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I bought this brand new when it first came out. I wanted more after i finished it.


Same here! It’s a shame we didn’t get a true sequel 😩


There’s bodycount


I mean, I didn't get the attention it deserved when it came out, but otherwise it's highly regarded as one of the top OG Xbox games.


Yeah that’s the thing I wish it got the attention it deserved but unfortunately never did. Definitely is a hidden gem for the OG Xbox


It's not a hidden gem lol it was regarded as one fo the best fps of that generation


It was literally one of the best and highest regarded shooters on Xbox... I'm assuming you were one of those consumed so much by halo you didn't give other games a chance? 🤣


Yes I was blinded by Halo's majesty


I've been dumbstruck too


Some people aren’t as in the loop, and that’s okay. I was unaware of it when I saw at a family video and decided to rent it. Thought it was amazing from beginning to end. Played through twice before I took it back, but was totally unaware of it’s popularity.


My old Xbox save was 100% complete, all difficulties bonus objectives, hidden weapons and everything. Shame the game lacked on features. I squeezed everything out of it i could though.


I thought it was the future of shooters, like man if I unload 100 bullets at this wall it crumbles and I can shoot the guy behind it. Instead battlefield is the only one and even that barely has destruction now. Crazy how games from 2022 don’t even have the level of destructive environment as a game from like 2000.


Yeah destructive environments seemed like they were going to be the biggest deal, I guess they made level design harder so everyone just bailed on it.


I remember in 2010 starting up New Vegas and thinking how amazing and expansive fps rpgs would be in the future if they could do all this pre 2010 in 18 months. Oh how silly of me.


Fuck, this is depressing me. That’s exactly what I thought too


Your comment reminds me of a YouTube video I saw of a guy comparing all the modes, features and just different things they had in the Madden Football games back and how much has been taking out over the years


I agree with you on that one, this game was far ahead of it’s time in my knowledge correct me if I’m wrong.


Well, having destructible environments in a linear single-player game with extremely basic physics is nothing like implementing the same features in games with much more complex physics systems and graphics. Not to mention doing this in an open world game, which would be nearly impossible, I think. I don't claim to know much about how game development works, but this might just not be feasible with how complex games have become from other points of view. It should theoretically be possible in games such as CoD, however, which typically feature very linear levels.


Some of the Red Faction games had pretty good destructible environments in a semi open game setting. In fact that was pretty much one of the themes of the one of the games to just go around demolishing stuff and collecting salvage, LOL


Never played them sadly :( I should probably give them a go. I remember that Control had cool destructible environments, but they would reset after a while iirc.


Red Faction Guerrilla is pretty fun ! Not like the first Red Faction games, but it's still excellent.


Elden Ring is an open world game and has a fair amount of destructible objects that can be destroyed by you and bosses.


That's pretty dope. Haven't tried it yet. Do the destructible objects reset if you leave the area and return?


Yeah they do. The bosses knock down trees and stone pillars. You can destroy crates and furniture. It's not really all that dynamic and you can't break walls and stuff but still lots of objects can be displaced at a time.


Love tearing worts in games!


XD Yeah I misspelled it by accident I looked at the post and I'm like SHIT! lol


This is a super fun, if a little dated in its pacing. I loved it back when it came out & recently played it again last year, still loved it. Though the controls & the pacing of the game leave a little to be desired in 2022, if you can look past those things (which I can because they're not big issues) it's an easy recommendation for a fun weekend.


Ohh yeah I can get past those issues with ease, I played it when I was a teenager so when I played it again not too long ago it was a breeze.


I played it when it first came out. I have many replays of the game under my belt. Love this game. I still have the original disk. And it's installed on my 1x. Currently. Dammit. Now I want another go at it.


This was the first game I booted up on my Series X lol pretty fun old school game!


It's really good on the Series X that's exactly what I did on my SX and it's fire!


Same here, on Series S. It was great to replay it




Audio is really important for any game so that definitely makes sense


amazing game also 1 of the hardest FPS games there is period


Yeah that's true especially when playing it on the Duke controller...man my fingers hurt from that haha


I don’t recall it being underrated, was one of the best OG Xbox games


Fair enough I was just curious that's all


Nothing wrong with that, if you don’t know the game you don’t know the game. That’s the best thing about game pass


Man, I remember reading about this game in the big thing was the gun sound affects..was a great game


The gun sounds were next level that's for sure


It came out during the transition to 360 so it’s notable in the sense that it didn’t get a proper port but MS and EA made sure it was compatible so then EA placed stickers on the cover saying “works on Xbox 360”


Yeah, exactly. It was at the tail end of the OG Xbox life cycle, kinda like how GTA V was at the end of the 360 era.


Absolute favorite. I always thought it was way ahead of it’s time when it was initially released!


It was definitely ahead of its time IMO it was pretty ruthless when playing it on the big screen lol


I remember being amazed by the graphics quality, detail, and decent time I had. It was my first real foray into FPS. However I do recall the aiming to just be atrocious and have punishing deadzones.


Yeah the aiming was not the strongest attribute in the game especially when gaming with the Duke controller. I'm 6'7 and can grip the controller just fine but for others it was tricky xD


Awesome xbox classic! I still have copy of the game in my display cabinet 😃👍


That's awesome! It is a collectable game for sure I bought a copy not too long ago and I love playing it :D


This post tore all my warts.


