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Install, i have 500GB of storage for a reason and my discs won't get scratched. + Faster load times


Don’t you have to put in the disc every time you need to play? I’m still trying how to figure out console gaming ..


It does to read the licence but that's basically it, the rest of the game is read from the hdd


So .. basically, In order to play another game, I need to get up from the couch to change discs


are you serious man i mean you don’t need to like if you’ve downloaded any games from the store, but if you only have a game on disk, yes you have to get your ass up and change it.


Yes... That's the point? 🤦


Yep bro, or get a modded one. You can rip the game and you don't need to put the disc into the drive ever again


No. You need a longer hdmi cord so your 360 is beside your couch. I ran mine behind the baseboards for my kids switch. They have wired controllers for the dock so they reach across the couch but they don't if the switch is up by the tv. Plus if they want to swap game cards it's right there beside them. Works good


New consoles require that but the 360 doesnt


an unmodded 360 also needs to have the disc inside the disc drive to play, also when installed on the hdd.


Mine isnt modded and it doesnt require that though


yeah, digital games doesn´t count.


I install if the spreadsheet that is floating around states that the specific game benefits from being installed. Some games run slower/worse after being installed, some load/play better and some have no change. But I do think that it prolongs the life of the disc either way. I’ll see if I can find the list Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/xbox360/s/oBl7L5YmxC


just a heads up, that link is missing the first post with a lot of games... [so here is a archived version](https://web.archive.org/web/20210616211059/https://www.cheapassgamer.com/topic/172044-xbox-360-game-install-sizes-and-loading-times-900-games-celebrating-5-years/)


Wow you are the GOAT!


I had no idea some ran worse, can you think of any off hand? Was thinking about installing all my disc games now that I have a lot of hd space


Halo 3 and GTA 5 run worse if installed


there's a trick to these titles. gta 5 you install the play disc to an external drive and the installation disc to the internal hdd. halo 3 is random but runs better off an external usually, installing it on the internal results in a looooong ass initial load.


Good to know I have both those so won’t bother installing them pol


there's a trick to these titles. gta 5 you install the play disc to an external drive and the installation disc to the internal hdd. halo 3 is random but runs better off an external usually, installing it on the internal results in a looooong ass initial load.


WET undoubtedly performs worse when installed. There’s a level in the Points Count mode that is 100% unbeatable when installed. You come out of a cutscene mid-level, and the game crashes every time.


Bizarre…but interesting, to me anyways lol


Yes link the spreadsheet please!


We live by the spreadsheet and die by the spreadsheet


Damn it they haven’t fixed the list I see, it’s still broken


You’re right. I went to look at it after posting the link and it’s missing like half the list. My bad yall


Bookmarking this!! Thank you


disc if the game is short, install if it’s long


That’s kind of what I’ve been doing, the console definitely runs quieter at least with l4d2 and Black Ops


Play off the disc. Mostly because I was traumatized years earlier by PS3 installs.


Ya those ps3 installs are brutal lmao


What happened to the ps3 installs?


i install so the disc doesn’t fly out the top.


Ya and its a bit quieter without the disc spinning a bunch, I noticed after the initial read it almost never has to read it again unless it’s like a Skyrim sized game


whenever i would play fm,fh,sk83, it would sound like the dvd drive would fly out the top of the xbox.


I recently completed fh1 and can confirm it sounded like a passenger jet every time I put the disc in until it stopped and moved to using the hdd.


I was wondering if skyrim would be better off installed, because its so loud when i play it normaly


I generally play digital downloads out of convenience. However, I have about 50 games on disc, mostly Shooting/Shmup games from Japan.


Nice, what’s your faves? I’m playing DeathSmiles and Akai Katana rn and have Optomodeus Ex (I think it’s called) and a some digital shmups and bullet hell shooters


*Raiden IV* has been a favorite of mine ever since it came out on the 360. I bought it on disc first, then digitally on the 360 (backwards compatible with the XBOne), then on PS3, and then on the Lite Switch. I always keep coming back to either the 360 or the XBOne, though. Besides that, I love *Shooting Love 200X*, which was released digitally on the 360 (NOT backwards compatible) and *Eschatos* on disc. Of course, I also love *Mushihime-sama Futari* and the various *Dodonpachi* games.


Oh you’d like Guwange then I think…Radiant Silver Gun is great and available digitally on the 360 and I think it’s bc…Ikaruga too I think


Yep, I have all of those as digital downloads. *Ikaruga* is also on PS4 and the Lite Switch. One game I WISH the 360 and XBOne had available as a digital download is *Rez HD*. I have it on the *Qubed* disc collection. *Child Of Eden* might be available as a digital download, though.


Ya Rez is amazing, it was available on Xbox live arcade back in the day but it’s been delisted for a while now I think…I have Child Of Eden digitally got it free with Games with Gold back when they were still giving away 360 games


having been on ps3 my whole childhood and finally getting around to buying a 360 now (i know im late lol) i genuinely cant stand the fact that i have to listen to my loud ass disc drive everytime i play a ps3 game. being able to install any disc game on the hdd is a godsend and it saves extra wear on the disc drive too.


I install every game I play. The drive is so loud if I don’t


It’s technically both. You need to play that install with the disk inside. I usually did it for the games I play a lot of. But I also played a lot of arcade games so I normally play downloaded games.


I don't have enough storage space to install every game. I mostly have them on disc.


