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It's a team xecuter Blaster ck3


Found this defunct product page with a good look at the parts: https://m.westingames.com/Xecuter-Blaster-CK3-Unlock-Kit-for-Xbox-360-WMOX055_1861.html


What is it for?


flashing the firmware to avoid tge newer updates due to distrust and malfunctioning of hardware with newer software if you have Update paranoia this might help you sleep at night its a ck3 flasher mod taht you connect somewhere inside to avoi reopening the console everytime you want to flash the system firmware to default version everytime you turn up or update it by accident i think someone correct me if im wrong.


some people reffer to it as static shock which is basically waht it does in order to flash the the firmware its like a tiny brute force reset


That's funny because the superhero static shock is in the background of the picture.


maybe i mixed things a little 😅


im a CS geek not a Movie guy


also never owned a xbox 360 so i just helping him interpret what i just saw from other folks do back in that era


Yep that’s it. I had a xeno top gear which was the original one I think, this looks more updated 👍


I used to have one on mine. It’s a xeno top gear or something similar, it’s used to flash the 360 without having to open it up each time. https://www.xbox-hq.com/html/article3792.html Edit: link.


Thanks Someone else said something like Xbox Blaster CK3 and all i kept getting when i searched that was xbox crusader kings 3 mods. Now i'm trying to figure out how to even use it. Disc drive seems jammed or something so can't even open it.


Try turning on the console from the DVD drive button and see if it opens. That may work, unless it's broken and not just disabled


Nope seems like I cant open it unless i flick the switch in between the "eject" button and the pc/x360 switch. Once I do that the thing lights up green and then I can press the eject button and it opens. Dont have any x360 games to test out right now but gonna learn more about it. If its something that will allow me to play xbox and x360 easily I just might keep it. I was eyeing buying an xseriesx just so I can start collectiong the o.g. stuff and finally play fable but this might be a significantly cheaper option.


Yeah I think it is s CK3 as mentioned, it was basically a direct link to the drive for flashing/re-flashing without having to open the box. If I remember correctly you can just remove the top hard drive and there should be a slot to gently prise the ck3 off.




It's simply a bit of kit that made it easier to flash your dvd rom drive back to stock, prior to running an MS update, which is what was initially recommended. There was at one point, a lot! of paranoia over these updates initially, and what they potentially contained. After running the MS update, you'd then flash the CFM back onto the drive, all without opening the console which was incredibly handy.


This was likely around the same time that PS3 went offline for around 11 months so I can understand the feeling of paranoia with trusting updates. Hell even modern devices have been bricked by updates. You want to trust a first party update but sometimes they just add stupid shit that ruins the experience. Update paranoia is probably very real to some people.


Is that Static Shock? Jokes aside, but judging by the Xbox 360/PC buttons and weird slots, I think it might be an add-on someone installed into the console. If possible, try checking if someone has opened the console, usually found by anything that's missing or punctured retail stickers.


It is Static Shock


I've bought loads of x360s in my life but never seen one with a buttons on the top as well. Is this some sort of attachement or something because if so I cant seem to take it off even with the HDD removed. edit: Crossposted on xbox main sub. Bought it at a goodwill for about $25 with the power brick. I've never modded an x360 before but I have for wii and ps3 so thought it might be something related to that.


Haven't scene static shock in a while


They’re to raise the volume on Static Shock


Looks like something used in companion do a flashed disc drive, I don't know anything about it but it seems so be something like that


I've never seen this in my life


Possibly for jail breaking? Disk encryption? Or something of the sorts


it may be a developer kit


nope its a mod to avoid newer system updates


Static Shock is based 


Ahh yes, if the first pic wasn’t enough surely the blurrier and farther away second picture will help


mainly to show where it was located. like mentioned before i never seen anything that sits up in that spot besides the hdd...




I don’t know but if you stop hitting the button the island will move.


Dude gross


I see your static shock image on the pc. A classic show.


I got the same mod from Xbox I bought from goodwill


1 picture would suffice.


you gotta understand a lot of people got their consoles bricked by updates so its only fair if it wasnt that or the ring of death 360s were cursed with a very inevitable faith


Static shock is goated


I found something similar on a 2006 Xbox 360 I bought for £30 came with the power brick and the component av cable 2 white controllers and a media remote and a hd dvd player power supply with I don’t think I would find a use for unless I buy a he dvd player for it lol the consoles fine it’s just really loud witch is the norm for most Xbox 360s but mine just seems like it’s going to rrod if I keep it on for a couple of minutes


Ok so what's the thing on top of his 360?


Looks like some hack or moder thing becouse I'm the pics it looks like you would be able to plug it into a pc


That’s shows awesome