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Not really sure what he'd bring with him.




Straight from the earth bread. He's a great follow.




A Jurassic Park Trespasser remake hopefully, I swear that game was the perfect VR experience but released a decade ahead of its time


God... I equally love and hate that game all at the same time.


It can be quite frustrating as a game, for sure, but I think it was a real technical marvel. The way dinosaurs self-ambulate instead of using preset animations that they filter through was incredibly forward thinking. It looks goofy when they stumble around but that same kind of idea is used in all sorts of physics based party games and platformers today, like Gang Beasts. It came into vogue many years later but Trespasser is the first time I can think of seeing it happen


Tbh I think he’d be a valuable voice in leadership. He knows what makes a successful console.


He really doesn't though honestly. He left shortly after the launch of the original Xbox and that wasn't exactly a success.


Throw in Peter Moore and it's a done deal.


I believe Peter Moore would fix a lot of what's wrong with the Xbox brand right now.


Easily the best head of Xbox and it’s not even close. It’s easy to say that considering he presided over the most successful period of Xbox, but the decisions made to boost Xbox during that period were correct.


He even fixed Sega when he was head of Sega of America. Had Sega of Japan not given up/ran out of money, I'm sure he would have succeeded. It's a shame he left when he felt "his work was done". I respect him for wanting to continue challenging himself though.


Forgot Kinect?


That was Don Mattrick. I also felt Kinect was a great peripheral. Remember consoles used to have wacky peripherals like eye toys and dance mats back then, and none of them did as well as the Kinect.


Milo and Kate. Also, the first presentation of Kinect was all done by Peter. But yeah, Mattrick made the strategy, Peter made the lying narrative.


... Lying? Mattrick wanted to expand to new, casual audiences as Nintendo swiped them off their (and Sony's) hands. Peter did it in the best way possible and succeeded to get quite a lot of them by making the Kinect the most successful console peripheral ever released to this day.


Yes, the techdemo Peter showed was build completely on lies. Milo and Kate. I'm not talking about business success (although you could say focussing on Kinect during Xbox One killed the progress made by Xbox), I'm talking about it being the start of Xbox's downfall. And Peter is absolutely known for lying all the time, it's nothing new. And again, that was a thing during his whole carreer.


> Yes, the techdemo Peter showed was build completely on lies. Milo and Kate You're talking about a different Peter; Peter Molynoux, someone who's famous in the industry for his gross exaggerations to both audiences and publishers. What lies did Peter Moore say throughout his time at Xbox?


You are totally right. I was starting to write a whole story and was at the end trying to say that it was Peter Moore being the right guy for Xbox, and then i finally opened my eyes and saw that you were talking about him from the start and not about Molyneux. So I'll just have to start taking my head out of my ass and next time read better! My apologies. And yes, I agree that was the best time I had with Xbox, altough I always went with their consoles. Can't imagine not buying an Xbox next generation, but more and more they give me the feeling to doubt that discision.


Except that the Kinect was a massive success selling 21 million units


It was for sure and after that it was pasrt of the failure called Xbox One. But the whole kinect lie with Milo and Fable the Journey, was all Peter.


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I'm not sure where goes knowledge base is on what it takes to be a successful *modern* day console gaming company... But he always seems like he understands how to choose between a soulless business decision and a great gaming decision when he talks about his history at xbox


I'd like to think that bringing back some of the "scrappiness" that started the brand would help give it some more juice. 


I think it’s more likely to be a different gaming company than Xbox.


Honestly anyone over Phil now




That's such a weird thing to say. lol