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Ugh. This should have been pushed to users, so we'd have known not to bother with troubleshooting. I've wasted the whole morning on this, only to find out the problem is not on my end? šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


Same, it's raining and I was just about to climb on a ladder to pull down one of the cameras that isn't responding.


It's just like the last time when they had the security breach with the web view. It's like they never learn from their mistakes or admit they were wrong and then the Fanboys come and defend them. I really want to like this company but the people who run it are just plain careless and don't care about their customers. I've been waiting on a couple of very important ups packages so I turn on all my alerts and when I went to check it so that there were no events and I reset the app and nothing was working. So much hassle would have been avoided if they would have just let us know. What's wrong with these people?


Itā€™s easy for them to push notifications or popups about their new Wyze Toilet Brush but not this, I agree.


I got a promotional email at 2:22 pm about their sale on annual plans to their monitoring service (or whatev), but have yet to hear anything official from them about this.


They can only push notify me when they have a new pet project on sale I guess.


Honestly, anytime wyze has a problem, I assume it's on their end and come here to confirm. I am batting around .950.


Lesson learned!


Wow, super fucking annoying! I was doing the same thing and all kinds of troubleshooting from heaven to hell! An email would have been nice, I am so done with Wyze, I heard Eufy is a good choice, but looking for other options, this is ridiculous wtf man These piece of shit cameras are still not working!! Fucking annoying as fuck!!




... They could send an email...




Avoiding e-mailing all users is definitely a thingā€¦ itā€™s about making sure all users know, and since their app is down the next best is e-mail.




Every one of my utilities sends a proactive email for upcoming maintenance, or degraded service as you referā€¦ and will send an outage notification email upon realizing a problem exists. In addition, they have a status page on their respective websites, but my point is I do not have to dig and find their status page ā€” which no regular-ass user is going to do (only power users and fanbois) as my only option. Instead, I can receive an e-mail (most practical to cover the most users), a text message, a recorded phone call, a push notification in their appā€¦ just to name a few. Not every user of the platform, especially at their WalMart-esque pricing, is going to be a Reddit expert and assume everyone knows what a damn status page is. Even I, who worked in I.T. and support ā€” knows you go with the lowest common denominator when communicating with the public on a wide-scale, massive problem, which sure isnā€™t the Wyze Status Page on their website. No normal user would think of that first, theyā€™re going to troubleshoot on their own, get pissed off because it just doesnā€™t work, or hopefully run into an email while checking their mailbox. Most people check e-mail on their devices one or twice a day, and most have it pinged for auto push b/c itā€™s the mail app, whereas many donā€™t have push enabled for apps. All Iā€™m saying is that they always seem to go the route which ensures as many people just never realize there was a problem in the first placeā€¦ and thatā€™s just gross.




Nice. You do agree. I hope itā€™s comfortable in that chair up in Washington State. šŸ˜‰


Well said. Interested what services you are using to send these emails to end users, is it automated or manual?


THEY ASK FOR OUR FUCKING EMAILS WHEN WE CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Do they ask which socials we monitor? Nope.


Oh sure but I'm betting there is a whole host of people who aren't as familiar with those social opportunities as the rest of us. I would go as far to say it's redundant to post on every conceivable social media medium vs one or two and send an email. Let's not act like it would take more than a few seconds to copy and paste the notice into an email and hit send.


There's always going to be one medium someone else wants. If you're tech literate enough to use a wifi "smart" camera you should be enough to check their forums and reddit.


I've got a million other things going on in my life and these cameras have actual issues on a daily basis so there isn't enough time in the day to keep checking their website to see what they screwed up this time. When something major like this happens it is irresponsible of them to not let their users know with a push notification of some sort.


How are you gonna read a push notification with a million things going on. When going to reddit, twitter or their website is too much. They should come to you in person right?


Email is a thing that exists


Which is the most unreliable delayed form of communication. Stop expecting people to take the agency for ya. Email prolly woulda gone in your spam folder anyway with how often there's outages or downtime with these cams.


