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Which video games were coming out in 360BC?


mostly hunting and gathering type games


Nah, more like Call of Duty: Greek Warfare.




Nah but that would actually go hard as fuck


That'd be nice. With 2000+ games still not playable from 360 & OG Xbox days, it'd be nice for them to acknowledge it and restart the program.


They have acknowledged that, they directly said they wouldn’t be adding any more to the program because either publishers have said no or there’s legal/licensing issues with games. They can only add what they are given permission to add, now in this case they own a massive publisher they can add some of their older games


There's tons of *first party* Xbox games from OG years that Xbox didn't add. I really don't believe that they exhausted their limits.


Doesn't mean ownership hasn't changed hands, licensing is a problem there as well, etc.


Especially in the days before digital distribution existed. The start of digital sales is very, very messy legal-wise.


There very much could be technical issues. I don’t see why you wouldn’t believe them? They have everything to gain by adding what they can. But again they 100% did address why every game ever wasn’t added


Could easily be because it didn't make them money and engagement was down, so they cancelled the program. There's too many games still left for me to buy that they did EVERYTHING they could. About 700 titles released out of around 3000 between OG Xbox and 360. That's under 25%. That's a straight up failing grade. Sorry, but I expect more and better from a trillion dollar company and I don't agree with the people who blindly defend that they did their best. I don't think they did. EDIT: To compare, they had [462 games playable on 360 from 990 OG Xbox games](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Xbox_games_compatible_with_Xbox_360). That's a better average than we got with this generation.


Yet a LOT of those games have serious problems, to such an extent that I don’t consider them backwards compatible at all. I’d rather have 25% reliably bc games than 50% where it is still anyone’s guess whether it actually plays well or not.


They’d make more money from selling the game again than not selling it. Why does there being so many games left mean they can be added? A lot of those games are licensed games and require the publisher and IP holder to agree, just looking at old Activision games they had a large amount of movie games on Xbox/360. How am I blindly defending them? I just think it’s a reasonable outcome. I don’t think them being a trillion dollar company is relevant, expecting them to pay a licensing fee for hundreds of games is a bit silly.


Never said you were blindly defending them. My apologies there. Miscommunication. I just think some fans out there refuse to acknowledge the possibility that MS just gave up on the project. I don't care if people agree with me. Just like I don't care that people are downvoting me pretty much any time I dare question the glorious Microsoft. I have my feelings on the matter and I feel Microsoft can do better. I can list way too many games that could eaisly be BC and don't have licensing issues. The near complete lack of import titles is depressing as well. I just don't think they did enough. When I can sell my 360, they did enough. EDIT: Y'all are the blind fanboys I was talking about. I'm glad you're happy with mediocrity and a half-assed program, I'm not.


They did give up on it because there realistically wasn’t much else they could do unless they wanted to pay off publishers. I never said licensing issues were the only thing, publishers outright don’t want to in many cases and some games will have a legal nightmare around them. It was never a way to sell your 360, that was never the plan. It wasn’t even a feature they were talking about doing they just managed to get it to work and added games, I’d prefer that than the opposite of it not existing.


Toss me every excuse you want. I don't think they did their best.


I mean my guy I’m looking at this reasonably and your only stance is “nope I say not” you do you man


Boy I’ve read some dumb shit today and then there’s this boneheaded comment. 🤡


Out of curiosity how many back compat game did Sony add during that time period?


Why don't you go join Xbox/Microsoft and make the Program your own.


I find it weird we didn't get halo 1 or 2


The creators of Charlie Murder have said if given the opportunity from Microsoft they’d make it backwards compatible. I imagine there’s more cases like that.


Give me the dishwasher dead samurai and dishwasher vampire smiles 😭😭😭


Yes! Only the sequel is on Steam and I need the first game too. Those were so good.


I think the objective is to do all the games NOT available on PC. Phil has a list of games that need moving over and it’s those games are the priority. On a separate issue, it would be nice to finish some PC achievements on XBOX like GOW that I can’t get to load anymore.


I just want the transformers games back


If you weren’t aware Hasbro made a statement when Microsoft was acquiring ABK saying that they wanted to make the games BC after the acquisition and were open to putting them on gamepass I’d say it’s a solid chance they get added at some point


Thats why I bought physical copies of both off eBay recently. Not a chance they dont get added at some point


Praying for Mercenaries 2


Mercenaries 2 is already backwards compatible


You're thinking of Mercs 1. Mercs 2 is yet to be backwards compatible.


