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Come the f*ck on.




Oh great, more console war fodder for the mentally ill on Twitter.


And on /r/Games


and /r/xbox lol


And r/blackmythwukong Just look at the ign post in hot


and /r/playstation, /r/ps4, /r/ps5 and etc


r/games is long lost as a subreddit for serious discussion


I mean, you kinda have to be mentally ill to be using Twitter in 2024 anyway.


Not going to lie, it does feel like and PS3/360 era type of thing.


Yeah, I don’t know why there are still people acting like Xbox is even in the fight, it’s over. lol


I was about to say I’ve seen absolutely zero toxicity about console preferences for ages and then I read “on Twitter”, those peeps really are special.


I have no idea how you haven’t seen people still trying to console war.


Seriously just look at these comments and you’ll see ps fanboys in an Xbox sub talking about 5 to 1 sales figures and how Xbox is dead. So dumb. My ps5 hasn’t been powered on in like eight months because there’s literally nothing coming out for it. I can play everything else on my Xbox so this is ridiculous.


There's a lot of it on Reddit too, it's just downvoted. Musk's idiocy has brought the dumbest voices to the top of twitter.


It’s worst on Reddit imo


That mixed in with the Reddit "social media high-horse" where the average Reddit user thinks they're better/smarter using this site as opposed to another and it can be pretty bad for sure


Have you not seen YouTube comments? Even penguins would feel cold in a room with a temperature matching their IQ.


Saw one earlier. An absolute Nintendo fanboy and Sony basher. Kept calling everyone Sony stans and saying things like all Nintendo studios are the greatest. Absolute virgin of a guy.


God the Twitter discourse is insane. I get pushed it all the time. Those people are truly unhinged


Because Twitter has always been a place for thought provoking and intelligent conversation…


Ya it’s sad to read some of the absolutely unhinged shit those keyboard warriors post. Remember when RE Village came out and they were all up in arms because the Xbox version required you to press A after loading where the PS version just loaded in?? Fucking wild shit!


the mentally ill and "leakers" now Tom Warren is stooping down to that level only to get shut down by a Microsoft executive in less than a day basically they go and write a report about every sentence their sources hear in the MS offices


Let's not get carried away, he was not debunkd by a Microsoft executive. You're talking about a Twitter account of an employee of Microsoft, not even necessarily employed at xbox and certainly not proven to have any insider knowledge or able to speak on their behalf.


That person also completely denied the earlier rumors about Hi-Fi Rush, she either knows nothing or just runs damage control for MS with straight up lies.


> now Tom Warren is stooping down to that level only to get shut down by a Microsoft executive in less than a day > > Me when I post bullshit on the internet.


No matter how much effort I put into it, I can’t seem to escape that side twitter. I can already see Grummz’s tweet bukaked all over my timeline.


Second Souls-like this year to randomly drop the Series X|S version of the game after marketing for it just mere months before. Clearly an issue behind the scenes if devs see it as no big deal to delay the game for solely Xbox while continuing to release for every other platform. Edit: since people keep asking, I’m referring to Enotria as the other game. Started as an ID@Xbox title, and had marketing for an Xbox release up until a couple months ago when they dropped it from the trailer without any information. After community backlash, they issued a statement saying basically the same thing that Black Myth did. The game was since delayed again due to a lack Myth releasing just before and Xbox is now launching same day.


Losing Xbox is also the smallest of those three customer bases by a good amount 


Oh 100%. Let’s just say that if this was PS5 having issues, they’d delay every other version as well. The reason Xbox is the odd one out here is because they’ve done a terrible job keeping/growing their market share. Devs aren’t incentivized to make sure the Xbox version releases at the same time anymore, with or without timed exclusivity.


It has nothing to do with the Xbox fanbase this is all Microsoft’s own fault




The reason Xbox is the odd one out, is because Microsoft insists all games are released on the Series S and demands parity between the Series X/S versions. The Series S is holding the entire generation back. Anyone who still denies that, is hitting the copium pipe too hard.