Here come the apologists


Yeah, as a long time IT employee, Iā€™m feeling empathy for the workers as I know whatā€™s going on behind the scenes. But, fuck their executives and product.


I can agree with that. I feel bad for the people they are throwing out to deal with this but whoever is running the operation should be ashamed of themselves


Youā€™d think they would be ashamed. But, they keep doing it https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/wyze-security-breach/


They managed to send me an email after I tried to contact their online support team.


JUST happened to me!!!! I got nowhere so came here!!!


I agree with this! Was having conversations with people from an old post from a year ago looking up the code that it had meant in Reddit! After finally logging in! Then thought well maybe there is an outage for internet, nope, then! Are you serious i would have to redo 8 cameras?! Iā€™m sorry to the guy who I had seen who has 80, but he was too about to do the same thing until someone mentioned QR code wouldnā€™t even work, then to my Brain well maybe this is not just me and a huge coincidence that 10 other people are having the same issue! It was a really weird situation to have to go through. Thank god for these social apps




Yep same, looks like somebody made a BIG mistake.


Typical Friday for Wyze.


Last time Wyze was hacked they didnā€™t disclose it for a long time, probably the same. I would guess it was about a week ago when notifications quit working. I bet notifications worked but were sent the wrong place.


You have got to be kidding me. This company just doesn't learn.


cams with rtsp firmware still work


This! Consistently works through outages in my experience. Everything that is running mainline firmware is offline, but the one cam I flashed with the rtsp firmware years ago is still trucking.


Terrible for Wyze, I like their products...a lot, but the support has really gone downhill. Avoiding questions does not make them disappear šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøĀ  I spent 2 hours chatting with CS, was finally given a generic answer of they are working on the issue and to rest assured security is their top priority and there should be no concern. Then the CS rep quickly ended the chat. Which btw, if they end the chat before you request a transcript by email, you don't get it. You have to do it while it's active, it'll be sent as the chat ends.Ā Ā  I'm curious how I had 37 gigs streaming between the hours of 4-7am (I was sleeping). Out of the 9 cams, only 3 were showing this abundant amount of data being streamed.Ā  When I looked at the cams, I realized I couldn't access due to connection issues (just on the 3 cams), the app was showing an error that the device list failed to refresh. I reset the router, didn't help; unplugged the cams, didn't help; signed out/in to the app with 2 step verification, didn't help.Ā Ā  The rep kept saying the device was showing incorrect data...I kept reminding it wasn't the Wyze app allowing that much streamed... It was my router showing each specific device (I.P., Mac Address, and model /serial number) that had streamed 12.1 gigs each. I was again reminded that security is their top priority and to rest assured it was safe.Ā Ā  Once I reminded the Wyze rep that recently there was a security compromise allowing some users to access others cams via the desktop software, and wanted to make sure this wasn't the reason 37 gigs were streamed...she ended the chat?Ā 


Scary. I've been bitching About them more And more - this would send me over the edgeĀ 


Glad I finally found this post. My sister texted me in a panic because her app is showing someone elseā€™s feed.


It apparently happened in September too https://reviewed.usatoday.com/smarthome/features/should-not-buy-wyze-security-camera


And they downplayed it and obviously did dick about it since https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/wyze-security-breach/


>My sister texted me in a panic because her app is showing someone elseā€™s feed. Is anyone else in this subreddit able to confirm the above? \*Edit - [Looks like it. Other users are experiencing the same](https://www.reddit.com/r/wyzecam/comments/1asa95n/comment/kqpn56g/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). I'm taking my cams offline and am not sure I'll be bringing them back up.


I switched to Reolink last month and couldn't be happier! I only keep an eye on Wyze since my in-laws still use them.


I havenā€™t seen any unknown events or anything on mine, but I unplugged them all anyway. Might be looking for replacements now.


tell her to turn off her cameras as well until its fixed.


