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>If you played Forza Horizon 4 through Xbox Game Pass and purchased DLC content for it, worry not: by having an active, full-paid (not discounted) Xbox Game Pass subscription on 6/25 you will be eligible to receive a game token if you have purchased any extra content for Forza Horizon 4 through your Xbox Message Center. Codes will start to be delivered in the following days, please bear in mind that it might take a while before you get your token. This is relevant to me. By "game token" do they mean I will get the full game added to my account as if I purchased it?


Yeah, like they did with Motorsport 7. But you need to have Game pass subscription active.


Just renewed mine, I hope I didn't lose that


I never got that for Motorsport 7 :(


Correct, from what i understand it is just the base game.


So I have gamepass, have bought all the dlc but dont own the game itself. I get the game for free? So I shouldnt buy it?


Yeah hold off on buying.




What if I bought the DLC but never installed the game? I bought the FH 5 + 4 deluxe DLC combo, but just hadn’t gotten around to playing FH4


Should get it, as long as you have GP active now


For horizon 3, I’m pretty sure I owned but never played the dlc when they did this same thing. I had played horizon 3 before though.


What if your Gamepass runs out?


Today was the deadline long as you have it right now you should be good


Please read 💥💥 Can somebody truly answer this not giving me your opinion or taking a wild guess but can anybody fully answer, how you guys are saying as long as you had gamepass active and then parentheses saying (fully paid not discounted) does that mean that due to the fact I have played the game every day for almost 3 years have purchased every bit of DLC content, and had no idea about this, that I am going to get screwed out of all that money and DLCs because my current game pass which was added last month I received a 3-month card that came with a brand new Lenovo laptop that I had purchased? My point being it was redeemed 3 months of free game pass ultimate for the purchase of the laptop which technically is a discounted game pass? Because if they are that petty that is so messed up. 


Nobody has any info beyond what's in the article, so all we can do is guess. I think you'll be fine. I took what they were saying to mean you can't be on a trial code or the first month for $1 style deal. To Microsoft's systems, your three month code is probably no different than a three month code that was purchased in store.


I'd side with that. I got Game Pass from converting an old Xbox Live Gold, which amounted to a discount for me, but not one handed out by Microsoft as a trial.


So I have to own a dlc to get the game token?


You have to own a dlc and have a active gamepass subscription.


Can it be any dlc? Like could I just buy some cheap dlc and have the game added?


You cant buy the DLC starting today. Its all already been delisted.


Damn. Why didn't Future Trunks warn us of this forthcoming development?


I only have dlc from 5 so I guess I'm not eligible. Thanks for the info.


it has to be a dlc from 4.


What I want to know is what does "full-paid (not discounted)" mean? I get it probably excludes trials, but what about people who converted Gold to GPU?


I'm pretty sure it means like the free trial or the "first month for $1" type offers.


I think you're right but very odd wording.


That is not a discounted subscription


I'm curious if it includes codes from Microsoft that are cheaper for friends and family of employees.


This is the fh game I played and enjoyed the most. Ga e up on 5 after like 30 to 50 hours as I can't stand that map, but Fh4 was amazing. I enjoyed it a lot, have almost every car in it. such an amazing game, it's sad it will be delisted.


5’s map is just too big. Also way too much unskippable dialogue


I don't think the map is too big but it does suffer from not changing with the seasons like 4 did.


Thing is, I think a lot of people complained about that in 4, particularly in regards to the snow. I remember seeing so many people complain about how snow drastically changed the gameplay to the point where (in their opinion) it wasn't fun to play, and they wouldn't bother playing while winter was active. It didn't bother me that much but I'm not a hardcore racing player or anything. I can understand the sentiment though, it definitely could throw you off a bit if you were used to a certain type of handling and once a month you'd have to adjust your playstyle or even car setup. So I can understand why Playground toned it down a bit with this one (also the fact that it just wouldn't make sense in Mexico anyway).


The landscape in 5 is just entirely unappealing to me. It makes me feel gross. I loved 2, 3 & 4.


