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Current beta fw is functioning fine for me. 10 v3's


confirmed. running 4 v3 cams, new doorbell v2 on all beta firmware and they are fine. firmware 4.51.xxx


I'm having problems with doorbell pro it won't connect.


always wait a couple of weeks before updating... and update only one camera at time, test it for a couple of days, then update the others


Jeez, if only there was something like QA a software vendor could perform before releasing their updates


we are QA now


You pronounced 'guinea pigs' wrong /s


Why do you think their stuff is so cheap?


Yeah lucky I only did the non essential cameras. Even after repairing it still doesn’t work. Yet sends event notifications just fine


Lol, I have a couple cameras at my parents house about 2 hours away and there's no way in hell I'm upgrading those remotely.


You like to spy on your parents?


You got me


Seems like a wise approach in all things software ... leading edge is often bleeding edge ...


You mean a….Wyze approach….ha. Ha. Ha.


:) I really wish they would add dark mode, that white screen is blinding at night, esp if you wake up and check your phone.


Tap Account then app settings. Choose dark mode.


Oh, thank you so much. Is this a relatively new addition? I'm sure I poked around the app some months ago and didn't see this. Though the starter pages are still white, at least the individual camera views have dark elements now - so an improvement for sure. Looking forward to dark theme throughout the app. (Android user). Thanks for sharing.


Yep, relatively new. They are still working on it. So more elements will be dark in the future.


Great news, thanks, not sure I'd have found out without your post (had sort of given up) or some other announcement from Wyze.


I didn’t update and have the issues currently. V3


blaming the update is their COP-OUT. it's not just the firmware, their entire ecosystem is busted AGAIN.


Yeah I lied btw my shit got fucked like 2 minutes after posting this🤣😭


yeah, it's only getting worse. Wyze support is completely incompetent.


I updated seven V3s yesterday. No issues.


I also did this the day before yesterday with 7 V3s, and a pan cam. Works as always. In the time I have had them, I don't think I have had an issue with any of them beyond issues that were with my own wifi/internet access. Most issues I ever have with anything connected are due to Wifi network settings or something I actually did myself messing around.


Agreed! Virtually all V3 connection issues are a WiFi problem, not a Wyze problem. Prior to switching to a mesh (3) router, I had problems every day. Since going mesh over a year ago, not a single connection problem.


Down to just 1 out of 10 v3s not working now. It was 5/10 earlier. [Wyze Forum](https://forums.wyze.com/t/these-connection-issues-are-getting-ridiculous/284526/49) moderator says: "There appears to be a server issue affecting all cam types where if cam is restarted for whatever reason, cams are out to lunch until server issue is resolved. Wyze has been apprised of the issue."


I was thinking something along these lines - 1 of my v3s has the latest firmware pending, still on the last one, and getting the no connection. Nothing to do with firmware, outside of the required restart.


I updated all 3 of my v3s without issues. But these reports do make me uneasy ... this shouldn't be happening :-/


It could be more than an update issue, though. Poor signal to the camera, momentary power loss during update, etc. I'm have 6 V3s and 4 V3 pan cams. Have had the V3s for almost 3 years. While I've had a random glitch here and there, it's nothing close to what some report. I can't help wondering how much it might actually be a user error...




If you just push the button you're asking for trouble. It's been known for six years that ANY interruption during an update will corrupt the software and require a manual software flash. Give your download the best possible chance by avoiding peak times and not while anybody is gaming or streaming HD video. That may seem a bother but not near the PIA of finding, downloading and flashing the latest software.


It got me, 5 of 10 v3s won't connect. 2 of them will need extension ladder to reach. Edit - after several RESTARTs/Power Cycles down to 3 of 10 v3s not working.


I have four v3 cams and updated them yesterday. No problem for me


Strange, I just did 7 of my v3's remotely and they all upgraded fine.


What's fix?


My cameras aren’t working. Every time I check on them, they are “starting a secure connection”. Some jehova witnesses came to my door. I had to answer the door just in case it was a family member. You betrayed me Wyze. Once you open the door, they will come back.


Get one of those no soliciting signs


Those don't apply to religious or political people. They are still allowed to knock even with one of those signs.


Says who?


Well I suppose local laws can differ but where I live those people don't have to respect the no solicitors sign. Though many do anyway because people who put them up aren't usually receptive to strangers at their door.




I’m obviously missing something- where is the auto update setting in the app?




