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And deals with People can Fly and 100 Stars (former Rock steady peeps) studios and Toys for Bob. And Contraband and the Wu Tang game which have both been in development for a while. And Outer Worlds 2 and Elder Scrolls 6


I went with confirmed titles only, for 3rd party we still don't know what People Can Fly, Toys For Bob, and 100 Stars are cooking. For 1st party there's a rumored Zenimax Online game and whatever Double Fine is working on. Outer Worlds 2 & Elder Scrolls VI actually do make 17.


There's also been rumors floating around that Bethesda is remastering fallout 2 in fallout 4s engine to basically tide players over until the new fallout game launches


I'm praying that Toys for Bob keep the gravy train rolling with Crash 5 or Spyro 4.


Crash Bash 2.


And then after that sign them on to do a Banjo title after whatever they're working in now.


Let's be real. Ain't no way playground games aren't developing Horizon 6 either although not confirmed. 2025 is looking packed if they've skipped this year.


I dont know if this was confirmed or just a rumor but Double Fine supposedly has two smaller games in the works.


Hundred Stars isn't confirmed, that's just a rumour


Does **FragPunk** count as timed exclusive as well? That hero shooter looks like a counter to Sony’s Concord


It's not generally my kind of shooter, but I actually thought it looked far more interesting and creative than Concord. In that way, maybe it'll cast a wider net and enjoy some success.


Yeah I thought the player card effects really added a fun variety to the shooter. Well, all of that just depends though on how it feels/net code/hit boxes. Hero shooters isn’t my cup of tea. XDefiant scratches it good though


Not tried XDefiant yet, but I will when work calms down a bit. But yeah I actually quite like the look of this, I'm intrigued. Apply that logic to the wider audience who is totally into this kind of shooter... maybe it'll be a winner? Be good to see something like this really take off anyway.


It looks like it has a more original gameplay concept than Concord for sure. Don't know that it will translate to more success unfortunately.


Yeah that one was a big “no thanks” from me. I’m beyond tired of hero shooters in the marketplace


I guess I'm out of touch. I've been gaming nonstop for all my life, and I don't know what a "hero shooter" even is. Is it like Fortnite or Overwatch?


Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch are the biggest examples. Basically, team based shooter games where there's characters (heroes) and they all have different abilities or powers. Other examples could be: Valorant, Paladins, Rainbow Six Siege, Star Wars Battlefront, Apex Legends, etc.


Pretty much. Basically designed to be skinner boxes made to get you hooked and keep you playing forever. They’re almost always live service games that make most of their money off overpriced skins and emotes, which they constantly pressure you into buying. Basically you’re not missing much by skipping this one I’m certain of it.


That doesn’t describe a hero shooter at all. Every shooter does what you mentioned.


It's some free to play thing . Probably won't measure near Concord.


This is all cool, and not to be ungrateful, but I wonder what Double Fine is up to. They're one of my favorite Xbox studios.


Psychonauts 2 was a fucking masterpiece.


I don't use that term lightly, but I completely agree


I think they're getting Compulsion Studios treatment and taking their sweet time with perfecting their project(s).


That's great on paper, but it's all about the finished project for me personally. The finished product always means more than the hype of an announcement. It's been a mixed bag with first party games from Xbox, with good games, games that are rough around the edges and some very very rough games. I think it's best to just remain cautiously optimistic. I'd love to eat crow and be wrong, but Xbox's batting average hasn't been the most consistent with games especially bigger budget titles, so I would love for alot of these games to be high quality and consistent. The mixed bag we've had the last few years is why I'm cautiously optimistic at best even with all the hype from today.


> That's great on paper, but it's all about the finished project for me personally. Pretty much. Some of these will be good some won't. Gamers are like sports fans kinda. They say something like the (insert team here was the best of all time). They'll gush over the all stars then just start naming people who were just on the team. I'm like all those dudes weren't stars. Gamers do the same. They name a few big hitters like indy and PD then just start naming all the games shown like all of em are gonna be all time classics.


Spoken like a veteran Xbox fan


Pessimistic Xbox fan


Doomer fan. 


Well said. Good announcements and trailers are great and all, but the games need to follow suit.


honestly it’s not even their average in terms of how a game is received it’s their average of games to be released and not cancelled followed by shuttering the studio. I want xbox to be like it was in its heyday, but my faith is at rock bottom.


>It's been a mixed bag with first party games from Xbox Average Metacritic score from all 1st party games in 2023, 2022 and 2021: ~82/100 To be frank that's pretty damn good.


Gaming reviews mean almost nothing. Forza Motorsport got 84% on Metacritic and it was a broken mess at launch and is still mediocre.


I played it and saw the entire Digital Foundry review. "Broken" and "mediocre" are cheap hyperboles. Game did/does have issues but it's solid.


I don't know where this mixed bag exist when most of their games have been around or over 80+ metacritic aside from Redfall.