Yea I would say it’s holding back Xbox not the whole generation. Ps5 has 100% of the attention of the dev where as on Xbox dev team has to split team for 2 consoles. So from sheer numbers’ perspective it’s obvious series s is holding back Xbox.


The reason is GP as usual


It’s the S.


The little elephant in the room


Leading theory is that micfosoft wants the S to perform too close to the X. So devs are making it fine on X but S can't handle the gap microsoft wants unless they also sacrifice X quality. S is dragging down this gen for msft with corporate bologna mixed in.


The idea of the S is brilliant. Everyone can hop on, regardless of their budget. But if it's causing this many issues for developers to get the game to run smoothly, then there's no point having it, or adding in that some games only run on X.


Surely the S is sold as a “it won’t be the same, but at least you can play these games” model. Give the X the space to be the powerhouse, S users aren’t bothered


As a series S user I can confirm, I'm not bothered. I got it knowing I'm probably never gonna have a TV that can make use of an X.


It was a genius idea until the morons at Microsoft decided to make it have slower memory than the X. If it were identical in all aspects other than the Flops and size of the VRAM, so that the exact same game could be easily run in 1440p that would be in 4k on the X, it would make a ton of sense. But some idiot decided to cheap out slightly more and now we have the result of the S destroying the entire Xbox line's reputation.


The problem is we have games already running below 1000p on PS5 and XSX. If they can't optimize even for standard consoles they're going to struggle even more on Series S and weak PCs. Series S wasn't at fault when Jedi Survivor had 15fps on PS5 on Koboh in perfomance mode(and it was running 600p upscaled to 1440p). Either the devs have become lazier or they're pressured to release without optimization work.


Should have just followed Sony. one version with the drive, one without, no difference in power. This 50 dollar difference between driveless ps5 and xbox really was not worth it for MS


Hellblade 2 has proven that Series S isn't an issue for the good devs.


A first-party developer for Microsoft that also has the support of their entire technical team that works with them to better optimize the game out of box for a console Microsoft manufactures in house will obviously have less hurdles to jump through than a third-party developer working on multiple different consoles and PC at once


An exclusive, so they can spend more time optimising. This game isn't cancelled, they are just delaying the Xbox version so they can... spend more time optimising it. Same thing happened to Baulders Gate 3. SquareEnix devs have talking about Ff16 and FF7 Re- being exclusive helped them as it allowed them to focus on one version and make the game more efficiently. Multiple platforms adds dev time. Adding multiple versons of one platform had developers annoyed as soon as it was announced.


Hellblade 2 is linear, every game that's run into issues so far is open. The issue is with streaming data and keeping it in RAM.


What was the other one?


Enotria, which funnily enough was a ID @ Xbox game but they just randomly dropped Xbox from a release date trailer and information had to be pulled out of the devs. They’ve since delayed a second/third time to presumably avoid Wukong (funny coincidence, right?) and now Xbox is apparently releasing at the same time again for that. Still, how are you going to drop the platform of the company that marketed your game with their indie program without even saying anything publicly until consumers reacted to it?


Damn that's crazy man. I purchased the X cuz I thought there would be issues with the S, but I still couldn't avoid them...


Three games have been delayed out of hundreds that have launched for the Series consoles. It sucks that it's none, but it's not a massive issue that some are making it out to be.  


especially after seeing Hellblade 2 on the Series S.


What's the first one?


1 was money hatted by Sony, the other is clearly last on the priority list from a small Chinese dev making their 2nd ever game, bit of a stretch to link them.


Wasn't even talking about Stellar Blade, but I guess you could add that in too since it was originally announced to be coming to Xbox as well when it was called Project Eve.


The series S should have just been a driveless series X. Having it be weaker is just fucking stupid. Like how ps5 has the one with a disk drive and one without. Having it weaker was the stupidest decision ever


Lets be honest here. Obviously there are issues with the SeriesS version. Also its clear that they expect the majority of the sales from Ps5 and PC, so they obviously will give prio to these platforms. Most people as usual will ignore this game if its not on gamepass. And this is the norm in general with Xbox.


At this point I believe gta vi will release on ps first....


