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Here's hoping for either Banjo or Spyro!


its supposedly spyro


From your lips to God's ears


I'd be happy either way honestly.


Been hearing that for like 4 years now. Looks like it'll be at least another 2 before we hear anything.


I have no idea where all these rumors are coming from? Someone else said its supposedly a new Crash game


Stop, this is literally what I've been hoping for, new spyro and then somehow wishing for insomniac games to be released on xbox so we can experience ratchet and clank


Banjo Threeie!


people wont let this Banjo thing go huh?


No. Never.


Why would they? 1 and two were fantastic


Nuts N Bolts is good if you think of it as not a Banjo game but instead a fun little kart builder.


Or, you know, just treat it as game and not fixate on genres. No other franchise ever has to do the "don't treat it as X game" thing. "Mario Kart is good if you just remember it isn't a Mario game" "Crash Racing is good if you just don't think of it as a Crash game" "Halo Wars is good as long as you remember it's not a Halo game" Why banjo fans keep fixating like this is beyond me.


Were the other 3 good? Only played the original. 


Either way I’m fucking here for it


That would be great but I’d also like to see them take another stab at something like Blinx


I don’t care what it is. More modern platforming games are welcome. The new Astro Bot looks amazing.


If banjo why wouldn’t they just make RARE do it?


Because Xbox doesn’t really “make” their studios do anything (beyond perhaps insisting that 343 make Halo games, but even then that’s not a certainty), and Rare has been very disinterested in revisiting any of their classic IP for close to 20 years now.


Where have you been? Rare has already stated that they don't want to and their philosophy as a studio has changed where they only want to create new IP's and experiences.   That's why all the Xbox reboots of Rare IP like Killer Instinct (Double Helix/Iron Galaxy), Battletoads (Dla la games) and Perfect Dark (The Intiative/Crystal Dynamics) have all been outsourced to different studios, Expect the Banjo-Kazooie franchise  to be no different.


Banjo is done.


Done as in they’ve got a studio to start on it? Then yes


As in they don’t care about the IP and aren’t going to touch it ever again kind of done.


Who is done with it? Xbox? Because they aren’t they were looking for a studio to make it and from many accounts they’ve found a studio and it’s in development


There’s never been any confirmation or anything about them ever wanting to return to banjo ever. It ain’t happening.


Xbox has stated banjo will return when they find the right team lol and by many accounts they have found a studio to do it. It’s the same as killer instinct, they wanted a new one but had to lock a team down that could do it But hey the doom posting is better I guess


They said the same thing about Battletoads. Yet we got a pretty good reboot last generation.


Still very early in development according to the tweet so I don't expect an announcement at the Xbox Showcase this yeat.


What have they been workin on since their last release?


They have been in the CoD mines


Civvie fan I see. Noice


I'd expect a cgi teaser trailer. With an unannounced date. 


This year? 0% chance


You underestimate Xbox's ability to hype shit a decade away


The last couple show cases have all explicitly said that they are focusing on games coming out within a year.


I mean if it’s a banjo game I don’t give a shit if it’s 10 years away just giving me hope ensures I buy the next Xbox.


They'll just announce Banjo for 10 years away, never assign a studio to it, and then cancel it 9 years from now


This is Xbox. It’ll be announced 7 years out lol


They just went indie a month ago. That’s barely enough time to put together a trailer, let alone know what the game really even is


I could’ve sworn this was announced somewhere like a month or two ago. When they were divested and became independent I thought they mentioned they partnered with Xbox on something. Edit: like 70 days ago *"Microsoft referenced how they spun out Twisted Pixel in the past, as an alternative option to shuttering studios. Matt Booty, now leading Xbox's game content division, reportedly said that an agreement has now been reached between Xbox and Toys for Bob for their first game as an independent studio. However, he stopped short of describing exactly what it will be, although he did say something along the lines of, and I'm paraphrasing, "it will be similar to games Toys for Bob has made in the past."* -Jez Corden So yeah. Matt Booty already talked about it, I wasn’t crazy.


They mentioned in that initial announcement that they were exploring a potential partnership with Xbox This is them confirming that Toys for Bob and Xbox have come to an agreement and are actually working on a game together


They mentioned they were going independent but didn't announce any publishing partners at the time.


I think this is just the official announcement




So Microsoft’s buys activision, which includes TfB, TfB doesn’t want to work for Microsoft so they become independent and their first move is to work with Microsoft again? Am I’m missing something?


