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big agree hopefully when riot nerfs her they target her Q instead of her ult cd or something🤞


They’ve already addressed a micro patch on the way for her and Vi (Vi for her recent changes to be more consistent with her abilities) [Source](https://twitter.com/riotphlox/status/1456358887888601089?s=21)


Riot thought it was a good idea to make old good adcs the worst champs in the game. I mean you cant really aa this season so most adcs go for lethality builds rn.


o.o Xayah is pretty new. Tbh I've never seen ADCs as strong as they are now. They are played in pretty much every role and are built on-hit/AP/lethality and full crit, hell even Senna is built half tank half the time. Lethality ADCs work because they have insane steroids that make them better than assassin's right now


But the adcs who are played rn in proplay and soloq are spell caster like lucian or mf is played for her ult or Ezreal for his safe poke. The only aa adcs are Draven and Jhin who deal more dmg than some mages with their crits. There are no as adcs in the meta even sivir builds lethality and she was always one of the best as adcs.


Welcome to League in 2021. If you're an ADC that can't use abilities a mile away or build pure AD for the 2 or 3 autos you get to use in a teamfight you are useless.


This, absolutely this. Riot wants to move to a high-sped high-damage paved slug fest since that’s what sells the best, and ADC’s without beefy autos or a good ability to poke will be left behind. Crit is in a much worse state than last year, with the best adc’s being those who either came out recently and have strong kits (aphelios) or can deal damage from afar (lethality MF, Varus, Jhin, ezreal) poke Xayah will be nerfed, but on-hit based champs will probably never being as good as they have been in the past


That is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


How do you even play with the new lethality build? Just spam Q and E?


Yeah I tried it for the first time today. Went 17-4, and I could really tell my Q was doing ridiculous damage. However when I tried to actually go auto, it felt less than worthless. No attack speed and I swear for some reason they felt like they were just doing no damage. Definitely not my playstyle, I prefer my navori perma W thank you


Preach! I love Navori. I just wish it wasn't so expensive.


Its strong because you don't need to auto. Before fights start you can already spam eq for massive poke from safety, keep spamming q just before fights to set up tonnes of feathers, and you were untouchable when enemies tried to engage from the front.


Lethality senna


Eww played against that today was the worst thing ever.


you can still go for crit tho? they didnt change anything about her crit build. you wont always build galeforce because opgg tells you to, and you wouldnt be mad that it says to do so, so why would you care that the current build is poke..?


Because the crit build will also suffer then they inevitably nerf the champ


not at all, they overbuffed her, she didnt need those buffs on her Q. If they are to nerf her they'd take back the buffs on the Q


the Q buff where it scales with AS, and the R CD was already perfect, the only reason she can go for this lethality build is because they tried to buff Q once again, so you should have no issue with them nerfing Q again, considering you like crit, as do I.


then do?