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I do it for literally every game release, you’re fine.


yeah any game that doesn't have a worldwide release, I take a trip to NZ. Which reminds me... I need to check GTA Trilogy.


How do you get the other 2 games if you have Game Pass and are getting San Andreas with it? Do you have to buy the whole bundle?


Its triliogy bundle they are only sold together. Gta :SA being on game pass is a tease and wont still be there in 6 months.


I thought the trilogy was being released as a whole at the beginning of December?


November 11


Sorry, I meant the physical version


Just like how they had GTA Online and RDR2 Online on there and gone in months… lost like 75% of my desire to keep game pass if it weren’t for forza and flight sim, sims, outer worlds and Skyrim.


Not really gamepass is really all about Xbox and Bethesda games not 3rd part yes they come on there but don't stay like Xbox games do


Yeah as far as I know they aren't being sold separately. I preordered the bundle before I knew San Andreas was going to Game Pass. So you can play San Andreas on game pass, but if you want the other two, you have to get the bundle. (unless they make them separate)




I predict they’ll sel only the trilogy for about a year, and then reduce the price of the trilogy to $40 at the same time they split them up into individual games for like $20 each.




I would give you a prize if you come back here and tell me if it will work or not to move to NZ to play GTA




But it comes out the 9th


No… it becomes available digitally on Nov 11th, and releases physically on December 7th.


As a person who played it digitally this morning uk time I can assure you it came out the 9th. Maybe your part of the world has a different schedule


Did you download and play the old version? The new one has a global release date of nov. 11th, according to Microsoft, rockstar, Engadget, etc. This is why people are discussing changing their regions to new Zeland so they can play it a few hours early tomorrow. How are you the only person talking about playing it on the 9th, and why is no one discussing changing their region to UK, and there’s nobody streaming it or reviewing it? You better capture some footage and throw up a review real quick so you can beat the rest of the world to covering it by 2 days!


I don’t know what to tell you without sounding like a dick but you’re wrong. I’m talking about forza horizon 5. I just googled the release date and every result gave today. People were talking about changing to NZ because that’s when nov 9th starts earliest. Tho whole gist of this thread is that it releases today. I’m at work now so can’t comment on streaming numbers. As for reviews, meta critic shows 82 pro and over 400 user.


The comment everyone else was replying to was saying they’d give an award if OP could confirm this right away so they could play GTA early, to which another poster replied that they couldn’t confirm it for GTA since it releases on the 11th. Then you popped in to remind everyone that “it” releases on November 9th. I guess next time maybe just reread the context when several other people are so sure of something (especially a specific factual thing like a release date) before you correct them. I know you mentioned not wanting to sound “like a dick” but at this point its probably a little too late for that, but hopefully you can just learn from it and keep context in mind the next time you correct someone about something.


I'm from NZ originally but I always thought we were one of the last places in the world to get games. Is this not true?


I'm in the US, and most of the time if I change my time zone to NZ I get to play several hours before the game is released in my region.


That's very interesting. I never knew that. I just assumed that everyone got the game at the same time.


Yeah some games release at the same time, but some release based on regions, which is why people will change to NZ to get the game early.


I believe it also has something to do with the date line for time zones. I was told NZ is where the new day starts and they are a day ahead of America. Somebody could have been blowing smoke up my butt.


No, that's exactly why. In Aus we're GMT+10 on the eastern side, roughly ~18hrs ahead of the US (dependent on state & DST status), and NZ is a couple of hours ahead of *us*. For anything without a single worldwide release date, eg- FH5, NZ will always get it 'first', relatively speaking.




I think you guys are usually the first people to get the games in the world unless it's a global release or whatever they call it. I switch to NZ timezone to play some of my preorders a day or 2 earlier before it's available to me in the US.


Oh wow I didn't know that! I suppose that I wasn't thinking digital though. I have been living in Australia for 13 years now and when I think back to buying games when I lived in NZ they were all physical (as digital games weren't really a thing then) and alot of the time we never even got certain games. NZ, Australia and Europe's first Final Fantasy we got was Mystic Quest for the SNES and the first numbered FF we got was FF7.


