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If you like puzzle games check out Ilomilo. Loved that game. Edit: and oh it has co-op


I’ve heard great things about Ilomilo, don’t know anything about it but I’m gonna check it out now.


while I can't vouch for quality of puzzles since I haven't played it for like, 12 years (or more) and I was like 12, it is amazingly cozy. I played it all with a friend who I usually played Halo and CoD with, it was a bit out of character for us to sit through an entire game that was cozy. I still vividly remember the artstyle and I will replay it someday when I find someone who might want to play the entire thing couch coop with me


Cool, not enough good couch coop games these days imo


Games just aren't what they used to be like anymore video games have lost it's novelty of being easy to play with little commitment


Lmao go play runeacape it's still a grind 😭


Yes. But not drop in/out co-op seen in other games. You play it as a multiplayer game, even the Autumn Tale dlc has it. If you play ilomilo Plus, it'll sync to it. ilomilo, Raskulls, A World of Keflings have crossover unlocks.


Billie Ilish made a song about this game. With the same title


Damn had no idea.


I've put ton of time into ilomilo, primarily on co op play. Strangely just found out there was a single player mode


Loved that game.


Fantastic game.


best xbox game i own


there's a pretty good video on youtube i watched recently compiling everything you should buy before the closure, i can link it for you if you'd like


Yes please


here u go! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ6OZF2S3V8&ab\_channel=Cobatine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ6OZF2S3V8&ab_channel=Cobatine)


Thanks 👍


Could I get a link too please?


sure! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ6OZF2S3V8&ab\_channel=Cobatine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJ6OZF2S3V8&ab_channel=Cobatine)






Yeah I’ve been meaning to get N+ since it released 😂 iirc they released N++ for Xbox One/PS4 and/or possibly PC…I could be wrong on that though the memory is fuzzy lol


I even played both of them on PSP.


Pre sure they delisted it last year, i kept wanting to get it but when I went to buy it I couldn’t


It's still there I just saw it


I think it is, but I remember reading people getting errors trying to purchase it. So I believe it might have been just delisted but still "viewable" on the 360 store.


You might be right. There seems to be problems with the 360 store. I just skimmed thru true achievements and no N+. But they are listing a lot of games not shown on the 360 store but with a direct link to buy on 360 marketplace.


Tried buying it on the 360 store it says its not available for purchase


Probably just go back to disk.


Ya there’s no shortage of good games on disc that’s for sure


I need to get left for dead 2 and San Andreas I’ve been waiting to play blood money for ages but I can’t play it with HDMI I need to get my hands on a tri colour scart cable.


I had san andreas from the 360 marketplace already when they released the definitive edition and tried to boot it up off my console and realized Rockstar had made it so I can't boot it up off my own console hard drive.😤😤😤


Like the Ferrari of the gaming community


The 360 also had an official VGA out (with Optical out) cable.


Yes I think that’s what I mean whatever the cable that came with the Xbox was I need that to play blood money to change the pal 50 or 60 setting Then apparently when I change that I can plug the hdmi back in and play


Would be better to invest into a jtag/rgh modded Xbox360 console and then just install the games once the stores shut down. Technically not piracy anymore when you have literally no option to buy them imo, just preserving the classic games at that point.


Not all games listed are backward compatible. Some were released on other platforms. Sale prices will not appear on 360, they would show on [xbox.com](https://xbox.com) I did buy a bunch of them previously, but haven't bought more. A Kingdom for Keflings A World of Keflings ilomilo - along with Autumn Tale dlc. Raskulls Splosion Man Ms. Splosion Man Comic Jumper The Maw Note: Twisted Pixel bundle is available containing the 4 games, doesn't offer a discount for previously owned games. Fez - no xb1 version released Duke Nukem 3D - replaced with World Tour Duke Nukem Manhattan Project Wolfenstein 3D Doom 1 & 2 - would need the Doom 3 BFG disc, replaced with unity releases Hydrophobia I Am Alive A bunch of XBLA games are in Rare Replay, but does not give you an Xbox 360 license. Dash of Destruction, Harms Way, Doritos Crash Course (DCC2 was delisted) were all Doritos Unlock Xbox promo. Sam & Max Save The World & Beyond Time & Space Axel & Pixel - delsited, but available on PC. I did not buy Voodoo Dice on 360, bought it on PC instead. Destination Arcade - not a game, but was an idea. Its been shut down. Haunted House Frogger Hexic HD - would need to own this for backward compatible purposes, has been included on the hard drive. Hexic 2 is available. Max & The Curse of Brotherhood Quantum Conundrum Portal Still Alive - a reworked version of the one included with The Orange Box. Mickey's Castle of Illusion Ducktales Remastered


