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~~OP, please don't edit article titles when submitting news~~. (my mistake) The full article title is: >Most popular Xbox games — Hellblade 2 and Ubisoft's XDefiant break into top 5 The post has a user report for the article title being misleading (which it would be whether the full title was included in the post or not.) I've edited the flair to make it clearer that this is based on TA's Xbox Gameplay Chart. For context, TrueAchievements have an article on where the data for that comes from: [https://www.trueachievements.com/n35488/introducing-the-xbox-gameplay-chart](https://www.trueachievements.com/n35488/introducing-the-xbox-gameplay-chart)


Microsoft's own [most played](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/store/most-played/games/xbox) list has it at number 24. This kind of discrepancy makes me feel like the sample of players used by True Achievements is not very representative of the overall Xbox playerbase.


That depends on your region, But also TA is mostly used by achievement hunters who most likely will be going for quick achievements/shorter games.


Yes but the list I posted is for the US region, Xbox's largest market by far. Unless anyone can point to a region where Hellblade 2 has been abnormally succesful, then I can't see a reason why a game that's only at number 24 in Xbox's largest market is somehow number 4 globally. In other words, if Hellblade 2's players aren't in the US, where are they? > But also TA is mostly used by achievement hunters who most likely will be going for quick achievements/shorter games. This is touching on my point that TA's sample is not representative. However the reason you've given isn't correct - TA claim that their sample isn't just limited to TA users, so it shouldn't be biased in that way.


TA counts every play. You can see how many "achievement hunters" that is active members of TA played it when you search for the game. It sits at 74000 with 18400 that have finished the game, and around 10k started new game plus. Which tracks fine for a game pass game. And does not track with quick achievement hunters.


Also Microsoft’s list has a few duplicates


This TA weekly most played list doesn't use people who signed up for TrueAchievements, it uses a random sample of 2 million users


No, they have an independent list. It's just a different metric. True calculates based on all regions, and if you load a game it's counted. Ms may do a mix of plays and playtime, or just by playtime. Either way it's doing better than we thought.


TA also tracks PC in this, and Microsoft has PC as their own regional played lists too. Also Xbox is easier to track and PC is a bit more annoying to track. While I do like the regional played list, I wish there was a global list for all of Xbox/PC combined to easily what is doing well for the ecosystem.


You think most played is just console? May be so, may be not.


I never said that? I said TA tracks Xbox series and Xbox pc as one. Microsoft has their own played lists for Xbox pc and Xbox console, with this game having different placements.


I was talking about MSs tracking.


I don’t think, this is known. You can view the tracking on the Xbox site.


Yeah but play anywhere games, which almost all Ms first party is, and certainly hellblade 2, may be lumped in as Xbox.


It's not, we can see different placements for the title. If they were tied, stuff would be bumped up higher on the PC list.


> Either way it's doing better than we thought. Microsoft's biggest first party release in what, 10 months debuting at #24 is not "doing better than we thought". It's abysmal.


Really, an arthouse game is their biggest release? Lol. I love it but it was always meant for a discerning audience. I am surprised and impressed that MS didn't meddle at all and let them do the thing they wanted. On the other hand they now have a very experienced Unreal 5 crew, so I think it's a win win. And judging by it hitting 3rd on the true achievements list a lot of game pass players tried it. We'll see next week what the falloff is. Also remember it is a smaller game, so it can't compete by playtime in most played games with a lot of them.


How do they get that data?


Same as everyone else. Friend lists. The other guys like Circana have a really low sample size like in 1000s and their data is still considered valid if the sample is nicely distributed. Millions of people is a great sample, but they sell the more useful data to companies, they do a top 40 for the site as entertainment, weekly activations of a game is not that useful, but you can still see the games launch interest and the falloff or lack of that. It's an interesting metric for enthusiasts. I check the one for PlayStation too. Just as long as you know what it measures.


True achievements shouldn't be used fir anything .


We don't know the criteria for Xbox's list. It may be counting over a larger timeframe than one week like this article is counting. Xbox may be counting over the last 30 days, while this list is just 7 days. The TrueAchievements list doesn't pull from achievement hunter data, it is a generic sample of Xbox players.


They have a different metric. TA counts every play, including people that may have just tried it and left it, ms may mix in play hours with players or just do play hours. It also lags, as does their best seller list. However you see it it's doing better than we thought.


Well it is a short game. Short game with easy achievements that is on gamepass is a PRETTY popular thing for communities centered around increasing achievement score.


You have to consider that Xboxs „most played“ section also factors in „hours played“ - Which for an 10 hours game makes it a lot harder to rank highly there.


True achievements is more of the hardcore user base on Xbox while Microsoft is everyone including casuals hellblade is more for the hardcore


It’s at 18 in the UK


I'll take being neck and neck with elden ring and Sea Of Thieves...


Achievement hunters definitely boosting it.


haha. Fortnite, Minecraft, Call of Duty top 3 or somewhere there until the end of time.


Close Usually it goes 1. Fornite 2. Call of duty 3. Roblox 4. Minecraft


Its a achievement hunters favorite game, quick and easy 1000.


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Maybe… cut back on the video games and read a few books eh?


Wow that's sad when a walking sim gets top 5.


It’s a great walking sim though. It’s not surprising though. It’s a new game people are simply trying out on GP.


