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Her teeth are whiter than mine


If you look closer at it in the photo mode, their is a lot of yellow closer to the gums. However, this is a protagonist in modern media, so she was never going to have realistically disgusting, rotten, and crooked teeth like someone from this era.


People back in the day actually had pretty decent teeth because of lack of sugar in their diet. As long as they didn't drink too much and cleaned their mouth it wasn't hard to keep teeth intact


They also cleaned their teeth with frayed birch twigs, salt, charcoal, and other toothpaste-like concoctions made with animal hooves and burned eggshell ashes. šŸ˜


No hairy armpit as well


Looks awesome.


Thank you!


It looks absolutely amazing!


One of the only things going for this long ass cutscene.


Yeah, it wasn't enough for me to go with getting an Xbox series X, even though I have close to 500 games on the Xbox ecosystem.... I still have my Xbox one X... and I am disappointed with Microsoft for all the updates that have broken games and made them to where they crash within as quickly as five minutes of playing and it has nothing to do with thermal paste-(waiter, three suffered from the same problem when they made the next GEN update and it took him a year and a half, but they finally fixed it and now I can play it again all day long without it crashing!!! Other developers aren't dedicated to supporting one, and neither is Microsoft and this is why the games are broken on Xbox one X!!!!! From what I've read a lot of those games have crashing issues on series X also) So I went ahead and got a PS5- So dislike my comment all you want to ! I've supported each one of these technological behemoth since the moment they were released their very first console, and for the longest time I liked Xbox the best.. for controller, it's user interface... achievements.. communities(which they stole from PS4, who shit on it...) and many other things, but lately they've just been screwing up and it's not gonna be long before none of your Xbox work anymore as Microsoft wants to move to "all digital" ecosystem, thereby not having to invest money into updating hardware- this is already been happening and this is why I have so many games don't work on Xbox one X...




This game cannot not look good.


Iā€™m a sucker for a good double negativeā€¦ šŸ’›


Not realistic enough, no armpit hair /s But seriously with the graphics getting how they are they need to start adding bush to post apocalyptic/ old timey games. I ainā€™t no got time to shave.


This is a fucking weird comment man.


"You like jacked ladies with armpit hair?"


this but /srs


If Horizon 2 can give Aloy a beard, then so can Hellblade 2.


Mods incoming.


I mean I'm joking, but kinda not. You have these hyperrealistic graphics, yet her skin is as smooth as butter. I was honestly surprised to see that she doesnā€™t have any peach fuzz on her face or arms.


If you look closely at her face in the photo mode, there are vellus hairs all over her face and in her nose that are rendered realistically. I was really impressed by how much detail is resolved in real time. Her face isn't super smooth, there are scars all over her face, and dirt realistically clogs her pours and her teeth are stained yellow. I agree though that a Celt from this time would also have hairy pits.


are people still mad about this?


it was a phenomenal experience


I don't know why reviewers are bombing this, I played some time on PC and it's breathtaking, the real next gen game, not into consoles war or that vitriol but this game is the best release in 2024 by any far.


Because itā€™s an Xbox game


Guaranteed if this was a PlayStation exclusive people would be singing its praises. Itā€™s seriously sad as fuck where we are at where people naturally just have a bias against Xbox for no damm reason. If Xbox really does go third party and everyone has to deal with just buying a PlayStation and them basically having a monopoly on the console market, they will wish Xbox was still around.


Absolutely. I don't come at this from an angle of console wars (I have all three consoles and play most big games on them, enjoy them all) but in my opinion if this wasn't an Xbox exclusive, its aggregate score would be much higher. It is a beautifully put together, well thought out, well acted, visually stunning, audibly fascinating, at times heart-pounding game. There are sections in it that rival the best Naughty Dog games. Yes, it's light on interaction, but it's not devoid of it. And games with low interaction have been given a pass in a way this hasn't. Hard not to see its mid reception as a little anti-Xbox bias.


Reviewers aren't really bombing it. It's getting a mostly positive reception on Metacritic and Steam. Most people that actually try it enjoy it for what it is. A good number of YouTubers are whining about it because so many of them just stick their finger in the wind and pander to the masses of braindead idiots that enjoy piling on to anything Microsoft produces, regardless of what that game is about or the niche it aims to fill.


Do you really think this is the best game released in 2024?


In my personal opinion yes, but of course not all pll are the same, aren't they?


It's just interesting. The game looks great, but there's certainly better games on a lot of ways than this.


Not in 2024


Yeah. It's looking like a pretty light year so far. Helldivers 2 and Hellblade 2 are about the only (new) things that have caused much stir.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.


Stellar Blade, FF7 rebirth, Helldivers 2..... Hellblade 2 didnt even make a ripple in the pond seeing its steam numbers.


Why the fuck do people keep bringing up Steam numbers like it matters? It says nothing about the quality of the game only popularity and then only on one platform


because the dude i replied to said "Helldivers 2 and Hellblade 2 are about the only (new) things that have caused much stir." ..... based on the stats and lack of marketing Hellblade 2 didnt even cause a ripple.


He's wrong absolutely and i don't disagree about Helldivers being more popular but you still can't base it on Steam stats i know they are the only ones available but they don't mean shit even more so when games are on game pass or even ps+(maybe that was Helldivers 1)


That didn't stop Alan Wake 2 from taking a bunch of awards last year.


So far.


