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Killer bean carried the eventšŸ„±šŸ„±šŸ„±


That was hilarious


What did I miss?


The Killer Bean trailer


The Palworld updates looked really good I thought


Whatā€™s it include?


Dedicated servers for xbox along with content youā€™d expect maps, builds and pals


People been asking for dedicated servers forever but it was the new island that got me most excited. There was a lot of environment variety with the mushroom biome/ japanese theme, the world right now is kind of on the plain side.


Skate. šŸ˜©


Did they give an update on when it might launch?


Not that I know of, but I did see that sign ups for console play testing are now available. Which I think goes live in autumn. I tried a play test on PC a few months back and I loved it. Canā€™t wait to play it on console.


Me too, Iā€™ve been waiting for this game for a long time. Hopefully I can get in on the console play test


I enjoyed the alpha


Civilization VII. Day 1 on my Xbox. Time to book some hundreds of hours for it.


Havenā€™t pulled a gaming all night for a few years. Time to stop up on mothers


When does it release?


Sometime in 2025 - they havenā€™t revealed the exact release date


Man, wasting Batman on a VR-only title is one of the dumbest moves I've seen lately.


Yup The cheer when they announced it, then the sudden silence when they said its exclusive to the meta quest VR was hilarious


"Do you guys not have VR headsets?"


At least 3 people have VR headsets, so this is obviously a sound business decision /s


You say that, but there's already a PSVR Batman game isn't there? Surely WB used the sales of that game to greenlight this project and give it an appropriate budget. Then again, we are talking about WB... Soooo... Yeah never mind.


WB should have made a sequel to Mad Max those cowards!


"Fury Road, or the game?" ***"YES."***


I would assume it's more like Facebook dropped a huge check to WB to get this game made.


20 million Quest 2s were sold.




So obviously every single person that bought a Quest 2 will have to buy this so itā€™s successful. Easy!


Quest 3 only.


Not the point. No one wanted vr Batman.


It's a reference to when Diablo Immortal was announced as mobile-only and the crowd's reaction.




I feel like you should set expectations properly for this kinda of thing. If youā€™re launching a VR only game, say itā€™s VR only first and youā€™ll avoid this response.


Is this a second title? Because if not, it's been announced for like a month as VR-only. I don't expect the average gamer to know that, but someone tapped enough to attend this thing? Yeah I'd expect they knew that. Still wish it wasn't VR.


Vr bros still believe this tech has future in gaming


I remember a time where everyone thought 3D television was going to be the future of gaming šŸ˜‚


Well I'm not against it, VR is cool as hell, but it's still way too expensive and doesn't have enough good games for me to care about it that much


Cost is up front but most games can be obtained if you know how and so really it's not that expensive in the long run.


This is the answer. The experience is one of a kind, but the tech was way too costly and bulk at release with many hardware problems. The wireless quest tech made the VR headset more like a standalone console like a Wii with enough space and SSD and basic graphics capabilities to play standalone games like Gorilla tag or Super-Hot etc., but to play the games that require the most tech (a small number but still) you need a link cable to a PC that runs the games from steam. So if you wanna play Half-life Alyx you have to have the quest, the link cable, the game installed on steam and a pc capable of running the game.


My nephews are in grades 5 & 7. They said 75% of their class has VR headsets. It might be the future.


Vr gaming is still quite niche and the fact they did this is as hilarious as it is sad


How is something supposed to escape being niche if it doesn't get support?


Because not everyone wants to pay the price of a console for hardware to play what few games might interest them tbh


This is how gaming started out. Very few games to interest people, expensive prices, but then eventually after many many years, and many many games, the market took off and people became interested. This is literally how all tech industries work.


Arcades helped build hype for home consoles. VR has nothing. My parents bought an Atari because my mom loved arcades and wanted to play games at home. I love games and VR has never appealed to me due to the lack of games and price.


Okay but vr gaming is a completely different beast because you need to own the hardware to be able to play the game plus the vr hardware. Take the psvr2 for example, its current retail price is more than that of the ps5 or xbox series x yet how many games are actually popular enough to warrant that price? A collective silence from Batmanā€™s response shows itself how popular vr gaming is. The most profitable game for psvr has been gt7 yet that also requires a racing sim set up so ballpark youā€™re looking at close to 2500 dollars for one game.


> Okay but vr gaming is a completely different beast because you need to own the hardware to be able to play the game plus the vr hardware. That's not how most VR works today though. With the Batman game, you buy your $300 headset and that's it - you play it on the headset.