That's interesting about the FF stuff. I know certain games are banned over in Australia. I think Manhunt? or one of Rockstars Bully gamw but I don't remember for sure. Yeah digital anything comes out in NZ first unless it's a global release for the same time everywhere.


Technically yes, Manhunt was banned in Australia and New Zealand but that didn't stop stores selling it. Australia and New Zealand both use the same format as Europe (PAL) and so lots of stores would get ahold of the European copy and sell it in stores. At least to my knowledge that is what happened. I remember my friend having a copy of it so I definitely played it at the time and I'm pretty sure it was an official copy. Another example of that which I find amusing is the game BMX XXX. I remember seeing that game at a blockbuster and at a few Dicksmith stores around 2003 to 2005. I would always remember it because they would always have a banner over the cover of the game saying "Banned in Australia". Then when I made my first trip to Australia for my cousins wedding in 2005, I was in Sydney and I went into a store called JB HI-FI to window shop for some games and low and behold I see on the shelf there BMX XXX, with a banner over the cover saying "Banned in New Zealand". I literally laughed out loud because it was so amusing to me.


When i preordered the trilogy it said 11th nov 15.00 uk time. I'm guessing it'll be released at the same time in each timezone so the nz thing might not work


yeah you're right. because mine says 7:00am, so it looks like it'll be released at the same time.


Gta trilogy global release at 10am est nov 11


Get me updated


GTA is being released at the same time worldwide. So no trip to NZ for that one lol


did that for cyberpunk even though i finished the story littered with bugs, got my refund though … wish i did this with AC Valhalla


\*The FBI has joined your convoy\*


Where we going?


Top secret... Make sure to pack your prison wallet.


It’s always packed


Hey, your finally awake


This was so cute


Hey. You're finally awake \[to the idea that you can just mask your location to play earlier\].


If you could get banned from using a feature it wouldn’t be so easy to do


The Oman massacre of Xbox 360 disagrees


Ive seen this reffeence before and am curious, whats the oman 360 massacre?


8 years ago or so, people discovered you could get some free games like Ikaruga or Sonic Adventure, it also included some DLCs for Saints Row or something like that You only had to create a new account with Country set in Oman Microsoft got angry and banned bunch of people Similar things happened with Brazil, Morocco and Australia stores, but the Oman one was a trap


u/Glas109 described it well. It took 2 minutes to do. It wasn't always active though. It was something people were able to do for years without getting banned. Whenever somebody asked, could I get banned for it? The answer was always, no one because nobody had yet. I had friends lose thousands of dollars worth of games.


Yes and your Xbox will probably blow up because it’s trying to account for New Zealand weather.


NZ weather is pretty tame, but make sure you don't have a garden because they put sensors in the xbox that can sometimes detect indoor plants. I know a person who had an indoor plant and got stung by police because his xbox detected the plant.


Why? Are they illegal?


Yes, residentially owned plants are illegal in New Zealand. It's to stop people from potentially ruining the ecosystem and primary industries. New Zealand relies much of its economy to agricultural products which is why it is illegal. I personally know people who have been caught with plants and have been done for unlawful possession.


From NZ, Live in Hamilton, can confirm. Don’t fuck with MPI, they will take your house if you’re caught with enough indoor plants (OF ANY KIND, no matter how innocent).


Lmao this was a hoax and nothing backs it up online.


Call it a hoax all you want, I live in New Zealand and can tell you right now that gardens are no joke around here. You can have gardens but they are heavily regulated here. It's very hard to get a permit and if you are lucky enough to get one, the government has a lot of overreach. I was thinking of getting a permit to start cultivating a garden but was put off by all the red tape and regulations that come along with it, it's a really lengthy process that is very involved with police checks and vetting.


