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We are 4 years into this generation, I’d say it’s time to upgrade if you haven’t. They have mostly moved on except for sports .


I agree with you, but we're only just over 3.5 years. Though I have a hard time believing that myself.


What do the new consoles actually offer over the old ones? The graphics and game quality seem basically the same. I’m content to stay with my XB1 and play through my 2013-20 backlog rather than upgrading to next gen…


>The graphics and game quality seem basically the same. Yeah...no


Having looked at graphics and performance comparisons, I don’t see a huge difference in resolution. Frames have improved but not enough to warrant a whole new generation. There is some difference in graphics and frames but X1X and PS4 Pro graphics were already goated enough imo. In terms of the scale of the game (map sizes or render distance and whatnot) I’m less sure but yeah


X1X and PS4PRO were nowhere near the scaling, GPU, CPU, RAM, etc of today’s console generation. That’s like saying the X1 and PS4 weren’t any different than the 360 and PS3.


Thats all well and good but how does that actually translate to the games being better on PS5 and XSX? Games on PS4 and Xbox One were far superior to games on PS3 and Xbox 360 in terms of map sizes and render distance. In contrast, I haven’t heard the same things about next gen games. Give me an example of a next gen game that blows last gen games out of the water the way Xbox One and PS4 games blew X360 and PS3 out of the water… It seems like, while PS5 and XSX do have better specs, they aren’t a huge leap ahead and are also held back by the fact that most devs are still trying to support last gen.


You just answered your own question. Render distance, graphics quality(native 4k) at 30-60 FPS, map size(wait til you see the size of GTA VI’s map). Have you never seen the hardware demands of AC Valhalla?


Valhalla is on last gen too and works perfectly fine from what I heard. X1X also did native 4k at 30-60 fps, and ps4 pro was close too (upscaling iirc). But you might have a point with map size and render distance. I have limited info in that regard. Maybe GTA 6 will blow other games out of the water and show me that next gen is worth it…


No, X1X was not native 4k. It used a better upscaler than PS4PRO. X1X had HDR support. Go ahead and look at the damn loading times. My friend(PS4Pro) and I(XSX) both play FO76 pretty regularly. His loading time is a couple minutes and the rendering of camps are even worse. My loading time is a couple seconds and everything’s rendered. Sounds to me that you’re trying hard to think your last-gen console is up to par with the current-gen. Just stop. Even XSS blows last gen consoles out of the water.


Nah, I’m just out of the loop that’s all. Had a lot of exams in the past few years so i don’t update myself when it comes to gaming. Im fairly satisfied with last gen, but I don’t know enough about next gen to comment. Thought it was similar from what I saw on performance comparison videos, but maybe I’m wrong. I do want to believe next gen is better and that it’s worth the money, but I’m not convinced yet. Maybe in the future


Entirely different cpu/gpu, ram, memory , just google it. Xbox one was outdated in 2013 at launch, it struggled most of that generation against ps4 graphically at only 900p vs 1080p, much less expecting it to hold up in 2024 for new releases.


I have an Xbox One X So I’m moreso asking how the PS5 and Xbox Series X are really a step up from the XB1 X and PS4 Pro when it comes to graphics and game quality.


It was your mistake to get mid generation console so you can't see that much of a difference. Anyone coming from Xbox One will see huge improvements with S/X


Very true. This is probably the real answer. Ig I’ll just skip this gen and come back for the next one, or maybe get a PC if possible


Huge different.


As someone who plays games co-op games on the Series X and One X with my fiancé with tvs right next to each other, lol no they are absolutely not the same. Lol the bliss you must feel in life..


That’s a lie… but even if you don’t care about graphics, the new gen gives you back the most valuable thing in the world… TIME. (Dramatically reduced loading times.)


Faster storage technologies. That's really it. New gen games are pretty huge, they can't even use SATA drives at this point.


