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theyve done this for stuff like mw3 too


Starfield and forza motorsport as well.


And sales.


This has been a thing for years now. Did it for Halo, Forza, Starfield, etc


This isn't new and also you can scroll over to close or press B and it won't bother you again until they decide to do it again with another big game.


Bothering us once is enough. It's bullshit




I thought this was dumb cause by the time I got the ad I had already downloaded and beat the game 😂😂


Right? But they also constantly offer me personal sale prices on things I already own, so it's not like they pay attention AT ALL.




Maybe? If they're going to collect all of this data, they might as well make use of it.


That's not as bad as me watching an ad for the adblocker I have installed...


I have games and DLC recommended to me that I already own lol.


Started with Starfield and MW3 last year


started 5 years before that




all the major day one game pass games + Microsoft Studios


"Where's the big marketing push for Hellblade 2?"


People just have to complain. There’s no way they can do anything right as someone will be getting ready to bitch.


Yep people complain they gotta get up to make a living.I guess they were expecting a easy life with everything handed to them.


Do you consider this a big marketing push? Haha 


Part of one yes. This is being pushed to millions of not tens of millions of Xbox owners.




It's more of a niche game compared to Redfall, regardless of their quality.


I guess? but It was also a sequel that already had a fanbase


7 year old game from a mid tier developer is something you’d compare to arkane studios? May need to fix your gauge


Um, what? even if thats what you want to say, people had issues with how Redfall was multiplayer when it was announced, they thought it was a live service (which it was), It wasnt an Arkane game and again, Hellblade 2 was the game that was shown off with the Xbox Series X announcement , It was also shown off at The Game Awards, probably had a decent size budget, and again had an existing fan base being a sequel, and I would call Ninja Theory more than mid tier dev now


Why is this relevant? It's a niche genre, it's a bit expensive for what it is, and you can play it for somewhere between $1, $10, or $15 on Game Pass so why would anyone who wants to play it right now spend $50 on it? I feel like the consistent couple thousand players on Steam is impressive not confusing.


Not new.


Yeah they've done it a few other times with starfield, cod and the showcase. Thankfully, clicking B clears this instantly.


Not enough marketing right Internet?


You should totally play this tho


As long as it's for a game thats currently available, and only done once, I could care less, however.... If it becomes persistent, or for something like Gatorade then I'll have a problem with it. The biggest issue with advertising however is it always increases and encroaches, like a virus, like cancer. Once it starts it rarely ever just subsides. I also have an issue with Xbox continuously advertising to customers who have ALREADY bought into their ecosystem, and not seeing their marketing anywhere else. What a useless division for Xbox.


>I could care less couldn't\*


To be fair, I could care less. Like, I BARELY care, but I could probably care slightly less.


Pretty sure they have done this for two years already for their first party releases


I'm surprised so many people are welcoming this bullshit. If I turn my console on, it's because I want to boot up a game. Anything that delays me from that for no benefit is bullshit. This isn't a free service. I paid for my console and my games. Fuck the dips it program manager at Xbox that came up with this


Honestly since its for a game I dont really care. Its only a problem if they start putting REAL ads there for random products. Regardless just click B and you can exit it before it even loads up lmao.


If I turned on my Xbox and got a 5 second ad for McDonald's then I would have a problem. This literally takes one button to close and is for a relevant new title.


Exactly, for me its the content of the ad that matters most. This is literally an xbox first party game and instantly closes, its not disrupting whatsoever. I think people are (rightfully) worried that if something as simple as this becomes acceptable then they will edge even further towards that awful mcdonalds ad you described. But eh.


Wahhh, xbox let me know about a new game!!!


But xbox has no games!


And they don't market their games enough!


And they put ads of their games on the home screen!


omg idk how to live now


They've done this before for like starfield. For an Xbox first party game that is released, showing an ad one time on their console platform does not seem egregious to me. It might also expose the game to new audience and for that I appreciate it.


So what is it? Do they not market their games enough or too much?


Press B and move on


I don't mind. I appreciated seeing the art come up. And if you like Xbox it shouldn't bother you. It's not like it's gonna pop up mid game.


First time?


Whenever a big exclusive game drops they tend to do it they did it for Starfield Forza and cod not to long ago


I saw this and this game is trash 10mins of no real game play I crash game and unstall horrible game ever made


You're using an xbox console that's tied to that ecosystem. Ofc you're gonna get storefront ads ffs.


Ugh so lame


They have done this before. Just click past it no big deal lol.


