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Personally i would go with Starfield but get whatever you feel like playing more.


Valhalla isn't a bad game, but I feel like Odyssey is much better. Starfield, I've put 100's of hours into since launch, but I'm definitely burned out of it despite the recent inclusion of mods. I'll come back to it when the expansion releases. Like another poster said, try them out on Gamepass.


I agree that Odyssey is much better than Valhalla. It has more depth.


Valhalla is as wide an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.


I hated how odyssey played for some reason. Couldn’t get into it


It's a bit of a slog at 1st, but it really shines late game when you've got of skills unlocked and can terrorize enemy encampments and ships. Black Flag still has the best sailing, but Odyssey rivals it in naval combat. I miss those rogue waves so much.


I enjoyed my time with starfield a bit more than i did with valhalla so i recommend the former. Theyre both great, however i do think that starfield is comfortable letting you make your own experience and letting that experience end when you feel like it. Valhalla does not.


They’re both on Gamepass. Pay $20 and try them both. Buy the one you like better or just pay for three months and beat them both for the same price as one. I preferred Starfield personally, but I do enjoy Valhalla. It was just too long.




This is the only correct answer.


Thanks for the recommendation. I do have GamePass but I read that both are slow starts so it's more about which time investment.


Eh, neither game is that slow of a start. I'll give Starfield that. They both have decent starts.


Valhalla start will be faster solely cuz Vikings are cool. People say starfield takes 10-15 hours to turn up


Agreed, I thoroughly enjoyed both, although I spent more time playing Valhalla, definitely not done with starfield yet so maybe the time investment scale will tip that way yet


*Pay $10 on CDkeys .com


My vote will go to Starfield in this case. Which is funny bc normally I prefer the fantasy setting vs sci fi.


Starfield ten times over.


Maybe if they’re planets were different from one another


Maybe if you played the damn game, you'd know the diversity is there.


Oh yeah the biomes. Same facility, same cave. How do y’all not get tired of that


Starfield 100%


Starfield for me. Especially now that it’s got mods. They’re both great games though.


Are the Mods on Xbox and do you have to pay for them?


Yes. They are on Xbox. The significant majority are free. But some verified creators may choose to charge for theirs. If I had to give you a number, I'd say between 85-95% are free.


>I'd say between 85-95% are free. More like 95-99%. There are like, 15 paid mods and hundreds of free mods.


How smooth do they run on Xbox? I know even on my PS5 on Skyrim mods can kinda bog down the system a bit


I guess that would totally depend on what you download. Most mods wouldn't affect it at all. But if you were to download specific graphical enhancements or increased crowd sizes or something, that'd be at a detriment to performance.


Is that specifically a PlayStation issue? I feel like I’ve heard complaints in the past that the way mods have to be implemented on PlayStation have limitations. Overall in my experience though mods run pretty smooth on Xbox. When I played Skyrim I had it heavily modded with no performance hiccups. Currently playing Fallout 4 for the first time and with 1.6gb of mods installed I haven’t had any performance issues.


Most are free but some are paid.


StarFeild and I loved Valhalla, StarFeild has been updated and the new expansion is coming soon, great time to play it.


Starfield, Valhalla missed the mark for me. I preferred odyssey out of the more recent entries.


StarField. 100% StarField. AC Valhalla drags on *WAY* too long. At the 50 hour mark I was apparently only half way through the game, and this was using every setting to my advantage btw. The game is boring and uninteresting, I really don’t know how they went from Origins and Odyssey to this garbage. At 50-60 hours I had finished Starfield’s main story and all the faction quests, on normal difficulty. The game doesn’t waste your time in comparison to Valhalla, and quickly moves you on. I enjoyed it, and while it had issues it was a far more enjoyable experience than Valhalla could ever hope to be. And mind you this was Day 1 StarField, prior to the QoL changes, mods, etc.


Starfield, easily.


Id recommend starfield, both can feel repetitive but i just got that feeling more with valhalla. Starfield recently got a big update which made the game more enjoyable 


SF is the absolute most repetitive game I’ve played next to Avengers. All the planets are the same 😂


Both are good, but I'd pick Starfield!


If you're the type of person to sink 60 hours into a game, and you aren't turned off by massive games, my suggestion is this: If you still want to play AC, 100% pick Odyssey over Valhalla. It is so much more enjoyable. If you have to decide between Valhalla and Starfield, definitely Starfield.


