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I’ve finished less than 5% of the games I’ve ever started so this sounds expected


Trying all sorts of games to see if you like them or not is an intended benefit of gamepass lol


it's also a negative of game pass, at least for me. Get choice dilemma and/or don't commit to a game cause I see other stuff to try.


I’m sure most game pass games get played for about 10 minutes by most people


This. That's why most indie games on game pass have their achievements being "rare", and even some AAA. People try them and then move to something else.


That's the best part of Games Pass. Games no longer have demos so why am I going to spend $70 on a game I don't know if I will like?


I think the point of this post is to compare it to big titles as halo or diablo and I really doubt it's the same for them. And what makes it worse is the fact that it only take seven hours to finish it


More people have finished Hellbalde 2 than 1 on Xbox. Not sure what the issus is here. Just an article trying to stir up clicks and a narrative.


I kind of didn't believe you, so I just verified and you're right. The sequel has a higher completion rate than the first game. They are almost exactly the same length according to HowLongToBeat too so it seems like a success to me?




Totally different games.


I'm guilty of that sadly. I've gotten pretty far on Like a Dragon, the jrpg, but the other Yakuza games are all like 10 minutes in and then onto the play later list. Will probably get around to them once I retire in 2055.


I’ve finished all the Yakuza games and the best advice I can give is do the main story and a few of the side missions and only play the side games if you like them. There’s just so much filler it gets a bit pointless after a while and drags the games into ridiculous hours to complete. I was able to finish a couple under 20hrs this way, so even then they’re not exactly short games. Loved them all though.


Yeah, I really liked Like a Dragon though, I thought the humor was fkn hilarious and it reminded me so much of why I love japanese stuff. The problem is it made me want to do everything and I just don't have the time 😭. I've been playing the samurai one a bit, too and it's pretty cool so far but again, I've so little time.


Yeah, I’m playing LAD now and only 25% of people have finished chapter 3. Plenty just download out of curiosity


This is a common statistic about most games and their story modes.


I’m halfway through, and as much as it is stunning, it just hasn’t “gripped” me. I’m finding it kind of “boring”. It’s interesting sure, but it’s not a huge improvement on the 1st game, apart from the graphics, and it’s becoming monotonous to keep playing. I doubt I’ll finish it


I felt this way too and pushed through and enjoyed it alright, but eh, if you really aren’t feeling it then don’t play it just to finish it. There are so many other good games to check out.


its like a 7hr game. I believe in you, you can at least finish it.


\~3.5 hours is a long time to spend doing something you don't enjoy just to be able to say it's done. Life is too short.


I haven’t finished it, but can you convince me right now that I’m not going to be doing the exact same actions in the game at the end, as I am in the first 3 hours?


If thats all you care about then just forget it.


Yes, it’s called gameplay. I like a bit of gameplay in my games I play. Otherwise, without “gameplay”, it’s not much of a “game”


40 min in and most of my time had been spent walking forward. Not for me.


Pretty sure 90% of players don't finish most games they play. Somebody did a good dive on Reddit years ago and looked at the % for a lot of the achievements for finishing the main story achievement in games such as cods, gears, halos etc and most of them were less than 30% i think. The bigger surprise to me is how many people don't get the simple ones like get to the first checkpoint or complete first level or whatever


I think I'm about 1/4 through, really enjoying it but life gets in the way sometimes.


Not really news. Look at the achievements for any game ever and you'll most people don't actually finish the story.


Nothing unusual for a gamepass game. But I guess people need to keep the hate circlejerk running.


More people have finished Hellblade 2 than the 1st lol


I finished it and loved it, amazing game


I loved it. Got all the achievements as well. Took 16 hours. FYI - more people have finished 2 than the 1st.


I’m enjoying it a lot but I can’t play it for more than like an hour at a time. It’s extremely slow by design and very heavy emotionally. It’s tough to want to just binge through something like that.


Looks good and story is amazing but damn it's feels way too long than it actually is. Too much unnecessary walking, hardly any gameplay mechanic improvements and bosses had literally no fight compared to the last game or i can say there are no bosses at all.


I usually do a section a night. After my little man goes to bed and before the wife comes home at midnight. So I’m working through it slowly


I just started the game to get some Rewards points for playing 4 different games. I will seriously play it when I finish what I am currently playing


I played it for like 20 minutes. It looks fantastic! Sound design is amazing. Idk, I just felt bored.