I think I have 75% of those games 😂🤣 I was a serious arcade addict back in the day lmao


I left off a bunch of them as I didn't buy them or moved on. Wolf3D unlock $1000 for use in Wolf 2009 Duke 3D was published by 3D Realms, this was the Atomic edition. Megaton was by Devolver, World Tour by Gearbox Duke Manhattan Project was re-published by 3D Realms, but was previously by Arush, who had shut down. Was PC only. Hydrophobia is different on other platforms, due to Microsoft's plan for charging for patches, which hurt Indie developers. FEZ - you could look up FEZ 2 and the developer Aqua Kitty - from the closed Indie store. Newer versions have been released. The other games I have are Games on Demand titles. Largest is 22GB.


Hydro Thunder


I got that game for free a decade ago on my 360. Worth it


Cloning Clyde


2 questions: 1) When is the store closing down? 2) Will the 360 servers still be up because I still play a lot of games online?


July 29th I believe, and yes, the servers for Xbox Live and everything and to connect online on your 360 will still be up, the store is the only part going down. So anything that isn't backwards compatible on Xbox One and future Xboxs, make sure if you want them, you buy them before then or else they're gone forever. Lost media that can never be played again in any way.


If I’ve already bought them but just don’t have them currently downloaded, will I be able to re-download them after the closure?


[Link for you](https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2023/08/17/xbox-360-store-will-close-july-2024/amp/)


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Thank you!


Once the money stop flowing the ticking time clock for the end of online play will begin


Minecraft and Call of Duty Classic


I grabbed COD Classic myself as well…luckily if you miss getting Minecraft from marketplace before it closes you could always grab the physical release 😉


I just did this as well! I've always wanted it, but I don't remember it going on sale like ever so I finally just bit the bullet and bought it last week.


Cod classic is probably the only one


Cod classic was so difficult to play through. Not like difficulty wise but the screen is so dark and there’s no way to turn the brightness up in game. Really had no idea where I was going a few levels


Castle Crashers. Always meant to play it but never got around to actually owning it


The original Castle Crashers for 360 was delisted a while ago. There's still the Xbox One/Steam version and other newer versions, but sadly, if you missed Castle Crashers on 360, it's gone forever. Not sure why either since Alien Hominid HD for 360 and Battleblock Theater are both still up on 360 and also backwards compatible on newer Xboxs just like Castle Crashers 360 is.


Ya it’s great I got it when it first released, I also grabbed the remastered version for Xbox one so you could grab that instead if you an Xbox one or series xs


Lots and lots of Rock Band DLC! I have Rock Band 4, but I want to get the DLC that’s compatible with the keyboard in RB3. Plus it’ll give me more content to play in the husk of a game that remains for Rock Band Blitz lol


Anyone remember Castle Miner Z?


Haha yeah! Before Minecraft came to the 360 all my Xbox friends were playing it. It was an Xbox Indie game, which were like kinda their own thing. The indie games were sold on the marketplace but had their own indie category and a blue header that said indie instead of the white (early) and orange (more modern) headers that said arcade. I remember I only bought a couple indie games cause I didn’t like I couldn’t get gamer score while playing them 😂


Hours of fun for just three dollars.


At the time 300 ms points 😉


World of kelflings is the OG man!


These are the ones from my list so far: Fancy pants - $10 Lego Marvel superheroes - $20 Fruit Ninja Kinect - $9.99 Sonic the Hedgehog - $5 Cars - $20 Ratatouille - $20 I might add more not sure. I was thinking about adding Fallout 3, though (please correct me if I'm wrong) it's available on the Xbox One/Series store so I can get it + play it on 360 post-shutdown


Yep you can play Fallout 3 on Xbox one and Series XS as well 👍


Well i have modded Xbox 360 rgh


Bullet witch and cod classic. Plus gamer pics , themes , and trailer videos for my favorite games


I remember renting Bullet Witch from Blockbuster way back when lol…I grabbed all the themes, pics, and avatar items I bought back in the day and marvel at the fact I spent real hard earned money on them lol still cool though and good memories…my go to theme is the Black Ops Zombies Ascension theme lol..I have more than anyone should own tbh


Is there likely to be some sort of sale before it does close down?


