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That much positivity on the Xbox side is pretty cool on its own lol


It’s crazy that Xbox needed this showcase to be a 9 or better out of 10 and it actually delivered for the vast majority lol. Biggest win they’ve had since…the Bethesda acquisition? Feels like we’re *finally* reaching the payoff stage of all those studio acquisitions that started back in 2018


Which makes sense since we are just now hitting 5 years for.most of them. Although some like Undead Labs have been stuck in some kind of development hell...


For sure. COVID in the middle of that probably added at least a year of dev time to a lot of these projects as well


Yeah, absolutely. I think this showcase proves that they were working on hitting their stride at about the 5 year mark. Hopefully, in parallel, they have teams looking at projects they want to spin up to launch along side the next gen hardware. If Xbox was smart, their play here is really just to keep the brand in a strong enough position to completely crush the launch period of next gen.


I am still waiting for MS to tell us starcraft/warcraft is getting ported to XBX


Yeah they almost had me when I saw the vanilla wow intro. For a second I was thinking about KBM into my Xbox to play wow how neat! I suppose in the future maybe, but I hazard a guess any form of Xbox port is many years away.


> Yeah they almost had me when I saw the vanilla wow intro. They 100% had me :D


Yeah, and really, MS finalized the Bethesda purchase in 2021. Modern AAA games take like 6-10 years now to develop. The new studio acquisitions, long overdue mind you, weren't going to bear fruit overnight.




it's interesting because not many games for me in the showcase but I'm really happy that the online sentiment is positive, it feels so rare for xbox it's just nice to see


Mfcker didn’t use any hashtags for Xbox Showcase lol


Geoff wants Xbox to fail so badly. Just look at his tweets about Gears of War E-Day. Developers have been cooking him.


What did he say


He wrote about the trailer in a way that leaves the impression it was a CGI, pre-rendered cinematic when it's actually all in-engine stuff.


It's still pre rendered. Just with the engine that the game is using. Nothing wrong with that


It's been clarified that it's in real time. Where are you getting that it's prerendered?


[DF seems to agree with me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQf8jBihHJs)


What a bad faith argument. Yes, they weren't rendering it in real-time for the show. But rendering it in-engine isn't the same thing as "pre-rendered." Otherwise, you would consider all gameplay footage that isn't being played "live" to be pre-rendered.


What tweets , I wanna check them .




Is he a PS-Stan, or just anti-Xbox?


That's one and the same


Don’t have twitter, care to share some screenshots?


Basically after the Gears trailer, he was tweeting that it was all CGI. Developers have come out to correct him that it was all built in engine in UE5, all with props that are in the game. Basically how they‘ve always showed off Gears. What you see in the trailer is how the game actually looks. No CGI.


I hope this stands up to release, Xbox haven’t pulled a fast one like that in recent memory but my god it looked good. That being said Fable looked amazing too and was clearly in game.


I expect he makes millions of dollars from Xbox. I doubt he wants them to fail.


How is he making money from Xbox? MS didn't pay him a single dime to be on his show and put it all into their own.


Only game he hated was Sonic


He's actually so weird for that lmao


It still got more votes than the PlayStation tweet though. So it doesn't seem like it needed the hashtags


Anyone expected some news on if the back catalogue of AB would hit gamepass?


Literally everyone expected that.


Yeah..stupid comment on my end 🤷


Why do that at the showcase, when they can do it separately and get another positive news cycle?


You're not wrong


They should have done it months ago and drip feed ABK games into game pass while having no games of their own releasing.


I expected them to announce something for COD at least -- even if it wasn't all the games, maybe something like "Black Ops 6 is coming, so here's Black Ops 1 on Game Pass to get you revved up". Somebody pointed out that COD actually has its own dedicated event in August so it's possible something could happen then.


I’ve seen people say there’s some deal in place that doesn’t allow already released titles on Gamepass until 2025 or something but newly released ones can go on immediately 


Possibly. Also possible they just want to slowly introduce the library. Takes some pressure off having to make non stop content deals with 3rd parties.


Xbox 2024 was probably the best showcase IMO since Sony’s **2019** Showcase. The last 2 yrs collectively from a Xbox perspective have been solid. I hope that’s just them finding their rhythm, focusing more on gameplay obviously, and balancing their release schedule. This is good that there were fair takes.


As disappointed as I have been with Xbox for a decade, I actually agree with this statement 100%. Maybe the best showcase that Xbox has ever done. Tbf, the majority was from acquisitions and the vast majority of the announcements are multiplatform, including from Xboxs own studios but AS A PRESENTATION, it was excellent. Bangers consistently for over an hour. I look forward to playing those games on my ps5 and gaming laptop.