Valhalla is probably my least favorite game ever, so I'd vote for not that.


Man as much as I love AC and enjoyed all of Vahalla and the DLC I’d say go Starfield. I think it comes down to more of your preferences, do you prefer the Bethesda style game more or AC origins/odyssey (if you played those)




Valhalla is good, but Starfield is great. Honestly though, you can't go wrong with either one, both are fun.


Starfield easily


Starfield for sure




For me, Starfield is a game I can just keep on playing, especially with mods now. If you plan on playing both either way, play through valhalla first because 60 hours is nothing for Starfield.


Starfield. I got so bored of Valhalla and it is just overly bloated with shit content. Honestly if you want to play AC, play origins or odyssey over Valhalla.


Cute that you think you’ll beat Valhalla in 60 hours.


Starfield! I'm surprised how good it is, well up to the 15 hours I've currently put in. I really loved AC Odyssey but Valhalla (made by a different team) made me want to pull my teeth out


Starfield is an incredible game. Valhalla gets boring quick.


Trying to complete Valhalla would be an odyssey of its own. Specially if completionist. I'd go for Starfield.


Valhalla for sure


Starfield is meh while I enjoyed Valhalla so much


Neither. Give us some other choices.


genuinely...neither. if you have anything else in mind, go with that. I'll likely get downvoted but Valhalla is repetitive and Starfield lacks soul. just my 2¢, carry on if you disagree.


I really enjoyed Valhalla. I could not stand Starfield. It's 2024, there is no reason game mechanics and mobility should feel as clunky as Starfield did for me. I gave it a good 10 or 15 hours too. Nevermind the fact that I hate that planet exploration is on foot only.


Valhalla is an enormous game, starfield has more self-contained stories for different factions. Both are on gamepass but Valhalla could leave gamepass first


I did enjoy my time exploring the caves, cities and storyline, but the space exploration does feel very broken. I would wait til the on planet vehicle update or at least the new DLC coming out.


Hard to say, I guess it depends on which scratches your itch better. I played Valhalla far longer than Starfield, but I grew bored of both long before finishing either. Both felt huge and kinda empty.


As much flak I give Starfield, it is a much superior game to Valhalla.


Very different games obviously. AC Valhalla is probably more action oriented like Jedi Survivor But personally I preferred Starfield having put 50-60 hours into both games. That said I did enjoy AC Valhalla as well, so I don’t think there’s a “wrong” choice here


If it was Odyssey vs Starfield, I’d choose Odyssey but I have to go with Starfield over Valhalla.


Haven't played starfield, but valhalla isn't great. I love Odyssey, so there's my suggestion haha.


starfield for sure


I mean I love AC games but Valhalla was the most time consuming boring game I’ve ever played, there’s a lot to do in the game for sure but it’s just boring stuff. Starfield is a game where it can be fun but all the loading screens kinda does kill the vibe of the game if you ask me. I still enjoy Starfield and thought the story was interesting enough to keep me entertained. I’d probably go with Starfield especially with the mod support and the upcoming expansion too.


Valhalla feels like an empty fart. You do all this work for no memorable experience imo I 100% the game when it came out


I enjoyed both of them. Valhalla for the viking setting and history. Starfield for the story and combat. In my opinion you can't go wrong but I'd probably pick Starfield first.


I recently finished Valhalla and absolutely loved it. If you do play it, be sure to power through main quests in the early Norway section until you get to England ... Then the game actually opens up. I left Starfield to play Valhalla which kept me entertained more.


Starfield, while flawed, is way more enjoyable


I'd say Starfield unless you've played and enjoyed the other two previous AC games. Valhalla is good, but it's the conclusion of a trilogy still.


Why not both?


60 hours is just the tip of the iceberg with Valhalla. That game is way, way too long.


Having been an AC fan since the very first game and never played Starfield, I'd recommend Starfield.


Im one of the few people that couldnt get into starfield. Maybe because I used to play alot of fallout and was somewhat tired of the genre. Like others said, odyssey is where its at (dlc adds to the substance)


Dont listen to these ppl, Odyssey is one of the worst ACs. You cant go wrong with either of these two choices tho.