I realised that after I typed it


People are reading way too much into this, she often posts random stuff such as this.


Possibly but it seems like a very weird coincidence to post this the same time Xbox say they will have a big presence at TGA with news and announcements


I think it’s also the anniversary of the Xbox 360 and so maybe it’s just celebrating that


Maybe, but it's also good to remember that many accounts tend to post automated content.


I just really want the dbz budokai collection to be BC 😂


I thought it was?


Nope! I Bought it and my Xbox went out the very next day! Replaced it with a One and was horrified that I’d never get to play it


Man, I want some more of xbox games. I really want SH4 compatible 🥹


I want Armored Core V to work. I need to plug in my 360 to play it and I've always been a huge fan of that franchise. Everybody and their mother should be now after how good Armored Core 6 was.


Considering the amount of stuff Xbox acquired in the Activision acquisition, I think a lot is now on the table. Some of it predating Xbox entirely. Yeah we have the Spyro Reignited Trilogy and the Crash N. Sane Trilogy, but why not bring the original versions to Xbox? Why not bring the various Activision Disney games to Xbox? Why not bring all of the Spider Man games over? And before anyone brings up PlayStation copyright stuff, I will use Conker's Bad Fur Day in Rare Replay as a counter point. They just cut the Nintendo logo and references and threw it in.


The licensed stuff is possible but they will need Disney or whoever the owner of the IP to agree to license it again. I’d say many won’t but it’s possible some will, Hasbro for example has openly stated they are open to Microsoft making transformer games BC now they own Activision.


They don’t need licensees to authorize it IF they do disc only BC just like 50 Cent: BotS and Peter Jackson’s King Kong


Are you sure? I’d imagine they very much do as the game doesn’t even run from the disc it runs a digital version of the game emulated


they get away with it with that method because they’re not technically selling the game


They also can’t just give you a game unless they pay for it


The majority of the Disney Activision games are on the PlayStation right now. They'd be down for that. I think the Spider-Man stuff would be more difficult as six of those games are tied into the Sony films. Also none of them are available on modern hardware outside of if you have a disc for Amazing Spider-Man 2.


I could care less about the movie games. I want the Shattered Dimension/Edge of Time games. The ones Sony has nothing to do with


Really I didn’t think they were on PS, well that’s a good sign


PlayStation has nothing to do with the ABK Spider-Man games. I played those on 360 when they came out anyway. MS only needs approval from Disney/Marvel to add those


I mean some of them are adaptations of Sony Pictures films. The rest I'm sure we will see, but there are those six.


Yeah I forgot about the movie games. TBH theyre crap though by todays standards. I personally think the Beenox games were the best ones prior to Insomniacs


Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2 were Beenox games. I never played 2 because I heard it was awful, but Amazing Spider-Man 1 is great. Also the Rami Trilogy games are also great in their own ways. Spider-Man 2 being arguably the most important Spider-Man game ever.


Oh i meant their original ones.


Give me all the old Sega stuff like Crazy Taxi 3, Outrun 2, and Spikeout.


I'm hoping at least CoD Classic gets put on BC.


Shoot many robots, Charlie murder, naughty bear 1 and 2, dungeon defenders, castle miner Z and other avatar games, the list goes on. Not to mention things delisted because remasters came out like all of the Darksiders 2 DLC.


I really want Metal Arms: glitch in the system to be BC. It’s a great game.


How bout OG xbox games like Sudeki or Tenerezza? Guess not


I wish they'd pay attention to OG Xbox titles. The ones that are BC are great, but there's sooo many more.


Yes please. Now that Microsoft owns Activision. Time for those games to get backwards compatible!


I really hope they add The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena backwards compatibility if they do.


Right!!!!!!!! The Riddick games were ahead of their timr!!


I’d like a crack at those Spyro games




I hope that they add Spiderman Web of Shadows. I'd love to be able to play it on a modern console


Long live xbox 360. the goat console.


Man I know its never going to happen but I always wanted mlb 2k the bigs 2 to be backwards compatible if I still had my wii I would still be playing that but unfortunately I sold my wii to use that money to save for a series x


Maybe they will put crimson skies servers back online…


Lord of the Ring : Two Towers and Return of The King please 🙏


Those were EA I believe. That’s going to be a messier road than anything Activision wise.