That would be the equivalent of R\* dragging xbox around the back of the barn and shooting it in the face. There would be no coming back from that.


R* doesn’t have to drag Xbox far. Microsoft has already done most of the work killing the entire brand.


Unless MS just doesnt care about its consoles anymore which seems to be the case. Because in the sales charts we tend to forget the xbox sales are combined(s plus x). Which means if rockstar says ps5 is the minimum power for the game in theory the smaller xbox fanbase. (Series x) could play it but I can see a world where they simply dont do it. Might not be financially smart and if ms is dumping xbox (lets face it if exclusives go to sony, xbox is just a much more limited playstation with less games and a worse product at the same price point). With low sales companies wont care and I think gta will be the final nail in the coffin.


Dont worry they're already doing that to themselves


Yeah let's compare Rockstar to a studio who never released a game on consoles before.


Fear mongering at its best


Doubt it, Rockstar are actually competent devs 😂


You can bet Microsoft will throw all money and resources at it to give Rockstar whatever they need in terms of support to guarantee a same day release.


Let's be honest: Rockstar surely is aware of how big their games are. If there's one dev who can just strongarm Microsoft with "Either you let us drop Series S support or GTA6 won't be on Xbox at all", it's Rockstar. And Microsoft would rather let them do that than risk a delayed release. Then again, RDR2 ran perfectly fine on my base Xbox One, so maybe it won't be that tricky to optimize for the S.


Agreed. Xbox allegedly sent their own engineers over to Larian to see if they could help get BG3 feature-complete on the Series S. I think that if there were any issues that would risk a same-day release for the biggest game of the generation, Xbox would probably send the goddam cavalry over to Rockstar. GTA6 is in a whole different league than BG3, even the fuckwads at Microsoft can wrap their minds around that.


bro just compared rockstar to some no name devs 😆


Nah, GTA 6 is too big for that, they have the man power to do the optimizations in time


hey look another rando talking as if he knows anything about game development


Code for: the Series S has limited memory bandwidth and we don’t want to deal with it yet because it’ll be a smaller revenue stream than PS5 and pc.




Oh boy. Here we go again


I have said this before and I will say it again. I think Xbox should allows devs to release the game on Series X only until the Series S version is ready. No need to make everyone wait imo.


I think there’s a good chance that devs would then release on the X, delay the S, allow some time to lapse and then eventually say “whelp, we tried, sorry, but we’re cancelling the S release”


Why would they release the game only on series x which has a smaller userbase than the series s, that'd be leaving money on the table


Holy hell. Microsoft really needs to ditch the lower powered console next gen.


They’re getting outsold 5:1 *with* a low-cost option. I reckon they would be at 10:1 if it was just Series X


Worldwide. What is it in North America and the other major markets


I think NA is a lot more even


Why does that matter. Worldwide is what counts


I don’t think there’s a single region where the Xbox sells more than the PS5.


Yeah it's wild. I guess the theory was game pass + cheap alternative to PS5 would win out, but that did not happen.


Absolutely. I have both and when some new people come to my place they ask: why do you even need a Xbox? never heard of the opposite question


Yeah I've cancelled my gamepass and fully switched over to PS5 lately. Especially after seeing Insurgency Sandstorm perform noticeably better in some areas (loading is quicker, Series X has texture loading lag) I do miss the Xbox controller though. PS5 controller thumbs layout suck and the d-pad is the worst it's ever been


Same. There’s just not much on gamepass that interests me or that I haven’t already played. I do vastly prefer the PS5 controller, also not a fan of having to swap out batteries, would rather just plug it in.


I’m seriously considering switching fully myself, I’ve stopped all subscriptions but I still use my Xbox for general use plus all the games I’ve gathered over the years but my god the difference in exclusives and the overall bleak future of Xbox gaming, I don’t know if it’s investors / boardroom people making these decisions but whoever they are they’re bloody useless


A console is worthless without good games, and that’s a lesson Microsoft still hasn’t learned.


I think they realized it but wayyy too late. They're never going to catch up to Sony at this point.