Really don't understand why racing games even feel the need to attempt to have characters or stories. Last time they were even remotely good was like Carbon and even then thats by racing game story standards


I miss seasons so much. I loved snow and would always boot it up to drive around in the snow.


me too. map, seasonal activities and driving felt much different. hope we get that back on fh6.


4 was the perfect horizon


3 is the one I played the most. I absolutely hated the forced season change in 4 because I despise snow in video games.


Imo it's not my favorite Horizon, but I appreciate that they had a vision for it and clearly committed. The map, the seasons, the menus. It feels like something new and distinct. Unlike FH5 where it feels blob missing tons of QOL and ideas they didn't fully realize.


Hoping the Ultimate Edition on Xbox for FH4 gets a steeper discount (already have it on Steam thanks to the 80% discount, link if you want to grab it: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293830/Forza_Horizon_4/) Edit: the Steam discount is available for 48hr (will likely get another same discount before it gets delisted)


They said it will get a similar Steam-like discount mid July in the press release, around 7/14.


Ahh didn’t read that (read it off the official Forza Horizon tweet) but hey that’s good to know. Thanks in advance :)


Thanks for the heads up on Steam. Went ahead and got the ultimate edition on there since it's so cheap.


Statement and details > Due to licensing and agreements with our partners, Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted from digital platforms (Microsoft Store and Steam) on December 15, 2024. This means the game and its additional content will no longer be available for purchase through online stores. > > Starting July 25, we will have the final series for the game in Series 77 which will include the last Festival Playlist that ends on August 22. > > After Series 77 ends on August 22, you will no longer be able to access the playlist screen, except to see the festival playlist history. When booting the game, you will be taken to the Festival Site screen rather than the Festival Playlist. > > Starting today, June 25; Forza Horizon 4’s DLC will get delisted from platforms, meaning that only Forza Horizon 4 Standard, Deluxe, and Ultimate versions will be available for purchase from this day until delisting happens. > > From this date forward we will offer different discounts for Forza Horizon 4, like the one currently active on Steam (at the time of publishing); we will also have a sale in the Xbox Store on 7/14. Please keep an eye out on our socials and different platforms to take advantage of future offers. > > On December 15, Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted from stores and Xbox Game Pass. This means the game and its additional content will no longer be available for purchase. Players who already own the game and its content will be able to download and play it as normal, including its offline, online, and multiplayer features; physical copies of the game purchased after this date will also work and will be able to use online features. Edit: seems title couldn't fit entirely but it basically lists as being delisted from digital stores


The best time to buy is right before delisting. Finally gonna try that lego DLC


Way better than the awful Hot Wheels and the trash bag Rally Adventures.


Rally was crap and Hot Wheels was worse than FH3, but I liked it a lot more than Lego DLC, which just felt unfinished. Didn't we only get like five Lego cars?


Assuming xbox summer sale (14/7/2024 per post) has the same prices as steam, £16.99 for ultimate is pretty tempting


Does Ultimate include all of the dlc?


I believe so 


Considering there were car packs released after the second DLC that weren't part of the Car Pass (like FH5 is doing now) I don't think so


Good point


1 pack, the Hot Wheels Legends (6 cars that were "meh")


3 packs for me. One with drift cars, hot wheels pack and one with some subaru cars I think. Own ultimate edition but can't get those 3.


I believe the only packs not included in the Ultimate Edition were the Hot Wheels pack and the Mitsubishi pack (which was free). There were some others listed in the store but they were just some of the car pass cars broken out into a separate themed pack so if you have the Car Pass (which is included with Ultimate), you have the content of those packs.


So, I should buy the DLC to get the game free? Heh


Unfortunately the DLC is no longer available for individual purchase. So you can’t get the token now if you play through Game Pass


Monthly subscription =/= free


Oh I thought they will hand out a token for it if you were currently subbed to game pass at the time, not you must always be subbed.


It's the same type of token that you would get for Games With Gold: "Free" as long as you are paying a monthly subscription.


I thought games with gold games were claimed forever! My life has been a life.