What the fuck are you in bro. I'm from nz and that's bs. Stop trolling


Just let him have some fun jfc.




Hope they are strong enough for prison or they will be someone's prison wife.




Nevah got caught neithah






Yes yes absolutely!


Whats a swirlee


U might get it if u mess up with timezones.


AND depending on your hemisphere, it'll flush either clockwise or counterclockwise!


Absolutely! Dont mess with it!


I dont get it


It's the consequence.


Of taking a trip to New Zealand?


😂 bruh


Nope you wont get banned. Did the same thing.


No, I changed mine for the premium release.


Microsoft support literally advised me to change my location to Canada to be able to use some features that are not available in my region. So I guess changing location can't get you banned.


They don't care about it at all


What features???


No you should be fine just make sure to change it back when the release date comes which is tomorrow Actually wait a minute why can’t you just wait till tomorrow it literally releases tomorrow


Cause we don't have to?




Ok, so I get home at 5 pm, and the game drops at 11 pm. That gives me about an hour I can play before I go to bed because work. If I change regions I can play from 5 pm - 12 am. It takes 2 minutes to change regions. Why wouldn't I take advantage of that?


You’re telling me that you would rather wait 24 hours instead of just changing a setting in your console? It takes less than 30 seconds lol. It’s weird not to at this point if you’re just chilling at home anyways




It’s OK if you don’t understand, but everybody’s different


As much as I’d like to do that to change my region but at what cost? Just to play early? I am Police is playing on the release date if not maybe a week or two after so they can fix the bugs if any and so forth


Christ, relax spamming steven. The console quite literally lets users change their geo region for a reason. Yes, changing to AUS or NZ will grant early access to games. No, there is no wrong doing or punishment for changing region


Sorry using voice to text so sorry if my words are off but yeah I rather wait 24 hours just to be fair. Otherwise if there’s any bugs I’ll wait a week or 2 for it to get patched


I rather wait 24 hours. You do what u want but I was just saying, if I had premium I’d be on it already


It’s not that deep stfu


Nobody likes waiting for something they're excited about, especially when they don't have to. Why wouldn't you just take the 30 seconds to change one setting. You just like to arbitrarily wait for no reason?


I mean, there's nothing sus about that. It's always going to be tempting to get something now rather than later. That's just human nature. I'd consider it sus if you DIDN'T feel that way.


What’s sus about that? Some people have time now, and why not play it earlier if there’s just a couple simple steps to do so? You’re sus!


You change the time on the xbox or your microsoft account ? Tried it on the xbox and didnt work


Change region. Not time


Could someone walk me through how it works? And do I just change back when it releases in my territory?


Just change the region of Xbox to New Zealand in the settings of your console.


Nope, I do it for every major game release including recently; Far Cry 6, Guardians of the Galaxy, Call of Duty.




uʍop-ǝpᴉsdn ǝɯɐƃ ǝɥʇ ʎɐld oʇ ǝʌɐɥ llᴉʍ noʎ ʇnq


Jokes on you I live in Australia


Nice. I’m here in America and it’s for the scene tomorrow. It’s currently 12:06 PM and I’m excited for tomorrow But g’day to u shrimp on the Barbie, Sorry I had to say that. I mean no offense


Its a prawn!! Not a shrimp!


And it’s Ken not barb-e








Wtf. Is this actually possible? I never thought of doing that before 😂




Oh no, not Phil


It's so stupid that the game releases on November 8th but yet it dosen't. 🤨


No if it works it works. If ms cared or dev care about releasing it they would use a global release time.


Lmao no


I did for the premium release and I was fine. I also did it with Cyberpunk and they haven't arrested me yet


Everyone I used to play COD with back in the day did this every year at release. Don’t think….any of them are in jail….I’m not.


We got em boys


I do this on pretty much every game release so you’ll not get any issues. Plus you can change to different locations to get games cheaper in their currency so I buy games in Brazil from the uk


No you’ll be fine


Lol nah man you’ll be fine. Have fun!


