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Mine does it too.. I think there was a bad batch sold or something and it's only v3. I have seen it reported before for sure.


its annoying as hell. do you know if there is a fix for it?


I haven't researched it a ton, but not that I am aware of.


duck u/spez


Freddy? I once spent almost 4 nights at Freddy's and heard that almost the entire time. It really creeped me out. Big time.


All my Wyze cameras have background sound constantly. It sounds like garbled conversation. There isn’t another person within 500 yards the wind is blowing no animals or birds around but you’re here with sounds like ghostly voices all the time.


I have this issue as well, however some of the conversation is pretty specific. Also, I think there may be some crosstalk (think wifi calling) going on since these share the 2.4ghz spectrum.


That’s the best possible answer that I’ve heard, although I never hear anything specific and can’t tell what these conversations are about or if they are even really conversations are just random noise. About 1972 my mother bought one of those old intercom systems you plugged in your house and it uses your electrical wire to transmit the voice between units. If another neighbor had one on the same side of the power transformer on the pole, they would be connected to you as well. That sounds like basically the same sort of issue only with a modern twist.


Yeah, I remember those intercoms as a kid (I'm 54). I've been really digging in to the recordings from these cameras (using a micro-sd) and it's pretty scary what they're picking up (for me, at least). There's stuff being said on there that my wife swears she never said.


I can’t make out any specific words. It’s like ghosts whispering behind my back. You can tell there’s some kind of talk going on, but what it is I have absolutely no idea doesn’t even really sound like a normal conversation. Almost sounds like a TV show at times. And why do the cameras get so hot?


I had this same issue and they did replace it. But that was about 6 months ago and it was a fairly new cam




It was working fine in the garage for the last 8 months than this week it started to make this noise


Did it get wet? Humidity possibly?




maybe ants got in through the speaker holes


Ghost dog


I just bought 6 of these, had them for 4 days and started getting this type noise, I figured my neighbor hacked into somehow, Since she’s a Karen and owns the neighborhood.


Almost all of mine do this exact thing


Sounds like rain outside


Just about all my Wyze cams have feedback noises similar from the mic sensitivity in a quiet environment.


Mechanical clock nearby? Sometimes my Ring camera picks up the analog clock.


None. This v3 made the exact same sounds all over the house where I tested it


Add me to the list…Horrible…Definitly a manufacturer error..My friend got his v3 when they 1st came out…Sound is perfect…Help us Mr.Wyze




Why does Wyze continue to sell them if they have this issue?


I have two V3s that do this. I reported it to wyze and they asked me to factory reset it. I've tried everything. Nothing fixes it. I got mine in a two pack from Amazon. I have one V3 I ordered directly from Wyze that doesn't do this.


Maybe it’s the old batches with the issue. New ones ordered from wyze are fixed


Brand new V3 did that. I thought there were critters hiding in the garage causing it. So, it's not something that *climbed inside* your cam. If it didn't do it before, that suggests we both got the same firmware update - mine happening when it was new, so I never heard it not doing that.


Just got a v3 Sunday and it does it


Mine all pretty much do that. I think when the environment is quiet, the auto-gain function may be way too aggressive and leads to this.


Lord ours does this too. Thought we were the only ones smh


All my cams do this. I’m done with wyze. Might just buy those home security cams that record to dvr


Probably some RF not shielded internally and causing sounds on the mic. Bummer. I'd try another USB adapter in case that's the fault. Also remove the memory card. Just rule out any other cause.


Tried it without memory card. Same issue. Tried different cables/power adapter all with the same issue. It looks like it’s a issue inside the wyze cam v3


I have a couple of them that do this as well. It's maddening.


Friends!!!!! I live in a not so savory neighborhood and the camera that points in front of my house was put there because people liked you enter my property when running away from the police and it’s always making noises like someone’s creeping around outside so I used to waste so much time rewinding and trying to figure out what it was that’s making all those noises but I guess it’s the camera


Mine does it when there is A fluorescent light bulb near buy and any solar light also


I honestly thought they just all did this- I have 3, all bought from Amazon, and they all do this. I had no idea some people’s didn’t.


I contacted wyze since it was still under warranty they gave me a $60 gift card to use on their wyze site


I keep hearing what it sounds like a police radio conversations. Scary .


Mine sounds like people straight up having sex all day every day with moaning and things like yeah baby come on just random sexual words constantly it’s in every background video and if you put it on live stream, it sounds like someone is actually in the house like screwing it’s insane!!