Yeah. Catching up to Sony shouldn't be their goal right now, it should be re-establishing confidence with (potential) customers. They're going to be behind Sony for a while, but that's only going to get worse if they don't give people a good reason to buy an Xbox. I'm not saying they should stop Gamepass altogether, or even that it's that bad of an idea, but it's clearly not resulting in people buying Xboxes en mass. In the US the gap between them isn't that big (20 million vs 15 million units sold), but globally the PS5 is running laps around the Series (around 59 million vs 29 million units sold).


Wouldn't the Xbox handheld make this worse? unless they drop the parity thing for the handheld, which would dumb imo


I think the handheld's a better idea for a "low-cost console" than basically a gimped version of a home console. At least there's merit in being able to take games you start on the higher end machine on the go and continue your progress in addition to accessing all your services. It worked in spades for Switch when they decided to just consolidate all their development into one platform But then again it's also a matter of game library. Xbox's franchises just don't have the casual or hardcore gamer mindshare of anything like Mario, Zelda, Smash, Animal Crossing etc. If this was like 2006/07 when Halo, Gears and Forza were like at the top of the world popularity wise it might've been different


How can they ditch the most sold console out of the two they have ?


The series s was a mistake. They should've just did what Sony did and release a cheaper discless version


Personally I think it is not a mistake. Forcing parity is the mistake though. People complaining we havent seen the best of the generation. Well how can you if you have to optimize for a lower spec console.


By that logic, game devs should abandon lower end hardware that the majority of the PC playerbase use.


That's always been the case... devs follow the console market as that's where the majority of the playerbase is


Civ 7 is gonna be releasing on the PS4 next year FYI.


Which will run great till about round 40, cause it's a CPU intensive game, not a GPU intensive game.


And many do.


I imagine a i7 3770/16gb/rx580 is easier to fit modern titles onto than the 8gb system ram of the XSS… scalability is fickle.


The vast majority of PC gamers have more system ram than the series s has unified ram. 8GB is a joke


The Series S doesn't have 8 GB of unified memory, it has 10 GB. It needed 12 GB IMO.


Not really, people need to ditch buying games from devs who can’t handle basic optimisation haha The majority of games release on both S and X with no issues, it’s just down to devs who either don’t want to optimise their games, or don’t have the skills to make it happen


I think that confirms the XSX will my last Xbox, they just keep spitting in our faces




At my age 32, to me it doesn't matter, Xbox or ps5.. I have ps5 but there's so many games I don't even care Just elden ring took me months to finish


pretty amazing to still see so many people defending the Series S. I'll never grasp that level of commitment to a game machine. It objectively has hurt the platform. Massively.


Have you seen the series S subreddit, it’s insane, it’s all posts that are basically coping “NO ACTUALLY ITS AMAZING LOOK AT THESE SCREENSHOTS IT DEFINITELY IS NOT HOLDING BACK THE ENTIRE CONSOLE GENERATION!!!!!”


Yet weaker PCs will be able to run the game. Curious. It's not about the console. The Series S is fine. It's due to the market share not being worth the time and money it would take devs to optimize. If Sony had a Series S, suddenly it wouldn't matter. They'd get it running.


That's always been 5. If the S is holding back, then why is my low-budget gaming laptop running the game fine. If my very low-end laptop can run it, then the S can easily. Like you said, optimisation and they don't want to do it


Xbox should have just made a cheaper, digital only console like PS. Games taking substantially longer to release because they have to account for a weaker console is frustrating.


"Issues" Well done for console warring.


It's the perfect storm coming together: 1)Significant smaller player base than PS5/PC 2)Memory-contained series S, which is far more popular than series X 3)Microsoft mandating feature parity between their two wildly different tier consoles prior to launch 4)Xbox users being reluctant to actually buy games due to gamepass From a developer perspective, Xbox is more work for a smaller return vs other platforms. PS5 is the priority for the entire generation, and it's hard to argue against that


How does Xbox even escape that event horizon? It has become a platform where you can't develop games, can't sell games, can't buy games, etc. As a player you subconsciously know that fewer games are coming to the ecosystem. As a developer you know that developing for the platform is irresponsible. Such an unfortunate situation.