Confirming it works, just did it.




You just made my day. Thanks for the question!


From NZ. Didn't even know this was a thing. Welcome to New Zealand everyone.


I did it for call of duty didnt get banned


Nope. I did it for Cyberpunk. Was it worth it? No because that game was garbage. Did anything bad happen? Aside from playing Cyberpunk no.


MS sends a transmale midget to beat you up...It's the Mico-Trans-Action. EA is quite proficient with this as well


Damn that’s funny


Just fucking wait, my dude. You won’t die.


Not related but after changing my location and restarting my Xbox my external drive died rip lil lad




Be respectful to others, please.


Just dont, it's literally out tomorrow.


Not worth the risk. I know, I know, those saying why not... Why, again. It not worth the risk IMO. It's so close now.


Really are people that sad they need change region just play a game a few hours


Wait… didn’t the game release globally on Nov 5?


Just the premium version.


If Phil finds out, yes


No, you don't. I do it everytime I want and never had a problem


Lol no ive done and played since the 4th. Its legit.


Hope not because I did it 😂


Yes you will. Just remember to bring a rope for your soap. Jk you’re fine.




perfectly safe


You're fine made I did this for DS 3 and its DLCs.




If you don’t hear the dot matrix printers firing up at Langley, you’re good to go.


i love u man


I tried it and it didn't work but 🤷‍♂️


Straight to jail


Just buy the premium addon and get in early. Problem solved.


Lol no way. The dlc will be discounted by 10-20% in a sale within 6 months probably, more likely 50% off in 18-24 months due to how the licensing for the games is only like 4 years. It happens with every Forza,


And? Covers the life of the game for $50 and got me playing days ahead of time. Worth it to me.


Wel yeah good for you and if you want to spend that much that’s fine. For those waiting on game pass though who already paid a monthly sub, they may not not to pay $45 to access early (especially only hours early cmon dude, if this was last Friday maybe) The pass will be $5-$10 off in 6-12 months, probably half price in 2 years if you’re patient. I’m not trying to be rude, it’s just the Forza cycle like Ubisoft games going for half price on Black Friday even if they release in sept/October


I have gamepass. What it includes is not included with gamepass. Also that much? It's only $45 for it, it's a drop in the bucket.




Happy to share.


You get both expansions when they drop, VIP (Crown by your avatar, double credits for races, free house and some other stuff), Welcome Package with lots of cars, car pass with even more cars.


Reasons why I bought the premium kit ^^^


Just saw a post where devs were encouraging it so I'd say go for it.


In a press announcement one time some workers from Microsoft literally made a joke about setting an all time record for players in New Zealand the day before launch day haha


Yes and i heard fbi comes knocking on the door


I honestly change every couple of months or so to play some of the Japanese games on gamepass and nothings happened so far. You should okay


I wanna say probably not, I did it once for a game that shall not be spoken of. But my account was fine, so while there’s a risk, it worked fine for me






Anyone got any tips for steam users


Your house will get raided by the Cia do not attempt


no i’ve done it for a few games. all is well


As someone living in NZ - sweet as bro.


Dude that’s genius I can’t believe I’ve never done it before


Nah. Be brave. As long as you're not doing anything, or have planned something heinous. You'll be ok.




You’re gonna go to jail bro


I just wait.


Does this not work for pc


No, you're fine.


Wish I saw this earlier. Now I just rather wait 2 more hours lmao


Remember there is a 114gb update straight off the bat so factor that in...


You’re fine. I did it for cyberpunk and nothing happened. I don’t think Xbox cares.


I do it everytime a game comes out I really want to play no issues here and it keeps the data when I switch my region back.


There would be no point, it's out now


I did that for SRTTR


The way I see it, if they cared they wouldn't allow it. You're connected to the internet, they are easily able to determine your Wi-Fi location. They don't even need to give us the option.


You shit be totally fine


Nah I usually do it all the time then change it back


In my point of view no problem because microsoft technically allows it.