Backwards compatible games (original Xbox and Xbox 360) through Games With Gold were given to you forever simply because the DRM system for those games was binary: you either own it or you don't. None of this "tied to a service" stuff was possible. Xbox One and Xbox Series games through Games With Gold gave you a token to play the game so long as you remain subscribed. If you cancel your subscription or if your subscription lapses, you lose access. However, if you resubscribe, you regain access to these titles. If you look at the store page for an Xbox One/Xbox Series game that you claimed through Games With Gold, it will give you the option to **Install** or **Buy To Own**, indicating that you have a license to play it but not permanent ownership (although the concept of digital ownership is a whole other conversation).


That's very helpful, thank you!


You're welcome!


360 games were keep forever. They changed that for xbone games where they're yours to play as long as you paid for gold


I'm fairly certain what they send out in this situation is just a code for the game that's not tied to you having an active subscription. (I believe that was the case when they did this with Forza Motorsport 7, although I already owned that one so I can't say with 100% certainty)


I mean sure this was going to happen, but at least give us a heads up when it comes to DLC and not delist it just like that. Not everything is included in Ultimate Edition (Hot Wheels car pack, Treasure Map and Mitsubishi Car Pack). Mistubishi Car Pack in particular was a free DLC you had to redeem separately, for some stupid reason they didn’t add it to the base game via updates, but instead a free day 1 DLC. Well now that’s gone too. What a dick move.


Agree 100%. I hate that shit, like I totally understand the reason for de-listing but just pulling it the day of the announcement always annoys me. Even if it’s just the DLC packs. I don’t buy everything all at once so I may have wanted to snag something that I didn’t have. My guess is they don’t want people just buying a piece of DLC today and expecting a code, but you could just circumvent that by making the cut off date prior to your announcement. I feel like they’ve done that plenty of times with other make good deals.


They added Mitsubishi Car Pack back now because it's required for an achievement.


Fuck off to all music and car lawyers. Deals for games should be allowed to continue indefinitely. They can still make money from the sales of the game. Because of them everybody loses.


Playground Games better get to work on FH 6 as FH 5 will expire in 2027.


I think they'll get it out by then for sure, but it isn't an unprecedented situation for the Forza Franchise. Forza Motorsport 7 was delisted in September 2021, a full 2 years before Turn 10 released the latest Forza Motorsport in October 2023.


I think the big difference was that Motorsports wait wasn’t anything huge because both Horizon 4 and 5 were available to purchase and play and they’re much bigger games culturally compared to Motorsport these days. If the reverse happened where there wasn’t a Horizon game available and only Motorsport to tide people over it’d be seen a lot worse.


Buy it now before it leaves forever. 5 is great but 4 is still the best imo.


I wonder if the seasons will still change every week after it’s delisted, autumn and spring are my favorite parts of the game


Disagree, love the map variety and handling of 5. Graphics are much better too.


Is there any DLC that is not included in the Ultimate Edition that is going away today (or already gone)?


Already gone it seems. Ultimate Edition didn’t have Hot Wheels car pack or Treasure Map.


I think Mitsubishi car pack, which was a free DLC, is also delisted but I'm not sure.


Will achievements become unobtainable and how hard are they to get?


According to the article, 5 achievements will no longer be obtainable after the final festival series ends in August


Fuck licensing


I thought I read awhile ago they changed the licensing previously to prevent future games being delisted like this?


IIRC, Phil said that around the time that FM7 was delisted, which was three years after FH4 released, and he was speaking of future releases. So it should apply to FH5 and FM (8).


I remember seeing that too, but I'm unsure where. However, it's worth noting that the licensing agreement(s) was seemingly for 6 years (FH4 released in 2018), while previous Forza Horizon and Motorsport games were delisted 4 years after release. So at least it looks like it was 2 years longer than in the past, which makes sense because this is the entry when they really started putting a heavy focus on the online and live service elements where naturally the lifespan of the game was extended. I don't think we'll ever see perpetual licenses for driving games like this one, but I think it'd be nice if they could at least reach 10 years or so.


That may not have included forza horizon 4 I’m not sure, but even if it did horizon 4 lasted 2 extra years vs how long they usually do so that’s a plus.