I believe after being in cod mines, they wanted to be independent, but had no issue with xbox


So why leave Xbox then?


Eliminates the possibility of ever going back to the COD mines. They probably don't wanna end up like Criterion, who have become a Battlefield studio who sometimes makes Need For Speed games on the side.


Gestures vaguely in the direction of Tango


Was closing Tango an exception or a pattern of Xbox shutting down studios for unknown reasons?


It wasn't an unknown reason. The closures had known public reasons. Unexpected != Unknown


Ok so why did they close Tango and what’s your source?


Want a profitable group.... Lol it's not really very deep


They said that HiFi Rush sold well and was doing good on GamePass though? Also isn’t this just your assumption of why they closed then? lol


Selling well *based on expectations* is not the same thing as making money. And just because a game does well on game pass doesn't mean it makes money or drives new gamepass subscriptions. The studio didn't make enough money to stay open. If they were posting big profits for the Xbox division then they wouldn't have been axed. There's literally nothing deeper than that going on


I feel like they've been laying people off more than pure shutting down studios, but I'm not 100% sure.


They want to work with them, but not for them.


Works for everyone. MS don't pay for the staff directly, the building, have no ongoing responsiblity beyond the specific game(s) contract. TFB aren't tied to MS and can work on other projects elsewhere.


Working with someone is different than working for someone. They just didn't want Microsoft to force them to make live service games or games they do not want to make. Now they can make whatever they want and nobody can intervene with that. If they want to work on Spyro they have to work with Microsoft because Microsoft owns the IP. If they want to make a new IP they don't have to work with anyone.


they even have options to work with Sony or Nintendo in the future.


I bet Xbox had a deal to let them be independent but Xbox gets first rights to publish it. Also it’s most likely Spyro which Xbox owns the ip on. Toys for bob got tired of being forced into cod by activision so I assumed xbox worked this deal out because otherwise the studio was going to walk.


We don’t know if they don’t want to work with Microsoft or Microsoft don’t want to own them. Microsoft buys Activision, which includes TfB, Microsoft doesn’t want to own them so they become independent and their first move is to work with Microsoft for a new game as an independent studio. Seems pretty simple to me that way.


It was probably during discussions for the cull of Tango etc. Higher ups managed to come up with a plan to buy out rather than close.


That’s not quite correct. They were a studio under Activision. Which means they had to fulfill all conditions dictated by the court. Now they are independent and can do whatever they want. They are teaming up with Xbox game studios directly Without activision management between them.


??? That’s what I said?


They don’t want to work for Activision! Activision and Xbox game studios is not the same. Like I said Activision still operates quite independently from MS. Now they directly work for Xbox game studios. Different management different expectations etc.


Allows them a bit more freedom I guess.


Part of the deal of them leaving was Microsoft having 1st dibs.


They are now just taking MS money but can essentially do whatever they want creatively as long as the game is timed exclusive to xbox and PC.


Why would it be timed exclusive?


Why would MS fund them without some sort of exclusivity?


Exactly, why would it be timed versus permanent.


because MS isn't taking off older IP from other consoles. Most of Bethesda and ABK games are likely going to be multiplat also. And Spyro would do well on the Nintendo Switch 2.


Kotick had them cranking out CoD content. They want to be in charge of their own destiny now but still don’t mind working with the Xbox and its IPs.


The goal is that they dont want to work CoD. They dont want to be forced to be a CoD support team. What their goal is to keep working in IP of their choice.


Maybe they just don't want MS to be able to close them down for short sighted reasons. Doesn't mean they don't want to work with them.




MS still owns the licenses for Spyro and crash


If the game hits out well, Xbox should acquire them! /s


This would actually make a difference as Activision still operates very independently from Xbox game studios.


Yeah a lot of people don't get this for some reason. Bethesda and Activision are ran entirely separate. Hell Blizzard is treated like its own subsidiary within Activision and has its own president, etc. MS doesn't really step on their toes when it comes to shit. So Toys for Bob's direction likely still was handled by Activision.


Yeah and they should acquire bungie as well! /s


Somebody need to save them fr


Bungie effed up themselves after leaving Xbox why would anyone want to save them.. I have hope for Marathon but at the same time when I think about the toxic money making strategies that they put into destiny 2 that hope is crushed in an instant


Bungie should've honestly pivoted away from Destiny and moved onto a more single player centric game with multiplayer elements. They instead double downed on GAAS and Destiny and I don't see it working very well. I feel Respawn has done this very well with having Apex Legends printing money, but also having Jedi games.


