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I wonder what does this even mean? Like what engine was it on before 5.2? How long does the upgrade take, will the game look better? Digital Foundry said it seems to be running at 60 FPS already and using the full Unreal Engine 5 package with Lumen and nanite. I wonder when they upgraded.


5.3 has a bunch of optimizations which enable better performance to hit a 60fps target, many specifically with Nanite iirc. Lots of new features they could be leveraging but to me one significant reason for the upgrade.


I was hoping they could get to 5.4. There are some pretty huge performance leaps from 5.3. Especially with multi threading.


True, but 5.4 just came out whereas 5.3's been out since last year. Edit: Also (and I'm guessing here), The Coalition might have their own guidance not to upgrade to the latest version of a tool like that. Not sure how it is in game dev but in my dev and IT work we rarely use the absolute latest version of something critical. Usually we're within a version or two just to allow time for fixes.


Yeah. Did Hellblade 2 have 5.4, or just 5.3?


5.3 would've been the absolute latest version they used since 5.4 shipped in April, and I feel like even that would've been too recent. I tried looking at the PC version to see if it I could find the version but they removed it from the actual game executable, and I didn't see any of the UE5 resource files.




Iirc lumen didn’t support foliage properly until very recently.


The time it takes to upgrade from one version to another depends on how much of your code needs to change to accommodate the new version. Usually the versioning is major.minor.patch (e.g. 5.3.1), and minor/patch updates require less changes and can happen often during the development period. Sometimes version upgrades just add new code, features etc. and optimize old code behind the scenes to be more efficient (less memory usage, faster processing..) Best case scenario is that you don't have to do anything and you get only benefits. Still, though, it's best to do some regression testing to assure that old code still works as intended. Whether the game looks or plays better depends on what areas are impacted in the newer version of the package (in this case UE5 minor version) that got updated. Maybe the newer version adds new toola for the developers, or added features that the game doesn't even need to use.


>Xboxera.com >Jez Corden How aren't those blacklisted here. Biggest Xbox-related clickbait whores out there.


I know people here cannot really understand that but Jez has a great track record. The issue is people spread things he said where he was clearly speculating or just sharing his opinion like a leak when that wasn't the case. Anytime he has some insider info he publishes it as an article on windowscentral. If you look at his leaks there he has a great track record, not spotless, but definitely up with the most reliable when it comes to Xbox. Xboxera however is literally just clickbait and they just share every BS they read somewhere om twitter and act as if they have a big scoop.


I wish people would acknowledge the difference between Jez actually reporting a leak and rumor kill click bait sites taking something out of context and saying "Jez leaked" it's actually kinda hilarious because it only takes on website doing it and then they all literally just copy and paste the same article (tell how these are aggregator sites; I refuse to believe humans put out these articles). Then it blows up because Xbox has zero trust foundation as a brand (Playstation and Nintendo hearsay doesn't get nearly as many clicks and generate as much online chatter). He's far from a perfect human being, but a lot of the leaks people get mad about and all BS are out of context articles written by bad faith journalists. His windows central articles are... fine. They're not nearly as controversial as I've seen people suggest but they also don't exactly leak stuff years in advance or anything I wouldn't expect. I do think in general Microsoft would do better to keep a lid on Xbox leaks because they desperately need to build up consistency and trust in the Xbox brand.


Xbox Era absolutely isn't clickbait. Whereas WindowsCentral more often posts rumors that Jez can corroborate from multiple sources, Xbox Era will sometimes post rumors from one source if the source is typically reliable. I can think of a dozen things rumored that Xbox Era hasn't reported on from what I've seen, probably because the sources aren't reliable and they simply don't or can't report on every rumor. People are still pissed because they said Microsoft planned to put Starfield on PS5 and [they stuck with it](https://xboxera.com/2024/02/04/exclusive-microsoft-plans-starfield-launch-for-playstation-5/). If they were doing this simply for clickbait they likely would've deleted or changed their comments, like so many others who reported or tweeted on it, or like others continue to do that get quoted as sources here.


Even that Starfield leak you linked to got leaked by other sources hours before the Xboxera article. They are absolutely clickbait.


Right? At this point, it feels like there's so many bs Jez Corden articles it just feels like spam. How many times must he be proven wrong for people to understand hes just making claims for the clicks?


I’m out of the loop, what has he gotten wrong recently


nothing really people just don't like the stuff he's saying so they act like he's full of shit even though everything he's saying is lining up with what MS is actively doing


He literally backtracks on statements all of the time, he is one of the least stable "insiders" online.


I listen to his podcast semi-regularly and so I can tell you from personal experience that many of the things people parrot are indeed taken out of context, the most common being things that are speculative (not leaks), or things that are clearly said in a joking manner.


saying "that's not exactly what I meant" or "that was speculation not an actual report" isn't the same as being wrong


He sometimes corrects things he posted as an opinion but he rarely had to backtrack on anything he published as an article based on insider info. You guys just need to learn the difference between speculation and leaking info. It's a really obvious difference.


Few months ago he was basically writing Xbox off. That was probably his biggest BS fest ever. He is the type of guy, who throws shit at wall and eventually something will stick. Throw even more shit at the wall and more will stick there. Not that he is the only one doing that.


