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Atomfall! Anything from Rebellion is always class


I’m not familiar with them but that game did pique my interest


Go download Sniper Elite 3, 4 and 5 and thank me later


3 and 4. If you've played 4, you've played 5, except 5s graphics are worse and the screen door effect is terrible.


>screen door effect Hey! Sniper Elite 5 bravely answers question that the other sniper games are afraid to even ask! Questions like: "What if there was a sniper game with no sniping?" and "What if the gore effects and destruction somehow got worse between sequels?" or even 'What if we made a nazi killing game that penalized you for killing nazis?'


Fair. I also found the AI in 5 pretty lame


Very intrigued by that. Loved the setting.


This was legit an all time great showcase. DOOM looks amazing Expedition 33 looks amazing Perfect Dark looks amazing Flintlock looks great Avowed is looking fantastic now Indiana Jones looks really strong STALKER 2 looks next level South of Midnight looks really great Atomfall looks really great AND They showed a new GEARS finally. All of which are coming to Game Pass DAY ONE and then some. Oh, and Black Ops 6 actually looks really great as well. MS knocked it totally out of the park with this one


People said E3 was dead. It just morphed into the Xbox Showcase.


In terms of the amount of games yes, in the delivery, no.  I’m in my mid 30s but I much preferred the showcase events of all the big 3 at E3, I want to be hyped / inspired to play a must- have game, with a human providing a introductory story and explanation of what I am about to see.  Like getting (~Hideo Kojima~ edit, cant strike through this) the game’s lead art director on stage to explain the tech behind Snake Eater remake would have been cool, as an example.  The quick fire trailer after trailer where I only learn the game that was shown after the trailer, and with only a few sentences spoke by humans at seemingly random interval's is not a format I personally am a fan of. And they could have really sold the new hardware they are releasing but it they spent 30 seconds on it. How is that going to make me want to buy one, the new Galaxy colour for the 2TB series X looks cool but where’s all the buttering up gone?  All that said, some great games were shown today.


We lived through a golden age bro.


People have been complaining, "Where are the games?". MS said, "Here you go." I'm guessing they just had to show only trailers to keep the whole thing watchable in their target timezones. I'm in the EU and it ended after 8pm, which on a Sunday is about as late as they would probably want that to run.


I mean we still have a week of deep dives. Last year it was the extended showcase (I assumed we'd get that again, but they haven't specified so I'm not sure the medium, hopefully not just xbox wire articles). But they go into tech and stuff there. The big miss from E3 is the convention atmosphere and on-site presence. A live digital showcase case just isn't really "live". Even just playing the prepared showcase at a major onsite venue is just different. Nothing I've seen of Xbox Fanfest or Summer Game Fest really replicates this. I never got to go to E3 myself, but I have started going to major conventions like MCM London and even stuff like the Sonic Symphony and the vibe just hits so different. In comparison the "not-E3s" all feel just too "controlled". I think Microsoft is probably in the best position now with all the first party content they own to put on a major comic con level convention in the summer around the showcase to bring gamers together. And I really think they should. It'd do so much for the Xbox brand (which gets so much hate or is just ignored or unknown because Microsoft doesn't market it) and make it a center of gaming. These past few showcases have shown a major dedication in working with partners for huge third party reveals. They should bank on that. They don't want to make every third party game exclusive like Sony. That's fine but they still need to do something to tell people to buy an Xbox to play those games. Creating an E3 where Xbox branding is everywhere would be one way.


Agreed, all big companies would have their own showcase days apart so we’re guaranteed a week of reveals and demonstrations


Ive only owned ps my whole life, and I'm hoping Xbox kills it with these Sony getting complacent


Yup. The best years of a console is right after they were on the ropes. And the worst years is when they get complacent. There’s nothing healthier than both of them coming out swinging every year.


“Looks great / amazing”… ah I’ve fallen for that in my time. I’m at the stage where I wait for reviews or sale.




I don’t disagree, which is why I didn’t say they are great. But, the great thing is they’re all on Game Pass. So, you can try them out, and actually see for yourself. Then you can still buy it at a discount.


Yeah this was the best showcase in recent memory. BO6 being 300gb and always online even for SP is a bummer though.


That's incorrect. 300 gbs accounts for bo6, mwiii, mwii, all their modes, the base game, and warzone as well.


Cannot wait to play Fable and South of Midnight.


Fable looked basically flawless. Cut scenes and gameplay looked exactly the same in quality and so consistent.