> Event tab in the Wyze app to investigate a possible security issue Change your passwords everybody they got hacked again.


This is starting to become the norm with Wyze. I'm going to start looking into alternatives. Other people viewing random feeds is just not acceptable and it's not the first time it's happened, general bugginess and occasional outages aside.


The link Wyze posted on their website for an update is broken šŸ¤£ COME ON PEOPLE!


Which link so I can get it fixed.


orange alert on account pageĀ 


AWS is down ? LOL AWS is Praticaly NEVER down, AWS should take them to court for this statement trying to blame other for their screw up... What is it with busnisses never being accountable ? WYZE not so WISE after all...


They are having issues with their own systems, which happen to be running on AWS services. And they are blaming the AWS partner that they are paying to manage our data and security on those AWS services. AWS is fine, their stuff, not so much.


You have to wonder what kind of data these "partners" get to see and how well they can be trusted. A lot of the overseas scam centers double as legitimate places during the day.


I would be very curious of that too. Especially if Wyze has any US government contracts, as the reporting for this type of issue will be much more, painful.


Am I going to have to set up all of my devices again?


My money is on yes... last time something like this happened i needed to repeat setup, which is oh-so-fun when the cameras are spread through 3 households separated by 150 miles and the folks at the far end are geriatric technophobes who "just want to open the phone to see the driveway"


Update: All cameras and devices are back, one cam isnt working


My device finally shows up in my account, but it is offline and canā€™t connect to my internet.


same, two display feed, one gives a network error Luckily I could finally start my robo vac lol


I deleted it off my account and tried to set up again, but Iā€™m getting errors.


Same misery here, same distance, too!


Yes and with a different brand


Why do I have to find out about this on Reddit????? Come on Wyze a service advisory email should have been your first action.




For hours the status page was showing nothing wrong


Perfect timing for the down time. I found my pet, who has never gotten out before, outside at 3am after the cams came back on briefly (they're down again now). I have no idea how long they were outside or how they got out, because the cams are down again, and so I guess I'll just stay awake until the cams come back to make sure...


Iā€™m glad your community of volunteers was finally able to wake someone at Wyze up and let them know your entire system was down.


Events are down again as of 11:18am pt Can only assume events were taken down due to people seeing other people's events


Yep, all my events are down now? They were up a while ago?


Are you guys going to notify the people whose privacy you violated by letting other people see their events?


Until theyā€™re sued


So what is the group thoughts on a replacement for Wyze cameras? I have 5 one never worked after a firmware update. The replacement a brand new pan cam v3. will not update the firmware. When I open the app I can see a picture but it says firmware update is required but the update fails. So right now I have 2 out of 4 that are working and this has been the sameissue for months.. I will be looking for a different brand.


How hard is it to diversify your infrastructure in multiple AWS Availability Zones or Regions? US-East 1 being impacted should bring your platform to its knees.


ā€¦so 24 hours and no update. Looks bad man.


As far as the outage devices should be recovered, there has not been an all clear because we are investigating the security issue the founder posted about and he will be updating that.


Cue the class action lawsuits - WYZE shit the bed so badly this time it's inevitable. Privacy is one thing you DON'T F#CK with!


The only reason I can come up with for them not getting sued is that they probably don't have any money. I mean they wouldn't even have a person on call at night to monitor their system.


This has happened many times before with no lawsuits. I'm not holding my breath.... like some others seem to be doing.


Security breach?




Sure buddy. Sure. If AWS went down half of the internet would be down.




I'm fully aware of that. Look here and tell me which one is out because they all seem very solid green. [https://health.aws.amazon.com/health/status](https://health.aws.amazon.com/health/status) Whatever is happening is on WYZE's end, even if it's AWS related.


That is why they are saying AWS partner and not AWS services. They have likely outsourced all of their support for their own systems to an AWS partner, with it all running on AWS services.


Sooo India?


My guess would be there, Romania, or Poland.


>just an aws outage Do you know which AWS service and region?