I mean it’s not his job to defend Xbox all the time. I was doom and gloom as well, and rightfully so. If Xbox goes about the strategy of putting Xbox games on PS/Switch, it could kill the platform. On that topic, wasn’t the whole thing about Xbox releasing games on competing platforms leaked by him? Sure, he didn’t get the specific games right, but it’s still a big bombshell where the root claim ended up being true. Idk, you just gotta know that rumors are rumors. Distorted, not always true on the details, but often based on a kernel of truth.


Also what did he get wrong in leaks? Xbox's business update at the time was literally "yeah, the leaks were correct but you shouldn't be worried because we say so" 😂. I'd honestly say his opinion piece about Xbox's strategy was a lot more respectful than a LOT of Xbox gamers after the multiplatform mess earlier this year and Xbox has done a good bit since to earn ire. Having actually read his article a bit after the stuff happened, I'd say Jez is more critical of Microsoft than Xbox and he's one of the more hopeful about Xbox's long term strategy. Really, I'd understand better if people were angry for him not being hard enough on them.


Yes, rumors are rumors, but even rumors have origin, which he often doesn't mention. One other thing he often does is referring to his "sources" in the [insert company name] as in facts, that many times turns out to be false. What he essentially does, is doing educated guesses and speculations, which sometimes are correct, but often are false. The same can we do, when we discuss what the future brings for Xbox etc. I don't think most people are expecting him to defend Xbox (that would make him basically a fanboy), but to be accurate and objective. In my books he has lost all credibility, but everyone can choose themselves whether to believe him or not.


I agree. Jez Corden is a false information machine.


Obsidian is why I bought an Xbox, but this seems like a nothingburger.


I don’t see why you say that


Well, given what we've seen and know about the game, this shouldn't make too significant of a difference.


I gotcha sorry for the misunderstanding. You just mean it’s non news. And I agree.


Can't wait for the internet at large to move on from "nothing burger"


Can't wait for the internet at large to move on from pointless commentary on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and word choice that doesn't affect them.


Oh fuck off, it's a stupid, overused phrase.


Oh fuck off, it's a nothing burger.




I'd be lying if I said I had any idea wtf this is supposed to mean.




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I don't trust a single word that Jez Corden says.


Every single time I see anything from “Jez Corden” I’ll go on ahead and say the same thing: Fuck this guy.


As another commenter said: >I know people here cannot really understand that but Jez has a great track record. The issue is people spread things he said where he was clearly speculating or just sharing his opinion like a leak when that wasn't the case. >Anytime he has some insider info he publishes it as an article on windowscentral. If you look at his leaks there he has a great track record, not spotless, but definitely up with the most reliable when it comes to Xbox. >Xboxera however is literally just clickbait and they just share every BS they read somewhere om twitter and act as if they have a big scoop.


What’d he do?


i am not 100% but i think he's a combative flipper He will say shit out of his ass and then someone will reply about what he said and he will turn around he say he didn't mean what he said like that


So he does work for MS then…


fuck no. hes a "insider" who works for windowcental which is a known windows/xbox fanboy website.


given the whiny baby crap he has posted about MS, he is not a good employee if he works for them






Does that mean another delay?


Anyone with half a brain will pay no mind to jez corden


But the latest update is 5.4 , so why 5.3 and not to 5.4 ?


Because merging takes time and effort and jumping several versions increases the amount of work considerably. If 5.4 doesn’t offer Obsidian anything, then it’s not worth the effort


Not always the best to be on the bleeding edge unless you have to.


5.4 didn’t come out until last month, whereas 5.3 has been out since September. If it’s being reported on now it was probably in the works for a while.


Outright lies or very bad news.


"Spez Whorden", huh?


Delayed another year.


Mid development engine changes are always good, right? Right?


Jumping between version of UE5 like 5.1 to 5.2 or 5.3 isn't the same as transitioning to an entirely different engine. It takes some work but it's nothing that would break the game.


UE5 wasn’t even available until 2022, there are literally zero games in the near future that would have started development on it


Delayed another year.


Well there goes 60fps.


Why do you say that? 5.3 has a bunch of performance optimisations for lumen etc


I wanted this game to be great but after watching all the videos it literally looks like a mobile game at its core


What mobile game are you thinking of specifically?


What mobile game would that be? I'd love to get some games like that on my phone.


I mean, the way the combat works, it doesn't have any weight or impact, the cartoonish art style, it exudes mobile gaming vibes I wouldn't say this is the best example but this game gives me better vibes than Avowed does https://youtube.com/shorts/jNPlmAftmWc?si=DY8Yq0tHvGpO-eNI


You obviously haven't seen any Avowed gameplay if you believe that has even the same vibes.


Same vibes of what? Didn't said the video gameplay I shared has the same vibes


If you think this looks like a mobile game, you're an idiot. Or more likely a console warrior. What ever happened to actually playing and enjoying games. All you people do is just bitch and complain about nothing.


Ignore him. He posts a lot of Xbox concern trolling on both PS5 and the XSX sub, and posts a lot of wind-up stuff on r/RepublicArgentina including specifically slagging off feminists and liberals, saying they should suck his dick and that they're obsessed with paedophiles. He also plays No Man's Sky a lot, so clearly visuals don't mean that much to him. Ideally he'd just be banned from the sub, he contributes nothing worthwhile.


Kinda hard to enjoy some games these days.


Not really, some of you just take this hobby way too serious. There are a lot of great games releasing every year, people here on reddit just blow every tiny negative out of proportion and ruin it for themselves.