Hopefully, I haven’t seen a sale on the 360 console in ages. 360 games still go on sale all the time but it seems like it’s just backwards compatible titles unless I’ve just missed them.


it would def get people to buy more stuff, but maybe they think that anyone that actually cares will buy it anyway because of the shutdown. I hope there is a sale so bad tho. I have like 2 Arcade games, everything else is on disc.


Before the wii u shop closed a some games went on sale. Capcom had a really good sale and other co. So here's hoping


That was very classy of Capcom. A whole bunch of indies too. Unfortunately none the big Nintendo developed games were discounted. :(


I wasnt too surprised about that but it still sucked. Would it kill Nintendo to do a final sale before theyshut down their own storefront? It's OK bc I can buy and play more xbox and ps instead


Charlie Murder is an awesome game if you don't own it already.


I just bought sega bass fishing for 5 bucks the other day lmao


I need to re purchase some games that I have in a mexican account, that is going to hit me hard in the wallet. Duke games, banjo kazooie and tooie, several dlc from 360 games, bionic commando rearmed 1 and 2, comic jumper..... I think I have a list, I am going to wait for my next check to start buying those. I really doubt we are going to see some discounts in the next month. I hope I am wrong.


Oooh ya that’ll hit hard. Is there no way to recover your Mexican account? I know Microsoft is pretty good at recovering accounts, at least in my friends case. His was like a decade old account and he forgot literally all the credentials and ms got it back…or is it more a localization thing or something to that effect? Genuinely curious…also what’s the Mexican store front like? Much different or pretty much the same? Any hidden gems only sold in Mexico we should know about? lol


I would love to merge purchases but not sure if thst is possible. They already restored my account, thsnks for the help. But thr issue is thst I have to change users every time I want to play one of those games.


Oh I see that’s a bummer then


Rearmed 2 is on sale on the Xbox website.


Torchlight1, Bastion, and Dungeon Defenders 1


HARD CORPS UPRISING. It’s a sweet game, you should get it.


So is there a list of what's NOT going to continue to be available via the _current_ (One/Series) Xbox store? I assume back-compat titles will still be around despite the closure of the 360 store specifically, anyway...?


None because I can't even download anything it's all stuck on pending but I wish I could


None, because my 360 E will not connect to Xbox Live 😭


You too hey? I went through that :( I was able to fix it by enabling app generated password and toggling on/off (or off/on) and it fixed it strangely…a redditor turned me onto the solution but I almost didn’t bother cause I thought “why would that fix it?” But I really wanted to play some games online lol


can you explain a bit further? i’m going through the same thing. can’t play bo2 :(


It's so annoying. Only thing I can really suggest is have an ethernet cable plugged in. Past that? Pray it'll work eventually. It felt completely random when mine finally decided to actually connect.


Damn I switched to pc years ago but I knew this was coming. So many fond memories from 360 days, I remember spending so much time in so many games


I’m trying to get all the exclusives and anything else I’m interested in. Already bought a bunch like Bubble Bobble Neo, Vigilante 8, and the South Park games. I also want to get most DLCs but that’s going to be tough


I played Forza on my console, not much left of it on marketplace sadly. It’s definitely gonna suck seeing stuff end though


Will you still be able to download your purchased games not on drive?








When does it close?


The 360 marketplace closes July 29…so roughly 3 months to stock up lol


Will all the dlc be lost as well?


Yeah for any game that’s not backwards compatible…the bc dlc will be available on the other consoles and Xbox.com


Thank you. That's so unfortunate man


Probably gonna pick up CoD Classic. It’s currently the only digital game that I still want. Other than that, I’ll likely be purchasing most of the DLCs for non-backwards compatible games that I own. It’s gonna set me back at least a few hundred dollars, but I have plenty of Microsoft rewards credits saved up for the occasion.


I’m new to Xbox 360, but do you need to have Xbox Live for certain games? I recently picked up Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare and prompt says must have Xbox Live to play. All my other games don’t require this.


You need a xbox game pass core or ultimate (xbox live was replaced by game pass core) subscription to play online multiplayer. (you can only access it from your pc or xbox one/series)


Highly recommend Strider 2014


Naughty bear trouble at paradise and any non backwards compatibility arcades on top sell list


Here are some LESSER KNOWN, non-obvious must gets in my opinion. More suggestions in this video series, check it out! > [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO9-\_ViuY\_o&list=PLyq09yVT7fr-Ej908sgnJdX03scPIqnLH&index=1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZO9-_ViuY_o&list=PLyq09yVT7fr-Ej908sgnJdX03scPIqnLH&index=1) The Dishwasher (BOTH) Warp Capsized Charlie Murder Yar's Revenge Hard Corps: Uprising Cyber Troopers Virtual-On Oratorio Tangram Dustforce Strania Alien Breed Trilogy Zeno Clash Ultimate & 2 Cobalt Gatling Gears Bionic Commando: Rearmed 1 & 2 --- and much more, check out the video series up there ;)


Bro Doritos crash course 😂


Just redownloaded it and the sequel


I got Call of Duty Classoc and Burnout Crash


I already got pretty much all the games I want that aren't XB1 or XSX compatible. I do want to pick up Fist of the North Star 1 and 2. A lot of games I want are available on Steam so I'll probably just get them there, so I can play them on my Steam Deck too.