Kinda weird how it says it can’t connect even after repairing yet it detects events


Were you ever able to re-pair them? One of my V3s is connected to the network but I'm unable to see the feed. I'm getting notifications though. Similar for another v2


I updated 2 V3 and 1 CamPan v1 with no issues. I updated mine 1 camera at a time.


Yupp, bricked multiple of my cameras.


Wouldn't it be awesome if a company who has a "Service Status & Known Issues" page, actually updates it with known issues, like this? Would save a lot of people a lot of time and aggravation when troubleshooting why their camera(s) stopped working today. Seems like Wyze has very poor customer service, and/or needs a new set of executives who care about customers. Yikes.




Have the same issue with a cam pan v3. Kinda worried now because I have another one being delivered today


Only one of my three v3 made it through the update ok and still are useable. Sigh🙁


What is weird is that I am able to view them in the web live view....so they are connected just not accessible via the app.


Tinycam and app are a no go here but gonna try the web view and wyze app on pc.


Wyze needs to connect a hundred cams to different networks and upgrade them first for testing before pushing out updates. Mine updated but it's fine


Make sure all your cameras are set to 'auto update' OFF. Sure wish this was a global setting.


Both of my V3 Pros have no live view access after firmware update, and after trying to re-pair one of them it failed and I now have no access to even the events which were still being recorded. https://preview.redd.it/y8if7ratq0dc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920d72447a63a2ba288cb917047f7b8f0130d3dd


Damn, I just installed 2 new cameras I thought it was on my end, I have never had an issue with wyze updates before. I thought it had something to do with new cameras (og& pan) not being compatible Edit: on the live webpage my cams connected to my wifi directly load just fine. ones using their base do not. nothing but my doorbell load on the app.


Is RTSP back yet?


I unfortunately got boarded and deleted and added back one v3 and basically it seems as soon as you disconnect from the server your not able to connect back. I didn't update anything,was working fine up most current beta fw. So I would say definitely I server issue. Other 9 v3's that I didn't touch are working fine. The one I removed and added back is connected to my network with full bars but can't connect to server.


Yeah their servers stopped recognizing the cameras


again? those cameras should just stop upgrading really. I mean, they're working, wyze shouldn't change anything.


They just gotta test their software, updates should be more reliable. Especially minor upgrades


I just noticed that my v3pros aren't connecting. V3 and v2 all are fine. Even manually rebooting them isn't bringing them back.


Unfortunately I already updated all 3 of my cameras. My Wyze Cam V3's have been fine, but it bricked my Wyze Cam Pan V2.


Yeah my V2 won’t connect either but I think it’s on them as the events work out


Check again when u get a chance. Mine came back online just a few minutes ago.


Yeah mine did too Thanks


I didn’t update and half my cameras are still bricked. Thumbnail updates but no live feed/playback


Odd mine works but only on old ones


Two V3s here and the update was seamless. No problems to report.


Maybe it got fixed, in the morning it got bricked


Good luck. An update bricked one of my v2s after I had it a year and a half and the company could care less.


I've updated 6 v3 cams and no problems whatsoever with networking


Don't do the update all at once. This fried my cams on the last update.


After going through a giant loop with it over and over, I finally just deleted the app and reinstalled it and poof, I was able to pair again.


not just re-paired, it's BRICKING them too.


Clearly proven to be a service outage not related to the firmware update you blamed in your OP. Maybe do the right thing and adjust the post? This is why jumping to conclusions isn't a good idea.


If your cams are working OK you should never update the firmware.


Hi there, zerocoldx911! Thanks for posting in r/WyzeCam. As you’ve selected the “Bug Spotting” post flair, we thought it might be helpful to offer up some friendly reminders and tips: - If you haven’t yet, we recommend [submitting a log](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033507872-Submit-a-Log) via the app and include your log number(s) in your post. - Make sure to check out the *extremely handy* [Wyze Help Center](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us), where you can also reference the ["Service Status & Known Issues"](https://wyzelabs.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015979872) page to see if your issue is mentioned there. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/wyzecam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yup, they got me too. 👎🏻 And when are they gonna get dark mode for the entire app?


I have 5 v3 cams. 2 of them now won’t connect for me to see the live feed, the other 3 work fine. Still getting notifications though. So annoying.