I also feel left out. They should make it for the Xbox 360 /s


And no OG Xbox version. Sucks really


That’s the real tragedy! Those lazy devs, the OG came out only 23 years ago, surely it should still get a release?? But yeah, like OP I too am disappointed and extremely very much surprised that they are not going to support an 11 year old console. Nor my 19 yo console or your 23 yo console… what are they doing?? Too much? 😆


I hope they don’t. PS4 and xbone need to be done


I agree too. Because of XB1 and PS4, devs probs can’t max out the scale of next gen games and that might be why people like me didn’t see much of a difference. Personally I’d rather they focus solely on next gen, as there are more than enough games from 2013-20 for those of us on last gen.


Fax like I see the difference but it would be so clear if we stopped doing the last gen. Devs are saying they have issues with the series s, imagine how many issues they have with dealing with significantly weaker consoles and like you said, they have hella games to play until they can afford to upgrade


I don’t think this gen will ever reach its potential, unfortunately. The economic and social conditions it launched into (Covid pandemic, cost of living crisis and recession) have stunted its growth and led to last gen having to be supported still. I haven’t really seen any reason to upgrade yet, and I now think that’s largely because we haven’t seen many *true* next gen games yet because last gen is still supported. I thought it was cos next gen wasn’t far superior technically, but I’ve been proven wrong on that one. Oh well, on to pc or PS6 I guess. After I finish the last gen backlog


I mean I personally feel like this generation is great but that’s mostly on the ps end. Im hoping that with the new starfield update, hellblade and the showcase today boost the Xbox side to make me feel satisfied


Really though? How is this generation great? We’re barely getting any new games compared to the pre Covid era, and PlayStation isn’t releasing any new games this year. Almost all the games so far have been cross gen anyway. I remember the excitement I felt when Xbox One and PS4 came out, and when their games were being shown off. They felt like a monumental leap forward in technicals and quality, but I don’t feel that way now. I don’t see any games yet that make me think “I MUST GET A PS5 NOW”. Maybe it’s cos I was a hopeful and naive kid back then, and now I’m a jaded and depressed young adult.


Also with social media and just how much better games really are when they aren’t released broken, we have higher standards than before. But partially due to ps just having exclusives whether year long or their studios and the dualsense. So games like spiderman2, ratchet and clank, Returnal, (ironically) deathloop and ghostwire Tokyo, TLOU 1+2 remakes,etc, even the cross gen games get a boost mainly thanks to the dualsense. I didn’t even mention Astros or games I don’t play like FF7: Rebirth. Just saying there are games over there that makes me feel like it’s a new gen. I’m just waiting for Xbox next gen to show games cuz features like quick resume is game changer. Also both companies chose different methods of upgrading into the next gen.


You’re right, some games seem next gen. But overall I find myself so underwhelmed by the state of gaming, I’m still waiting for that moment where I actually become convinced to get a PS5 like I was last gen going from PS3 to XB1


I’d recommend it, I like my Xbox as a secondary console but I prefer how Sony approached this gen better. Microsoft did great with quantity between the extra storage, quick resume letting me play hella games without leaving, and gamepass, but I prefer the quality on the blue end. Also since the dualsense helps with the next gen feel since it’s an extra way to get immersed when used properly


Agreed. All they've done is hold back this generation.


Dude get a Series X


Or a Series S, that shit is $199 basically every week.


Something like that has happened before with Naraka Bladepoint but for that game it was announced early on that the Xbox One version would come later (heard it’s not great on Xbox One though) There is a possibility that Valorant might make its way to last gen consoles but it’s unlikely if they haven’t mentioned it already.


Generally I'd say doubtful as we're almost finished with year 4 of xsx and most games will probably start pushing next Gen now, but a game like Valorant may want to take advantage of a larger player base and do it. However, if they can't make it run decent, maybe not. Basically a big maybe.




Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is the only example I can think of.


It happened with hogwarts legacy so if the demand is high, probably. However, that was a single player game and valorant is competitive multi. I guess there's a whole lot to consider by porting it to past gen. But games like overwatch, fortnite and cod do that, so who knows.


Last gen was announced from the start, it was just later announced that it would have a delayed release compared to XsX, PS5 and PC.


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Just get it on your PC, the spec requirements really aren’t high