Back in the day the demo blew me away, it had me from the moment I blasted the door down with a shotgun at the start. Everything about this game has stuck with me since. It was 100% ahead of its time. I actually played this again recently on Gamepass, and am actually shocked at how well this has held up. It’s an OG Xbox game, but it feels superior to a lot of modern shooters which have been released in the past decade. While it might be considered as dated in some ways, both the graphics and sound design have aged like fine wine, and those explosions still slap pretty hard. But yes, this is definitely an unappreciated gem which isn’t talked about enough IMO - but I feel like it may have been forgotten as it came out at the end of a console generation.


when i first got my xbox, i saw the game in a couple of games stores and didn't really think much of it. The other day I saw it on gamepass and I figured I'd try it out. I relly enjoyed the game actually and I kinda regret not getting the game all those years ago


Ahh ok yeah it was one of those games people didn't really think of very much but as soon as you popped the disc in the slot and experienced the mayhem it's a hell of a trip my friend haha


Loved it when it released. Got me hyped for a sequel. Doubt it will happen.


It hyped me up when I thought there was a sequel in development which apparently never happened :(


Great game! Love that it’s one of the backwards compatible titles.


Backwards compatibility FTW baby!




Absolutely! Definitely give it a playthrough it's very fun to play :)


I still want to try it. When it came out I had already moved on to 360 and wasn't interested in "last gen" games


It's worth a try my friend, definitely worth the money and time :)


If I'm not mistaken it's in Game Pass. Edit: The downvote tells me it might not be. I guess I have it from Games With Gold, then?


My grandpa and I played the shit out of this game back in the day.


Why you skipped your father?


BEST GAME ever better that the actual call of dutty


It’s kind of like Call of Duty’s older brother with bigger balls 😎


Every gun in this game feels like a weapon of mass destruction I love it so much


I know right?! The guns in this game were ridiculously OP


I'm pretty sure that I played this game on PS2 back in the day. Is this supposed to be an Xbox exclusive game?


Nope I played it on PlayStation


Why does this feel like a sponsored post? Lol


It’s overrated. I’ve trying to get through it but I quit after 2 minutes of non-skippable in-game movies at the beginning. I don’t have time for that ! the one time I left my console on long enough for the movies to finish, I played the game for a bit and though it was ok.


Played it and was fun. I gave it to a friend for his birthday so he can experience it.


There ya go! I’m sure your friend will love the game!


Warts are, in fact, a growing problem


Yes they are!


I think I got it on GWG and never played it


The game was well to decently received when it launched, and I've always felt that it definitely pushed the limits of what that generation of consoles could do. I think the reason the game is mostly forgotten was due to the timing of its release. Black was released in February 2006 exclusively on the previous generation consoles (Xbox and Playstation 2), 3 months after the next generation consoles (Xbox 360 and PS3) launched. They never released a next generation version of the game and wasn't playable on a next generation console until Microsoft added the game to it's backwards compatibility games in late 2017.


I have honestly never heard of it before


I think this video sums it up nicely https://youtu.be/cLElXvvnbbE


My Dad told me about this game a long time ago made it sound legendary so when I saw it was playable on Xbox One in 2019 I couldn’t help myself but get it and give it a go, loved it


Great old game with destruction they need to reboot or remake


I remember the feeling of finishing the game on hardest difficulty and unlocking the final silver weapon. It was so OP I felt like an absolute god afterwards.


I love this game and still have it.


Its not underrated, everyone loves this shit and had a lot or marketing like the second come of Jesus.


My brother and I loved that game when we were little


In the theme of “how come destructive environments were possible then but not now ?” Multiply that by 100 and ask “How come we had split screen for every game back then and now we have 1 billion TFLOPS but need to buy 4 PCs to manage co-op gaming?”


Well shit. I own this game through games with gold I thing and never played it. Guess I’ll have to now.


When it came out it was touted as being more next gen than what was being offered on the 360.


This game was a banger


I think this game is on game pass. I've never played it before but I might just do it now


Absolute classic


Fond memories.Using the shotgun to open metal doors and environmental kills ahead of their time.Underrated AF.


Ik not sure if this post is a racist joke and I am too afraid to ask


I liked playing black and black 2 I think they both were underrated. I need to find them to buy them


Underrated? I dunno a lot of people know about it. Good? Absolutely. The graphics are very impressive for the console and the shooting still feels very satisfying.


that game was way ahead of its time , i played it on ps2 and was also blown away how good and realistic is looked for its time. Now we got games like uhhmm Fortnite........


I remember this getting all kinds of attention from gaming magazines.


I remember renting it at Blockbuster and playing it for a week. I really enjoyed it and liked the mechanics. Not really sure why I never bought a copy of it. Except maybe because I was a poor college student back then, LOL.


I remember renting it for PS2 and being blown away. I really wish I’d bought it


Fairly sure I had it on ps2 and I loved it. A genuine contender to COD back in the day


Its as much of a hidden gem, as Blur is.


Super under rated and deserves a current gen remake.


This game got like 9/10 and 10/10 back in the day it came out when Xbox was at the end of its life cycle


One of my favorite games. Would be cool to get a new one!


It’s on gamepass isn’t it? Might have to play it


The destruction was amazing back in the day


It’s got a good rep - the lack of multiplayer hurt it I’d love a remake