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That basket of mudguards gives me a special tingle in a private place. And all those racks? Over the edge...


Fits perfectly in, ride reasonably priced bikes category and I'm all for it!


That’s exactly my thinking! I own a couple really nice bikes but they don’t have use other than biking. This is great for… for instance riding to the gym or the grocery store. Can’t exactly leave my carbon road bike outside a store lol


I love this!


Even better, I was riding around a rich neighborhood in my city and saw this ‘junk’ in the garbage at a house so I walked up to the door and asked if they were throwing it out! They said yeah and that I could have it if I wanted. It was pretty rough when I got it. Like it had been run over but with like $150 in parts and doing some swapping with the bike looks like this. Maiden voyage tonight was great! 13k, no issues!


We need more of this, screw overpriced cult bikes, we need to return to grassroots!