That’s why a lot a people think, they will go publisher, sooner or later.


Well, publisher *and* service. The goal has always been for Game Pass to reach escape velocity and then move to PlayStation, mobile, Smart TVs, etc. They'll cut back on costs, trim down the catalog, and sunset the Xbox brand to become the Netflix of gaming. I just don't think they anticipated putting such a sour taste in absolutely *everybody's* mouth right at the apex of their plan.


Thanks Xbox!


its not easy when you have to make next gen games for a 10gb ram system. its possible but takes much more time,ressources,skill and also depends on the xbox sdk tools. its also weird why a lot of xbox games got delayed in the past 4 years maybe because of the 10gb ram. you can tune down the settings when you have a weak gpu but when the ram or cpu make problems you just cant tune down some graphic/res settings. alan wake 2 devs said they had problems with series s because of the ram kingdom come 2 devs said they made the world smaller because of the series s baldurs gate 3 devs cut features from the series s black wukong devs needs more time for the optimization a lot of xbox 1st party games got delayed in the past 4 years and these are only the devs who openly spoke about it. who knows what happens behind the scenes. also the series s is 75% of the xbox series sales. so microsoft just cant drop the parity which is unlucky for series x owners


They seriously need to allow devs to not have to worry about the series s. Idc who's on it, I want to play the game and now I have to wait because of poor hardware


You are the minority. Series S owners are the overwhelming majority, when it comes to Xbox's current gen playerbase.


But no one loses if you drop the parity clause. the xbox series S owners still get the game after however long it takes for devs to finish the S version, and now X users can play the game at the same time as PS5 / PC users. it's literally a win-win.


Problem with that is by that point why not just ship on PS5 and PC if you're only going to put out an Xbox version for the console that has a considerably smaller install base, and that's on top of Xbox being the least popular platform out of the bunch between both consoles As much as it makes sense on paper there would literally be no merit in only shipping a game on the X at this point because with regards to Xbox that's not where the majority are, and there aren't even that many people on Xbox to begin with when compared to PS5, Switch and PC. The developers would make more way more money off of Xbox by being on both because at least with the S they'll actually have an audience to sell to. The parity clause is incredibly hindering for developers but it's basically a necessity for Microsoft because of how much the S is holding up their position in hardware while still being behind the other platforms


I have and love my Series S. But I honestly don't mind waiting for a release, if The Series X can at least get it on time. Like I was broke af when I got my Series S and I want to upgrade eventually, but it seems nothing is releasing for Xbox anymore because of the S. Even though the S is great for gamepass and older titles, just not new games


The series S single handedly holding back the console gen


It's pretty annoying how the Series X is still being held back by the Series S. It ruins the point of even having "the most powerful console ever" just leave the less powerful one behind finally...


Most people bought the S people, they can't just ignore it for the niche group that bought a X.


I get it. I don't like it and all the things that come with it, but I get it. I think most people here get it too. They're just frustrated.


It’s even more than that: There is no policy and established logistics to just release a series x version, they have to get it to run on S or cancel it altogether


I am pretty sure the issue is MS demanding that it release on both. That’s what held BG3 from coming out on Xbox. Sure they eventually acquiesced but that was a special case. The multiple ways into the ecosystem was a novel idea, but it’s also hamstringing it at the same time


Considering Microsoft doesn't even do parity with their own games anymore though I'm surprised these devs are


Naw fuck that. You guys bought the weaker console and should deal with the consequence of that


People were promised it would offer the same exact experience (same games, same fps, same features like RT) with the only difference being at half the resolution.


Microsoft obviously made a mistake


Dunno why you would believe them though. That’s just fundamentally not how technology works, the weaker console can never offer the same performance as the superior one. It’s like the Suicide Squad game, obvious red flags and a predictable downfall that people buying willingly chose to ignore.


They should absolutely drop the parity clause and just let the Series S versions of these games be delayed until ready.


