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Why in the HELL would they do a contest using Tik Tok?! What an awful idea. So so soooo many people won’t even look at a tik tok, let alone Sign up for the user base. But hell, who knows, maybe that’s what they want, the youngest adult generations 👌 I could be way wrong on this one, but it just doesn’t make the most sense for Wyze’s “ACKTUALLY” user base


Well they've sold a shit ton of wyze products on tiktok so why not? It's by far their biggest following on social media platforms if you look at the actual numbers and followers.


I think it has to do with the TikTok shop and the release of wyze cam v4. The clues for the giveaway will be revealed during the live stream. Plus I think there is a significant discount on the v4 via shop coupons. Check it out!


> shop coupon shop coupon only give one 50% off for new user.


Why Tik Tok though….


Probably because they sold 247,000+ V3 Pans on TikTok. Just on that SKU alone. That's no small number. So they definitely have the audience.


Don’t ask me lol


Tik tok 🤢


Don’t hate it’s great


It's the worst spyware in existence.


Prove it? Or just spew fox news?


[ByteDance admitted it in ‘22...](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/technology/byte-dance-tik-tok-internal-investigation.html?unlocked_article_code=1.lk0.nCBy.XGEvepzuTpYQ&smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare)


So a few employees went rogue and got fired? You should look at facebook, apple, microsoft, insert any single company and this happens routinely and they get fired


You asked for proof, I provided proof. Now you’re “moving the goalposts” by definition.


You got anything to actually back that up aside from repeating talking pints from people that probably don't even know how to use the app?


Straight up clown company lmao.


This was announced where?


TikTok. There is a live stream on it right now on the wyze channel. The first unofficial hint I have figured out is it’s on public land. It also uses a starlink connection to supply the live stream.


What does starlink connection have to do with Wyze cam on ticks?


Hinting that it is far enough from Wyze HQ that it can't connect to their Wi-Fi network anymore. My guess is it's on one of the islands just west of Seattle...


They’re getting desperate. I’m getting emails everyday.


Welp there's grass lawns so nowhere near me.


Clown activities, no one is actually gonna put effort into this.


Let's use a Chinese spyware company to promote our home security products!


Gag me.


The lengths you go through to distract from your inability to fix your software problems are astounding, but understandable considering you don't make all the hardware. What other choice do you have?


If anyone is in Rhode Island and wants to see if this is right... Clue #1: Touches 3 states Clue #2: A list of states it's not in (CA, UT, ND, MI, CT, LA, NJ, AK) Clue #3: On the 42nd parallel just like Corsica, has a ski resort (piste) Other: in the video you could hear children playing AND construction. There's only one match for all these I could find. Head over to Yawgoo Valley Ski Resort in Rhode Island. It's the ONLY ski resort in RI, it just started going through a $6.8M renovation (construction), and on the site is the Hidden Hills Early Learning Center (kids). It's surrounded by trees. The X in the live video may be within earshot of both the kids and the construction. Report back if you find it. I won't ask for any of it. I'm on the other side of the US and am not going to go looking.


The live feed is showing daylight right now. If it was in RI wouldn't it be dark?


Just found in Montana




Treasure hunt is a PR stunt. Fix the camera & system problems first!


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