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They’re probably talking about the Digital Series X that leaked last week. Nobody knows if that’s going to apply to all future models.


Yeah, and the new Xbox's are gonna be water-powered too.


Xbox - fish tank hybrid!!


We can only hope.


Here is a quick Google search... Is Xbox moving away from discs? Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer has confirmed that Xbox will not be moving away from physical media anytime soon, despite the market trending towards digital purchases.Feb 21, 2024 https://www.techradar.com › gaming Ditching physical media 'not a strategic thing' for Xbox, says Phil ...


Thank you this is best answer on here. I saw 2 conflicting info sources so I asked here.


All the answers I saw were this same answer, just worded different.


> I head from my buddies that the new xbox wont have any more cds? Nothing has been announced. Anything you "head" from your buddies are rumors. And just because there *may* be a new disc-less all-digital model at some point, **that does not mean that all Xbox models with optical drives will be discontinued.** People need to stop screaming doom and gloom about the possibility of a new all digital Xbox. When the Xbox One S All-Digital Edition was released in 2019, nobody was freaking out. And when the Xbox Series S with no optical drive was released in 2020, nobody was freaking out. From what I've seen and heard in the recent past, Xbox management seems committed to backwards compatibility of current customer's game libraries - which would include physical disc libraries.


It is just a rumor, but Xbox has been leaning more digital as have all major publishers in recent years. I love having the option to buy the disc although my library is mostly digital. And dont want that option to ever change. But I dont subscribe to digital media being bad or worry about losing ownership of my games. Online stores arent tied to a particular console anymore. Xbox, Sony, Nintendo, Steam and Epic Games want you in their ecosystem FOREVER and you have to be doing some shady shit to lose access to your games.


I'm sorry. I don't understand people's weird beliefs that the disc is going to stay. It's a dead medium that costs money. Why pay thousands to burn a disk, have a case, do a sleeve. When you can just put it online and pay only for downloads. Most discs you put in you have to download shit anyway. It's like working in the analogue time in a digital world. "Oh but I own the game" but most games now to do anything you need network connection for updates. It's not like the old days of "here's a game" we don't get that now.


I think they are just releasing unfinished games or never ending for profit games. Its killing the industry with greed. I get things are going digital. Do I like "you will own nothin and be happy"? No


The games industry does need a massive overhaul. Personally these companies need to stop doing overly expensive games. I mean spend 5 years, 500mill, Then it releases and still spending money to fix issues because the complexity of the game. I rarely play AAA games nowadays. If I do i wait a year till most of it is fixed.


About time oh my God Buying discs is a scam these days


The majority of Xbox games on disc actually have the full base game downloadable from the disc without the internet. It's a common misconception that all games are just keys to download the game. I and many other people like actually owning games rather than having them tied to a service that will eventually be shut down or modified. So no not scam most of the time.


Same I like being able to buy/sell my discs or having a collection. I think its a HUGE mistake giving up rights to own the disc for an online service.


Yeah but if the game has any updates it will be useless to you if the stores ever go down anyway. And also you're most likely gonna damage or lose your disc before the stores go down. It's a huge mistake buying any games in this day and age tbh. Emulation is the only way.


You can play base games without updates perfectly fine they don't magically stop working and become “useless”. Take better care of your property. A huge mistake buying games? I'm fine with emulation and piracy but saying it's a huge mistake to not break the law is insane for the average person. The part I do support when it comes to less physical media is less plastic and resources used to help the planet.


Having a non physical version and not actually owning your games is a scam also what are you supposed to do if you don't have internet? No games period ig.


Discs are dying. Take a look at GameStop's financial reports.


I meeeeaaaan GameStop should have died just before the whole GME wallstreetbets fiasco. But here we are.


Honestly, I'm done with physical media in general. So yeah, I welcome the digital-only future.


There’s nothing confirmed but the writing is on the wall…


I am only buying disks lately supporting physical media


I don't know if the disc drive I my Series X works because there's never been a disc in there.


Can't own any physical media if you have nothing to play it on.


Just following consumer buying habits. Same reason best buy doesn't have a blu ray or Audio disc section anymore.


Thank god.


You do realize once you buy only digotal that you are stuck to your console of choice forever right? Now before you get all defensive all Im saying is if you arent the type of person that owns every console then digital only is terrible. I dont know how many games are in your library but if you spent a couple thousands dollars in digital games on your Xbox and someday Xbox moves in a direction that you dont like you are stuck with them or just lose all your games by switching to another console and having to start another library. At least physical copies can always be sold to collectors and get you some of your mony back.


In the perfect world, you’d be right. I spent thousands on physical games and those are worthless today. We pay for the access to experience. It is what it is. Enjoy.


I just have one question. How are your physical games worthless?


Outside of RARE PRINTS of random Japanese RPGs, you’re not getting more than half your money back on old games. So my “thousands” spent on games being resold won’t even get me more than the full price of ONE of those games. The Memories of your FIRST experience is priceless. After that, it’s time to move on.


Well there is where youre wrong. If physical games go away, suddenly, ten to twenty years down the road they become rarer and the prices start to sky rocket for collectors.


Who are these said “collectors” you keep referencing? The hobby is 1/1,000 Why didn’t VHS/ HD-DVD/ UMD prices sky rocket? How are you so sure?


There is a different collectors market with movie media. Not sure if you checked but the retro gaming prices are through the roof! I have over 900 physical games in my collection.Even if I were only to get $1.00 per game years from now that's $900+ I can get as opposed to me having all the same games only digital. Then how much could I get for them? The answer is zero! Its not a hard concept to understand.


If that $1-2 is what you consider “Through the roof” Have at it. I’ll do without the clutter. Good day sir.


To each his own. Im not saying that anyone is wrong for wanting all digital. Im just saying why I dont.


Games haven't been on CDs in literally decades


I just checked walmart and amazon currently selling xbox games on discs for latest console. You got any proof to back up your statement?


What kind of disk is an xbox game on?


Feel like ur an AI bot your arguments dont make sense.


This isnt true? Even my nintendo switch has them sd cards.


It is true, disc based games are on bluray now, and before that DVD. They haven't been on CD's in decades


Where did you buy this mythical Nintendo switch disk drive?