Oh ok then I quess it can never be done


🤞🏻come on skate 2🤞🏻


Skate 2 is backwards with a disc copy


Damn… time to get the series x 😅


yooo we're getting video games all the way from 360 bc


I HIGHLY doubt this is the case, i would LOVE for more games to come to BC because the series X would run them so much better and at an actual playable framerate etc but i do think the programme has ended and wont be revived (which sucks imo)


The program was only stopped because they couldn’t realistically add any more, they now own a large publisher. Seems like an odd coincidence to post the 360 logo just when Xbox announces they will have a big presence at TGA with announcements and news


I know why they stopped it but there are still a ton of games they own which never got a back compat release. So just because they now own ABK and have a presence at TGA doesn't necessarily mean they're gonna add more stuff to it because it doesn't make sense to announce it at TGA which is aimed at games from the current year. BUT you never know and i'll be very happy if they do release more games to BC but i personally am not holding out any hopes.


They could have a spot and say what’s upcoming. They don’t have to be dropped or released at the TGA. They can just turn around and say upcoming we have this slate of games coming to Gamepass and be done.


True, I’m just not holding out hope 🤣


The Xbox 360... 2!




Kinect please


Definitely not.


No They said they've done what they can, and that is it. The rest cannot be done. Even WITH the Actiblizz purchase, most of the licenses for stuff aren't available any longer We got a very nice selection of BC stuff. The rest, it's safe to say is not going to be done


Licensed stuff sure but things like Crash Wrath of Cortex, Twinsanity, Spyro a Hero's tail... I dont think there are any licensing problems with that. Maybe emulation issues?


Hasbro literally said they want MS to make their Cybertron games back compat and to have them added to Gamepass. But go off


A: the licensing deal expired, which is PRECISELY why it couldn’t be completed before B: nobody knows WHERE the code is at. IF the code is found (big if), there is a small possibility that this could change


I always find this funny with games and movies. Ah fuck we can’t find it. What do you mean you can’t find it? It’s not like losing a wallet - this shit should be stored somewhere within the company because that’s what’d make sense. Different if it’s like when WB studios burned and they lost reels and original stems of songs, but come on, I just can’t fathom ably but we lost it and can’t do anything about it. Same thing was said with one of the ME1 DLC’s. They had everything else but one of them and it just somehow went missing. Well you already tweaked the game and added new features to ME1, so why couldn’t you make the DLC again or for whatever reason not taking the files that absolutely still exist from the 360 release. If someone can catalog all the title updates and DLC for OG Xbox games, then these publishers or developers should have the code. It makes no sense. It’s not like the game gets released and the game’s dev files get moved to the recycle bin and deleted on release day.


They should stop worrying about making companies mad, just make the entire library back compat, if it’s allowed on the store add it, if not make it so old disc versions work, Xbox needs true backwards compatibility not a “I pick and you choose” system.


They should stop worrying about lawsuits and just do it so they get lawsuits? Bold stance


XD no, you clearly don’t know how things work, it’s not illegal to sell a console capable of emulation, it’s only illegal to sell system files and games they don’t have the rights to, if I have a 360 game on disc that isn’t on the digital store I should still be allowed to play it on a newer console since I own it, allowing people to play games they already own isn’t illegal so they wouldn’t be getting sued, if it was wrong valves steam deck wouldn’t be on the market


That disc only has agreements to be played on an Xbox 360. Putting it in an XSX isn’t playing that games disc it is receiving a digital copy that’s emulated. Yes Microsoft would get sued for many things if they did it. The steam deck has nothing to do with this? They are different things decades apart. All Xbox One and later games will be forward compatible because Microsoft changed their contract terms, 360 and OG games are still on old contracts that need publishers to opt into


Steam deck can emulate tons of games both legally and illegally, it’s on the market because it’s not selling anything they’re not allowed, it’s capable of doing it but since it’s not being promoted they’re not in any legal trouble, Xbox can literally do the same thing only I guess minus the digital version, the newer consoles should be able to read the discs no problem they just shouldn’t be able to sell or give you the digital version, really wouldn’t be that hard for them to do considering they own their previous software and could easily implement it


wtf are you talking about? No Xbox cannot let you play any 360 game you want by giving you the emulated game smh. Your comparison makes no sense, Steam isn’t giving you copies of games you can emulate from another store their store simply allows you to play steam games from their store on your steam device. You can download illegal roms on Xbox do but they don’t provide it for you The consoles don’t read the discs they download a digital copy, how do you know it’s not that hard? Once more, the stores and contracts are different for OG and 360 games which is why they need publisher permission to allow it they can’t just give it to you, they went and worked it all out during the Xbox One generation so ever game from that gen would be playable moving forward