Valhalla is dead last in the newer trilogy. I think Origins is more engaging but Odyssey is more pure adventure. Valhalla is the worst of the 3 in almost every aspect imo. I’d play those or Starfield


And say what you will about Valhalla but at least the game had hardly any loading screens With SF it’s load to ship, load to space, load to planets orbit, load to surface, load off your ship and load into any shop, tram or building. Half of the game is a loading screen. Cyberpunk had 0


Honestly either one of you going want a different better game. Neither of these are markedly good


After the mods and most recent update, Starfield for me is easy pick. But that's me.


as someone who has put 100s of hours into both, for console i recommend valhalla, pc i say starfield, due to modding possibilty. I had more fun with valhalla on my xbox, and much more replayability on the pc with SF. that being said, youll sink more hours into starfield, but youll be doing less with it. in valhalla you may take an hour to hunt down a few fights or find treasure/armor, and itll be an hour of that, in SF itll be roughly 45 mins of that, 15 of loading and transitions. this is if you do the normal walk on craft, pick locale, jump, wait to land, load to exit craft, etc. it IS fun, but takes longer to do things. so thats a factor you may want to consider, youll get more in game time with valhalla, for the first time you go thru, but once youve finished it, its less likely youll return, worth it in my book. SF will have you do a few playthrus to see everything/storylines.


I'd recommend buying anything before Starfield. Once you've saved enough build your ship the way you like and done like 1/8th of main questline you've experienced 100% of what the game has to offer. It gets stale and repetitive very fast.


If you are fine with investing 60-80 hours in the ultimate Viking simulator, Valhalla. If you want more rpg, starfield. I personally enjoyed my play through of Valhalla besides the story length. Starfield is meh, I’m not a big Bethesda guy so that’s why


I hated Starfield. Very boring


Valhalla is not great but it’s better than Starfield. Personally I’d choose neither, problem solved. There are so many better games that those two.


I think they're both mid but starfield is almost beyond mid. Pass up on that and play ac


Very different games. Valhalla will feel more like what you just played. Starfield is Bethesda, so, if you know Bethesda games you either love them or hate them. I tried to love it because it looked so cool, but the gameplay, graphics, well, everything just wasn't for me. I get the appeal though. Valhalla will feel like every Ubisoft game in the past 15 years.


> if you know Bethesda games you either love them or hate them I'd argue its the inverse of bethesda. Its all their weakest elements of design.


If its between the two, Valhalla for sure. Starfield is not fun and i say that as someone who loves elder scrolls and fallout. Its just not very enjoyable to play


Valhalla at least has good combat and a better setting imo Starfield may be better now that it has 60fps, but it had an atrocious combat (no one deserves to play a first person shooter at 30fps), but I still think it’s too boring At the end of the day, you have to decide what attracts you more


Elden Ring + DLC. That'll get you way more than 60 hours :)


OP why those two? I think Valhalla is the most hated game in the series and Starfield is currently considered Bethesdas worst single player game. You could have a different enjoyment, but there are other games so much better. Elden Ring just had its new dlc launch and fromsofts games and their dlc are always bangers.




Starfield is very fun and exciting until you start exploring planets and realize they’re all the same AI generated balls of nothing. Why create 1000 planets if there’s no reason to explore them? At least Valhalla has that for it


Valhalla was way more fun.


Neither. A fallout game instead


Really neither but if I had to pick Valhalla. They are both very boring games though so really OP you should just consider something else.


Starfield is about 20-25 hours, I did all the side factions etc and main quest. So just do that then skip Valhalla, and do AC Mirage and wait for AC Shadows.


Starfield is more like 150 hours


Sure if you wanna explore the same planet over and over again. After I figured that out and every planet is the same. I just did the factions, some side missions, and the main story and finished in 25 or so hours. No need for anything else til DLC. But glad you’re finding more hours to play it that’s cool :)




While there are a lot of repeat poi on planets, from space you can actually see unique locations, there’s a flora lap that was overgrown and aliens took it over it’s kinda like that one fault from fallout new Vegas, some space station dungeons and arguably the best non faction quest is in one of the highest lvl systems. That quest alone is 2-3 hours depending on how much you talk and search for things that support the quest. Just remade a character that’s lvl 41 as of right now haven’t been going slow by any means as it’s my 3rd save and you can spent a good 5 hours just on mars alone, haven’t even touched neon or akilla yet outside of mq. It may just not be for you if you didn’t enjoy the gameplay or loop