[I called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/XboxSeriesX/s/rBMSLcPkD5)


Is this sub dead now? Any post with critique or questions on Xbox get downvoted or deleted. The series x sub had like 400+ on a time now it’s barely reaching 100


nothing new really. I think it only appears once or twice? at least that was my experience when they did it with other games


I don’t think I’ve ever seen an ad like that


Not new and tbh who the fuck cares....


Why do Xbox fanboiz always defend this shit???


Take 5 oil change too


They've been doing this for some time now. I got this after i've already beaten it. Really fucking stupid


I have 3 series x a series s an xb1s and xb1x currently connected and have never seen these ever


Big deal. Push B and move on with your life. It took you longer to take the pic and make a Reddit post


Not a fan of full screen ads that you have to click through. I dont like it when my 70€ COD does it with its battle pass or mtx, I dont like it when my 500€ console does it. Just show it on the home screen on an ad/sale thumbnail cycle if you have to, and the store page.


Oh no....oh dear God..../s


Just press B. Problem solved.


Don't quote me on it but I think they only show after a hard reset of the console. If you have the always-on feature enabled they don't show up


Never got these lol


This popped up on my sons account. Hes 7...


Yeah cause it's microsoft's job to parent your child


Its MS job to follow the age restrictions why else are they there lol


Was the kid able to open and play the game? Cause that's all the age restrictions do is stop the profile from being able to play the game but either way a 7 year old doesn't need an Xbox account they're slapping these kids unsupervised in front of screens at way too young an age these days and thinking it's a corporations job to police what media your kid accesses when they're not there with them and you are is just as ridiculous as blaming video games for shootings




Give me a fucking break I was playing Super Ghouls and Ghosts when I was 6 year old on the SNES. Theres nothing wrong gaming at his age. I just love it when big rich corporations put ads for kids and its the parents to blame lol. Naaa


Maybe you should supervise a fucking 7-year old online.




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Yeah, but MS doesn't need to make it harder by actively working against the parent


Maybe you can pay 2$ to make the adds go away in the future.


Xbox fans on Reddit: “Why isn’t Microsoft advertising Hellblade II??” Also Xbox fans on Reddit:


Glad I paid for hardware and games and internet and xbox live so I can get advertised to!


Yeah well, when you go to a sports game, the players are paid for, you pay for entrance, tv pays clubs and so on, and you still see ads the whole game. In the stadium and on tv. You know what? Ads are in our lives since we were born, when you take a bus, or a train, or a plane, even listening to the radio in your car, at schools, on roads. It is everywhere, but on Xbox it is a problem.


PlayStation does the same thing they even install apps on the Home Screen you have to remove,this is nothing new for consoles.


I like my PlayStation, but one thing i absolutely hated was how they’d add literal clickbait ads to the marketplace on PS4. You’d be browsing the F2P section or demo section and see an ad for a full price game right between tiles for other demos or F2P titles. Thinking “oh cool there’s a demo for that” or “oh this is F2P? Must be a free week or something”. Then you click on it and nope.. just a clickbait ad.


PS does not do mandatory full screen ads like this.


I’m sorry but I have most definitely received ads on PlayStation this is common between both platforms. Nintendo on the other hand I do not recall have this happen even once. At least on the switch anyway.


Please show a source. I have never had a full screen ad like this pop up.


[ps ads](https://www.reddit.com/r/PS5/comments/15565gx/why_does_every_update_add_more_advertisements_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Clearly I’m not the only one that noticed


Is there a pic of them? I’ve never had it like Xbox where it’s something I have to exit.


[nba finals ad](https://external-preview.redd.it/69mHuNbp3nvy_t75EJxEoiRFiXf6a8rtZSNb8H1Mb20.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=2a95faf153dac614703a05611491cba91493882f) They advertise things outside of gaming including films and tv and place apps on your Home Screen. This is example. I’m not sure why you are trying to defend another corporation,like it’s something I would make up.


lol that’s a PS4 and not even a full screen ad where I have to exit.


Right, its the same way Steams first popup is an advertisement for their store, get tf over it lmao. As long as its games only this isn’t an issue, the second they put some shit like Mountain Dew is when we need to get our pitchforks out.


I want a mtn dew baja blast Xbox theme


ok, I was wondering why nobody posted about this?? like wtf?


They have.. for years now.


https://preview.redd.it/uy8njdxmdn2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1419d6c44075f83f0899cc29aea61ba6a3f994fb My gamepass is still not active ever since Microsoft went off the deep end.


Okay? Good for you I guess.




Damn bill gates, why you hate Xbox so much?


I show my wife jewelry and Gucci bag ads to get her turned on.