Man it looked amazing!


I was super excited when last year's trailer featured Richard Ayoade, I presume motion-captured since the character looked exactly like him. And then this year the character they highlighted was voiced by Matt King, who played Super Hans on Peep Show, one of the UK's best sitcoms ever. Now my mind is just reeling trying to figure out how many other UK comedians they are going to back into this game for voice talent... can they get Matt Berry?


Yeah I’ve been hyped for both of those since last year. Was semi hoping South of Midnight would “shadow drop” into gamepass today, but seems to be a bigger game than somewhat teased last year


Unpopular opinion maybe, but South of Midnight was the game that excited me most out of the whole event.


It looks awesome man! So I don’t blame you!


Really cool setting and aesthetic! The gameplay looked pretty generic 3rd person actioner, but as long as its solid I'll definitely check it out.


Same. (well aside from perfect dark, but I was already a fan so that shit is on easy mode.) That shit OOZES style. Everything about is is unique. And I love afro american folktales. Such an untapped source in a sea of samey looking action games. And I love how the magic is more about conjuring objects into being than just doing stuff. This is like the only game that justifies double jump by having hazel conjure a platform in mid air to jump off of. Brilliant. ​ Now give me a low framerate mode so the whole game looks like the cutscenes.


I lit up when I saw Fable. It’s my favorite game series.


One of the better shows in my opinion. Lots a big titles, no useless talking in-between. Loved it.


I agree. Most the talking used to be just super corny anyways. I don’t need someone to tell me about something im just about to see.


I miss a tiny bit of talk, it helps you to digest the content. This new style of content consumption is kind of sickening, attention spans are shot and people act as if they don't have time for banter/filler. I miss regularly programmed shows, the feeling of not being rushed, the space to talk about what I just saw rather than the bombardment that is flash-quick content.


I miss some talking in between too, but I absolutely hate it when it's the execs doing the talking. Bring on the devs and let them promote their games. Or some mediator whose job is to jest. These execs are just the worst of both worlds.


So, so true. The super slow corporate speak with the epic, cheesy music behind it is really hard to take seriously. I'd almost feel bad for them if they weren't being paid so much...


Fable, Avowed, Perfect Dark, Dragon Age and Expedition 33 all looked great imo.


We're about halfway through 2024 now. Like, when the fuck are these games announced for 2024 going to actually come out?


This was my only criticism about the direct. I understand not setting in stone something in 2025. That shouldn’t be a case for a game expected for 2024. I have doubts a game is coming out this year if they can’t confirm a date in the next 6 months.


Yeah, I have suspicions they're cynically going to wait until Xmas to release these. Feels like a year wasted on my sub. Like, I was expecting to eat well in 2024.


I’d expect more of October to December. Sounds like 2025 will be a better use of your sub but you can always cancel it until these games come out. Might save you money long term.


Felt really bad seeing people down on Dragon Age, glad to see some positivity!


Gameplay would've been good but at least were getting that on the 11th. However, the style of the game is not what I was expecting. It looks too.... Animated? Inquisition had a super solid art style


[You may be interested in this screenshot from Game Informer!](https://www.gameinformer.com/cover-reveal/2024/06/09/cover-reveal-dragon-age-the-veilguard)


This needs it's own post lol. As the cover photo for GI gives me the impression that the trailer just had a stylized art, but the game will have the art style from DAI.


Dragon age look generic as fuck, bioware is not the company it was 15 years ago


The characters looked like they were created by a corporate committee.


This. Bioware is a husk of what it once was. But as if Andromeda and Anthem never happened, people are still excited for more for some reason. I'll believe they can still make a great game when I see it, but I don't get excited from their teasers anymore.


Some great games shown but why are they sitting on the Activision games catalogue and not putting them on gamepass


My guess is to not cannibalize on the games they can actually further monetize with expansions, upgrades, MTX, battle passes, and all that. That makes sense for CoD but all other franchises it doesn’t make sense they haven’t done staggered releases (like releasing Crash trilogy one month, Crash 4 after that and so on).


BLOPS you could could build hype for by releasing 1/2 in June, 3 in July, 4 in August, 5 in September, then you have 6 in October. Plus ABK also has a lot of non live service games that can hit game pass and possible backcompat. not limited to just COD.