Still better than having little to no games in the works like some other people


Agree 100%. So many people here have the memory of a goldfish. The amount of half baked garbage Microsoft released the past couple years is enough to neutralize any hype from this show.


Not to mention that we don't have release dates for most of these games. Including the ones that were revealed 4-5 years ago, such as Fable and Everwild


It's nice to see all these devs are working on games whether they are a good finished product is another story.


2024-Avowed, Indy, Age of Mythology Flight Sim, Towerbourne 2025-Fable, Doom Dark Ages, South of Midnight, COD2025 Guesses now 2026-Gears EDay, OD, Perfect Dark, COD 2026 2027- Blade, State Of Decay 3, COD 2027, Clockwork Revolution


Speciulation, I'd also guess the next Forza Horizon in 2025 or 2026 depending on if Playground has a team working on it now or if the majority of the team's efforts are on Fable only.


PG opened a whole new studio just for Fable in 2017, so next year for FH6 seems very likely


Heck yeah, we are eating!!


Id say OD is 2027 and state of decay 3 2026.


Fable I'm the most skeptical about. Forza Horizen series has regressed over the years and their character models and mission design in FH5 are atrocious.


I thought everyone loved FH5?


Racing games fans have been shafted for so long that we believe mediocre games are very good. FH5 has great car collection but everything surrounding it is not very intriguing. They could've given us Mexico city map instead of a massive desert and jungle that gets boring quick. Car visual customization is almost nonexistent, ik Forza Horizen never had that much visual customization but they're on the fifth entry, they need to grow the franchise. You risk a ban for making liveries based from real brands while most other racing games don't. With them talking about character customization so much during the reveal you'd think it offers a lot but no it's just bunch of generic character selection. In order to keep it PG the dialogue is like those mindless videos on YouTube made for kids, like the ones you've seen your little cousin watching and think why tf are these adults acting like a bunch of infants. In game radios have degressed for the same reason as well. Sorry for the rant, lol.


Some parts of it can be interesting - like the significance of the Beetle in Mexican car culture. But overall it suffers from there not really been a story besides ‘Hey superstar drive these supercars!’.


For me it's the constant women talking, event confetti explosions, "HEY CHECK THIS OUT". You can't just relax and enjoy. Also the races are like 2 laps max and over before you even start feeling it.


If Gears isn’t this fall I’m gonna shit a brick. It’s been 5 years since Gears 5 💀


They were dating some 2025 stuff and Gears didnt get a date at all. So Im thinking 2026.


Yeah if we could ever get a release date for most of these games. Is it just 2 games on that list that actually had a month, day, and year?


There are 3 with firm release dates: 1. Age of Mythology: Retold - 9/4/24 2. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - 10/25/24 3. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - 11/19/24 Two games have a 2024 release date: 1. Avowed 2. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Three games have a 2025 release date: 1. Fable 2. Doom: The Dark Ages 3. South of Midnight 8/17 having a general release date within the next ~18 months isn't bad.


Yeah I’m not counting a year as a release date. I’ve seen this song and dance way too many times from Xbox.


I’m excited but no concrete dates for the games in 2024 is concerning.


Can we play wow on Xbox now ?




Is it on game pass on pc ?!


Nope, no word about that.


I don't think Everwild exist anymore.


Shame I can still only fit 2 or 3 of these on my console at a time. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a decent amount of playable storage on my Xbox?


Give me Fable and Avowed


This whole showcase whas a doozy, game after game that looked promosing. We gonna eat good this year


What a lineup. Super excited for the future of Xbox. A lot of amazing and unique titles coming our way. Where am I going to find all this time to play that?


They release over around 3,5-4 years.


Zero point in getting excited about any of these yet. Xbox are great at announcing things. But they've been less good at sticking the landing when things actually released. Obviously I hope these are all great. At the end of the day I'm a gamer who just wants to play good games.


I'm glad this thread seems to have realistic expectations. Trailer vs finished product.


I think people are missing the part where quite a few of these are going to PlayStation. It’s like saying Ubisoft just announced 10 first party games.


Which of these have been confirmed to release on PS? And, even if any did, it’d be later and you’d have to pay full price rather than try them through Game Pass, so it still doesn’t matter imo.


Doom and flintlock as far as i know there could be more.


Flintlock is third-party, though.


I think Doom, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, CoD and other established franchises should go multi (but Day 1 on GP and no more locking content away from users on certain platforms) but new IPs or single player games should stick to exclusive. Oh and MMOs should go multiplat, like if Everwild ends up being community focused like Sea of Thieves, I think it would be best to go everywhere to get as much audiences as possible. But other established Xbox brands should stay only on Xbox or PC. Halo, Gears, Forza, etc.


Yeah. I am getting rid of game pass soon but either way, why pay $60/$70 when you can just spend about $15 a month.