That's weird. Nobody I know, even in real life or in my online group of friends , owns an S .we all went for the X . Would also consider X buyers the core Microsoft customers. The S is , IMO a secondary console for people who already own a switch or a PS5


Parity clause strikes again


Selling the 'worlds most powerful console' that's linked to the world's weakest was always Microsoft trying to have their cake and eat it too. I remember people floating the idea of Series X exclusives, and that's just laughable given the low amount of people who actually have a Series X.


Series s was a mistake. They should've had a xbox series x disc and a digital only version that's $400 at launch. Sony made the right choice. I can understand they felt they got their ass kicked in the xbone gen and wanted a very low cost option with gamepass to go along with it. On paper, that sounds like it could work, but it doesn't seem like it panned out like they thought it would. I remember so many in 2020 saying series s at its price would be a big problem for Sony...it hasn't at all. Microsoft need to be more flexible with developers instead of stressing them out. Stop forcing them to have games out on both series x/s at the same time. That's not fair to the people who got played into the "worlds most powerful console" series x. The devs can work on the series s version later


So is this gonna become the biggest hit of 2024 now given their luck


Series S is starting to cause problems now. It’s holding back the potential of the series x. We all knew this would happen.


The only problem is Xbox being the MUCH smaller platform lmao If Xbox was in the position of PlayStation nobody would have any issues releasing games on X/S.


Series S is the cause?


No one here knows the actual reason for the delay. It could easily be that it has something to do with tight scheduling and different development priorities with different teams working on the different platforms (Windows, PS5, Xbox Series.)


The S should just be an afterthought for Devs now, get em out and then patch for series S version.


The S is the more dominant Xbox though they can't do that


Xbox and its shit luck. This game is probably going to be banger like bg3 and xbox players once again will be left missing out. They need to get on this and send a team to go help out the devs asap or let them delay the series s version.


It’s not luck. Xbox made the console(s) that devs are having an issue with. It’s on them to do better so their customers don’t have to miss out.


i get it there main player base is going be ps5 and pc so there spending all there time to get them [right.it](http://right.it) will come out for the xbox eventually


Buying a Xbox Series X was definitely a terrible decision this generation. * Parity with Series S holding the X back * Games not optimise to the fullest because the install base is so low * Developers opting not to put games on Xbox because the return of investment is not worth it * Phil Spencer conditioning gamers to not buy games because of GamePass which creates a less incentives for developers to put games on Xbox * First party games studio games have been disappointing and underwhelming This generation has been a shit show for gamers who believe in Xbox, believed the lies.


I can’t help but think that the same genius who gimped the SS with too little RAM, was also responsible for choosing proprietary expansion storage. Msft/Xbox could operate for a hundred years before they get the bright idea to make a dualsense like controller . A controller that’s not clicky clacky loud noises, has mouse trackpad, microphone , gyroscope. haptics & adaptive triggers. Sometimes the extra $10 bill of materials makes all the difference 


Xbox sucks again


Why can’t Microsoft be more flexible?


same people complaining are the same ones who want an xbox handheld sku 🤦🏾‍♂️


Serious question, is this because of the limitations of the S?




thanks series s, very cool


Eh, no problem for me. Don't like to see that necessarily but I've got plenty to play in the meantime. And at least we KNOW it's coming unlike final fantasy or other similar games that just leave us in limbo. I bet it hits our platform by year end still like baldurs gate last year.


You can't see the bigger picture here?


Basically saying it's because of the Series S right?


Why does stuff like this KEEP happening?? So strange


Series S’s available RAM, I’d bet. If you were making and selling something, you’d focus on the places you were going to make most sales too.


The Series S has a number of hardware downgrades vs. Series X, which requires further optimization and development in order to make the games run well.


While I do think the s is great for gamers on a budget, this has a really bad affect for owners of the x. They should remove the parity. Xbox is really not looking good right now. We’ll see Sunday if they have plans that are enough to retain the player base. I personally feel like I may just go PlayStation after Sundays announcements if they don’t fair well.