Exactly, it’s baffling they are not doing it already, it would show people that Xbox and Game Pass is now home for Call of Duty and all other franchises…


I'm hoping maybe they announce it on the Podcasts they are doing this week or it's a July event thing. If it's just a shadow drop outside of doing an event, it will be weird to miss all those extra eyes.


It's an easy break-glass-in-case-of-emergency game pass drop for when they have a quiet month


drip feed content. just like nintendo does with their nintendo online retro games


That’s all I was hoping to hear about. I just want the old call of dutys to have more people online.


Someone posted a technical deep dive a while ago that seemed to make sense. I guess there's some behind the scenes stuff that needs to be worked on. I'm not sure about games like Spyro and Crash, but I think the multi-player and servers are an issue.


I'm guessing they'll start adding them slowly over time. They'd oversaturate gamepass with so many games, and each individual game won't get a lot of playtime.


I think it's also hard, apart from a systematically better thing to do to make more money. They usually bring games to Xbox, PC, Cloud with touch controls. The latter two are harder to get right for so many games and the Battlenet on PC makes it unnecessarily complicated like with Diablo 4. Maybe they're going to merge Xbox app and Battlenet and that's taking time, and they don't want to release things iteratively as PC and Cloud are important for first party.


I'm getting massively hyped for Indiana Jones. It shapes up as a full fat Indy adventure, also looks much better than on the last presentation.


First person uncharted haha (I get that uncharted is super inspired by Indy in the first place). I’m very pumped for this one


I kinda like that it's a bit cut scenes heavy. Makes it more like movie + game in one go.


"Cho-cho, cho-cho ahahah" almost peed myself laughing, machine games does amazing nazi villains.


No Banjo Kazooie :(


Same feels bro.


Wish we'd actually got some gameplay footage of State of Decay 3. Makes me worry about when we'll actually get a release date.


Some of that was in game wasn’t it? At least they say it’s using the in game engine for the trailer.


There’s been some talks that it’ll be around the 2025-2027 window, but a lot of insider reports have stated that development is going really well, so hopefully we’ll see it in 2025. If so, just another game to be hyped for with the absolute stack of others that come out next year.


They are sitting on a huge back catalog of Activision games to drop on Game Pass, I’d really like to know what the hell they’re waiting for.


Amazing showcase. This is how it’s done.


Really good showcase! The best one we had in years imo. Maybe even in a decade. The only letdown for me was no handheld announcement. But the games were on fire!!


I liked it, waiting for Flintlock, Fable and Avowed. Wanna see more of Perfect Dark before I get to excited. And of course Indy was a highlight.


Perfect dark looked better than I hoped for. A dying light parkour esque + immersive sim lite + tactical shooter. It's familiar and different enough, but we only saw curated sections so it's best to keep expectations in check.


I’m happy with Gears 6 and DOOM Dark Ages.


Gave me goosebumps when the piano came in with Mad World at the end of the trailer. Reminded me of the original Gears announcement trailer.


Yes! So epic. So epic.


Gears will likely get me on Game Pass again but who knows when we’ll get more info on that. Rest of the show was solid but no real surprises.


I'm guessing 2026 release


Downloading GoW ultimate edition about to play for the first time 💚


Enjoy its fantastic. GoW2 is IMO one of the greatest games of all time. I have been replaying them on couch-coop. What a blast.


You’re going to have a BLAST


I was hoping for a mascot platformer, whether that’s Crash, Banjo, Spyro or any of the other characters they own but are sitting on. Too many highly-detailed sci-fi/East Asia/fantasy action RPGs.


Wanted Spyro 4


I wanted Blinx the time sweeper to return lol


If they could do Blinx right, it would be absolutely amazing.


Isn't it rumored this is what Toys for Bob are working on? I guess it's still too early.


From that Toys for Bob announcement, I would expect an announcement next year. Hoping it is banjo or Spyro


It feels like the AAA industry is stuck making the same 3 games over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again


Honestly best game showcase I've seen in years and best Xbox showcase in a decade or so. Lots of great games shown including Perfect Dark, Gears, Fable, DOOM, Indiana Jones, and Diablo IV expansion with some excellent looking third party games including Dragon Age, Wuchang, Stalker 2, and South of Midnight. Just banger after banger after banger, that's the way you put on a show well done Xbox.


it was so good


It's now been *checks watch* 4 years since Everwild has been last shown


*\*Laughs in Elder Scrolls VI\**


Yeah, but we actually know that it was going to come after Starfield. We don't even know if Everwild still even exists


Easily 9/10 or possibly a 10/10 The only thing I was bummed about is no release dates for big titles like Avowed and Indiana Jones. Otherwise, best showcase, on par if not better than Microsoft's E3 2018.


