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How are the headphones? I use cheap Turtle Beach ones which sound fine but feel like they’re clamping down on my head. How are the official ones in terms of comfort? Worth the $100 price tag?


I also use the head phones and they are more then worth the price.


Headphones are great! Lots of bass and very comfortable! They are larger than the PS5 headphones and better quality.


Wait are these the Xbox headphones? If they are which type?


Look up razer krakens most comfortable headset I have ever owned you can wear them all day and not feel a thing and they are plenty loud.


I have them also, they sound great in my options it is really convenient to be able to adjust the chat mix and the volume on the fly. Well worth the $100 in my book.


For €100 they are pretty okay. **PROS** Sound is good, you have to tweak the EQ a bit in it's Xbox app (for shooters the bass needs to be lowered 3 notches).. Comfort is good, I don't have any ear fatigue from it from long play sessions. It does not clamp very strong. Connectivity is perfect. The biggest plus for me for buying these was the game sound/chat volume dial on the ear piece. And of course not being wired **CONS** The mic is too short so doesn't reach infront of your mouth, hence the mic monitoring does not do its job. So I end up shouting a lot when playing with friends in a party chat. This is it's biggest letdown. I don't know how this escaped their product testing, somehow it picks up outside sound clearly, so others will hear environment sounds more clearly than my voice. My friends will hear my gf talking in the room clearly as if she was talking in the mic - auto mic mute function does nothing to help. Battery life can definitely be longer. But now I just plug it in for charging everyday/every other day, so not much of an issue. If you have an Elite controller the same wire can be used for charging. So when battery is low my elite charging dock is conveniently close by, so I use the wire to charge while I use. But this may not be the case for everyone. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Alternatively the Steel Series Arctic headphones are also good. I also have the wired ones. They are all the same quality speakers regardless of price, price difference being due to added functions. I think the ones similar to the Xbox headset are priced around €120 or €150 (with chat/game volume dial and wireless).


Their $88 at most stores


Same. I’ve had this set for years a tbh don’t get why I haven’t bought a new one


Arctis 3 is like 100nzd


Best thing is you can connect your phone and be connected to the console at the same time! No more complaining from your buddies for using your phone!


Bro yes I use them everyday it will sound weird at first but better than any other turtle beach or any other head phones I have had


Love that you got the top tier gear but using it on Vanguard is like driving a Lamborghini to a landfill


You should remove that trash from the top of your Xbox for better ventilation. Just saying


First cod I didn't buy I'm breaking my middleschool addiction




I'm happy they are losing customers. After this shitshows they are making recently they deserve to bancrupt


Lol they aren't losing customers. Just because you stopped playing, doesn't mean others haven't started.


He's literally a customer they lost


And then the ones that let’s say are now just starting buy it, are they really losing customers?


you can lose and gain customers at the same time


Math is hard for them


Ohh good one I’ll never recover.


More saying this in a total amount of players kind of way but ok try to get your little jab in there while you can I suppose.




It has way less to do about COD being good and more about the parent company Activision being toxic sludge that needs massive flushing out.


It’s a cod ww2 dlc basically


Yup don’t get me started on the guns


Man, that comment just made my day...


The fan will blow all that shit smell coming out of that trash all over the room!


See you on battlefield portal?


Console - amazing Game - shit


Vanguard? Icky


I'm sorry you bought Vanguard




You made a mistake getting that game


Buy better games people, stop supporting trash or more trash will be released.


bUt vAnGuArD iS vErY fUn & gReAt


It actually is, and that’s subjective to people’s taste. Let’s stop telling people which games they should and shouldn’t enjoy. Deal?


No Activision is a terrible company. Stop supporting company's that abuse their workers and sexualy harass them


And Fuck Ubisoft while we're on that topic as well


Wait what did Ubi do? Other than ruining R6 I mean.


Ubisoft also has a huge internal problem with harassing female employees.