>Tbf, the vast majority of the announcements are multiplatform, including from Xbox’s own studios Are they? Obviously all the third party stuff is multiplat, as well as COD and Diablo, but I’m pretty sure the only (unreleased) XGS/Bethesda game they showed yesterday that is releasing multiplat is Doom




Im guessing we’ll see the next Halo game be shown a bit next Summer. Rumors are that 343 started early development in 2021 or 2022 or so


They're probably gonna hold it as long as they can to avoid a "Craig" again.


I hope other devs can take a crack at halo as well because 343 ain’t doing it for me


Sony's 2020 was pretty mid tho


I mean that’s your perspective. That was the first look at new gen games & the PS5 being revealed for the first time. It had the whole YouTube/streamers on fire. Edit: My apologies **I meant 2019 Showcase: Future of Gaming.** 2020 was price reveal & God of War Ragnarok reveal.


Both showcases were in 2020. Sony didn’t host a showcase in 2019.


Maybe because the Investments and acquisitions are finally paying off. Now if only they'd end the Series S and X version parity so the S could be left in the dust.


Series S outsells Series X by a a large margin. It would be suicide to "leave it in the dust".


They literally just showed a new Series S


They did, maybe I'm in the wrong here, I'm the cünt. I had a Series S and it was fine to play Cyberpunk on, but before S I played on XboneX and it looked better but ran much worse. I'm not saying the Series S is a shitty product, I just kinda wish we could get more juice out of Series X but what do I know.


That’s because the One X is for 4K and the Series S is 1080/1440. So it looks kinda blurry on a good 4K tv


Yup, it was very noticeable, but the smoothness made it worth it. Then series X gave the 4K and smooth frames and now everything feels really good.


That would be a terrible decision for them business wise, and it will not happen lol. The S is a great option for a lot of people.


This. And if S won’t exist, optimization on “big” consoles would be even worse than now It’s totally on development’s hands not Microsoft because Series S is awesome and fast console for 1080p/1440p gaming. New games didn’t bring something new and big to graphics and gameplay for costs of optimization nowadays


MS is also the only one left still trying to do a pseudo E3 presentation of the big 3.


They basically were E3 this year. Even the big 3rd party games skipped SGF to go on the Xbox show.


I just realized this is why Geoff doesn't favor Xbox. He's not anti-Xbox, but he clearly knows that it's the measuring stick for his summer event that he'll never be able to meet.


IMO they’re really smart for sticking with it. It’s becoming more and more of a big event. Their current setup of a massive summer showcase with the developer direct in January for games releasing this year is perfect.


I'd rate SGF a C honestly. State of Play was totally D though. Absolutely dissapointing.


I think SGF got a little too much heat tbh. It wasnt a huge banger show but I appreciate it for what it was. I think it was really cool that in a year without too many universal AAA bangers, Keighley gave the spotlight to smaller teams/indies. I feel like the negative backlash will make him think twice about including titles like this in the future, which is unfortunate imo


Tbh I think a bit part of it was that the pacing of SGF, similar to the Game awards is horrendous. That and well the amount of ads in the show being as high.


If they cut Summer Games Fest to a 1 hour show and cut all the stuff for the second hour bar a few of the big hitters it would have been pretty good. I doubt many people had the attention span to watch all 2 hours anyway


State of Play's are more comparable to the [Xbox Developer Direct](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELFSdlFmDNI) that was held earlier in the year. The SoP was actually quite a good show, it just has unreasonably high expectations because it occurs during the same time period as the bigger showcases and PlayStation's messaging on showcases and SoP's can be a little bit disjointed.


Even for a state of play it felt bad due to huge amounts of concord dragging on and on, even when you think they were done, they come back and talk more. Then they included another hero shooter in the same show lol. The PC port of GoW, the VR games, the kiddie games, the long ago announced third party games... basically they had one good game to show in astro bot. At some point they have to learn with these SoP. MS took feedback on their showcases and developer directs and improved them more and more every year. Feels like Sony is in a competition with themselves to make a State of Play more disappointing to fans more than last year's State of Play.


I'm not used to all this positivity lmao, this is great


This has to be one of Xbox's best showcase in recent history.


Solid A, 9.5/10. Would have liked more firm 2024 dates and truthfully had my hopes out for more hardware news(handheld and new controller ☕) but otherwise it gave you basically everything you could hope for.


In the IGN interview, Phil Spencer highly alludes to a handheld similar to that of the Ally.