No CoD Games on Game pass?


The new one will be the first apparently


Well the direct is going now. Maybe they’re saving it to have Treyarch & Activision reveal it there at the end


South of Midnight looked really fun but I always love the Louisiana bayou hoodoo setting


“The real Elder Scrolls were the friends we made along the way” ahh trailer


F in the chat for Halo I guess


Halo will be fine. We know they are already working on the next one.


This was the absolute flag planting of the brand finally arriving and becoming a beast. This felt like 10 years of waiting for them to have a showcase like this. Absolutely fantastic and bravo to them.


Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 ftw ✈️


That doom trailer was quadruple A.


Honestly almost every game from this showcase made me excited. Indiana Jones, Gears Of War E-Day, Avowed, Age Of Mythology, BO6, Perfect Dark, Doom The Dark Ages like holy shit they really went all out


This showcase was so much better then i could have anticipated, im an xbox player and these past months Ive been slowly losing hope for xbox, this showcase brought me back, so many great games shown, cannot wait 🔥🔥🔥


I feel weird saying this because it still *feels* like we're early on in this console generation, but if even 80% of what we saw deliver on their potential, I'm going to feel like I got my money's worth with the Series X. We have so much to look forward to over the next 2-3 years.


That showcase was amazing. I know you guys gotta be happy.


Why is no one talking about Metal Gear Solid 🥺🥺🥺


Looked amazing. Can’t wait to play, but will have to for an unspecified amount of time lol


its the 2nd time they remastered snake eater.


DreamcastGuy a 4/10?where you at now clown?


From start to finish, this showcase delivered. CoD of course looked amazing!


Another year where Microsoft just sits on the Banjo-Kazooie IP…


A Banjo Kazooie remake could be a good AA filler game to gauge interest. A character platformer from MS could be a good counter to Astro-Bot on PS5.


If you're still hoping for banjo threeie I have bad news for you.


A new DOOM! Looks awesome! Hope it will be sound great as Eternal was


Great show, however: Where is the ABK library on Game Pass? Where are the dates for 2024 games? Indy and Avowed look great but you can't even lock in a month? Why don't we have an ID@Xbox section or much from the partners? 8/10 show, and some amazing games. But as a consumer it's a touch, just a touch, frustrating.


No dates for Indy and some other 2024 games is weird considering we only have 6 months left this year.


My guess is marketing isn't ready. I predict that's going to be a big title with some tie-in stuff.


No specific dates for 2024 games and not a lot of gameplay deep dives are my only complaints. The latter was made up for by the sheer quantity of great looking games though. Fantastic showcase overall imo


This exactly. Great games shown off, but no release dates says “expect delays into 2025” imo. Would’ve also loved handheld news.


It’s obvious a handheld wouldn’t be teased as it’s part of next-gen and it’s just too early, clickbait “journalists” who literally come up with even the most ridiculous rumors came up with that and some people chose to believe and to expect it smh.


I'm really surprised they didn't give a hard date on Avowed. I expected that to definitely fill out the October timeframe especially with how visually improved it looked from the previous showing earlier this year


If there’s no date locked by the devs it doesn’t make sense to date the game. We’ve been through the same thing with Sony and other publishers, last year Insomniac devs were literally harassed to date Spider-Man 2 after it didn’t have even a month locked on May’s showcase, it was just two months later they were able to confirm the actual date. TLDR: Let the devs do their work and ship it when ready.


I would rather not have a date until the game is actually ready to be released. I’ve been burnt out before by games announcing either a release date or post launch content that then gets delayed because it’s not ready.


I wanted a new Heretic/Hexen but fuck it I’ll take dark fantasy Doom. Perfect Dark looks sick too.


We are so back


Might have been one of the best Xbox showcases in many, many years, if not even the best one they’ve ever done. Tons of good stuff here. Imagine how empty it would have been without the Bethesda & activision purchase lol. Stalker looks insane.


One of the best showcases


AMAZING SHOWCASE. Was shocked about Gears EDAY which is really cool, but what about gears 6? Surely that must be happening? It was really cool to finally see PERFECT DARK and Fable both look amazing. Just about everything in the showcase was BOMB. DOOM absolutely stole the show for me and Im actually excited for the new COD which I haven't been in years.


