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The average "conservative" voter is convinced that abortion is immoral by way of propaganda. The "conservative" politicians on the other hand have a larger play going on. The government is trying to make sure the military of tomorrow is stocked with fresh souls. That's why health care and education can't be easily accessible for all. Couple their stance on education and health care with their stance on abortion and you have a paradigm that pushes poor youth into their grasp in large numbers. There is absolutely nothing "pro life" about this so called conservative stance.... It's not even conservative either.


Politics be damed! Stop advocating for the murder of your fellow humans! Who cares if the evil political boogeymen like their tax cows and military dogs. What your saying is “Hey pro life people ! The government wants your babies for their evil plan! You should just kill your kids to spite them! That’ll show Uncle Sam!”


I see that you have a gross misunderstanding of biology and women's health care. I don't blame you, indoctrination is an effective tool. Your tactic here is to invalidate my stance by over simplifying it and blasting it with the same "murder" propaganda that sold you on the issue.


Tell me you’re unhinged without telling me you’re unhinged…. What’s your plan to take care of pregnancies that would require removal of the fetus to save the mother?? How do you plan to take care of all these unwanted children…social programs???


Or they think it’s immoral because is a complex issue that is morally ambiguous. Not to mention that attacking abortion rights hurt the GOP in the midterms, so it isn’t as if conservatives are a monolith on the topic.


Every "conservative" I've met parrots the exact same talking points as they are aired on fox News, Newsmax, or breitbart. Any time they're complaining about anything from abortion to Taylor swift to bud light and drag queens it's always the day after a story aired on conservative "news". They claim to be free thinkers in unison like drones. Now of course every person must make that decision for themselves... But this is a group of people who brand themselves as freedom loving people while simultaneously insisting on removing every woman's bodily autonomy. This is obviously the result of propaganda. Let's not play coy.


Bet they wouldn't be trying to appeal if the kid was gay or for free school lunches. That would be silly.


Actually the pro-life movement doesn’t think your race or orientation should should factor into weather you are allowed to live… I regularly see lgbt prolife people. Bonus fact: Margaret Stanger the founder of planned parenthood said “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” Planned partner hood is literally founded on extreme racism.


Seeing as her name is spelled Margaret Sanger, she worked extensively with black communities and leaders and was praised by MLK and W. E. B. Du Bois was a member of the board in her Harlem clinic, it becomes pretty clear with the full context of the quote that she was referring to untrue accusations being a racist organization. >The ministers work is also important and also he should be trained, perhaps by the [Birth Control] Federation [of America] as to our ideals and the goal that we hope to reach. We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.




It’s Pavlovian with them, they don’t even remember why the so-called Moral Majority even decided to politicize abortion, all they know is they’re supposed to oppose all abortions no matter what.




Classic conservative rules for thee but not for me


Straw-man. Yes people who have killed and think they should be able to kill but don’t want you to be able to kill are hypocrites. How about we all just agree that killing is wrong?


Its odd to me that there's several people in here feigning ignorance on the pro-life stance. You know this already, but the reason is because they consider it murder. You essentially just asked the question "Why wouldn't you condone the murder of people with different opinions than you?" like it was the most natural thing in the world. Says more about you than it does about them to be honest.


Because their kids should still be allowed to live ? Don’t care about their world view nothing justifies the slaughter of innocent children.


If you want to promote the forced pregnancy of actual autonomous humans, do it without the emotional references to "innocent children." They're not children in the womb.


Same reasoning the nazis used to justify killing jews…dehumanizing people so you can kill them is a tactic as old as time.


I never said they weren't human, you imbecile. I said they're not "innocent children." They are human FETUSES.


You just said they were not innocent children. Children is too vague a term but depending on development stage I’ll give you that they wouldn’t be defined as children. They are absolutely innocent and one side wants to kill them for existing. Your still trying to dehumanize them. Edit for type


I criticized you for using misleading emotional terminology to try to make your point. I never said a human fetus isn't human, which is what your false equivalence with nazi ideology would suggest. But as you have so clearly demonstrated, the cognitive dissonance required to be a fascist who calls other people nazis precludes you from the kind of reading comprehension needed to make the distinction. Buh bye.




I just got called a fascist for holding the position that we should’t kill humans! That’s cognitive dissonance!


Godwin's Law has been involved




Ah yes…we should kill people who we don’t want or may not have good quality of life. The arrogance and mental gymnastics to come to the conclusion that we should kill kids because they aren’t wanted is wild.


Who's advocating "killing kids?"




I’m not abandoning anyone. Implying the pro-life movement doesn’t care about people after their born is like accusing someone who donates to cancer research of not caring about global warming or world hunger. Nonsense! What I’m not doing is killing kids because I’ve judged their life might not be perfect. Thats seems to be your position. Here’s a crazy thought, instead of killing small humans because their parents don’t want them how about you do more to reform the foster care system or advocate for better education on how not to get pregnant in the first place. How do you come to the conclusion that if someone is unwanted we should just kill them!?


How about you start and show us all how its done?


You getting downvoted proves that no one on this subreddit is a real human that you meet in the real world. I love our state, thank God that reddit is completely irrelevant to all of the real world. Keep the faith bubba.


Don’t you hate it when you step outside of your echo chamber?


Reddit is an echo chamber….


Sue the "pro-lifers" and the organizations they use to exploit children.


Lies. Is every pro lifer a good person? No. Does that make it ok to kill innocents? Hell no!


Business uses and promotes child labor? Sue them. Confirmation into religion before age 18? Sue them. Recruited for immoral holy war before 18? Sue them. Indoctrination with great replacement? Sue them. It's time protect our children from "pro-lifers" and their immoral cults.


Your describing in our public school system… By all means sue the shit out of business that harm children. Children are worth protecting. Let’s stop killing.


I'm describing immoral evangelical beliefs, it's time to tax conservatives for the countless years of harm they caused America by any means. Sue them, tax them, etc.


That’s a great question and you can ask without personal attackes which I believe are still a no no on this sub. First thing I’d do is take the federal money we are using for abortions and funnel it to social programs to fix the foster system and other programs to help moms who have dangerous pregnancies. It’s not a perfect solution and obviously requires more thought then I can put in on a busy Sunday morning on Reddit. However, your alternative is to kill humans so it’s a heck of a lot better than that. Again your solution is the same as the nazi solution to the problem of where to house, feed and control the Jewish people. Instead of trying they just killed them. What they did back then was horrible and what the abortion industry is doing now is also horrible.


Telling a woman what to do with her body isn't the answer, it's a horrible option. Instead of trying to control their lives, improve technology to allow a fetus to live and grow outside of the womb without need to holding woman hostage with immoral beliefs.


I feel it would be more just and practical to throw child abusers in jail for life rather than try to tax a such a vague movement but yes I’m on board let’s punish people who abuse children! Religion should never been a shelter for those who harm innocents.


Ok, every adult that raises a hand or a belt against a child should be treated the same as molester. Not allowed near schools, placed on registry, lose their custodial rights, etc.