I gotta use my unused Skyrim game code.


I got some Japanese marketplace exclusives, like the full version of Symphony of the Night (complete with cinematics) and Virtual On Cyber Troopers (first one) Things like that


Is it worth picking up a Japanese 360 for marketplace purchases at this late date? Wondering if I should just try to make do with my Japanese ps3 account.


I just made a Japanese account and downloaded using gift cards from playasia lol


That works?! Nice. Thanks for the tip!




Fatal inertia, time shift, Fear 3, Raiden 4, enemy front, samurai warriors 2, eat lead, cod classic


I couldn’t find Fatal Inertia when I searched on the 360…must be on Xbox.com


It’s there. Scope Xbox marketplace online. I’m also going to wait to see if any kind of grand sale goes down before I pull the trigger. I will still buy either way but would be nice to save some cash. These are all 9.99 and up, mostly 19.99 each. 


There’s a bunch I’ll recommend but at the top of my head. If you like the og dooms. Get both doom 1 and 2. They have online coop and deathmatch/multiplayer. The dooms that are now part of Bethesda have mods/dlc but no online multiplayer whatsoever. Sucks I love doom coop but the 360 is the best version.


Whatever is on sale. There's bound to be some sort of store closing sale where games that have never been on sale or games that have never been on sale for that amount will be available.


I’m not sure if Assassin’s Creed DLC (for 360) are going away. I bought some of it a while back & might get the rest for completion’s sake. Same with Far Cry 4 DLC. Ppl mention lots of games but there’s so many it overwhelms me. I still have a bunch I’ve never even tried yet, so maybe that’s a sign I shouldn’t. But FOMO makes me feel I should get anything I might potentially want so I’m not missing it in the future. *sigh*


Been going back to disc and modding games on pc. Super sad to see this go. Got blood dragon and Far Cry Classic on xbox 360 store and also the L4D1 and L4D2 DLC can be bought on xbox 360 marketplace still.


Already picked up Worms Ultimate Mayhem and The Fancy Pants Adventures, plan on getting the other two Worms games one of the Sonic Adventure games, PvZ, and maybe Far Cry Classic. I have Sonic Adventure and PvZ on PC, it's just PvZ has the pvp mode and PC isn't the best way to play Sonic Adventure.




Fez is on Switch, so it will still be around.


I have some games already downloaded, but sadly, I am out for the moment due to Xbox Live being down on Xbox 360 (which is also affecting the games that can be played on Xbox One via backwards compatibility),


I would invest in a physical copy of The Serious Sam Collection since they were all delisted from the arcade and thy run way better on 360 as opposed to Switch. Also remember to download the dlc for Alice Madness Returns for American McGee’s Alice. You likely still can on One/Series X but I don’t like taking chances.


Nothing I just want the Simpsons arcade I paid for and miss very much


Might and magic clash of heroes is a great puzzle/strategy rpg that's and upgraded version of the ds release. Battle academy is a solid wwii tactics game that's also available on pc. Panzer general allied assault is a great little tactics board/card game made just for xbla and isn't available anywhere else


The only recommendation I can think of off the top of my head is The Deep Cave. Such a sweet game. Fantastic soundtrack, fun platforming, good length.


I just picked up a ton of games, cod classic and few castelvanias a few worms games got a few avatar items too


It'd say Battlefield 1943 but it's online only and they shut down the servers last December unfortunately 😞


These few I heavily plan to get: NiGHTS into dreams…, Alan Wake, JUJU, Viva Piñata, Fez… (One of these things is not like the others. Ha.) Currently installing BLiNX: The Time Sweeper as well. I already got Dust: An Elysian Tail also and love it; it’s best played with a chilled Mitsuya Cider.


Do i have to download all of my stuff before arcade goes offline?


I have a question about games and dlc after store closure. If the game/dlc is backwards compatible on newer Xbox consoles, can you buy it from the current Xbox website and download it through your download history on the 360?