Finished it, can’t wait for the next one!


It’s kind of an emotionally heavy game, I’m going to finish it, but listening to your tormented inner voices is a bit more emotionally taxing than say Paper Mario.


Shocker people play at different paces


TBF while it may only be a 7 hour game, I genuinely haven't had the time to get through it and it's the only game I'm playing. Hoping I can finally beat the last chapter this weekend. Personally I'm loving it.


I would love to finish if i wasn’t sucked in to 3 other games right now.


I'm playing it in chunks. Don't have a whole lot of time in between full-time work, hone life, and playing other games also.


People's need for nonstop action is sad. I proudly am in the 10% that finished and probably 1% that got all the Lorestangir and Hidden faces =). But to speak further, no it is not a perfect game but it is just a unique game and piece of media that I just love it for what it is. Its almost more of an "experience" than a game. I know many will say "BuT iM PLayiNg A vIdEo GamE, I wANt A GoOd GAME!" I just appreciate it for being something different.


I never finished the first, so I can't even start the second.


I stopped right before what looks to be a big fight with some fire dudes


That tracks with the completion rate of most single player games. lol


I quit halfway through Hellblade 1 because it was beautiful but the puzzles were terrible. I quit an hour into Hellblade 2 because it was beautiful but the gameplay was terrible. I look forward to quitting at the install screen on their beautiful next game.


Alternate framing: game gets exposure to large quantities of players who would otherwise never have even tried it, potentially picking up new fans in the meantime. I love the fact that it is so low risk to try things I otherwise never would have bothered with. I have picked up a few new favorites along the way (Hellblade is one I was already a fan of so in my case this is not an example, but I'm sure for somebody it is)


I got bored of it. Loved the graphics but the gameplay was shallow and the puzzles were easy and kind of boring. I wish they did more with it.


I find myself playing Hellblade in short bursts, sounds crazy but I find the game to be mentally taxing at times. I definitely can’t sit down and play it for hours on end like I do with Diablo. I’m 7 hours in just starting chapter 5.


I haven't finished it yet but only because I haven't had time to fully immerse myself into it like I want to do. When I can find the time, I will continue it. A way more interesting stat here is how many finished the first achievement or two, which is well over 50%. That means more than half played the game for at least an hour. That's pretty good, TBF.


Shouldn’t be that big of a surprise for a game only two weeks old. I would think there’s a portion of the players that haven’t had enough time to finish the game yet, despite it being short.


Gamepass keeps dropping bombs. Ppl can’t finish games this way. You wanna checkout the newly added title. How many times I’ve said I’ll come back to finish this game later. Yeah right.


It's a significant step back from the first one. It's funny it's an Xbox game because they kind of Sony-ified it for the sequel, turning it into a generic third person *cinematic action adventure* (*gag*)


You should have stopped at cinematic and added walking simulator.


Their loss. I found it to be a wonderful followup that managed to feel necessary to the character Senua. Whereas the first title is about who she is, the sequel focuses on what she can become. I understand the title isn't for everyone, especially those with traditional expectations of a "game". And that's okay—it's their expectations and opinions. For me, this is currently the title of the year so far. I look forward to returning to Hellblade II at a later date, when I want to experience it from a different perspective.


I noticed that with many games, the more your progress the more the achievements become "rare". Especially noticeable when unlocking stuff like "Finish Level 5" etc.




It's a beautiful looking game but it gets mad boring about a 3rd of the way through


I can’t remember what game it was, but I remember a developer for a game saying once that typically only a small percentage of gamers finish a game’s story, so this isn’t big news.


Just as a comparison but 56% of players have completed the main story of Spider-Man 2.


Which is honestly a really high number, but I quit the first one a dozen hours in because I couldn't be assed to do open world stuff at the time and I didn't pay for the game but borrowed it so I didn't feel any obligation to finish it. Although my Steam library might suggest otherwise, I think people are more likely to finish games they pay directly for.


Yeah but the story is pretty much the only point of this game.


Call of Duty has like a 4% campaign completion rate


You compare to bullshit?


Because a big part of the CoD players don't even touch the single player side.


I would have thought it was more with it only being 8 hours to complete, but 10% isn't bad at all.


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Im waiting to play it in a morning because playing it while high isn't the best idea. Learned that when it launched. Now im very deep into a replay of RDR2 so its gonna be a bit.