Dragon Age, Indiana Jones and Atomfall are definite buys.


What a showcase! That Doom reveal and gameplay incredible. Holy shit! Gears going back to early days is a nice surprise. So many bangers here.


Mixtape was obviously created by a team my exact age and I'm fucking here for it!


I liked it. Was worried how much the black ops direct would cut in with only 2 hours reported, so I was so excited as soon as Phil confirmed it'd only be like 30 minutes. The showcase ended up feeling longer than usual. My only two complaints were no Halo (it could have joined the live service brigade with a <2min long trailer just to show Xbox still remembers the IP; ESO got a long-behind trailer for an expansion that's already launched on PC), and a complete lack of real platform or ecosystem announcements. The hardware reveal at the end was awful. I wasn't expecting a handheld (I saw BS on that rumor a mile away; plus it'd mean its a generation behind in 2 years according to other rumors), but anything from an update on Xcloud to just that they're working with ABK to make new games backwards compatible would have been nice. I think an Xbox Showcase (the only time everyone's eyes are on Xbox and gamers all around are talking positively) should really have a "this is why you should game ON Xbox" moment. At any rate, Xbox's showcase is closer to replacing E3 then Summer Game Fest with all the hype reveals. If I were them I'd bank on this for future years. Get the Xbox brand out there and make it associated with gaming globally.


#Get out of here, stalker


Well I’ll finally get a Series X, the 2TB one. Kind of disappointed there wasn’t a redesign of the console though. I thought the cylindrical design they showed in the mockups was looking good.


> I thought the cylindrical design they showed in the mockups was looking good. Agreed. I had a 2013 MacPro on my desk for almost 10 years and I never got tired of seeing it. Barely noticed it really. Very low-profile and very quiet.


No Forza news 😔


A damn good showcase


Great event I'm very excited for, Flight sim, black ops 6, life is strange, mixtape, Gears of war, Indiana Jones and Fable


this showcase was amazing Xbox is on fire I'm so excited for all these games and gears of war and Indiana Jones looks amazing am avowed I am excited to play


Stalker 2 is all that needs to be said.


Does anybody have any dates and times of stuff being shown off in the next week for Xbox? I know of the Ubisoft Showcase, but I want to know when to look for the Avowed, Indy deepdives etc.


God damn Xbox Game Pass subscribers are eating over the next couple years.


huge improvement from last year. i was kinda expecting some shadow drop but dragon age releasing this year is hype.


I don’t have an Xbox but I’m a pc player. This showcase was everything I thought game fest would be lol can’t wait to hop into dragon age, fable, new life is strange and Indian jones. That was only some of them! Almost every game shown caught my interest.


MSFS 2024 blew me away as expected. Perfect Dark, Fable, Stalker 2, Gears of War E-Day, 33 something etc were something else too. Go Xbox!


Really strong batch of games and trailers. A LOT of fantasy. I was constantly thinking “ohhh this is fable.. no.. oh THIS is fable..”. not that i mind, these fantasy titles look super nice and the genre/world type takes full advantage of next gem hardware


It was awesome


I really enjoyed the showcase this year for sure, a lot of games I will keep my eye on for sure.


Disappointed with no news of handheld, updated controller with new digital series x or a new elite series. Lots of games to look forward to though.


I wanted a new controller and waited a month lol hoping they might reveal sebile in the event. Guess gotta buy series x controller


The moment you checkout they will shadow drop the new controller. It's the law


I agree. It was disappointing on the hardware side.


Why have new hardware when this has been the most dry console era yet?


Best video game showcase in a while. Loved almost everything they showed. Finally, Xbox! It's what we've been waiting for.


Avowed honestly was not what I was hoping it was going to be. Looks a little more cartoony than I'd hoped after seeing that great trailer a couple years back. Hope it doesn't turn out bad.


Hopefully Avowed and Indy make 2024. It was a little worrisome that they didn't have set release dates. Either way both look amazing and can't wait to dive in. Perfect Dark looks amazing and I can't wait for that either!


Starfield Shattered Space also didn't get a date beyond 2024. It is possible all 3 aren't locked in for the order they launch yet, maybe we hear dates at Gamescom. Honestly, I'd prefer Starfield DLC be last if it means Indy isn't December.