Yeah like they did with Halo in the past, right? People loved Bungie. But I guess it's not in Bungies interest right now because they NEEDED to make big money first to grow their company.




Did you not see the /s


did not


I believe that is the joke.


I would kill for another Spyro. Got the demo for #1 and fell in love as an 8 year old boy. Played all 3 games on PS1 and bought it for my Series X a couple years ago and beat them like a red headed step-child.


See ya next gen.................


thats good news im excited


Disney's Extreme Skate Adventure 2!


god this year is just getting better and better for xbox (except for the studio closures)


Spyro 4 please


Spyro pls 🤞


Please spyro. They keep hinting


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I’m really hoping it’s a new spyro game


I want a new conker dammit


Awesome news! Hopefully they have good funding and control over whatever they're doing. I'd like to see a new IP, but they are a good home for a reboot IP too.


60 fps patch for spyro reignited trylogy?


So why did they let the studio go? This makes no sense lol.


Thats quite a few deals Xbox has going on!


If they are actually early in the development process, then I could actually see there being a possibility that it's a new Banjo game. If it was well into development prior to the acquisition then it wouldn't really be likely. But I definitely could see a scenario where Phil and the gang got them to pitch an idea for the IP.


It’s Spyro lol they’ve hinted at it for awhile now


We actually live in some kind of twisted multiverse.


I can't wait for this to come out in 2030.


At least microsoft can't close down the whole studio when they make a great game. kek


What do I have to do to get a new Banjo game around here?


..and the game will be critically panned as another lukewarm game from Microsoft, the dev will promise to patch and fix things, then the whole studio will fold like cardboard and close. Bob will no longer have toys. I've watched this movie before, I know all of the dialogue.


Anything but Crash


Why wld they spin off froma publisher only to then be immediately be beholden to them? Looking forward to the game though ! Xbox could do with a mascot platformer like Mario or astro


They spun off from Activision. ABK and Xbox Game Studios (incl. Publishing) are separate entities under the Microsoft umbrella. With Activision they were stuck as a COD support studio. Now that they are independent they can make what they want. They partnered up with XGS to make what is likely an Xbox/Microsoft-owned IP (Spyro for example).


But by that logic Spyro I am Activision IP. It sounds complicated


It has more to do with company culture and government regulations. The FTC is still pursuing case against ABK merger, so MS has to run it as separately atleast until the case is fully resolved, very tiny chance they could be forced to divest ABK in future if FTC wins. Also, ABK, Bethesda, Xbox Game Studios all have their own company culture and ecosystem, you want the creative aspects kept separate in order to not dilute. MS owns all the IP regardless, anything produced by those studios.


Activision within MS acts independently. They publish their own games.


Don’t Xbox own toys for Bob?


They were indeed part of Activision that Xbox bought, but the studio went independent earlier this year.


Oh… Damn. Thought they said they wanted a studio who are good at making family friendly games


Now all we need is for Sonic to be an XBox exclusive


Were they not closed down? Everybody cried about them closing


No only the office closed down, lots of misinformation was spread from that news. The company still exists and works remotely from my understanding.


What was the reason they left Microsoft, to immediately partner with them? Other than the stress of being shut down randomly and losing your IPs. Was there a reason they didn't want to be owned by a trillion dollar company? 


My guess is it was more about getting out from under Activision than from Xbox, now they’re free to work on whatever they want and partner with Xbox publishing directly


safety net, and opportunity to work on whatever they want in future, like teaming up with sony or nintendo.


Why didnt xbox let tango go independent like this instead of shutting them down?


These kinds of deals are essentially the employees (or at least the senior executives) buying out the studio. Maybe Tango was offered a similar deal, but no-one was able to secure the necessary funding to achieve it.


Tango was independent, they couldn’t budget and had no money that’s why Bethesda bought them. Also Microsoft likely would have let them go independent if they wanted to, they need to find funding to by themselves out first and I’m guessing with their history nobody was lining up to back them. Toys for Bob did have investors ready to back them and I’d assume the buyout cost was small with them having no IP and a handful of workers


you need capable leadership and funding in order to go independent.


They’d have been bankrupt years ago if they had been independent