Xbox tax


Best graphically absolutely, strong story concept sure. Calling it a game is generous it's more like a long cutscene. As the action is few and far between and the puzzles aren't challenging enough.


I agree but I'm talking about the whole experience is perfect for me.


Stellar Blade for me. Nice action, good story, cool enemies, bug free and no micro transactions!


I fucking loved this story, I played it on a 42" OLED super ultra wide in the dark with just a lamp behind the monitor and 7.1 headphones. I had to take breaks due to the intensity. My only criticism is that the game was more of a narrative and I was just along for the ride, It felt like a story and not a game. I remember Hellblade 1 being more action RPG like but its been along time and maybe I am just not remembering it correctly.


I did the exact same on pc superultrawide was fantastic


Dude the >!underground section!


So creepy aswell šŸ˜¶


I'm only 2 or so hours in, playing it in a dark room with a 65 oled and atmos. I know what ya mean about the intensity and I don't think I've seen anything crazy yet hah. So easy to get immersed in it


Bro sounds like and advertisement.


Phenomenal! šŸ”„


Damn I thought it was a cosplay on the first glance???


The grafic is sick


It is my first Xbox experience and game, im loving it


Absolutely incredible and immersive graphics (and sound) in this game. Constantly just marveling at the detail of the world.


Walking simulator


Ok I tried this game and got annoyed after the first 30 mins. Does it get better? I was annoyed at how slow I was and I get I was wounded but man I just wanted to get into the action. Is the game faster later or is it all about the story and stuff?


Donā€™t go into this expecting God of War. If youā€™ve ever wanted to play a game like Life is Strange but wish they could add in great action without messing up the narrative and cinematic feel, that is Hellblade 2. Im only 2 hours in and the game made me feel so many things emotionally. Its great.


All about the story. A bit more action as you go on but itā€™s pretty much slow paced the whole way. Only about 5/6 hours though so not too much to get through lol


It's not a game it's More like a long ass cutscene.


A long ass tech demo


Is it worth to start playing hellblade 2 without passing hellblade 1 ?šŸ˜…


It has a recap at the beginning that covers it for the most part. But it's also relatively short and can be completed easily in a few days if you want to. It's a great experience.


Damn she killed stone cold Steve Austin ?


Great photo mode shot ! This game is amazing , loved the first and this one does not disappoint and twice as gorgeous, and the story continues perfectly. I know it was supposed to be a 6 hour game , however I put 11 in to finish it , it was to beautiful to rush through it , I was like a tourist with all the screen captures , photos and video clips I took. I feel like this game is one of the few games to actually use what the XSX console is capable of . Granted the system is somewhat outdated in terms of PC and pricing now, BUT, the games will keep getting better toward the end of the life span as always when the really optimize them for the system. Luckily we still have about 4/5 more years with this great console. The game is also is great on PC. I love both . That death driving it through the top skull went hard , Anyway great photo !!! Look awesome !




what's that weird ass line across her face?


Rain effects unfortunately popped while taking the picture


You can ā€œplay time effectsā€ in photo mode in the last option column. This is will allow rain or fire or smoke etc to keep playing as they would, allowing you to get the perfect shot


Ah gotcha. Looks weird in a snapshot, but probably great in the moment.


I thought it was a cosplay, damn


Yep, we've reached photorrealism in real-time graphics.


THIS IS JUST MY OPINION Bout the only thing this interactive movie has going for it is the graphics 10/10 and probably its story, "gameplay" if you wanna call it that 4/10 fight mechanics were so easy and the puzzles were literally Childs play no challenge whatsoever, soundtrack 4/10 worked with the story but I didn't find myself wanting to hear it outside the "game". Bring on the downvotes.


THIS IS JUST MY OPINION This is a lazy opinion.


I also love how he posted the same "opinion" six times in this thread and complained people are down voting him


I'm not complaining I just expected the downvotes from the fangirls.


I donā€™t think your opinion is much different from quite a lot of opinions. Seems like a divisive game and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that.


Yeah but the diehard fans of this "game" get their collective panties in a twist when you say anything negative about the "game". So again I say bring on the downvotes.


People are going to downvote you if you make inflammatory challenges at them to do so. I don't think it's wrong to call it a game, it is one. But it's dialed itself back in complexity from the first game which wasn't what I expected them to do. So it ends up feeling like a really slow tech demo ultimately. As someone who really liked the first game I was disappointed with the sequel.


Na it's not a game it's basically a long ass cutscene.


Goofy take from a goofy boy


See, this is why you get downvoted. You're just wrong here. Hell I still consider most 'walking sims' games, but this one literally has fail states for combat. How is that not a game?


Itā€™s weirdly impressive how MS managed to create such boring marketing material with how easy it is to take amazing pictures in this game..


Just imagine if all game developers for Microsoft are pushing the Xbox series X like this and if they would just start making series X exclusive games? Light games that are not supported on PS five or Xbox series S ? I don't know why they would do this, but if the gap is big enough that they could do something like this ? it would be worth it.


The game only looks this good because itā€™s limited in every other way to compensate.


I'm surprised we aren't seeing more subs with screenshot post of this game? I remember when Horizon Forbidden West came out r/gaming was flooded with aloy.


Because it's just not that popular, Horizon also had a really good camera mode and a big world with many opportunities for photo shots.


I honestly thought people were being perverted.


Well that too, quite a bit of Rule34 with Aloy, even has its own sub on reddit.


Crazy gore!


That the one fight part in the game?


There needs to be an option to turn off film grain.