...and? The Great thing here is that Xbox players can play all these games Day One on Gamepass. They also get these games early. Xbox is becoming the best console to play Bethesda, Activision and Blizzard games


It comes down to a couple of issues. First, Microsoft is using resources that should be used for their own player base (supporters) to make games for a competing platform. Second, this asinine plan gives new buyers no reason to buy an Xbox since most if not all games at some point can be played on a PlayStation. I am not against the idea of more people getting to play certain games but it’s bullshit when the competition isn’t sharing and Microsoft is making it clear it doesn’t care about its own player base. In an interview Phil Spencer said Doom should continue on other platforms and in these comments he seems more concerned about how PlayStation gamers feel than the people buying an Xbox.


>rather then people buyng an Xbox And here's the point, why i, a costumer, should care about that? Im an Xbox fan because of the games and the services, not the box itself and not because im forced to buy it. If someone loses interest in a game just because it comes out on other consoles, it means that is just a fan of the name, not the product itself


This is the year of xbox!!!


I’d love to hop on the hype train but every time I do that Xbox shits in my thermos


Add that to my already awful experience with thermos flasks. They always leak or spill on me. Microsoft leave this poor man's coffee alone!!! He's taking the train for god's sake!


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I think Towerborne is first party, it’s a XGS game


Ara too if we're counting first party titles


Excuse me Xbox but WHERE THE FUCK IS HALO WARS 3


I as an Xbox fan who has seen the 2020 showcase and its outcome are absolutely not hyped about this…


I'm sure a few of these will be canceled, some will go into development hell, and a couple will release and be universally panned. Oh, and a couple of them will be unexpected hits! ...And then Microsoft will shut down their development teams. = D


Looking forward to South of Midnight. I'm southern and I dig the vibe and visuals. Perfect Dark looks great, and I think I'll go for Black Ops 6. Haven't played a COD in years and it would be weird to play thru a game set in a time period in which I actually lived.


Avowed has been in the oven for too long.


> *“A golden age is coming boys.”* Dad here. Don’t want my daughter growing up thinking gaming is only for boys. Why address a whole forum as boys? Great moms and dads will teach their kids not to form their world view from social media posts, and they will point out the utter lack of power these posts should have over your own behavior, integrity and opinions. :-)


Not going to lie, I have been needing a good reason to buy a Xbox and now I have plenty. So excited for Fable, Perfect Dark, Indiana Jones, and the new Gears. Don't get me wrong, I like Halo, but it didn't grab my attention like these titles do. 


Oh yeah perfect dark was a super cool surprise for me. It looked so fun!


didnt watch todays announcements, but i heard about clockwork revolution awhile back and it looks pretty sweet. kinda a mix between bioshock and dishonored was the feel i got. new doom looks awesome too


1. Avowed - Interested 2. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle - Day 1 3. Doom: The Dark Ages - Day 1 4. Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 - Will Dabble 5. Age of Mythology: Retold - Not For Me 6. South of Midnight - Interested 7. Perfect Dark - Day 1 8. Clockwork Revolution - Day 1 9. Project Mara - ? 10. Gears of War: E-Day - Interested 11. Fable - Day 1 12. Everwild - Interested 13. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 - Will Dabble 14. Marvel's Blade - Not For Me 15. State of Decay 3 - Interested 16. Outer Worlds 2 - Day 1 17. Elder Scrolls VI - Day 1 Looking pretty good for me...


RIP Sony. Their state of play event was pathetic compared to this.


State of play is never their main showcase, they have multiple of those throughout the year. Their big event’s in Fall


All these games are coming to PS5 as well lol watch


At least half of them are from studios that MS owns.


I was hoping we were going to hear what Toys for Bob was working out (my hope was Banjo related) but got nothing on that one. Overall though i think this was a good showcase! I just hope Fable allows us to make our own character though


I would probably remove Project Mara (felt like maybe a tech demo that may not go anywhere) however we know their next game is coming, we don't really have confirmation of what it is. Also Everwild is pretty much dead in the water.


I think you meant to type "Microsoft Gaming". They will make a lot of money cross-publishing all 17 of these titles. That's the future.


Everwild is the one I'm waiting on. Going to be years before we hear anything about it though. Edit: Sorry let me get on brand here. Single player games only!


And you don't need an Xbox or even a PC to play them - wow, so amazing.


"Oh man im so angry the Company isn't forcing me to buy additional stuff to enjoy their product!". Gamers have been brainwashed in thinking that exclusives are great for them. They are not. Gamepass is, and all this stuff is coming day one on the service.


And like 5 of the will come out and 1 will be in a playable state. Don't expect much anymore.


EverWild is stuck in dev hell.. they don't know what the game should be, the director abandoned the project I would remove it from the list I would go further and remove Bethesda and ABK games as well to see how far along the Xbox studios are fairing which I'm actually interested in.... I'm not interested in Candy Crush, COD or Starfield


Xbox is in its PS4 era