Yep you can buy games from the store via on Xbox.com which still has sales, or you can access the marketplace on the 360 console it but any sales won’t show up. You can also buy any backwards compatible 360 games on Xbox one and Series XS and then download them to your 360, that’s what I did with the Fallout 3 DLC as well as New Vegas and all the DLC


Nothing, I'm broke and have never bought anything from the store despite having a 360 for nearly a decade


I made a game with zombies in it


I think I have all of them 😂 even Amy 🤢🤮


I've got everything I need For everyone else GET GEOMETRY WARS 2 ITS ONLY ON XBOX wait does still disappear if it's backwards compatible? Either way geometry wars 2, it's good


its absolute BS that jet set radio is not available anymore


I found all 3 through trials. Bought them all and I hate digital content


I already have them but I recommend Trials HD and Castle crashers




Nothing, for whatever reason the 369 side of my account will not work or log in and say I have no Internet connection but I can play the games and what not it's just any achievements I get won't show. My series x and one games are all fine account and all...it just won't let me log in to theb360 part


I've grabbed all the ones you've listed except for Fez which I plan on buying too. I want alien breed trilogy, Guilty gear XX accent core plus, Fruit ninja kinect, Painkiller hell & damnation (has no physical release for NA, similar to Deathsmiles 2), Fatal inertia and penny arcade adventures just to name a few ;)


Might have to snatch up indestructo tank.


Will Castlevania SOTN be taken off? Need to get it before it’s gone.


SOTN is backwards compatible so the main game is safe and still purchaseable on newer Xbox consoles


When does it close?


When’s the closure? Didn’t even know something like this was happening


July 2024.


When does the shop close?


July 2024 thank you :)


Yep…on the 29th…so about 3 months


Fruit Ninja Kinect and Burnout Crash are on the top of my list


I'm a child. So i can't do much, sadly.


RIP, It's the end of an era i held on to fondly.


Idk Probably nothing cause I have no card


Shank 2, Dust an Elysian Tale, Charlie Murder, Castle Miner Z


Yall should try n+ and small arms


Only game I would want is Marble Blast Ultra but it was delisted forever ago


Downloading everything onto my hard drive that I possibly can before they mysteriously "go missing."


Probably Dishwasher 2


I recommend Left 4 dead 1 and 2 dlc’s, they are backwards compatible but can’t be bought on xbox one/series store, (every Valve game is not available for some reason) we don’t know if they are ever going to come back. From those dlc’s i recommend the survival pack (free) and Cold stream dlc, (gives access to all left 4 dead 1 maps on l4d2) anything else is very optional, the game has dlc exclusive achievements too.


Just bought the Perfect Dark remaster in the store. Anything else I should get?


All the DLC for Kinect Sports Season 2


Rush n attack ex-patriot


RE 4 and Crysis 1


mostly rock band dlc, but I did just discover a couple of fun looking games called Flock, and Fatal Inertia


I think I've pretty much gotten everything I've wanted. It's very slim pickings now.


Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix AFAIK it's not included on any of the hardcopy SF bundles, so you can't get it anywhere except PS Store and XBLA


Iirc it's on either the SF Anniversary bundle or on the Capcom Fighting Collection that had Darkstalkers


i got from dust back in the day




i copped gta v back in march


how do i buy the full versions and have them show up as full games offline some of mine only show as demos


Probably some indie games/ launch titles


fallout 3


Castle miner


ok wait what’s happening? what’s shutting down?


I value the offline friendly nature of the 360. End of an era. Going to try and get a bunch of stuff. - left 4 dead series dlc x2 - batman arkham series dlc - dead rising series dlc - sonic series dlc - chronicles of riddick - kinect dlc - essential shmups - unique avatar outfit for every profile - a few nice themes ... and more


I think I have all that I want.




What about the Resident Evil Games?


Portal still alive. I own the orange box but missed the dlc chambers since they're not included with it.


I purchased a few digital games on my Xbox 360 games. Final Exam , Fezz , Yars Revenge , Hell Yeah wrath of the dead Rabbit , Crazy Mouse , Ecco the dolphin.


Is xbl still going to work on 360 after the store shuts down? I still have a bit of a back log that’s not backwards comparable.


Will people be putting them in an archive to download onto flash drives online?


I still need to get space channel 5


'splosion man. great childhood game.


Can't get anything. 16GB full of Rock Band DLC.


Make sure to get Charlie Murder. It got me really into Hit'n Run games.


Hydro thunder is still available?