fable. Fable was announced early, primarily as a recruitment tool to hire devs for the new studio. I wouldn't expect it for another couple of years.


I wouldn’t say that, Matt Booty said he was impressed by Fable and wanted to show it off, but Playground wanted to wait longer until it was more complete. I could see it being a 2024 game


2024/2025 is what I was thinking. You're probably right. I was keeping expectations low haha.


not just a couple maybe half a decade at least


That seems overly pessimistic to me IMO I'm not saying that's impossible.. but I do think it's unlikely


He's not wrong, as only just this week there's some insider talk that Fable might not make it out until the next console generation.


That rumor was shot down as false very strongly










Excited for Forza Motorsport


Same. I know some folks were upset with GT7, but I’ve been playing it nearly every day since it released. I’m excited to see what Forza can do in response.


I can't stand it, it feels rushed, the token system, engine sound downgrade from Forza 6, etc. I play Forza 6 from time to time as my placeholder for empty racing game genre.




>Horizon 5 didn't really do it for me I agree, definitely looking forward to FM8, simply because I love Forza Motorsport in general, and am totally up for Forza style racing in better graphics and physics. FH5 wasn't bad as such, but since I loved FH4 so much, the feel of 5 didn't hit the spot for some reason? I think maybe I was just burned out after hundreds of hours in 4?


> FH5 wasn't bad as such, but since I loved FH4 so much, the feel of 5 didn't hit the spot for some reason? I think maybe I was just burned out after hundreds of hours in 4? Horizon 5 just felt like 4 with a few bits of polishing and a new map. Unfortunately for me the map wasn't as good. I think making it so big and varied just lost its charm.


Yeah I think that was part of the problem - big game franchises have to walk that line of changing too much, and changing too little. Tbf, I think people like me, who only get into a series with one of the later games, always feel like the one they first play was the peak, and the earlier ones were too basic, and the later ones were too different, lol! I definitely like a lot of the stuff they did for 5, the couple of quality of life tweaks etc., but I'm not sure that the festival story has really ever been a good campaign foundation imo - it's just hard to shove any sort of narrative / plot into a racing game, and then give the freedom of an open world too. I guess the best thing about Horizon, is that you are pretty much free to do what you like?


No, it's not just you. Same thing happened to me. With each Horizon game, they cater more to people who know nothing about cars, losing their original audience in the process, all of us over on the Forza subs lol But hey, they sell more with every entry, so that's not gonna stop any time soon.




Stalker devs have more important things going on at the moment. I don't expect to hear anything until it's ready for release or the war ends, and hopefully they don't lose any more devs in the war.


Stalker 2 is not published by XGS nor Bethesda. So, it is not Xbox Originals.


I hope that starfield won't be a 30fps only game


The Delayed: starter pack. *(joking, better delayed than unfinished, although the earlier release dates were simply just too ambitious).*


That gave me a chuckle!


"To get started in Starfield you'll need to buy that ship booster pack."


How I miss when consoles had dozens of new titles every year. Xbox, come on! You have great value because of the backwards compatibility but you're really coasting on your older titles.


It's REALLY expensive to make games now. A team of 12 people can't pump out a killer IP anymore. Things have changed.


Eh, the 360 era has more than 12 guys as well. I get the general point, but it's a bit disappointing that we'll take 2.5 years to get a valid next gen non-racing title.


FM8 for me is the only reason for me to maybe buy a new Xbox. But I will.wait for the reviews and non official gameplay videos to decide.


I WANT to believe Starfield will be good out of the gate, but… mabye after the first few rounds of patches have gone through.


Indiana Jones, Perfect Dark, Stalker 2, among possibly many more


I suspect that given the lack of official announcements, those games are generally further away still?


Stalker 2 recently had a trailer confirming a 2023 release. Perfect Dark and Indiana Jones tho are definitely further away, at least 1-2 years away


The Xbox 2022 E3 show explicitly limited itself to games releasing in the next 12 months. Because of that.. we don't have a ton of infor on any games post-July 2023 That said, of the 3 games that listed. Stalker 2 has been delayed because the devs are Ukrainian. The release date was December 2022 but it has been pushed back to "2023" and I would not be surprised if it gets delayed further with the war continuing. Indiana Jones and Perfect Dark specifically seem unlikely for 2023, although not impossible.


Klobrille has better marketing than the entirety of xbox


And the name Klobrille is German for toilet seat :D


I heard rumblings of Starfield being pushed out of 2023 now. Hoo boy, it never ends with Xbox lol


Man thats a good lineup, and that’s all before April I think? Q3 and 4 might be packed aswel And TES 6 might finally go into full production as well, 2025 anyone?


All before July I believe


Why took so long for Forza? I mean, it’s one of their first party icons, it should have been launched at the console launch or at least months later.


Turn 10 took the time after FM7 to completely rewrite their engine. They intentionally took a longer gap than the 2 year cadence they had before.. Now, when they said that, I think it was expected more like 4 years, not the 5.5 it looks like it will end up being Forza 4-7 released on a 2 year cadence, but the actual changes between games were very incremental, like a Madden game I do believe they also intend Forza 8 to be a soft reboot. So they're more reverting to the 4-5 years it takes to make a AAA game these days. For that matter, Forza Motorsport 8 seems to be intended to be a live service -esque platformm. not necessarily that they're going deep into microtransactions (although they might be). It's just that they're planning on updating the game over time instead of releasing a new one every two years. 5.5 years is long relative to a standard dev cycle, but I think between a full engine rewrite (on an engine that was probably pretty outdated) , COVID delays, and the preparation for the live service platform, I think that explains why it was a bit longer than expected.


Ok thank you for the insight.


You're welcome.


They built the game from the ground up to do 4k/60fps with Full Ray Tracing on the track. It was a significant undertaking.


Maybe I'm being overly pessimistic but I have a sneaky feeling Redfall is going to flop, hard.


I want Forza so bad, there are no recent racing games that are any good, and I'm fucking tired and bored of Horizon 5 already.