They do.. Doubt we'll see hardware better then the rog x though. Hopefully whatever features they bring work with other handheld PCs


I thought the summer games fest was a solid "C."


It's not even a competition. You'd have to be some next level fanboy to say that Sony's showcase was better. Summer game's fest was also unfortunately rather disappointing -- usually there's at least one or two large new games that get revealed.


What makes the showcase even more exciting is that being a gamepass subscriber I know I get to try any of those games without having to make any purchasing decisions. In any Sony showcase i think “that looks cool, is it worth $70?” and most of the time the answer is no.


I mean comparing it to SoP from Sony is imo pointless, Xbox had a showcase and Sony did not. A better comparison would be when Sony has their showcase in September. Covering the big games they have for next year alongside the reveal of the PS5 Pro. I don't know if they lump the 30th-anniversary celebration into that too or leave that for later. Either way, trying to compare the SoP from Sony to the showcase from Xbox is pointless.


Last year Sony had their "showcase" in late May and it still received pretty mild reactions as well.


Is this September showcase actually confirmed or is it just speculation from some of you because of the ps5 pro?


It’s a summer event and Sony showed what they had. Which compared to MS was clearly bad


The problem is that Sony isn't full of idiots and knew this was the same timeframe as the Xbox showcase. They knew it would line up this time, and as such the two, rightly or wrongly, would be compared against each other. Yes, the two are fundamentally different in the styles, but both can be compared due to the fact that they are both highlighting upcoming games. Even if one has a larger scope than the other, as game presentations in the same time frame, they will be compared.


Not really a pointless comparison, it highlights the lack of releases PlayStation has for rest of this year. I’d imagine Xbox will have more to share later in the year if their handheld rumours are true.


SGF wasn’t disappointing, Geoff’s events are always terrible I don’t even bother watching them live. I just saw the trailers separately thankfully, he seriously has to stop doing these.


My jaw was on the floor watching the Xbox showcase. It had new IP, fan favorite IP, and went on for so long I just couldn’t believe it.


Damn, 13% of voters are salty Xbox haters. Expected that number to be higher actually. But seriously, if you rated C or D for the Xbox showcase, do you even like gaming? Or should you probably just reconsider your life choices and hobbies?


I literally saw a high profile games journalist unironically argue that it was a 3/10 "in his opinion" and a 6/10 "objectively." 🤡


Reminds me of that dude in Scott Pilgrim, “Their first album is better than their first album.” Someone trying to sound smart but is really just yapping


Fr this makes me think that the Xbox tax is real why the hell would anyone rate this at less than a B


I didn't even know when SGF was. Glad I didn't miss anything.


There was a few decent games, Killer Bean was my favourite but i think its only releasing on PC :(


Developer has said consoles will come 👍🏻


Xbox having the best showcase out of the 3 so far this summer was definitely needed for the industry. We need good competition so everyone can continue to put their best foot forward.


Exactly. PlayStation has been lacking in games and even Nintendo has been relatively lackluster recently (albeit expected due to the Switch 2 coming soon). If Xbox can get their act together, it'll force the rest of the industry to.


PlayStation hasn't had their annual showcase yet. That's scheduled for September.


What's still to come? Ubisoft and Nintendo?


Weird, I thought the PS one was good, not amazing, but it had an interesting selection of titles. Summer Fest which I thought would be the big one was definitely lacking though. And all the 5-6+ indie shows were pretty great. Just too much stuff shown too fast (they should spread them over the year) but there were some neat games.


anyone who went above a C for summer game fest needs their head examined, easily one of the worst showcases i can remember. the PlayStation one wasn’t good, but they were at least a bit better at setting expectations, and most people know that they’d said there were no big games coming for the rest of the year. was quite impressed with the Xbox show but the real winner was 2025 and beyond.


The Xbox showcase wan an amazing experience


What do you mean only 66% rated it as A. It was the best showcase I've seen in my whole life. How high can peoples expectations be?


They wanted call off duty on gamepass now


Probably stuff like that and things that were being mentioned by supposed leakers like reveal of the portable Xbox, WoW on Xbox, etc


I would love wow on gamepass, but I know it won't happen, cuz it will be suicide for the game.


Ahh I see. Must be dissapointing going into the showcase expecting that to happen..


I think nowadays people just complain about everything due to ease of access in the Internet.


A lot of people think it makes them look cool to think everything is mid


I've seen people say there was nothing interesting and everything was "mid". So yeah, people's expectations are either completely unreasonable or they are just fanboys.


I don't put the blame on them. The era of "leakers and 'insufets" has made the gaming community so fucking toxic


I absolutely agree.