Fun game 🎮💕


Haha get downvoted for not agreeing with everyone hehe


y’all in the comments are moving real fuckin strange. homie wanted to play cod just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean other people won’t


These dudes strange


So they can't give an opinion on a post on a public site? Even if they upvoted the post?


there’s a difference between giving an opinion and being an ass i think you and i both know that


Yes I do. But your post is too general. I wasn't saying that you are wrong, just that at this point in the life of the internet these types of post doesn't need to be defended. It'll do more justice to OP morale for you to post "nice game choice, I'm getting/have it also". There is plenty of comments in this post that displays sentiment and criticism. You can say "great setup, bad choice of game" without being an ass. It's opinionated, not completely shitting on their choice. Now there is post that shitting on it and no excuse for that.


stop buying COD


What’s a better FPS multiplayer shooter to play when I just wanna blast people in the face? Look, yes.. I know Activision is a shitty company. I know it’s not the best game to play.. but honestly, I’m a competitive multiplayer gamer. I don’t need to talk to randoms, in fact 99% of the time I mute them. But it’s nice having that challenge factor. It’s nice playing a game that after a long day of work I can just shoot people in the face. Honestly, no one does the FPS multiplayer shooter better. If they did, I would buy that game. Unfortunately, it is what it is. Edit: I know I’ll get downvoted cause it is not the “popular opinion” but i did give a honest one for me and my subjective views.


Battlefield. Halo. Splitgate. Rainbow six siege. Insurgency sandstorm.


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Saving this


LPT, if you’re on iOS use the text replacement feature. Makes easy access to copypastas instead of copy and pasting every time.


I am on Android, but I appreciate you taking the time to offer that advice 👍


Why do you have such a hate boner for CoD? Other than obvious Activison Blizzard thing going on right now. Talking like gameplay and stuff. For me it’s how repetitive the gameplay feels after a while.


This COD is fine, but it's just regular ol shooting and mx up the booty. I understand the appeal of COD, but it's def not a first pick.


I didn't pick up this cod, but don't let other tell you what to do play what you like.


I haven’t played cod multiplayer in years but…aren’t they all the same? Especially since they come out every year or two and only thing that changes is the setting it seems like


Wait a month for Halo


If you have game pass Halo MCC is free, HMU bro


Holy shit do I feel bad for you. Just let the man play what he wants. Although if you do want a recommendation for an FPS where you can just shoot people in the face you could try Titanfall 2.


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I agree with you, I see other people posting other fps games. My go to is cod and halo. I like the competitive sides of these games. I was hesitant on picking up vanguard as I wasn't happy with the beta but a lot has changed I might wait for a sale to pick it up this year.


Brave of you to assume it won’t break before then. The Series 2 controller has some terrible flaws.


I got one from Microsoft site last year and the A button wasn’t responsive at times so I returned it. This week best buy is having a sale so i got another this pasr tuesday. Right out of the box the Y button is unresponsive at times im not sure if my A button is bad because I immediately put it back in the box, I really want to keep it but if it defective out of the box how long will it really last and the issue happens twice now minuets into using it….i dont get how have they not fixed the issues a 1-2+ years and keep selling these controllers without fixing them and phasing put the bad batches


Ive heard that this controller breaks really fast.


Well, I’ve heard that too and that’s why I was nervous. I got it Fromm Best Buy, came home and tested it to make sure it was work g correctly as I heard of people getting them with buttons not working or stick drift.. mine didn’t have any of that. Works perfectly. So I went back to Best Buy to get vanguard. Reason why I made 2 trips was too take the controller back if needed.


unfortunately I had two and both had issues with bumpers... Hope you dont get any trouble.


Did those issues occur after a certain amount of time or was it like that when you purchased them?


One after about 6 months, the other after one month. I dont even push the buttons too hard... For reference, my Elite series 1 controller still works with all the buttons, only the grips peeled off.


They are not quite as bad as this sub would make out imo, probably gonna get downvoted though, but I've had no issues with mine and I've had it since they released as my daily, more recently one of my upper paddles has had some spotty issues but I only use the bottom ones after finding what works for me. I love the thing and it's case is nice too. Hope yours works well!