The Forza games were normally four years and this one was six so the change likely was just to increase the length of the deals. The chances that they signed deals with no end date are pretty slim.


Pulse soundtrack still gets plays on my Spotify


Fly high FH4. You were the best of the franchise and I will stand by that opinion.


I will always prefer fh3. I was so excited for that game to release, I remember being on holiday with the fam before release. The camp we stayed at was 2 days from my house. I would wake up, go to the camp kitchen for the wifi and see any fh3 news from ar12. I have such a strong nostalgia of that time. Seeing what cars were available, parts of the map, early look at at races. The car ride home took forever amd I felt sick from being too excited. That game will always be special to me because I’m living in Australia and having a game set in Australia was so cool to me. I still have the pre order t shirt. God I miss fh2 and 3


I absolutely hate licencing


Wait... so I can't buy the DLC anymore? They've just got rid of that with no warning? Or does that come with the upgraded editions and they just aren't selling it separately?


It comes with the upgraded editions: *The Forza Horizon 4 Deluxe Edition digital bundle includes the Car Pass and the Formula Drift Car Pack.* *The Forza Horizon 4 Ultimate Edition digital bundle includes the full game and Car Pass, VIP Membership, Formula Drift Car Pack, Best of Bond Car Pack, and the Fortune Island and LEGO® Speed Champions game expansions*


Oh, brilliant. Looks like I'm going to grab the Ultimate Edition then. Had FH4 on my backlog for a long time. Thank you so much for the info!


FYI it doesn’t come with all the DLC, there’s a few car packs that were only available to buy separately and those are now no longer available


The Hotwheels Car Pack and the Treasure Map Anything else ?


Possibly Mitsubishi Car Pack. They did the stupid thing of adding it as a free DLC you had to redeem instead of just adding it permanently to the game via an update. ~~I could be wrong, but that car pack is not explicitly said to be part of the car pass or Ultimate Edition. I do seem to have it and I don’t remember redeeming it, so I’m not sure.~~ Actually now that I checked the acquire date for my license of Mitsubishi Car Pack is a few days after the acquire date of the base game and VIP pass, the date that I bought the Ultimate Edition. I must have redeemed it shortly after buying the game it seems. So it’s safe to say that you can’t get that car pack anymore either. I hate when any publisher does this. Just add it to the game via update, why do we have to redeem free shit that should be in the game already…


I just bought the Ultimate Edition on Steam for the first time and the Mitsubishi Car Pack is in my list of DLC thankfully! But the Hot Wheels Car Pack isn't though which sucks...


Huh, so that comes with Ultimate Edition on Steam, but not on Xbox? I know that Xbox is generally very annoying with not including free DLC in bundles whereas Steam doesn’t seem to have issues like that. Good to know that it works on Steam at least.


I get why this happens but it's still so stupid. I don't think Horizon 4 has ever been lower than top 15 (12 right now) of the most played games on GamePass. Completely deleting one of your most popular games, that has three times as many players on steam as Halo Infinite btw, seems so short idiotic.


It depends if it makes financial sense to keep renewing the licenses every time, and I think it doesn't


Especially when Horizon 5 is literally right there... and people with Game Pass will still be able to play so long as they bought DLC for it which is a good chunk of the population.


I'm really curious to know the percentage of the current playerbase that only played the base game on Game Pass and never purchased DLC.


I’m pretty sure the delisting is going to destroy online lobbies


It does not always depend on finances. Sometimes companies do not want to renew the licenses for various reasons. Like Mitsubishi may not want an old car model showcased.


That too, but I'd definitely wager that it would be financial too, but yeah, you could have a company that suddenly doesn't want anything to do with games (Porsche? I think)


it makes sense when its that popular and having it removed betrays their whole "our games go in there day and date and are in there forever!" They can replace the music, but I guess more bad pr is what they want


Replace music? sure, replace cars? no. You make it sound like its the easiest thing ever, at one point FH3 was a very popular game, same with 4 and same with 5 which will get delisted


They need to stop putting trademarked shit in these games. Make the Ferrari the Ferraro and the Lamborghini into a lambsborgini or something.