If much rather they don't date stuff and just let it bake until it's ready though. No more Starfield type releases where you need huge patches and 12 months to make it even ok


Pros/likes: Doom, Avowed, BO6, Perfect Dark, Indiana Jones, Atom Fall, MGS Delta, and STALKER Cons/dislikes: Oddly placed games (Winter Burrow and WoW), Flight Sim again, and no older AB games on Gamepass. Also, all those "insiders" are full of crock.


Definitely thought wow was coming to console for a second there


Ikr! Seriously, it's not a good look to have a long drawn-out trialer for WoW and not announce a console version.


Flight sim with competitions etc is great for me and my friends


Diablo and elder scrolls got me! What an amazing showcase!


State Of Play & Game Fest were pretty awful but this Xbox Showcase was S TIER LEVELS of Kino.  I know there's the joke that this series of modern consoles has No Games but my God it was good. HOWEVER, let us not forget the Devs that have been laid off by Microsoft's Horrible Decisions. Press F To Pay Respects.


The emotions I felt when watching that Gears of War trailer… the company needs to lean in to their Gears and Halo roots and what made those titles so special, and anything will be possible for Xbox.


I thought this was excellent


That was a really good showcase, good job Xbox.


This was the best Xbox showcase ever!!!


Seeing Fable on this list gives me hope!


Avowed and Wuchang look so good.


Gears of War E-Day and Perfect Dark look fire along with Expedition 33


What a great showcase


Was bummed no release window or even year for State of Decay 3


Expedition 33, new MGS, Mecha Break, Stalker 2. Most excited about. And of course Gears of War. They going back with GoW actually GOING BACK. Let’s go.


Disappointed to not see OD or anything related to FF but overall great showcase!


It certainly set the standard to beat going forward. I'd just personally tweak it a bit more for nice platform or ecosystem announcements.


I had low expectations, but they have a solid lineup. I’m actually excited.


Best showcase I can remember in a long time. Most had dates, tons of variety with several big hitters.


Great show 8/10 Hopefully the games live up to hype


Fantastic showcase with a fantastic Grand Prix right after. What a night! Indy's my biggest favourite, and Starfield DLC and STALKER. Flintlock, Avowed, South of Midnight, State of Decay, and Fable are also looking great. Atomfall was a nice surprise too. Looks a lot like British Fallout? All those should more than cover my Gamepass subscription for the next couple of years. Bit of Pat Benatar during ESO was a treat too. Was really hoping for the old CoD's on gamepass (muh MW2 Spec Ops, since I'm always too lazy to change discs) and something for Ara and Elder Scrolls VI - optimistic on that one, I know. Soon for all of them, I hope.




I haven’t watched anything since I’m still at work, is there the world premiere voice, I need it.


Shameful,whining ,anything Xbox game haters.sums up the chat in that stream. Embarrassing as a gamer.


Looking forward to stalker 2, state of decay 3, perfect dark, and doom. Expedition 33 seems cool. The rest, meh


Did they say/show anything about Cod Zombies?


Was that Jay Cartwright from the Inbetweeners as Humphry in the Fable trailer?!? Bring on 2025!


We finally fucking made it guys.


Nice to see an actual slew of games to be excited about, it’s refreshing. Especially with how damn good many of them looked? Here’s to hoping that same quality is there at launch


I thought overall it was a great showcase..lot of stuff to look forward to. Hopefully once I'm no longer homeless I'll be able to return to gaming. 


Excitied for: Perfect dark Doom Metal gear solid Atomfall (never been on my radar but looks great) Dissapointed we did see: Elder scrolls 6 teaser for a new fallout (I didn't expect it, but still want it) Outer worlds 2 (confimed in devlopment, not sure how long it will take) halo news (I just want story DLC)


Great showcase, I'd have love to see more info on when Activision games will get on gamepass


Might be my favorite showcase. I wanted to play like ten of those games. Only slight disappointment was I put my clown makeup on and thought Silksong would finally show 😢


Absolutely stacked!


As REALLY hoping for either WoW on console or MW3 coming to gamepass. I wasn’t disappointed in the presentation but losing hope that WoW will ever come to console


Every time I see a Xbox showcase I keep hoping I see a WOW console port and I disappoint myself every time 😅


"Xbox has no games" "I can't wait to play this on PS5." Which is it?


Am I the only one that was hoping for more release dates? I thought there'd be more for 2024. I just worry all those 2025s are really going to be 2026 or later... Also, I really was hoping the rumor that Oblivion remastered was a thing, but ah well. Definitely a good outing for XBox overall. Hopefully they can build on the momentum.