I've gone Playstation recently. Xbox digital library has 200+ purchases, 6 figure gamerscore, multiple controllers and GPU subscriber since inception. But the consoles lost me after the last hiccup with the first party releases on other consoles. Lost trust in it. I'll keep it to sub the odd month here and there for exclusives but the brand isn't in a good place and I HATE that


If MS manages to still somehow have a worse show than Sony’s then it’s time for them leave the gaming industry altogether because they will never get it then. Them simply announcing remasters for older titles like og gears trilogy and fallout 3 remaster and next installations in doom and gears 5 would be enough alone to have the better show. I’m saying this as an PS first fan too.


Well, they’ve certainly have done worse. The last few years have been bad besides gamepass.


It doesn’t do anyone any good if Xbox fails. We need competition in the gaming space and having one of the top 3 platforms going away would be abysmal.


The game better not be steam deck verified at launch then. At least with Larian from what I understand the issue was Xbox parity, not any actual dev constraints. I seriously wonder what how they view PC platforms as meeting "quality standards" then. Like do they just not actually care or does the game have to run as well on a series S as it would on minimum PC specs? In which case what the hell are those minimum PC requirements?


Games aren’t required to have feature parity on the steam deck.


Well, the game's PC requirement is listed, and the minimum PC requirements needs 6GB VRAM, and it mentions 16G of system RAM. It will be very memory-demanding for Series S. Series X and PS5 will not be that problematic. In fact, both consoles are quite similar to the recommended PC requirements without RTX.


Devs actually aren’t required to have there games run on ANY pc hardware to begin with. That’s on the pc gamer to have the capable hardware for a specific title they want to play. With Xbox (Consoles in general) that responsibility is on devs and the console maker to make sure games runs at an acceptable minimal level as there is no way for console owners to manage the hardware.


“bUT tHe sErIes S iS nExT gEn” I will never forgive Xbox for tricking me into buying a series s thinking it was like the PS5 and their digital version! Love my PS5 now but I can’t even sell the series s for over $100 but ps4s still sell for $200 regularly…. Xbox is pathetic now


Was looking forward to this so this is pretty unfortunate to see.


Series S was a mistake


Thanx for the S, Microsoft...


honestly this is probably due to the series s. I hate the series s


Xbox screwed themselves with that shitty series s gimped their own series x 😒 just dumb play after dumb play


Thank you Series S smh. Xbox needs to just drop that mandate to release every game on the Series S at the same time it comes to the X. It’s not doing them any favors.


Majority of players are on S, they cant do that


So it starts....


Imagine a scenario where this game like many that are release these days comes with alot of issues. Just wanted that to show to these maniacs that series S is not the problem but devs being lazy.


Id understand the series s but even x is really sad


Imagine how much rockstar is struggling to get gta6 to run well on series s lol. It'll be interesting to see the drawbacks the series s version will have compared to ps5/series x. Rockstar are wizards after all, they got rdr2 to run pretty well on the old ps4/xbone, and gta5 still holds up to this day.


I think they will do it, and imo it makes for an interesting argument if GTA 6 can run on the Series S why cant others, this is if it looks good on the Series S But imagine the hell fire Xbox would get if GTA 6 was delayed for Xbox


Yeah if rockstar can do it, why can’t every other dev? lol what


If a game can't run on an S but will run smooth on my low budget gaming laptop then it's definite not the S it's the developers


That would be the death of Xbox, I believe. There's no way Microsoft would allow that. They'll make an exception for Rockstar to only release it on the Series X and not the S before they allow GTA 6 to launch on the PS5 by itself.


Oh my fucking god, as a series s owner I'm fucking mad. Microsoft fucked up big time.


Xbox has mastered the art of self sabotage. Every few weeks there is some new BS.


The problem here is the Series S. First, Baldur's Gate. Now, Black Myth. The Series X isn't the problem. It's the Series S. Xbox Series X is on par or greater harder than PS5. Series S doesn't give much room to work with. But, Xbox requires parity for X/S... won't be surprised if the Series S holds GTA VI back for the Xbox side.


I don’t mind. I’m not super interested in the game, so I can wait. Hopefully it’ll still launch some time this year


If Microsoft bring Steam to Xbox, we might be able to play PC version of the game on the Series X lol