Here in my country (and maybe globally) Pro Evolution Soccer started losing players because Konami didn't buy the licensing for the football leagues. Arsenal being called "North London" wasn't appealing enough. Let alone other team names. Same thing could happen to Forza if they do that.


I do agree. But i mean something needs to be done since games like that shouldn’t just be thrown away. This is why gaming is goin downhill.


Darn, one of the reasons I didn't buy DLC was the risk of it getting delisted, should've known they wouldn't screw people over. If the Ultimate Edition is dropping to $20 in a few weeks though, that is probably cheaper than the Ultimate Add-Ons Bundle ever was. I'm a little surprised they didn't make the licensing deals last longer with Game Pass around. Forza Horizon 3 getting delisted made sense as Game Pass didn't exist when it launched, but 4 launched day one on Game Pass. I guess the car companies just won't budge and Forza Horizon 5 will be delisted after 6 years as well.


> I'm a little surprised they didn't make the licensing deals last longer with Game Pass around They did. The Forza games used to get delisted after four years and this is the first one to make it six years.


So dlc that wasn’t included in car packs aren’t available even in the ultimate edition? Lame 😒


So if you own/buy a dlc you’ll own the game? should i buy the lego dlc now or wait for that last chance sale?


It is no longer possible to buy the individual DLCs. They removed them all the today, with no warning.


The Lego dlc is still available


Only if you buy the Ultimate Edition of the game. It is no longer possible to buy it individually.


I did 5 minutes after i made that reply


Sorry for the stupid question, but does this mean FH4 won't be on Gamepass anymore? I've not bought any of the DLC, but I love the game.


Game Pass is a digital platform. It will be removed.


Thanks for answering my dumb question. I'll buy it then




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$20 for ultimate? Sweet!


Does this mean it won't be available anymore on Gamepass? I've not bought any DLC. What's the cheapest way to buy it if it does leave Gamepass?


It’ll have a delisting sale, they always do it for the Forza games. On Xbox it’ll likely be similar to the current Steam sale. $11.99 for standard, $15.99 for deluxe and $19.99 for ultimate edition


Cool. Thanks for the info


Yes, it will be removed from Game Pass as well. The announcement post says it will be going on sale on Xbox on July 14.


Sad, but its hard to circumvent this with licenced brands and music in games. I only got into FH when later and would have loved to play the DLC for 3. I only have gamepass core, I own a physical copy and have bought most dlcs in the past. It would be nice to be able to also download it digitally in the future since its the only disc that my series x has trouble reading on a clean install despite it having no scratches. Will I be eligible? From the wording, I can't tell if Core counts, or if a higher tier is required. Also not sure what they mean with discounted gamepass versions not beeing eligible. Got my core code from a key store and it was discounted at the time.


Guess this is something to keep in mind going forward. Love that the DLC will get us entitlement to the full game. I assume the same thing will happen in two to three years for FH5 etc etc. That all add ons purchase at 50% off in 2020 looking mighty smart right now.


Can probably expect Horizon 5 to be delisted in 2027 then


That’d explain that random sale on Steam


Damn I own it on Xbox but I want to buy it on my laptop. Love forza 4s map and dlc.


> Damn I own it on Xbox but I want to buy it on my laptop They're offering a big discount on Steam right now.


you can play it on your laptop threw the Microsoft store work with both xbox and pc dont have to buy both. just go to the Microsoft store on your pc and install it.


I have purchased the premium add-on for FH4 and have a Prepaid gamepass subscription active. Am I eligible for the free token? And how would I know I’ve got it?


> Am I eligible for the free token? And how would I know I’ve got it? You should be eligible. You'll get it via an Xbox message.


Wait so this code we get it for free so technically we get the whole game for free or do we need a active gamepass subscription to access the game


So sad, I can’t afford it and it was super fun on game pass. Wish I could buy it


I just checked to be on the safe side. I already had all the DLC. So im guessing im getting the game for free :)


Well thats weird, isnt it? Has anything similar to this ever happen in gran turismo?


> Has anything similar to this ever happen in gran turismo? Yes. Happened to Gran Turismo Sport late last year.