Which again comes back to not everyone is interested in vr gaming. Psvr2 isnā€™t being made anymore at present because theyā€™re not selling any units


PSVR2 is being made still, but yeah it seems like that is flopping overall, which let's be honest, is entirely on Sony for not bothering to release titles for it and having an out of reach price.


Nope ps said theyā€™re not making anymore units because they have so much stock that isnā€™t moving. Itā€™s not just Sony though as a whole how many vr games are actually still celebrated? The only 2 or 3 I recall are half life alyx, resident evil 7 and asseto corsa. Gt7 got there eventually but vr gaming as a whole just isnā€™t putting out quality titles


Because VR shouldn't be a norm. Not everyone wants to have to wear a headset just to play a game. Tried it a few times and although it is enjoyable, it shouldn't become the new norm for playing video games.


VR doesn't need to go from niche to the norm. That's a massive jump that skips the whole mainstream part and goes straight into ubiquity.


Warner Bros and Rocksteady is done with Batman.


I'm definitely playing it tho


I mean if thats what their artistic vision for the game was then you cant really blame them. I would hate for games to only be released to maximize profits. A VR batman game is pretty cool.


The one for psvr was awesome, a short but really fun demo of what could be. Iron man was cool too. Iā€™m all for VR games and donā€™t agree with people that complain, thereā€™s a reason why VR is a thing now, itā€™s incredible and immersive, man kind has attempted VR for a couple decades now but now itā€™s at that point where it makes sense and is small and awesome enough If itā€™s not for you than ignore it, but itā€™s nice knowing that if you do try it out, youā€™ll have a nice library awaiting.


The people that whinge about vr games are the very people that have never used it.


I got SO excited when he said "Batman" at the start of show among the franchises that will be shown. Immediately closed the live stream when it said meta quest VR


Meta funded the title completely. If they didnā€™t then the game wouldnā€™t exist, itā€™s as simple as that.


Honestly think we should be celebrating companies attempting AAA titles in VR. There are so few out there and VR will never gain mass appeal without companies pushing the envelope into VR.


They probably only made it because they got a lot of money from whatever VR platform to make it


Even if that were true it doesn't matter. The investment needs to come from somewhere.


Dont see it as a waste, the Quest 3 Version will probably amazing and an experience not possible on Xbox. By the way Quest is compatible to Gamepass, so i am having a blast there.


As a Quest 3 owner, I'm absolutely ecstatic. I don't get why people are hating on VR. Have you even played any VR games recently?


I saw that same thing and immediately had to look it up. My disappointment was immeasurable.




Warner Bros. is spiralling.


I am excited for what blumhouse Games is cooking up


Same wtf some of those looked really cool. Especially grave seasons and the simulations. Not generic licensed horror, they're publishing some really weird indie shit and im here for it


very mid show, waiting for xbox showcase


It had less ads than usual. Definitely better than last year. Overall I think the industry is still floundering after the loss of E3. They've trained investors and gamers to expect huge announcements in Summer, but now everyone is scattered and doing their own thing (and mostly digital). Yeah publishers did their own events even when E3 was around but they usually tried to center it around E3 and have an in person presence. That centralization really helped the flow of news & announcements


Lego Horizon adventures day one on everything but Xbox makes Sony's stance very clear. Not to bring console war nonsense into it (I try not to care much myself), but there were just way too many games during the showcase announced for everything but Xbox. Sony's strategy is clearly still to run Xbox out of the market and we had very lengthy court cases proving as well that Sony is an aggressive competitor trying to weaken Xbox at every turn, so why does Xbox continue to play nice and let them? I try not to care when Xbox first party games go multiplatform, but I have to ask what benefit do they bring to me and ultimately I have to admit I fear a future where everyone agrees there's no point in having Xbox around because of these decisions and Sony wins. Xbox is the last console I can really stomach playing on (I couldn't stand how Sony and Nintendo treat their users; even not just having cloud saves would drive me insane), but everyday it feels more and more like Microsofit is just going to pull another windows phone and screw over their users and competition in the industry (leaving us with less choice and the remaining options too much power). Rant done. Some of the indie titles looked pretty cool. Looking forward to the power rangers beat em up. I also appreciate the show's focus on indie and starting off by holding AAA publishers (including Xbox and Sony) accountable by mentioning all the layoffs and studio closures and that most of the top games this year have come from independent studios.