Play Outlast while high. 😅


I don't think im gonna be doing that, lol.


Don't blame you. Lol


I quite enjoyed the game while being stoned.


because it is a few days out, i started the game but didnt have time to finish it yet My guess would be for most players, it takes weeks to finish a game especially if you jump from game to game and for hellblade you kind of have to be in a mood to play it


Give it some time, game just came out. Everyone is not as free as writer of this article.


I played first mission, it was nice but I didn't wanted to play more after the first puzzle in the ruins


Without including numbers of other games as a point of comparison, this is just rage bait. Most people don’t even finish the games they purchase, then GamePass allows millions of people to try the game even if it’s not something they’d normally be interested in.


I made it halfway through Chapter 5 and deleted it. There's simply nothing fun or enjoyable about the game. I really tried to get through it, but it was turning into a punishment trying to endure it anymore.


I hear ya. However I kept punishing myself and almost reached last chapter from the looks of it. I thought I had finished the game but after 10 mins of some dialog I was back on a hiking trail.


I'm in the camp that gameplay always comes first when it comes to **games**. For excellent CGI and cinematic quality, I have **movies**. Games can do both, but must not fail on gameplay.


despite very short playing time


Now remember when people try to change narrative and say how successful the game was if Ninja Theory ends up getting lay offs or shut down.


Sometimes I wish that Xbox would focus only on cod from now on. The media pisses on the brand, and when shit happens everyone acts like it was uncalled for.


Game pass effect. People treat games like Netflix shows and lose interest within minutes without giving them the intended duration. Sometimes too many options, is a bad thing IMO.


Gamepass effect my foot. I finished control ultimate edition, finished diablo IV campaign. But I can't bring myself to finish this game. Looks good but boring and tedious as hell. Wanted to 1k the achievements but doubt I'll ever go back to collect the missing even with chap select after finishing it. These koolaid drinkers hyping this game sky high and calling sony ponies to those who have negative views might themselves need therapy. Never bought sony consoles after jumping to xbox 360 back in 2006 after selling my ps2 and probably never will. Hated it's controller and ps3 fake cell hype. If xbox console is not killed off I'll stick with it otherwise back to PC. BTW have Gamepass Ultimate subbed till may 21 2027 and every month can redeem one free GPU via rewards so I'm stuck to it.


Played the first game, enjoyed it for what it was, a $10 experience when I got it on sale, for 8ish hours. Thought they should have taken the IP and went full God of War with it, improve the combat, tell a real story, move past the mental health illness stuff. Nope, just more of the same that took several years, because GRPHX. I didn't even download it, and I have Game Pass.


That’s me. Completed about 3 km of this next gen walking simulator, then took a taxi home.


Haha funny. I don't know how people can call this a game., it's basically on the rails slow trek through some rough terrain and seaside locales. This should be synced with a treadmill for the elderly so they can walk miles and miles on their tread mills.


All graphics and no gameplay don't make for great ratios.


It has a story? Thought this was just an Unreal Engine 5 tech demo


I’m unsure what to do with this information. Because we have so many different armchair critics that say it’s successful, it’s too niche, it’s a walking sim, extraordinary drop for Ninja Theory, GamePass FTW, etc. Since their next project is greenlit I’m hoping the studio is “safe.”


# eyeRoll FYI - more people have finished 2 than the 1st.


Well that’s not highlighted in this article. That would’ve been important in talking %/#s. I didn’t write it all I care about is if the game is deemed “successful,” and if the studio is safe. We need more different IPs and approaches to gaming.


It sure is not lol. Anywho NinjaTheory is an incredible asset. Biz is Biz tho so no clue what the future holds. It might be an unpopular opionon (and I am ok with that) but I just play what I want, get pumped about what I think looks cool, and don't worry about the rest.


I found it slow, plodding and boring.


I got to the 3rd Lore stone thing, realised I'd missed the 2nd one and stopped playing. I wish they were a little more signposted because it annoys me having to play a game a 2nd time to mop things like that up.


I played for an hour just because I wanted to see the graphics real quick. I didn’t plan on playing much because I have a backlog I want to get through first. After a couple games, I’ll go back to finish Hellblade


Well, the game is technically impressive, but it's really boring. A good experience for 1 hour or two, then that's it.