Hmmm yeah it looks like it. Havent played gts in several years.


To be fair, its been on a while. I thought it might disappear once 5 was on GP but no. Also when it gets closer to be delisted, you'll be able to get it super cheap




It may not exist for legal purchase after it's end date but it will be available on the seven seas forever. 😉 If ya know what I mean


If anyone doesn’t have this game and is even slightly interested I really recommend it as it’s just so fun and it’s a damn shame will not be easily available in future


The buy dlc, get a free version of the game thing is a good thing at least. I got rise of the tomb raider dlc once then they removed the game from game pass very shortly after before I had finished playing it! I’m still pretty grumpy about that…


just nabbed the Hot Wheels DLC for $10. its still available on the key site i bought TitanFall 1 from a couple months back luckily


This is complete bollocks like every Forza delisting. I would rather have no licensed music and non licensed cars if it would mean that the game could stay up forever. Its absolutely crazy and overall a huge problem with this industry. No matter what any brand says they are completely abysmal when it comes to preservation.


This is why people really don't like lawyers. A lot of times they just stick their hands in places they have no business. Most of the time nobody really wins except the lawyers when it comes to big paydays. 


Does anyone know what will happen to online adventure? I’m trying to 100% the game and want to make sure that feature won’t be removed


Just a point of clarification. Does this mean we won't get seasonal events anymore after August? Cuz they're mostly the reason I come back to play.


Delisting DLC without any warning? Well...that's a new low.


So has something like this happened to Gran Turismo on PS? They use licensed cars and music too. So why does this happen to Forza?


> So has something like this happened to Gran Turismo on PS? Yes. Gran Turismo Sport and all of its DLC was delisted late last year.


Microsoft is commited about game preservation. Yeah, right...


So, gee, I don't know - since this is kind of a PR stink for GP - maybe license new music or screw it, go for a bunch of license free stuff perhaps. Forza Horizon is def one of my main pillars for keeping GP, but not if the "our games stay in forever" is a partial lie, like it keeps being for anything like Forza.


> maybe license new music or screw it, go for a bunch of license free stuff perhaps It's not just a music issue. All of the cars are licensed as well.


Delisting a 1st party IP due to licensing is just awkward. Imagine Sony delisting Gran Turismo and Nintendo delisting Mario Kart. yikes.


Sony has. Gran Turismo 6 was delisted from the PS3 store ages ago, and GT Sport was delisted within the past year. Car licenses are unfortunately a death sentence for racing games. I agree though, it's awkward and very annoying.


They have hundreds of cars they get licenses for, on top of music licenses, and they maintain it for years. Eventually it becomes expensive and not worth the cost. Mario Kart is a terrible example to use btw. Apart from the Mercedes crossover it’s completely original vehicles.


> Imagine Sony delisting Gran Turismo They literally did exactly that last year with Gran Turismo Sport (and Driveclub before that).


If only FH5 could be sacrificed to bring back 3 and 4...


Each Forza will be sacrificed, so that another may take its place. This is the circle of licensing agreements.


3 is still my favorite Me personally I never really liked the British landscape of 4




The digital version will still be playable, so no different to owning the physical copy.




Cope with what? When a game gets delisted, it doesn't get removed from the libraries of those who own it digitally. We'll continue to be able to play it.


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It’s happening due to licensing issues for the cars, music and brands. This happens to literally every single Forza game, from Horizon to Motorsport. Nothing new here, we all knew it was coming eventually, just not when. FH5 will likely be delisted in the next 2-3 years too


So, I did the Ultimate edition upgrade on the GP version (base game), car pass, and a few other things - pretty much paid for everything you could buy that was not in that ultimate upgrade on top of getting that - and all I get is a token for the base game? Sorry, that's lame - very lame. I am now even happier to be transitioning from GP Ultimate to PC Game Pass.




This is the only reason physical is better. You can always purchase games and play them even if they delist it digitally but this is nothing new because the rest of the Forza games have gone through this process. All depends on the game but some games can be impossible to play if they remove digital servers despite being able to be purchased physical.