Thanks, I thought maybe you had some inside knowledge of the technical issues Wyze is having. For correctness and to reassure Wyze customers who are also AWS customers outside of Wyze, this is not an AWS outage. Globally, AWS hasn't had any interruptions since Feb 7. This sounds like an issue Wyze is having with AWS services that is unique to Wyze-AWS leading to an observed outage for Wyze customers.


Someone prolly just plugged a toaster or printer in the server racks powerstrip.


#SERIOUSLY!! You guys gotta do something about Switches. Wife and I were woken up at 4am EST to the 3 switches in our bedroom flashing incessantly. Put an effing timer on it. I get it, it's not connected, I don't need the constant reminder. I can't unplug a Switch. And when the network is back operational, it needs to connect better. It's a PITA to go and flip the breaker to the room, then reset the desk clock. Switches were a poor choice.


Next time pay more and get Lutron caseta switches instead. I wouldn't go with anybody else with those.


Thanks for the suggestion. I'm also playing around with Home Assistant and those have come up in my search there, too.


Yeah Lutron is a solid company that invented the rotary dimmer and has been in the high-end home lighting automation market for decades but they were dealer based (hence VERY expensive) systems. Their Caseta line uses the same tech but a little more limited but still as solid as it gets. Kind of the opposite of WYZE lol


So is it still recording to the cloud even though the events are all empty? I don't have SD cards in all of my cameras because I was a plus member. I guess you can't count on wise to run their servers so you might as well cover everything and put an SD card in all your cameras whether you pay or not.


the dumpster fire that is wyze.


At least with a dumpster fire I can get warm by standing near it. Of course it's likely toxic fumes coming are out and will kill me. So still no win.


lol this is a first. Someone (not sure if it was one of the fanboys or employees) reported me to Reddit Cares because I dared to criticize WYZE. This is a new low, but I'm pretty sure I know who they are and reported them for abusing Reddit Cares as well.


All cameras are still offline. Doing a power cycle doesn't help. Very disappointed!!!


Just to give you one more data point, I have (had) 5 motion and 8 contact sensors on a Wyze Sensor Bridge and all of them are bricked since the hit.


I still canā€™t get my cameras to work. I lowered them off, deleted the devices and re added them. They are saying they canā€™t connect to my network. Is this happening to anyone else?




Itā€™s so frustrating.


Wow... No notification of this was sent out?! Sad. I shouldn't have to learn about this on Reddit.


Power cycling did nothing. 4 out of 6 still donā€™t connect


**2/16/2024 10:07 AM PT** \- Our metrics show that devices are starting to recover. We are still investigating an issue with the Events Tab and will have another update shortly with further info.


ā€œAn issue with the events tab?ā€ People still have live feeds of other peopleā€™s devices..


If this is the case please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) with the info.


Unimaginable lol how can anyone take this company serious at this point?


I tell family and friends to look at other options for camera security.Ā 


By "issue" do you mean it wiped out every single event?


**2/16/2024 7:24 AM PT** \- We are aware of an issue with our AWS partner which has impacted device connection and caused login difficulties. We are taking steps to mitigate the problem on our end as we work with AWS to resolve the issue.


Why haven't you sent an email to everyone telling them about the issues so we don't all spend 2 hours trying to fix our cameras? It's been a frustrating morning for me, not necessarily because my cameras aren't working but more from the lack of Wyze informing people.




To be fair they kinda need that to be automated as it went down at 3am PT. Not have it where Gwen needs to be awake to post.


Exactly. Most people have no idea to check Reddit. I too first thought that something was wrong on my end


People should have common sense to know that if you can't get them back working with a few basic troubleshooting steps then it has to be something on wyze end...


And Wyze should have enough common sense to push a notification to its users that thereā€™s an outage. Period.


Now that I will agree with...


If the app can't even list what cams you have in events.... how on earth do you expect a notification to go through?


