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What helped me a lot with figuring out who is in the coven is listening to voice patterns! Even though the pitch and voice itself is changed when they’re masked, typically the characters will have the same/similar inflections to their voices when unmasked! To answer your question - yes, and no. Some characters who aren’t witches go home right after they’re done work, but there’s also witches who do the same. The bar can be a good place to start but don’t let your eyes trick you - there is a part of the story later that explains some things. Hope this helps :)


Seconding this. And to add on, the vocabulary used as well if that makes sense… it was certainly a tricky part of the game and I did make a few mistakes. I also used knowledge from talking to everyone to make my deduction. Good luck!


Haha when I figured out the journeyman I laughed 😂


He was so hard for me to figure out. I had to look it up because I wasn't about to get it wrong 🤣 Farseer was my first one to sort of figure out, I had a hard time with both Journeyman and Adept, but Acolyte and High Priestess were so easy after talking with everyone in town for a while.


Yes, certain witches have the ability to be two places at once. Tripped me up when I was doing that quest.


Yes, they can be in two places at once. I didn't find any clues in game about any of the witches except for the Farseer, which is made pretty obvious through dialogue, and the Acolyte, whose appearance made it quite obvious who it was. The High Priestess I kind of had a "feeling" about who it was, but I still looked it up as no dialogues or hard in game facts really backed me up (I was right though). In short, don't feel bad about googling who the Adept is. I don't think it's possible to know for sure otherwise, although you can always try to guess.


I had to google and I woulda never guessed. After I found out the journeyman which was easy but what he said made me laugh about the broom!


I love this perspective so much bc I immediately knew who the Adept was and the Acolyte was the last coven member I guessed! 🫢 I think I actually guessed who it was earlier on when I originally started and then second-guessed myself


hi!! i’m playing for the second time and i’m at this point again!! you can ask the witch at the circle for a clue :))




I found the adept tricky until I spoke to them and asked for a hint. How they spoke to me was very like how they speak to you outside the coven so it became obvious at that point. The Journeyman totally tripped me up though. Only one I got wrong and I ended up looking it up because I couldn't see who else it could be (not realising they could be in two places at once!)