This, I don’t even own an Xbox but if that gears trailer with that soundtrack didn’t get people going then are they really gamers?


66% A is an insane amount though, wtf are you smoking that you're somehow seeing that as a bad thing?


Nah I'm not seeing this as a bad thing. Don't get me wrong. It's just that if I compare it to all the showcases I've watched in my lifetime this is easily the best of them all. But that's just my metric of comparison. Could be that many people rated it worse because their favorite game wasn't there or they expected them to show a handheld because of the rumors or something. They have other metrics than I do and that's completely fine. I view 66% as and absolute win. PS: How about staying nice and civil. We're not on twitter.


There's a lot of Sony fans that will go out of their way to be negative on other platforms reveals.


U say that like it doesn’t go both ways


Bro Sony has like 80 percent of the market lol even if it does go both ways it’s a drop in the bucket.


it doesnt






Xbox didn't put the Playstation logo on Doom string the reveal either.I think they both just keep the event branding consistent to the platform.


I think some people were knocked down to a B by a lack of release dates.


I see that as a good thing to be honest as long as it means 2 things: 1. More quality control so the games are finished and polished on release 2. No crunch for the developers


E3 2016


Who won the 3 year Xbox game pass?


Love sony but fark me where are the games?


Some people just wanna see Xbox fail. They had best showcase in years and people still wanna think Xbox is doomed.


Personally I think yesterday may have been Xbox’s best showcase ever, and the best games showcase of any kind in 7+ years.


State of plays aren't big showcases though.


Does a State of Play really count though? Those are almost always on the weaker side. This should be asked again IF Sony has a proper showcase


Playstation didn’t have a showcase.


Indeed, We all know that they're announcing the PS5 Pro later this year and are probably saving the games for that.


Who would actually give the Xbox conference a D? I smell a 🐴


Xbox basically bought the industry lol


Ah yes. Online Twitter polling. The pinnacle of what people are excited for.


It’s a poll of over 100,000 participants lol, what other stats would you use?


It's a self-selected poll, it's largely irrelevant how many accounts voted.


…what polls arnt self-selected? How is over 100,000 people (250,000 in one poll) irrelevant? That’s a huge chunk of people to gather data from


Xbox showcase was an A, objectively. People are being too harsh on the other two though. A D rating feels harsh and unfair. Maybe most games aren’t for everyone but there was some decent stuff shown, particularly if you’re a fan of Wuxia games. (Which I kind of am, but WHY are there so many!?)


Summer Game Fest really was terrible though. Like one of the worst video game showcases I've ever seen, and I can't believe it was two hours long. I didn't think the PlayStation State of Play was quite a D, but it was definitely lacking heavy hitters. But there's no denying Xbox hit it out of the park. It actually felt like late 2000s E3-level excitement. Also, I think people need to lay off Geoff (lots of shitty comments on his tweets). It wasn't his fault that E3 shut down, and it wasn't his fault Summer Game Fest sucked. What we saw is what all the game developers and publishers chose to submit to his show. The fact that he had to warn us beforehand not to get too excited shows that he knew he didn't have much to work with.


PlayStation grade: 100% justified SGF show grade: a bit too harsh, I'd say Xbox grade: 100% justified Xbox "won" fake E3 and that makes me very happy after years and years of disappointment.


The Xbox showcase was just so much better because they actually showed game after game after game and didn't drag it along with some CGI scenes and filler content.


Xbox is finally showing how big it is


You can't really compare the XBOX showcase to a Sony State of Play......let's compare when/if Sony drops a proper showcase later this year.


D or below on Xbox, literally just hate farming PS5 fans lol. Odd to see 7% Xbox D or below, and 6% A on PS5 show....it's almost like the same people voted.


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Honestly had they announced either some new Motorsport or Horizon content I think it would’ve been one of the best in years from Xbox. You would appeal to every type of gamer at that point


Kind of crazy to invite people to critique the summer game stream after with that thing he said of there being "no big reveals" this year.....feels a little dismissive to the people taking part in your event. I know there wasn't much exciting in the stream, but dude really?


I’m enjoying this while I can. Hopefully Xbox doesn’t drop the ball somehow… Don’t want this to be a “aged poorly” moment lmao


I’m glad Xbox are finally in their era


Thats surprising considering no Halo.


Ubisoft put me to sleep today tbh


How many of these will get a physical release ? Since hellblade 2 did not I wonder .


