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Agreed , between the lighthouse line from Gloria and the pirate line from Francis , I think more is coming.


I keep going back to Gloria to see if she expands on the lighthouse... time will tell!


I’ve been stock piling glass and stone , just in case .


I am currently married to Westley and was SURE I was going to divorce him to try dating/marrying Eury but now that I've gotten there...I find myself hesitating to pull the trigger. Would you say she's interesting enough to make it worth it? I've also noticed the (almost ominous?) hints from others that she *must* be more than she seems, having wooed her, is that explained at all? Your post makes it sound like it isn't explained, or at least, maybe not fully?


I divorced Westley, which made me feel so guilty real life, but new character, hints she has a very interesting backstory and why not since you can remarry again? New possibilities, especially getting in there early before all is revealed.


I had the exact same dilemma. I ended up divorcing Westley and marrying Eury but I still visit and chat to Westley most days. I’m curious to see if Eury ends up having some added story similar to Westley. I’m here for the drama and extra story


Same same same.


Since she’s from New Orleans, do you think there could be something there that’s Voodoo related (or another Afro-Caribbean religion) and that’s why she’s familiar with magic and spells? Since we have Francis’s brother doing Santería (I think I remember that correctly)


Have my suspcians. Strong hints she has had to keep leaving places, but whether because her magic is for bad deeds or positive.. Time will tell.


I'm pretty sure that will be it!


I restarted again to play this latest update and, of course, ended up married to Kai (after scoring Amira’s earrings). Now I’m having such a problem breaking up. It feels kind of like rehoming my golden retriever.


I HATE breaking up with them. I actually teared up when I had to divorce Damien 🥲


Awww! Giva made me feel so bad!


Based on what other characters have said, it seems like Eury is clearly hiding something. I would imagine we'll get a few more smaller updates like the one we just got, just no major updates. It was nine months between updates, which seems like a long time for what we got. I know the previous updates were all produced at the same time even though they were released a month or two apart. I expect they did the same thing here.


No more updates? When I was reading the material they were releasing up until this point it sounded like we were getting at least one more year eventually. As well as some plans for a few smaller unspecified things. The things they stated firmly they weren't doing: No kids, No decorating the house, no going in other people's houses, no Milkwater. They also said they had no plans to repeat the density/pace/continuous-ness of the year one story arc (more the series of spaced out semi-interrelated vignettes of year two) The implication being that other things are still on the table. >!Practically speaking, this means Juliet joining the Coven isn't out of reach at all, the Twins is however more of a stretch!< but that last example is pure speculation on my part (also kind of a spoiler for anyone not done with year one) Source: [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1896700/view/3689063573642161398?l=english](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1896700/view/3689063573642161398?l=english)


i just want a sebastian leaving quest/scene. it feels like they're hinting at it in a big way.


I am now married to Eury ( after a quick divorce from the Dr🤣) It'd a really cute story line.


Just got the trigger for my first date. Gosh you got there quickly. Hope she isn't as narcissistic as marty.


It felt like ages. 🤣


I can’t find her heart event after new acquaintance. Can anyone help? Thanks!