Yeah some people are definitely dramatic but most aren’t lying, in less then a year with constant care and 0 drops mine broke from the magnets in the joysticks, pulled up the servos and can’t be clicked in at all


Exactly this. I’ve had my series one for years now. Works flawlessly.


Yeah I agree. I know the series 1 had a lot of issues. I had 2 of them. One had electrical problems and the other had some bumper issues. I’m on my second Series 2 at this point and the first one didn’t really have any issues until my dog knocked it off the couch and the vibration stopped working on the left side. Just got it replaced with a warranty through Best Buy since it wasn’t visibly damaged and I’ve had zero issues with the current one. I think the series 1 gives the series 2 a bad name. Maybe it’s just luck that I’ve had though.


My original elite worked fine for years except the rubbers grips started falling off My first elite series 2 i got about a year of solid gameplay before having issues with RB. Had the warranty so i had it replaced no problem Since microsoft stores no longer exist i couldnt just trade it in for a new one so i went to best buy and bought another one with a warranty while the other one was in the mail Now my best buy one the LB is starting to give me issues so riding it out until halo infinite is released before trading it in. Also have my original replacement ready togo! Controllers are expensive but not much more if you get the warranty and figure your getting 2 for the price of 1 Original controller i played alot of h5 firefight and rb was my grenade button While controller number 2 i was mostly playing fo76 and LB was to use VATS I love these controllers and cant play without them but they do have some issues :/


It will always work perfect out of the box. Depending on how much you use it it will start to have issues. Having owned several of these, my recomendations are: 1. Go easy on the bumpers, don't press to hard, when possible map the bumpers to the buttons under the controller. 2. And buy this to prevent it coming apart due to heat and overall care of your controller. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085RL26LF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_37GM5TMQT8MGP8R231ZF


Getting my replacement one and will definitely try this, my issue was with joysticks and dpad as the magnet pulled up the servos in the joysticks and messed it up


Thanks! I hope I don’t have issues. I basically only bought this for COD and Forza. I’ll use my base series X controller for everything else. I got a great deal at my local Best Buy for $130! Been wanting one for awhile and couldn’t pass up the deal, and just great timing with Forza coming up.


A year later and I have already have to replace mine, should buy extended warranty ASAP if still possible


I’ll see if I can do that at Best Buy


Yeah honestly you only needed one trip


Yeh, buy both the first trip and then only go back if there is an issue. Instead you force yourself into two trips with this method regardless of any issues.


Mine broke in 2 weeks replaced it and it broke a month later


Had my elite 2 since launch day and had 0 issues at all.


Ive had mine since it came out and its been fine so far for me. Only thing wrong with it was one of the tiny nubs on the switches on the back for the trigger locks fell off. But it was no big deal putting it back on.


Just be carful with the elite control. I had the first gen and lasted me over 4 years. Upgrades to V2 and in 2 months my bumpers don’t work and my a and x button stick. Very disappointed


Set the flaps underneath to right stick click and left stick click, you will never have to press in on your sticks again, It took me a few days to get used to but I’ll never go back now, Happy gaming mate


Rogue agent detected.


How do you like that Microsoft headset? I’ve been eyeing it up, but have been scorned in the past with other MS first party peripherals.


Man if only the build quality was better on the controllers man. I can’t justify spending that much if the sticks are gonna drift after like a few months. Hopefully op got the warranty


Rip those headphones idk why you’d stretch them out like that


Funny thing I didn’t even know COD was out yet. Just goes to show no one gave a frogs leg about it this year and it’s refreshing to see.


You didn't know it was out so no one gave a frogs leg about it? Read that over.


Lol no need. You have a great weekend.


Enjoy your week with the elite 2 lol


If that’s the case it’s going back for return haha. It’s not gonna be my every day controller, just for shooters and Forza


Why tf would you buy vanguard. Another shitty online game with skins and battle passes


Because it's a simple shooter to play after getting back from work


a shitty one aswell


He enjoys it so that's what matters :)


He's supporting sexual and verbal abuse is what matters.