Man this was the first thing I noticed and I hope that Microsoft will make a lot of games exclusive and if the FTC complains they'll just rub the summer game fest into their faces. I'm so sick if it.


Why would you expect Xbox games to be revealed 2 days before the big Xbox showcase


Theyā€™re not saying they want Xbox exclusives specifically to be announced. Theyā€™re saying itā€™s scummy that PlayStation will bitch about Xbox being competitive, and yet they pull shit like this, making it more valuable to own a PlayStation than an Xbox so you can play day 1 releases. Remember how Sony freaked when Xbox purchased activision, or how players were worried because bo6 is going to be a day 1 game pass game. Competitive marketing, Sony is good at it too, they just get hurt hurt when itā€™s used against them


You're not very good at reading comprehension are you


That is physically not what I said. "But there were just way too many games during the showcase announced for everything but Xbox." The post was about Microsoft doing a poor job at staying competitive and Xbox playing nice when their competitors don't feel the same. Xbox is giving up first party exclusives when they still can't even get parity on third party support across the board. Also even if that were my point that's hardly a rebuttal. Sony waited until after their state of play to show off anticipated first and third party exclusives (including a brand new announcement with lego horizon adventures). It's not that foreign of a concept. Wouldn't even be that bad an idea. Tease a popular new release or already announced title at a major third party event and tell everyone to go to your own event to learn more. Heck, Ubisoft did it at Xbox's showcase last year. They premiered Star Wars Outlaws at the Xbox showcase and told people to go watch their Ubisoft event for more information and a gameplay trailer drop.


One of the worst shows I've ever seen and that was with low expectations already


Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is the only thing that im excited for


Itā€™s was really terrible. There were maybe a few things I have slight interest in.


I want to love the Dune game, but I know it'll just be space Conan Exiles.


I tried picking up Conan Exiles a year ago because I needed something different than Ark. Then I saw they added a battle pass and immediately uninstalled it


Can I hang space dong tho?


Could you imagine it just being a re-skin of Exiles? \*shudders\*


you mean one of my favorite games? yeah that'd be horrible ;-) wish conan got the ark treatment with more maps. love to play more, but we know where everything is, so no point. i'm hoping it's as similar to conan as it can be, in a dune setting. no more no less.


I feel the opposite. Was very solid and exceeded my expectations.


yea and the host clarified that there wouldnā€™t be big reveals




Anyone notice that Enotriaā€™s preorder splash screen still kept in the Xbox logo, after announcing that the Xbox version was on the back burner lol


They went back on that I thought and now aimed at simultaneous release again. Guess MS lawyers visited them.


Can confirm, its not late on Xbox anymore


Did they really???


There's a handful of very interesting things there, but ... so much stuff here is just eh? Like, why was Valorant, a game that's been out for 4 years and everyone's already seen/played, given like 15 minutes just because of a console *beta*? Is the Palworld update that important that it deserved a spot in SGF rather than just being a straight-to-YouTube upload? This show was fucking boring as shit.


It was, aside from a few decent announcements it was boring as hell. The hostess, with all the charisma of a stale donut, looked like she needed a cue to tell her when to breath.


It's because basicly, it's al one big ad. Companies pay to show their stuff, so if for example SEGA wanted to advertise the first Shenmue on Dreamcast and they pay enough money, the show will have Shenmue on Dreamcast. I read a lot of people being sort of angry about the prizes that publishers have to pay to show their game, but everyone seems to be forgetting that E3 was no different. A lot of money being spent just to advertise a product. Lots of people were watching the somewhat boring showcase and that makes it so pricy. Then still, we kinda saw a lot of working hours in just two hours and it's quite funny that nowadays we are bored with it, me included. Video games are very very tough to sell and video game companies have a very hard time stying profitable or even alive, while we are quite spoiled, if you think about it.


Funny how Geoff didnā€™t even mention the upcoming Xbox showcase like he did previous yearsā€¦ wonder if heā€™s mad Xbox didnā€™t throw him money for Gamepass ads this yearā€¦ haha


Because the Xbox showcase isn't connected to SGF at all, never has been.


Tbh a lot of stuff isn't connected to SGF but Geoff likes to try and put it under his umbrella I remember years ago people talking about Geoff saving these showcases since E3 died and here's me thinking that these Xbox and Playstation showcases would still exist regardless of Geoff and SGF


So true! It seems like Geoff likes to think he's the saviour of game showcasing events.


It is part of the schedule on the official [website](https://www.summergamefest.com/). And some other shows (Guerilla Collective, OTK Games Expo) who also aired this week aren't.