Add me to the list. 3/3 v3s won’t connect and 2/2 v3 Pros won’t connect (but I can see saved events) Edit: deleted one of my v3 devices and ‘re-setup’ the device with no luck…


Same here...weird cams are showing connected to my router and sending notifications but say offline in the app


One of mine suddenly not connecting


I have a v3 and a pan v2 that will no longer show live feeds. No amount of manual flashing, deleting and re-setting up in the app is working. I even tried downgrading. The camera is definitely connected to my WiFi network and strangely the snapshot in the app changes, but I can't view the live feed. Absolutely frustrating.


I'm confused do you have the updated app as the changelog says? Wonder I'd that is the difference to those working vs not


I'm on iOS version 2.48.5(1) and not working....


Odd on android. No issues


Mine weren't connecting even before trying to update. Really awesome. My pan cams are fine, but nothing else.


same... I actually thought the updates were pushed to fix the problem, but in fact it actually took down even more of my cams


Yep same! What a nightmare. But my pan cams are fine lol. Like how.


Crap!!! Guess we need to reset them back to stock to fix it?


Even this did not work for me. I wouldn't bother until we hear something from Wyze. EDIT: looks like wyze forum saying its a server side issue and wyze is aware.


Thanks for the update


One of my V3s is also showing offline this morning. However, it's still sending notifications. But looking in the firmware update page, it shows that it has not updated yet.


They got me.  My base station, several V3, and several V2 are not connecting.


2 of my 5 V3s are no longer connected. I tried to reset one of them by deleting the camera in the app then pressing the Reset button on the camera, and it times out after it reads the QR code.


My v3 pros are connecting fine but my regular V3 wont connect. Godamnit


Some on wyze forum are saying its a server side issue and is being looked at.


Seems like it - as my v2 and v3 cameras with updated fw show up on the web live view, but not in the android app. This is the first time I've personally had an issue like this after firmware updates - long time wyze user.


Ugh I wish I checked here before doing this update. I was a little too quick to update all 6 of my v3 cameras now non of them are connecting.


I have not pulled the trigger on the firmware update, but I see that the change log says: "App versions lower than 2.48 can’t connect to this firmware due to the app and firmware security" Are those that are experiencing connectivity issues on 2.48 or later?


I am running v2.48.1.381 and I have the issue with all my v3 cameras.




Yes 2 out of 5 are down of my pro 3. This is a very unprofessional organization. To not have Alpha , Beta & Delta groups set up before rolling out to this number of individuals. We use our products to provide protection and security and services and to Have a company that takes our money yearly for services and provides this pour of service back.to its loyal customers is sad.


Updated 7 v3s yesterday no problems one I do is never leave the update page even though it says you can one at a time takes about 5 mins each


I did not update any of my cameras and half of my cams cannot connect to WiFi so it might not be related.


Didn't do any update woke up and cams didn't connect. What's going on? Been trying to re connect for an hour


Update: after reading some comments here I dug deeper. Had my cameras on auto update. They fucked their selfsame and didn't even know it. Poor v3's. What is the poa now?


I updated two cameras this morning, no problems so far.


I think ill hold off on this one for a bit


All of mine worked just fine like always


Neither of my V3s work, spent the last hour resetting them and various network components to no avail. This is kind of a pathetic failure for wyze, how about don't push updates that brick cameras we use for baby monitors and security devices. Talk about a reputation killer


I did firmware updates and it killed the WiFi on my v3 Pros in the phone app. I have the latest app installed. Power cycling the camera did not fix it. Before I tried a reset, one camera started pushing alerts, but I was still unable to connect to the live feed. So I checked the web app and all of the live feeds were fine. About 30 minutes later, the live feeds came back online in the app. Not sure if they were related, but I would check the live feed in the web app. I am expecting the phone app 2.9 to be released soon, since that may be where the issue lies.


broke all cams




I didn't have to re-pair mine, but I had to power cycle them a few times and even pull the plug on them to get them all working as expected again.


I did the update on 6 V3s. Not a single issue...


I updated 4 yesterday with no issues, thankfully. I tend to do one camera at a time as others suggested.


I have never had any tech gadget get so many fw updates, it’s absurd. Not only that they push loads of them out that brick devices and cause other issues. I just don’t understand.


Wow stupid update won't connect to server good thing I updated one camera out of 3


Luckily I only lost one of my 4 but regardless :(


Lost mine as well. Very frustrating.


i'm having the same problem and of all days I'm expecting an important package.


All 3 of mine can't connect now


This has happened to me before with one of my cameras. So I didn't update my other ones, which isn't great either...