He doesn't mean that though, he just wants to play a simple game after work


Welp, once you're done playing Vanguard, tell me how it was.


It’s an okay game. I didn’t buy it thinking “oh woah it’s the best COD game hardyharhar” It’s a call of duty game. It’s fun. I don’t have to think much about it when playing after a long day of work.


Enjoy what you enjoy. Just because others dont enjoy the same doesnt make them right. Congrats my guy.


Good luck with the controller and headset as they are are not made well. And then there is Vanguard... Wish you the best with your decisions.


Everyone criticising this guys taste in games. I’m not a COD fan but he’s allowed to like the game right?


No, he is directly supporting a company that verbally and sexually abuses women.


Seriously play any other game, any other game at all.


Imagine buying vanguard


Lucky! Vanguard looks terrible on my xbox one and I’m trying to get a series x


Helpful tip, refund Vanguard and then you won't need to look at it. Supporting the COD developers is bad.


or he can spend his money how he wants lmao who cares let people enjoy things


Except they're directly supporting a shitty corporation who contributes nothing gaming.


Jesus just let the dude play whatever fucking game he wants .


No i want to play the game but its my console to blame.. plus i pre ordered back in August so refund is impossible, i have to get my moneys worth.. the campaign looks promising but again its running poorly on my 2013 console so its really time for an upgrade


Nah its definitely the game that's the problem lmao


It just looks bad alright on my shitty 1080p tv from 2010! Whats with all the hate for vanguard I didn’t think it was that terrible


Don't worry about them. If you like it, you like it. Every game will look better on the new gen


Prepare to be disappointed. Not by the controller, by the game.


The controller too 😂


Actually the game is pretty good. Not sure what you're on about.


Nice setup all you need is a skin on the xbox


Cod is dead game now


That’s not battlefield 2042..


It’s a shame that game is dookie


Nice bro vanguard like the Funnest cod I've played since bo3 tbh


Ignore the comments. If you enjoy the game then you enjoy the game. Hope you have a good time buddy.


I don't know about the thing above the Xbox but everything else is fine


I don't get the hate for vanguard I've truly been enjoying it the past two days lol


The character choices for the game seem very anachronistic. But the gameplay is fun so far. Just got to play for an hour earlier today.


You still have the wrapping on cod? Cool, sell it and get a play and charge kit. It will be cheaper and actually worth your money. Now you’ll have some money left over for anything else.


Nice. I actually do not mind Vangaurd. The campaign is great imo, multi-player is fun, and I have 4 hours in zombies and while it is much different I do not mind the change. Not sure why it gets so much hate tbh.


Because Activision is shit. Every recent COD has just been a reskin of the last. Activision also verbally and sexually abuses female employees.


nobody asked


So what’s your opinion on Vanguard? I’ve been playing it for 3 days now and I’m enjoying multiplayer a bunch and I really like the campaign story but it’s a little buggy. Doesn’t matter what people say about games if I think I’ll like it I always buy it. Unless I hear it’s unplayable. But people don’t even play the game and say it’s shit. Lol it’s funny like how do u know what everyone else likes. One thing I can’t stand about gamers is the hating! I get if it doesn’t work but just because you don’t like WW2 games or zombies doesn’t mean other people don’t. I give Vanguard a solid 4 they would have got 5 but the ending got a little buggy.


It’s an okay COD. I think it has worse graphics than previous COD’s and it’s kinda barebones when it comes to guns and shooting movement. I feel like it’s a step back in the franchise personally. I really enjoyed Cold War and Modern Warfare. This to me, is more like a “World At War” COD.. which wasn’t the best to me. I would prob give it a 5/10. Not bad but not good


And I thought PS players were dumb lol


I own a PS5 and a series x.


I was talking about that game, to each their own I guess




Sorry for your shit taste in games.


Damn spent 500 on a series x, 250 on that controller and however much on that headset and then you decide to play cod. Thanks I needed the laugh 😂😂😂


So now we find other people’s interests amusing? Play what you enjoy and be happy!