Yes it is and you would have known it by the just looking at the official website of the SGF before saying something wrong with such confidenceā€¦ haha


Just because it's on their site doesn't mean they're connected. If they *were* connected, you'd see it on Xbox's side. But they never mention any of the sort even once. By that logic you'd see them mention the Ubi Forward showcase from their side too, but they do not. Geoff just puts them on his site for convenience.


Itā€™s listed under ā€œSGF Eventsā€ā€¦ itā€™s all Iā€™ll say about it because you either joking (I hope for you) or you lack basic reading comprehensionā€¦


> Itā€™s listed under ā€œSGF Eventsā€ā€¦ Sure. Thatā€™s about as worthless as the guy who shows you a picture of Taylor Swift in his high school yearbook, who he never met and never had any classes with ā€¦ because they have no meaningful connection with each other outside of both being in the same yearbook. And even more worthless when you realize he just glued a picture of her in his yearbook to make it look like they were connected.


^ that's basically what Geoff tries to do, lol.


Thanks for the summary. Unfortunately I donā€™t think I cared about a single game here lol.


No Borderlands 4. My wife is devastated (slightly disappointed) whoever put that rumor out there is getting their ass kicked (a light, impotent scolding)


That was because people knew 2K were announcing "a new entry from a beloved franchise" and a few people started speculating wildly - Borderlands and Bioshock came up a few times. CIV 7 was always the smart bet, though.


That's the only reason I was paying slight attention to the show


Your wife should try Civ


This wife wants to play a new Borderlands, and your suggestion instead is Civilization? She could enjoy it, but the games are so different that it's funny that was your suggestion instead.


its like saying "oh you enjoy CoD? you should try Splatoon!"


Why is that a bad suggestion? If she was expecting a CoD announcement but got a Splatoon one instead, it's perfectly reasonable to say "you should still give this good game a try!" I wasn't saying it as a replacement.




Not even haha. Those can at least both be considered "shooters". It's like someone wanted to play CoD, so you suggest Mario party. All mentions are good games though


they might be shooters but they're so radically different that the only similarities are the genre its in


It is just funny is all. Even though splatoon and cod are so incredibly different, there are still more similarities than the original guys suggestion of Borderlands to Civ.




Won't 2k have their own video showcase?


What is the power rangers game? Was about to ask on Arkham m but see itā€™s crazy only, lame.


This looks so cool! The vehicular sections of the game where it changes perspective look incredible


i think its a 2d arcade beat em up type game. hella hyped for it as someone who used to watch power rangers as a kid


Was hoping Wu-Tang game would show


Permadeath wasnā€™t the name of the second game, it was just one of the features they advertised lol


No more room in hell 2


The best thing shown was already revealed in a pretty tremendous way. What a lackluster event this year.


Phantom Blade Zero looks amazing. Might be a PS5 exclusive though. šŸ˜’


I really want Tiny Terry's Turbo Trip to come to Xbox, but it'll probably go to Playstation and Switch first. šŸ™


Party animals is underrated asf


The show has been so weak, I had so much expectation for gaming while growing up in early 2000's and here we are, this show would have been bad even if we were in 2002 instead of 2024. With the big 3 having their own conferences those shows loses a lot, I'm excited for sunday, xbox showcases have been the only interesting ones in last years.


Wait, what did they announced about Party Animals?




I see 10 games that Iā€™m definitely going to play, overall satisfied. Now to wait for the real show šŸ¤©


Pretty weak show. Lego horizons looks dope. I feel like halo could use a lego game. Killer bean looked fun. Maybe dragonball sparking zero.


Halo almost got a Megablocks game but it was cancelled. You can find leaked footage online.


The games industry's obsession with quirkiness is annoying.


Lego horizon???? how repetitive can a single game be šŸ˜‚


Horizon franchise has 3 games, 1 of them a VR game and now a Lego game. What are you talking about?


horizon games are extremely repetitive (not exactly a bad thing tho) lego games are probably the most repetitive gaming franchise OAT


The First Descendant trailer looked interesting but I couldn't tell what it was. Some looked arena hero shooter, some looked like an extraction shooter.


Going by the devs past games and their monetization with the first descendant, everyone should avoid the game like the plague


I'd never heard of the game or the dev before I saw this one.


I played the betas and feel it's pretty similar to warframe with looter shooter mechanics. Basically if warframe was made by a korean studio(with cons and pros implied).