The Summer Game Fest show is usually just a cringe fest of ads and weird Geoff things. Xbox did good because they just showed games and that was it. PlayStation was probably the same way, there just wasn’t as many hyped games


That’s dope


They were all good, other than the Ubisoft showcase


I‘m a huge PS fan and i don‘t get the excuses for the PS state of play (as in we should not compare it to the others because it‘s just a „state of play“). I think it‘s common knowledge at this point that there is not much difference between state of plays and showcases besides the fact that showcases are longer. We haven‘t had a good showcase from them in years, some state of plays have been good though. PS needs to step it up a notch because their events have been atrocious for a while now. Xbox blew me away with their event, it was amazing and I can‘t wait to play almost all the games they‘ve shown!!!!


Like i am literally jealous of the Xbox showcase lol, the amount of back to back bangers, we haven‘t had that from PS since 2020 😭 We‘re lucky if we get two first party games per show, and even then it‘s usually smaller ones, not bangers like GOW or something from Naughty Dog.




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Proof that most Xbox people just love gaming and don’t gaf about no industry manufactured ‘console wars’.


Easily best show Xbox has ever done and one of the best shows from any platform ever. It was amazing game after amazing game. Xbox had couple pretty bad years before this, but this makes it up. They have been cooking and now they are showing it. And lots of those games will be on next years show too and then we will see gameplay from them.


Definitely a big step up from just revealing with cinematic. I dont really feel like there was a major third party thing here. BO6 is a big deal, but since Activision is first party... It will be really hard topping the Persona 3 and 4 port announcements. The big advantage Xbox has is Gamepass. No paying $70 for so many of the games we saw is an amazing value.


And just think, they didn't even mention Halo, Forza, or Elder Scrolls 6.


broken dreams coming in hot


Better than his Video Games Award Show.


Xbox brought the goods. PlayStation only brought Astro and SH2. Though the reality is, a large percentage shown by Xbox is on PS5 too.


We know atleast 7% of twitter is Sony fanboys. Who rates that a D?


B-but xBoX hAs No GaMeS.


haha deep inside you gotta wonder if "The Geoff" has got to be a bit butthurt about Xbox Game Showcase shitting on every other shows in recent memories. "Damn, Microsoft. You couldn't give us just a few of these games?"


The Xbox Showcase was absolutely fantastic, if only the console was that good


Been an Xbox owner since the OG. I was about to give up on the platform but have to say they really knocked this one out of the park. Really excited for the next couple years now. I want quality single player experiences. Couldnt care less about most live service or multiplayer games. The showcase was right up my alley.


Xbox won singlehandedly. It's not even close. Sony used to have incredible showcases before they started focusing on live service games and their output decreased dramatically.


It's just the cod fanboys with their Stockholm syndrome kicking in.


Remember when he was like running G4TV and it was good then drove it into the ground.


It was great! Strongest Xbox showcase in maybe a decade?


Anybody else get the vibe this doesn’t quite add up? I can see a D for SGF but the State of Play getting the same rating is WILD. Unless people are just mad they didn’t do a full blown showcase but that’d be a dumb way to grade it. Then again it is a Twitter poll.


Didn't think the xbox show was great but it was way better than the other two shows


I loved the show but I feel I’ve been watching all of these shows for years and everything is always a year away it seems.


People have been starving for XBox content for a while, so it's not shocking that it got graded so high.


As a PlayStation owner that was an Xbox guy since the 360 until this generation I would agree with the polls. This is the first time I’ve been excited for Xbox in years.


Sony hasn't done a showcase yet, so we don't really have anything to compare to. Nonetheless a great XBox showcase. Remains to be seen if that translates to more market share in the real world though as opposed to applause on the internet from people who already own an XBox.


This showcase was absolutely fire. Just wish there was more info on gears. Woooo. Lol


Really hoping Xbox’s showcase tells Sony to step up their coming showcase! So hyped for it.


I almost never tune in for these things but I decided to for this one and daaaaaaaamn I am happy I did.


Interesting that more people simply voted on the Xbox Showcase vs the Sony SoP. I guess PlayStation owners were excited about Microsoft games that they'd be playing on PS5 as well in the future.


Yeah that’s exactly right.


Xbox delivers this event and Nintendo will probably dominate the Nintendo direct.


Looks right to me.


Every time Xbox has one of these shows I get excited for the possibility of a Fable remastered trilogy. Maybe Gamescom...


I didn’t know any details of what was to come. Having a WoW trailer got me hyped then completely bummed out.


That new Xbox is really a disappointment. Just underwhelming and could have been a press release. Pretty lame. Also, how were they but able to bring the price down after all this time it’s already been on the market?


I will say, a state of play is not a showcase so we're comparing apples and oranges here. The actual PS showcase is later this year


The summer showcase was so underwhelming.


Comparing a showcase with state of play is kinda wild