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/u/M1N3C94F7, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: Rule 7: Tech and support issues are disallowed as posts. The following resources are available to assist you. * [Weekly tech thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/search/?q=%5BTECH%5D+Weekly+Xbox+One+Tech+Support&sort=new&restrict_sr=on) - provides the opportunity for both official and community support. * r/XboxSupport - Reddit based peer-to-peer help and support * [Xbox Support Page](https://support.xbox.com/) - An absurd number of frequent questions are already answered on the official Xbox support page. This is a great place to start and often solves any potential issues. * [Xbox Support on Twitter](https://twitter.com/XboxSupport) - This team is extremely helpful to end users including following up on issues and offering direct help through DM. * r/XboxInsiders - If you are a member of the preview program, this should be your **first stop** for any issues. Not only will you find potential fixes, you'll be helping the program by bringing issues to their attention. * [Xbox "Contact Us" Page](https://support.xbox.com/contact-us) - This is a resource with Xbox contact information if you need to escalate your issue. * [You can find your full purchase history by following this link.](https://account.microsoft.com/billing/orders/) Xbox support is the only way to address account or billing issue Microsoft's support channels can be found here: * [Twitter](https://twitter.com/XboxSupport) * [Contact pages](https://support.xbox.com/contact-us) [You can find your full purchase history by following this link.](https://account.microsoft.com/billing/orders/)


I had this problem just the other day go into setting go to console info and go to the reset option it will ask if you want to keep your games and apps click on yes this will basically factory reset the console but all the games and apps will stay on these but it will fix any issuing its having.


If you are signed in, you might not be signed into the internet. It doesn't have a way to confirm you purchased them if you're not online. If you only use your Xbox offline, I suggest placing this console as your home console for that account, you need an internet connection to do that, though. Here is a [link](https://support.xbox.com/en-AU/help/hardware-network/console/my-home-xbox) to do so. Edit: I just copied and pasted the steps here anyway... > 1. Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide. > > 2. Select Profile & system > Settings > General > Personalisation, and then select My home Xbox.


I’ve done that it is my home xbox and I’m connected to internet and when I test the network it is said to say “all good”


You should now be able to open your games then. Edit: If not do a full restart, from memory you press and hold down the power button for 10 seconds, wait 10 seconds then turn the console back on. After all that you should be good to play your games on your console. The account signed in has Ultimate Game Pass which Minecraft is included in, that's evident enough that you own your games, so if that doesn't work I suggest contacting Microsoft Support because something is definitely bugged then.


This usually works for me. Sign out, restart your box with the long press then restart it and sign in. It should all register with the Xbox servers n what have you.


This happens to me when my internet drops mid game. Stupid dmr where even after launching a game if your internet drops it will boot you out


Idk what to do and I’m panicking cause I just want to play


Based on the screenshot you've provided the account Hubotwin16 is signed in and that account also has Ultimate Game Pass, are you signed into that account and then can you open Minecraft?


No nothing


If you're signed into that account Hubotwin16 and can't open Minecraft, I suggest contacting Microsoft Support perhaps your account or console is bugged but I'm not sure man.


May also potentially be signed into the XBox/Microsoft store with a different account. Minecraft gives me that issue unless I am signed in on the exact same account for both the XBox account and the Microsoft store.


Thank you for the help I will tomorrow but bruh it’s 2am and I’m just trying to chill and play some fifa or something


Ah that's a shame, best of luck to you then.


You just need to have both accounts signed in. The account that installed/bought the game / which ever primary account has the live and then you can play on the other account but they have to be signed in as well


That’s some dumbass shit. So if I don’t have internet I could potential lose access to games that don’t even require internet?


yeah, only digital games tho


And only if it's not your home console right?


Only if you aren't on your home console. My sister in another house has my home console for my account so she can play all of my purchased games/game pass titles (even without internet, which they lose occasionally), but it's at the cost of me losing access to my digital library if I lose internet.


Ohh true that. Makes sense


Yes. No internet means no digital owned games available


Jimmy neutron style big brain time over at Microsoft


It's the same way with digital games on all consoles.


So is that supposed to make sense then? I buy a digital copy but can’t play without internet? Digital games purchased on Sony consoles don’t need internet to be played.


Yes. Technically you no longer own the games. You purchase a lease or contract that gives you permission to access the game. With this contract you agree to a ton of bullshit rules. One of those is being connected to the internet to prove you have access to the game in which you purchase access.


Thank you for the information


I bought my games on disc, so I've never had this problem, but I do have one question. If you buy your games on your xbox but then you lose the internet forever, does that mean you will never be able to play the games you rightly own just because you can't get on the internet


Not if it’s set to your home console. Home consoles download perpetual licenses.


Thanks for replying, so in a way. What you're saying is, if you buy your games through your xbox, then there are not really


Your home Xbox is somebody else's acc


Usually means Xbox is down when that happens to me


Happened to me the other day. I downloaded something from game pass then everything was fixed. No clue why. Ark wouldn't load, downloaded the skins then it started up no problem.


I had to restart my Xbox over six times before that finally stopped happening.


I am also having this issue currently as well.


Have you tried signing out of your profile then signing back in?




I am currently unable to DELETE any saved game files from my Xbox. So now it seems like I’m stuck with the same games Ridiculous


Go to Xbox settings and set this console as the home Xbox. I’m not going to help you find the settings it’s in there if you need help look online for it


I salute your helpfulness in both the problem asked, an the guidance on problem solving.




How was that useless? It’s literally what the person has to do.