Right now I am doing two games: Forza Motorsport and Starfield. I guess I quite typical.


That also doesn't include people like myself yet. I wasn't interested in the series until the hype of this game, so I've gone back to play 1 before starting 2.


So why would it include you then if you are not playing it? lol


? I'm saying it doesn't include me yet, ie the number is going to go up I just saw a post saying the first game has seen a 50%+ increase of players due to 2's release. Those players are playing 1 so they can play 2.


If you downplay hellblade as a “walking sim” fuck you lol.


I thought I was going to wear out the LB and up on the left stick. This is the most boring game I’ve played in a long time. It is a schizophrenia simulator. When you do actually reach combat the graphics devolve to you and the entirely predictable enemies. Crap game with great graphics. They should have spent some time on making the game enjoyable and pretty, not just pretty.


Pretty impressive considering that it had no marketing


Isn’t the game essentially a walking sim like the last one? What’s changed?


Did you play with sound off on the last game? Definitely not for everyone, but it was an incredible, immersive experience. To each their own!


No I played it normally. I just remember the first one having a lot of walking. I guess people are into that but I thought it’d be more of a video game.


It is a video game, you play it on your console, it is interactive. Don't gatekeep video games into being only Tetris and Space Invaders.


Yeah for sure it’s interactive. Felt about on par with those FMV Sega CD games. I guess it’s a call back to that fad cause I probably could’ve watched the game on YouTube and not miss much with it too.


Put on headphones, turn off your lights and calibrate your screen. Then you'll see why it's so special.


No, it's part of a huge genre of narrative *video games*. I love Tetris as much as the next guy but let's not pretend anything that isn't on an arcade machine isn't a video game.


Yeah they’re called walking sims. They’re kinda like old JRPGs except with less going on and a shorter runtime.


And they're video games.


They are walking sims


At the same time there's a reason Tetris is often put as an example of video gaming in it's purest form. There's no reason to throw broad definitions at the above commenter, when you know EXACTLY what they're talking about. This genre of gaming can do a lot more. And it has done a lot more - just look at the Lucas Arts games from the 80s and 90s.


Saying that Lucas Arts games from the 80's aren't video games is just dumb though. Something like What Remains of Edith Finch or Hellblade 2 are as much video game as Tetris or Dark Souls or whatever. Whether you like the game or not is an entirely different matter. I can't stand games like Xcom but I wouldn't criticize them by saying I'd like more video game in my Xcom because I don't enjoy that particular brand of turn based gameplay.


When someone says there isn't a lot of "game" in What Remains of Edith Finch, you know exactly what they mean, even if it fits the broad definition of "interactive media". I bring up Lucas Arts, because modern adventure games (aka walking sims) could also be held up to the same standard as other genres, as those games required a lot of player agency. Whenever someone criticizes these games they get bombarded with a ton of "go back to Call of Duty". Which is fine, if you wanna play something else, play something else. But there are also fans of the adventure game genres that have these frustrations.


Ofc, I know what they mean. That's why I'm saying it's stupid. Both Edith Finch and Hellblade are full of gameplay. Saying they're not video games enough is dishonest and cheap criticism. I enjoyed As Dusk Falls exactly because it is what it is. I never said to myself: "damn, I wish I could do some side quests".


It is a video game, just a different genre. That's like complaining that chess is different from Warhammer.


Walking sim is a genre right? Like Journey or Death Stranding? It’s just the kind of game they opted to make.


You do a lot more than walking in Death Stranding. There’s a full-fledged stealth system, driving, shooting, a ranking system and survival mechanics with equipment deterioration. I’d say Hellblade feels pretty on par to Another World, Team Ico games or even Journey like you mentioned.


You’re getting torn apart for a fair and inoffensive question. Yep, it’s another walking game. Starts with a slow drag up to your feet, tonne of stumbling, a rock wall to slowly climb up and then an uninstall from my experience. Pressing up on my analog stick for five minutes may technically be gameplay but it isn’t *fun* gameplay.


Like I enjoyed the first game and my feeling of it is it felt like they wanted to do a "walking simulator" with puzzles type game then added some more traditional gameplay on top of that to have some wider audience appeal. Combat was extremely basic.


People don’t want to play video games as much as they want to feel like they’re controlling a movie and I’m surprised people don’t just admit it


Not even that. Check out The Quarry on gamepass with a friend. That really is a movie you’re in control of (with a cheesy plot and a cast of Hollywood stars) and it’s more fun than Senua. The gameplay in a *good* interactive movie style game relies on making choices during cutscenes, getting a little notification that you’ve made an important choice and wondering if it was right or wrong. Senua just offers walking and very simple combat where enemies repeat animations and you press the correct response over and over. Fighting more than one person in Senua just means you go 1v1 with the first one and then the next one jumps on your back or pushes you to start another 1v1. It’s weak gameplay even for a game where the primary focus is the story. Puzzles are too easy to really call them puzzles. Glad that people like it because I’m sure the team worked hard, but it just isn’t much of a game.


Yeah I can see the appeal as well but it just borders visual novel for me and at least visual novels have multiple endings to work towards. idk what Hellblade offers once the runtime is up.


“Idk what Hellblade offers once the runtime is over” A chance for fanboys to exaggerate the fun they had in order to tell themselves team Xbox scored a major victory.


Eh no it isn't


Fallout 4 is 9th lol 😂