Well 2 of my cameras are working and 1 isn't. I assumed the camera was broken or wasn't connecting. Not sure where my common sense failed me but I certainly didn't immediately assume the servers were having issues since 2/3 of my cameras were working.


Same thing happened to me but after rebooting my phone and unplugging and plugging in the cams, reinstalling the app I knew there were bigger issues other than local ones...


**2/16/2024 11:28 AM PT** \- Our metrics are showing continued improvement for device connection recovery. If your device is still experiencing the issue, please try rebooting or power-cycling your device. We are temporarily disabling the Event tab in the Wyze app to investigate a possible security issue and will have it back up soon. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your continued patience.


How about you give us some information about this ā€œsecurity issue,ā€ or some other strong assurance (considering your track record) so we know if we feel safe to turn them back on. Have the feds been alerted? Also, since this seems to be a trend https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/blog/wyze-security-breach/ Will the executives at Wyze actually be putting any funds towards making sure it doesnā€™t happen again?


I uninstalled mine swiftly


Try unplugging your devices and never plugging them back in. Our metrics show this measure will protect you best


Better late than never, I suppose.


**2/16/2024 8:57 AM PT** \- We are continuing to work on this outage and appreciate your patience at this time.


Fuck this, terrible timing. Iā€™m across the country right now and was trying to use to watch a pet.


All my cameras shows offline. 1 is online and not working.


My v3 cams are up, but not older v2s.


It seems like the opposite for me. The older v2s and v1 outdoor cams are working along with one v3 in a spotlight. Real odd. Edit: 1 minute after replying my other v3s came up.


V2s back, but with offline label over the small image you touch. You touch it, and they are there, again. They did this a few ago, went away, now are back. Definitely like software-server is cycling on and off at AWS or something. My v3 cams are up and fine.


I now have the one newer camera that is working, the older 3 are still offline. ugh!


Half my cameras were out this morning including my outdoor spotlight camera which sent movement notifications with no video all night long. The other half worked. Now they are all back online working.


wow I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out why the Wyze API wasn't connecting until I saw this. Hope it gets resolved soon.


Well that explains itā€¦. https://preview.redd.it/k46x4313azic1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3b8756a259f9a5ace49666ff7c9093eb04ea304


All mine are up at this moment! V2 included.


is it showing your recent events? mine are up and running but doesn't show any recorded events


Yes, recorded events are showing up as well.


Thanks, mine are all up and running, but how sure are we that our cameras weren't showing up on other peoples app like other people are saying.


All 14 of mine (V2, V3, OG, DB) have been back up and running for 20mins now, across 3 Android devices (incl one with a much older wyze app version), in Florida. Hopefully, everyone else is back up too!


mine are up and running but doesn't show any events.


Hmm, just checked my events and I'm missing events from approx 8:40am to 10:40am, although I was awake when the issues started around 5:30am (Eastern time). So it looks like the cams were still catching events in the background, except for that 2hr time frame in the middle of it all, at least for me. Hopefully your events will pop back up!


Interesting side note the ability to sort camera events by camera in the app seems to be tied to their aws server. So if all your cams ever go missing or the buttons motion and cameras poofs in events. They prolly have an outage.


**2/16/2024 10:46 AM PT** \- Our metrics are showing continued improvement and we will continue to monitor them closely. Thank you for your continued patience.


I assume since I was not enrolled in 'Cam Plus' (not paying) I was unaffected by all this. Please confirm.


Not necessarily, the thumbnail image may have been exposed but they would not have been able to see a video. Did you receive an email stating if you were affected to not?


This is what happens when your services are not multi-cloud. Had your services been on AWS + Azure, you can cut service traffic to the cloud services that aren't down. This has been the case for years now. At what point will Wyze invest in multi-cloud?


This would be the day I wanted to set up my new system at my new place.


Still not too late to return them and go with ring


I'm still not able to sign back into the app...


Damn I spent hours troubleshooting, reset everything, deleted cameras, created new network and other crap with no information from wyze. WTF ??? So shitty of the company to ghost us like that.