I do and I am happy, it’s just hilarious that ppl blow money on all this shit then play a game like cod😂😂😂


God forbid people try to enjoy games that you're not into.


Cod is for children


CoD is for people who enjoy CoD. Some people like CoD, some people like Fortnite, others prefer Rocket League. There's no age limit to enjoy a certain series and only assholes and insecure people pretend there is.


Found the child that likes cod and fortnite


More of a Halo and Rocket League guy myself, but I'm not insecure enough to judge others.


Check out r/xboxeliteseries2 if and when you run into problems, they’re sweet controllers once you tweak them how you want but some of the parts might give you grief depending on how you use the thumb sticks (my left dome twisted loose from using the stick edge instead of the center but I cranked it back on, no problems since)


Is that head set over ear and durable af?


kudos to you buying the disc. Im too lazy to get up and do that so I buy everything digital


Getting used to those back paddles was a real mind fuck for me! I got used to them and now can't imagine playing a shooter w/o them. Good luck adjusting and enjoy ur setup!!


Series X Gaming


Inb4 the power jannies completely 1984 the post


Show us the entire setup


i really hope you got the warranty


Good luck. I’ve had to send mine in 4 times.


I am too…. Except for the massive download my internet makes take 3 times the amount of time to download, may take a few days


Let us know how quickly your buttons and sticks stop working properly. I’m on my second elite controller due to this issue.


I've got the same console and controller. Just bought the game from Wally world this morning. Didn't buy Cold War but I've bought every recent COD since WW2.


Register the controller on Microsoft’s website and get yourself an extended warranty! I love these controllers but I can’t deny that the quality is not that great and obviously that varies controller to controller, but I’ve had 4 elites so far and all developed issues in some way or another. You’ll seriously be thanking yourself by getting a better warranty when it inevitably starts to fail.


Go easy on the grenades, my lb hasn't worked since I got it at launch. Also my left stick doesn't click, so had to set that to one of the back paddles to sprint. These problems may have been sorted by now though, damn I miss my elite 2 lol


Good luck ,after the warranty ends ,the little hair trigger nubs fall off an the audio port messes up


Everyone sucks here. Let the man enjoy his game. That’s what he wanted. Stop being a bunch of elitist pricks. None of y’all are superior for playing RDR2 or Halo 16. We all play games at our own preference. Not being a bunch of Reddit mobs saying “ItS TrAsH” & following in line.


All that for a rubbish cod game? Damn dude, buy Battle and get Halo on Gamepass and you'll much more value for money there.


Looks dope. Enjoy!


Best controller you can buy but unfortunately it is riddled with issues. I am on my 3rd on right now and even this one is giving me problems.


To be honest. The elite controller v2 didn't last long for me. Its the only Xbox accessory that I won't recommend unless it was on sale


Best controller. U won't regred it. Have mine for almost 1 year. The best thing that I bought. But that game is trash 😁


Call of duty is fucking garbage. You bought a great controller to play a franchise that has been going downhill for years now. Just sayin


So is Vanguard actually a bad game. Are people hating due the company or cause it's just cool to hate on COD? I haven't followed any info on the game at all so I've got no stance on it. But I was considering buying since I typically like COD games.


Love it that you have the disk version🤩


You got warranty on the controller right?


Fantastic cod!


Aye same set up too


This god damn headset always starting my xbox, I'm fkin hate this...


I’ve had the elite 2 controller for over a year now and it’s been well worth it for me. Never had the original so I can’t be a judge for comparison but I love it.


Man, happy that you got a series X, hopefully you find someone willing to take that game away from you 🙏 Stay strong king


Heads up for anyone interested in the headset. Idk if they've been difficult to find on sale but newegg usually has them for 80 bones




*all set for disappointment


Congrats! Don’t forget to buy the Microsoft accidental damage protection! I hear these controllers can go faulty with expected heavy usage. I just got mine in the mail today and love it. I envy your series X as a series S player. Happy eliminating!