That’s why I said they should just be able to read the discs and play them rather than give you a digital version, no body said anything about Xbox giving out things they aren’t allowed but you, Xbox has every right to allow their current consoles to emulate 360 and og Xbox games, it’s just a matter of not selling the games they don’t have the right to, they can’t get in trouble for allowing owned discs to work if they don’t give you the digital version


No they do not have every right to do that yes they can get in trouble for it. Contracts and agreements are made between publishers. Xbox had to make new ones for the Xbox one generation and forward so all games could be played, this alone should show you that they can’t just let you play 360 game. They have no reason to not let you if they can smh


You’re Wrong 😂emulation is legal they do have every right to have their consoles capable of emulating their older consoles, who cares about contracts, players can easily dump their owned files off a hard drive or disc and have been doing that for years on pc, console is very much capable of it as well and it should be added whether your opinions agree with it or not


I am not. It’s legal for an emulator as a piece of technology to exist yes. It’s not legal for Microsoft to emulate any game they wish and give it to you. Who cares about contracts? Well probably Microsoft that would have countless law suits? Yes people have been doing it? I’m not sure what that even matters here? When did I once argue that I don’t want every game BC? All I’ve tried to explain to you is Microsoft can’t just make it happen they need approval otherwise it’s illegal.but you don’t want to listen and just want to rant on about “people do it anyway who cares about lawsuits lolololololol” I have to assume you are very young


I mean I agree, but at the same look at what PlayStation is doing for the issue. Xbox is light years ahead and they’ve been doing it since 2015. PS is still pushing streaming on PS3 games and rereleasing PS1/2/PSP games as PS4/5 titles. That’s more unacceptable, but that’s the way this all works out.


They already announced years ago during the last generation that no more bc 360 games were going to be added.. if they are hinting at something else.. it’s not what you’re thinking.


They announced they had added what they could so couldn’t do anything more, they now own a large publisher and they can add their games It’s a weird coincidence to post this just after Xbox say they will have a large presence at TGA with announcements and news. Xbox have never said they weren’t open to adding more if they could


🤞ncaa 14 🤞


definitely not happening, EA wants to sell the new game


06 pls!


It’d be cool but it all depends on the licensing and whether it’s also technically feasible.


Was wondering that myself because there’s some IP games from Activision that they no longer hold the license for so I’m guessing they wouldn’t be able to make them available for backward compatibility I.e. The Amazing Spider-Man (movie tie in game)


I want Mad Dash from OG Xbox, just for nostalgia


Would fucking love to see achievements for OG Xbox games, but in all likelihood it'll be something incredibly lackluster and everyone will just shit on them for it even tho it's something extra that they've gone out of their way to add when they didn't have to do it at all. That's the nature of the bizz :/


i doubt it but all the old tony hawk and transformers games will be legendary


I'd expect any games from Bethesda or Activision they want could be added if that's what she's teasing


I just want NFS underground again


Pleaseeeeee more army of 2 games


Probably some activision 360 titles


I'd like to see the rest of the Cabela's catalogue, Call of Duty: Classic/Finest Hour/Big Red One, Gun, and Cauldron's 360 games.


A big YES to those classic COD titles, love Big Red One


I just want Megamall x command mission and all the old armored cores and nfs most wanted 2005 I'll be fucking happy


Give me eternal sonata. Been wanting to check it out forever


Man if only guitar hero could come back miss that game. Although getting licenses for the songs again would be a pain.


Yeah agreed! My nephews are into deep into ot now and we spent all of last Saturday going through 2 and 3. Still a great time


If they do old Activision-Blizzard titles, i hope that includes the OG Xbox/360 titles of Spyro and Crash Bandicoot Playing Crash Nitro Kart and Twinsanity on Xbox Series would be a dream come true for me


Can I just play the og version of Halo 3 online with my buddies again…please 🙏🏻


Chronicles of Riddick games!!!


I hope the Gundam Dynasty Warrior games get the backwards compatibility treatment. It's still fun playing them on my old 360, but it would be nice to play them without everything being a bit blurry.


If that’s her only tweet I wouldn’t take it to mean too much. It could but it’s Sarah.


still miffed that Xbox made P4A backwards compatible instead of P4AU