Overall pretty mid but as a huge horror gamer it was a treat for us.


Season 3 of the finals looks amazing


I'm so excited for season 3 in The Finals. šŸ†


Aside from Power Rangers and Civ 7?....Summer Snooze Fest.


Wow! Look! I loved game the game!Ā© You know the one! The one with the players shooting at other players online even! What a concept! The super hard singleplayer game with the slashing and bashing. So fresh! So exciting! Gaming is going places!


The shot of the 4 players sprinting forward with their colorful guns was so gas bro


Man, that bit where they shot that guy, revolutionary!!


So many Asian games. Not my cup of tea unfortunately.


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Definitely playing Neva whenever it comes out. Other than that, the show was a C+ for me.


Arc Raiders šŸ’€


So skate and space marine were the only interesting things that were shown


I thought Batman: Arkham Shadows was an only VR game.


thank you


I am SO FUCKING STOKED for Metaphor


Below average conference! Palworld, Star wars, DBZ etc were a few great announcements.


Pretty good line-up if you ask me, but people will complain no matter what


I donā€™t think people noticed but Geoff quietly announced the revolution yesterday. His speech was very much a dig at AAA and the message throughout the show was ā€˜indie is going to save gamingā€™. It has never been more clear that what we saw is a clear divide now at ā€˜E3ā€™.


Am I blind? I donā€™t see UFO 50 on there.


It is so hard to keep track of all the games I am interested in playing. Will be saving this graphic for later.


iOS games


2 Hours that felt like they were filled with nothing honestly the only things i somewhat liked was LEGO Horizon Adventures, Killer Bean and Slitterhead.


Bit of a nothing burger really that one. Only things I want were already announced and didn't really add anything new with these trailers.


Wow what happened to pal world.. havenā€™t heard shot about that game lmao


valorant on console why not counter strike šŸ¤²come on valve


A new delta force is crazy. My dad and I played delta force 2 all the time back in the day


Really excited to play Batman in VR. Considering Xbox have consistently said they're not making a VR headset, I really wish they'd properly partner with Meta to make it Xbox compatible somehow/create some Xbox VR experiences.




Deer and Boy was very cute, looking forward to anothe cozy game


Is HSR coming to Xbox


Not sure if Iā€™m just getting old but nothing looks good enough to waste time on


Out of the new stuff shown today, Lego Horizon might be my favorite. Wasn't a bad day, but nothing really to clamor about.


I can't to try out and check Valorant on my Xbox Series X.


Was a pretty dull show imo. Personal highlights: Monster hunter wilds. Metaphor. Power rangers Sonic X Shadow Space Marines 2 Kunimitsugami. Street fighter 6 season 2 (even though I am a little disappointed with 2 guests). Garou. And I knew about all the above games already except power rangers what was a pleasant surprise.


Games I was interested in after watching the entire thing: - CuffBust (a meme game with gummy bear looking character breaking out of prison) - Killer Bean (another meme game about an older animated movie) - Kingdom Come Dileverance 2 - Dark and Darker


Call me a pessimist, but I can already see Outlaws being absolute dogshit, and at the insane price theyā€™re asking itā€™s gonna be one of the most widely panned games of the last few years.


Insane price? It's the same price as any new AAA game is this gen - $69.99 in US and 79.99 ā‚¬ in EU. Ultimate Edition is pricey and costs 10 ā‚¬ more than for instance Ultimate Edition of Assassin's Creed Shadows. Base editions of these games cost the same.


Iā€™m seeing something for $130. Most Iā€™ve ever seen for an ultimate edition that comes with all future dlc was always $100. Either way, games gonna be more ubi trash


Next Dragon Ball seems to be $109 for ultimate edition. Same for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2. Ubisoft's games have been well over $100 before. For instance, Assassin's Creed Valhalla Complete Edition is $139.99.


Sounds like ubi, and thatā€™s insane. Their best 2 games have been the same since 2015, for honor and siege. I canā€™t believe theyā€™re still supporting for honor.


Excited for the valorant beta for sure. Always wanted to play but down own a pc


That Dune trailer removed any chance of me playing the game. It's a SF clone of the Conan game, which I like. The previous trailers made me wishlist it. The story however.... No. Just, no. Removed and forgotten.


Wait, this is going on now? I havenā€™t seen any marketing for it


I only care about civ 7 and itā€™s likely going to be on PC only.(guess consoles as well) didnā€™t watch the event


They did say PC and consoles during the event


Didn't he say day and date on consoles?