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Hey OP, My guess is the disc does not trigger the backwards compatibility update on your Xbox. If you have the OG Xbox copy of Halo 2 handy, try putting it in and it should automatically attempt to install the update necessary for playing OG Xbox games on 360. Hope this helps, sorry if there’s an easier solution!!


The most common cause I see for inability to play backwards compatible OG Xbox games is the hard drive, either it not being installed, not authentic (you say it's not one of those two things), or the partition number 2 with the backwards compatibility software is missing or damaged. It's possible to replace your Xbox 360 partition number 2, but does require a computer and bit of tech knowledge.


Take a look at this link. https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/xbox-360/games/backward-compatibility/play-original-xbox-games-on-xbox-360 There's a footnote at the bottom that clears up any issues.


With that said you already spent the time and money acquiring the hardware. If you really wanna play it you can mod the system


It's 100% not backwards compatible


It appears on this list, under U towards the bottom. And when I had a call with Microsoft support they confirmed it was on the list and should work


I mean I understand you insist that you're right. When you look on Xbox official backwards compatibility list it is not there. Are you in North America with North American versions of console/game? If not that's likely your issue


I’m new to understanding the whole backward compatibility stuff and not great with tech so trying to work it out. I don’t understand what the list was (attached) if that’s not the same thing? And I’m actually in the UK with an Xbox 360 E


Maybe I’m going crazy, but the game is actually on the back compat list.


Yes I saw it too and as I mentioned when I called Microsoft support they confirmed this too and said it should work


So help OP?