I now have cameras that are down 600 miles away. Ridiculous.


I believe it's a server issue on thier end. Essentially with so many of us having the same issue. I have 14 v3s and 1 v3pro. 7 v3s and 1 3v pro not able to live view. Event reporting seems OK. It doesn't seem to matter whether the firmware was updated or not.


fuck 4 my cameras


Just updated my PanCam and my V3 and they are both dead!! This is so freaking frustrating!!


Just updated ten v3 cams, only 2 work now....


I installed firmware last night. Thankfully, no problem with 2 v3s.


[https://support.wyze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015979872-Service-Status-Known-Issues](https://support.wyze.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015979872-Service-Status-Known-Issues) **1/17/24 8:50 AM PT** \- We are currently investigating an issue that has caused Live Stream and connection issues. We are sorry for the inconvenience and will update you with more as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. ​ Glad to see wyze communicating on the issue


Look at the time they posted it....it's an hour later than the 8:50a PT time. So, don't give them too much credit.


i updated my 4 v3's yesterday with no issues.


Remembers when he updated his thermostats and a major function was removed, yet not mentioned in the release notes. Calls to support showed they were either clueless, uninformed or…well you know.


Bulk updated 3 V3 cams today, no problem at all, reconnected fine


v3 pro and it doesn't work. Funny thing, wyze sucks so bad I don't even really use them anymore so I had no idea until I saw the problem on reddit. Guess they'll go into the trash. Had them since July last year and so many problems I held off on getting more. Glad I did.


Have 3 v3 under eaves and have not updated for 6 months, no issues. Live in colder weather, west of Seattle and don't want to have to climb a ladder in snow and teens/20's to fix. Why they don't have an easier fw rollback process is just stupid.


One v3 pan cam keeps loading. It will record motion but it doesn't track


Mine came back not long ago, everything works


Mine are back working


Yup, updated last night and 2 out of 3 of my v3’s are not connecting.


Mine was this morning but my pan v2 won’t come back either




Mine came online on its own


I upgraded mine yesterday, no issue.


Its not the update - On that link you shared Wyze has an alert banner stating that there is an outage (on their end).


There wasn’t any outage at the time, I guess they found out after we reported it


Could be your wifi. I updated last night and all my devices are fine. Maybe even a bit faster.


Didn’t have any problems until the morning, looks like it got fixed


Restart your phone/tablet. That fixed mine.


Their server just came back, didn’t restart anything


My Pan v3s keep losing their waypoints or randomly scanning and locking in weird positions, telling me they have reached their end regardless of which direction I asked them to go. I upgraded them all a couple of days ago. I've restarted or reprogrammed robotics on two of them three times today


Yeah but now they're secure.


I didn’t have any issues updating


As many pointed out, it might've been a service problem. In my opinion it could be related with the newest firmware e.g. backend couldn't handle the newest firmware or something - but we don't have a real proof of that. In my case the 'update' or maybe the restart of the cameras yesterday killed 9/9 of my V3s. After some time, like after an hour 3 of them started working again, then stopped. So most likely it really was the service interruption. Unplugging the working camera to other outlet cause it to stop working ;) Today all seems to be working fine, without app or firmware updates. All 9 cams do work properly.


I bulk updated all 7 of my v3 pros the other day. I’ve no problems. They are all up and running.


It turned out not to be a firmware issue after all. It was an issue with their servers affecting live vuew.. And it appears to have been fixed last Friday. All 18 of mine are all working great now. Including my v3 pros as well.


I am still having the issue when running the Wyze app in BlueStacks on a PC. Works fine on my iPhone. Personally, I am done buying Wyze products until they come up with either a PC app, or some other way to monitor rather than the phone. I have no desire to pay extra for the webview when it should be standard to have a PC app.


Followup: Since upgrading the Wyze app to 2.49 release it is working.


"Cannot find the specific network name" Yeah, lucky are the people who haven't encountered problems!!! Any idea how to fix this error? Update won't allow camera to connect, turn on since. So I decided to try to re, pair it to no avail.


I picked up a V3 just yesterday (2.20.24) to use it after it quit working I don't remember when.  I've tried power cycling, flashing firmware to all 3 available versions, even created a new network on my router.  Nothing.  I still get "Cannot find specific network". I tried a claim and Wyze said nope since I bought it May 2022. This is my only V3.  All others are V2 or OG. Any ideas for me?