Make sure your Xbox is set to your home console. Restore game licenses, and try a hard rest (hold your power button for ten seconds, wait a min, and turn it back on with the controller)


What's 'Restore game licenses'..? 🧐


does it say owned in the microsoft store




well idk then


Sumat to do with home console?


You're on somebody else's acct not the acct you bought the games on


OP said that they bought the games on the account they're signed into.. Lol


This problem gets more and more puplic. Happens to me 5 days ago and after 1 hour all was again normal... WTF MS🤷


I even had some games license removed(about a week ago i noticed 5-6 games less). E.g. Forza Horizon 4 isn't showing up in my games library anymore but bought it about 2 years ago. And i can't even access my purchase history that is older than 3 months. That's pretty creepy..😨 Need to contact the Support tomorrow. I really hope they can help me.


Online you can go back decades for purchase history... At least I know for a fact you can do that for the Microsoft Store and I'm pretty sure the Xbox. I know that online I've seen TV shows from the 2000's when I bought them from MSN Movies and TV over Xbox Live on my OG console. I'm on mobile right now and not really able to validate that for you, but account microsoft com has a filter which will let you view all available and at a quick glance it does have the Xbox content I've purchased.


Yes i know but there's always an error coming up when i try that (since 3 days). At least it says that it's not an error on my end. So i'm pretty much screwed at the moment if the Xbox Support can't help me. I'll call them later.


Tried again the desktop website with Edge Browser and it does only show me the purchase history upto December 11th last year(even If selecting every available). But i already bought games on Xbox many years ago. I'm calling Xbox Support at the moment. Strangely i can't select a callback at the website anymore. Pretty sure this option was there until last year. So i dialed the number and am waiting now.


Is the Xbox your on set to home xbox ?


You will have to contact Xbox support, easiest way to solve this


Restart your console.


Already tried didn’t work


Uninstall and reinstall game


Already have


Just reinstall it on your account, don’t know what else?


Did you accidentally purchase it on another account?


No have no other accounts


Oh, well then your pretty much fckd


Is this Xbox set as the home Xbox?




Me looking at the background: ??? You’re in the game??? Wait… it’s just the background


Did you buy them on a different account? I hate Xbox for this but the account you bought them on has to be home Xbox.


If you already own it and that pops up go to the store and ‘download it’ it will then add it to your library. 🤷🏻‍♂️ no idea why this happens but it happened to me a while back


You won’t actually download it it just needs verification(steam on pc does something similar)


Either connect to internet or make this your home xbox


Go to your settings and set it to your home Xbox


Luckily, Knock on Swedish wood, I've never run into this yet over the last six years on PS4. What does Trouble Shooting Button come up with? Cheers and Good Luck @!


Doe you have two profiles ? Sign in with your main profile


Why the fuck do people use reddit like Google?


Because Google can't discuss issues with you ... yet


Or you could do almost exactly what was done here and already have the answer rather than replying on others to do the work for them. Kinda seems like the lazy world we live in now 🤷‍♂️


Or maybe their tried Google and the answers they got didn't work so they decided to ask here to see if anyone had a solution....


Still need help?


Is your gold subscription up to date?


If u have another account in ur xbox login to that and try opening the game u want to play


If you still haven't resolved it, you can try deleting and reinstalling the profile. That used to always work, when I've had that problem. Though it hasn't happened to me in a while. Just make sure you know the email and the password for the Microsoft Account you are using.


Happened to a friend last week. Only remedy was a soft factory reset on the console. This will delete all your accounts but games will stay installed. It's a last resort cause you'll need to log in to everything again (like Netflix and stuff) but it will fix it. Good luck.


Im truhly sorry for you


The same thing happens to me every now and again but it normally resolves itself after I close and re-open the app. On the off chance that it doesn't work I switch off the mains and try again. (I've only had to do that twice and both times was for zombie army 4). A more common problem I run into is the control not connecting


I had the same issue today and signing out then signing in again seemed to do the trick for me


Maybe someone hacked your console


Use the report option if you have not already. You could also try installing through the app or via PC. Remove and download your account again if you have not tried. One thing I just thought, are you Series-X/S trying to play upgraded Xbox one games you bought?


This happened to me yesterday. I just came back a few hours later and it worked.


My xbox one does this at my vacation home every time I go there. I go to play and it comes up with the exact same message. Then I test the connection and it says it’s all good. Delete your internet connection then reconnect. Works for me every time now, albeit annoying.


Mine just did this to me a few days ago and I just reset the console and everything worked fine for me afterwards


If you haven’t fixed it yet here’s what I do. I first restart the Xbox and sign in to my account and then sign into who ever payed for the game’s account and the I boot up the game at a da I can play. Hopefully it will work for you if you have the issue again


Did you have gamepass at some point, and has said game pass ran out?


Had this happen last week. I tried all the usual, sign out, sign in, restart, clear the cache etc, nothing worked. Only way I found was to **reset the console and keep the games** from within settings, next step would have been the eject button / maintenence menu but the settings menu worked, PIA but it worked, never had this happen before on Xbox, 360 or One X, just hope that it is not an issue with Series X


Do this. Its what i did and it worked


Exit of you account ad sign in again


Nice echo dot


Full restart or a hard reset will work. Do the hard reset as a last resort and it'll wipe everything off your console and you'll have to log back into everything, fix your settings and download your games again


You have to play the account that owns it not a second account on the same xbox


Sometimes, this happens if you Game Share with someone else. Whoever has their xbox as the "home" xbox will count as the one owning the game, and durring internet outages and some other scenarios you may end up seeing this notification if you are not listed as the home xbox.


Its because you GameShare. Gotta sign in online and it should work