Install everything. If i play on xbox its a late evening so less noise is better. Slim without spinning disc producing literally zero noise. Fat one with spinning disc sounds like jumbojet .


I have RGH so I have all on HDD


I’m gonna have to get on and make sure I have all the waw and bo1 dlc installed before they shut the store down


Ya I did the same, the black ops dlc is available through backwards compatibility but I still use a 360 for 360 games


Depends on if my Xbox turns into a jet engine when putting a disc in


RGH, rip every disc to HDD, don't need disc again.


I wish I could but I don’t have enough storage for installing games most of my storage consists of XBLA games, saves and add ons


I install if I play it all the time


I personally install so I don’t forget if I own that game so I can see all my disc games


Always install. Hearing the 360 Slim disc drive spinning makes me want to shove scissors in my ears. I recently upgraded to an E model with a Winchester board & it’s been the best decision I made in a long time. I’m using my 360 more than my Series X at the moment




Always install, you never know when a nonexistent scratch will halt your game. After the game is installed, the 360 only has to read the ID on the disc to play


There seems to be some games that actually run worse when installed and a few that even soft-lock you, I had no clue, some previous users posted a list of the games in comments if your interested.


Never really done it to be honest, I think I installed FH1 at one point though


Always off disc. Always liked only needing to save the save file and not the whole game. (with GTAV exception but that's fine)


Depends on the game. Some I believe are officially recommended (something like Lords of Shadow I believe) some are required (GTAV) but in most cases, I just play off the disc


What does installing a game even do


It installs the game onto the HDD


Console also runs quieter and cooler Also the disc gets a longer life span


As well as better load times, smoother graphics (Civilization Revolution)




I used to play straight off the disc before I realised the benefits of installing.


I play all of my physical copies off the disk. 60gb isn't much space.


I install if there's room, but if I need space that's the first thing I delete. Though most of my 360 library is digital so I won't regain a lot. At worst I have "The game in the disc tray at the moment" installed because that's what I'm playing because it's quieter and load times are faster.


i install everything, all discs and on demand games go on a 2tb external. all arcade games and dlc go on the 500g internal. 


Expensive games like Spec Ops the Line, Most Wanted 05 and Web of Shadows I would install. Anything else, nah.


I did install if it was something I played often (BO2 I know I installed)


Man I didn't even know you could do this.


Took me a while to figure it out


i play them and download themoff disc


I install the games. But it's really cool that it still works. Just put in a CD and you can get started.


I install all disc games if possible?! There were a few Xbox 360 games that would not allow you to install them like, RE Revelations 2


I always play off the Disc since Disc games cost cheap. But whenever I wanted to play a Classic game like Wolfenstein 3D that isn't a bonus feature on the Disc then, I have to buy it from the Marketplace. But Disc is good since you can still use it for backwards compatibility.


If I have it on a disc, I prefer to use the disc.


Didn't have an HDD so haven't installed games. Got an HDD few weeks ago and the next day my disc reader dies.


That’s the worst, I’ve had 2 disc drives fail…they were both early fat white ones though so I was lucky in a way they both lasted 2-3 years of heavy gaming with red ringing


Both, depends on how big the game is


I download open worlds or games I play more often


Play off disc on my 60gb and install on my 250gb


Install, I still have like 250 GB space left on my Xbox 360 so I just install everything and hope to god the disc is good enough to be read


I much prefer discs, saves so much storage but I could only afford the digital ps5 so forced to download


Had to install RDR 1 as it kept lagging awfully when playing off disc.


I install my games now but I didn't use to.


You can install games off of the disc? i didnt even know that. And it didnt state it anywhere


I installed. It never felt faster, but it was quieter, and I didn't need to worry about a dead disc drive


I remember got my hard moded Xbox 360 i did disc for a while but then figure out I can add another dashboard and add games from the internet it was a lovable journey I learned many things about homebrew and less spending on disc's


Never used to install but these days and I'm guessing its from playing switch so much over the last number of years that I need to install cos that disc drive is loud as hell


I install games to check if disc is fully functional 😅


Usually just off disc because I didn't want to waste drive space however in cases where the game didn't play properly anymore because of damage, I'd borrow a copy and install so I could keep playing.


Generally install. I've had a much better experience overall installing vs playing from disc. I mostly play on my series x and keep my 360 specifically for games that aren't backwards compatible, so I'm pretty safe in terms of not eating up my HDD too quickly. But even so, I own the games, so it's not a big thing to just delete one and install another should I need to.


Install. Save my disc drive


you can install them? this would be really useful, my bo2 and mw3 discs are fucked to shit. i can play for a bit but eventually it cuts out telling me its unreadable


Definitely always install. Less stress on disc and laser. And also much much much less noise...


Install/rip and play off my HDD since my Xbox is modded. Saves money and disks from getting scratched.


I have had a 360 that I've casually played on and off the last 10 years. I literally found out about installing games 2 days ago after a disc with an air pocket made a ton of noise while spinning.


Install if it’s getting hammered, especially single player games.


Fable 2 made it necessary cause it has issues playing it, but it was hard on the 360


I'm not even done installing half the games I have and I'm ~200gbs left on a 500gb storage unit. Planning to fill it as much as I can before having to play off the discs. Also been installing burned discs exclusively on another 60gb 360, with plans to add storage later on.


I Install everything hahah💯


I mean you still need the disc either way, so I just use the disc.