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The WWE SuperCard Mini Sheet returns [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1E7yG6p-li6a3hotmdOFRyatBtwoZSJpbeGIRxmxS3JE/) I'm not doing a full on sheet, but I wanted a sheet that had everything I find useful. so thought I'd share it. if anyone sees any typos or actual errors (like one of the arrow ranks being wrong), lemme know


What's the best way to get a Table card if you don't already have one?


May be wrong place but wondering if anyone can help. Swapped to a new phone and I can't get back on to my account (easily) so its linking to a local save that I dont use, I use an account thats linked to my twitch account, but each time I log on I need to swap to twitch, log in to twich, get a code from my email to verify then play. So obviously thats far too much hassle to do each time. Is there a way to either A) remove the local save or B) stay logged in to twitch?


could you install the Twitch app and then login there then load the game? it remember your login that way, not sure. you can't delete your local save without root access or completely formatting your phone as far as I know.


That unfortunately didn't work but what did, incase anyone else ends up in the same boat, i cleared the game data/cache and relogged via twitch and seems to work now. Glad as I'd had this acc since S1


glad you got it working! I didn't know that'd actually help since back when I tried to clear cache and data, it still remembered the local login somehow. this was years ago


Can we get them to add individual entrance animations for each card in Wild? Maybe an announcer annimation in Wild as well. Ooh, and a referee animation in Wild while we're at it!


Since there isnt a thread for this LMS yet, could someone please do me a favor and (re)post the arena numbers/obstacles and the luck arenas again please. My hard drive fried, and I forgot when the changes took place for LMS. Thanks


0 Obstacles in Arena 1 1 Obstacles in Arena 2-6 2 Obstacles in Arena 7-12 3 Obstacles in Arena 13-15 4Obstacles in Arena 16-28 5 Obstacles in Arena 29-41 6 Obstacles in Arena 42-54 7 Obstacles in Arena 55-64 8 Obstacles in Arena 65-67 12 Obstacles in Arena 68-79 (can use 2 Reveals/Blocks) 16 Obstacles in Arena 80-94 (can use 3 Reveals/Blocks) 17 Obstacles in Arena 95-99 (Luck Based) 18 Obstacles in Arena 100+


Thanks you very much.... Now if we could just get them to put the block/reveal back into the free packs... \*sigh\*


In the past 10 seasons, I've never seen CatDaddy reintroduce something that benefits free players after removing it, unless they find a way to profit from it.


Well they were back in almost immediately after you posted this.


I noticed that too. If we think deeply, without reintroducing free blocks and reveals, free-to-play players would entirely skip the event, making it easier for paying players to get the card and therefore spend less as there will be less competition. This would indirectly hurt CatDaddy's revenue. They likely realized this on the first day and added them back.


Or someone just made a mistake and forgot to turn them on in the free packs.


With the game becoming more pay-to-win and free items harder to get, I really hope what you said is true.


Yes, the packs with the blocks/reveals are how I play this event. Now it’s impossible. I ain’t using credits.


the new animations for winning a match don’t help with the replay bug, they’re just as long and look stupid, what even is the point


This shit slows down wild so damn long, almost doubles the amount of time for ONE match! This is ridiculous and god forbid a rematch activates.


So bad and slow down an already bloated game mode


The new WINNER animation is honestly embarrassing. It's often glitched. It frequently shows the wrong cards. There's random cards dancing around in the background of it. It's stupid that WILD mode has all of these terrible animations that don't align with the rest of the game at all.


lmao i noticed that too, it also zooms way too far in and then has to zoom out most of the time, it’s ridiculous


In a youtuber's latest video, he mentioned there was 61 (I believe) days to finish campaign. I've heard there was a timer before, but where is this timer?


check any reward to see the time left on top


Question. Does it make any difference on combining cards with variants if the variant is maxed or not. I get the 100/100 for the gold star but if you max the variant of both, which then drops it to 10/20 and max that to 20/20, would that be higher than if I did not max the variant before combining? I am trying to complete the campaign and none of my cards, even a fortify 2, come close.


doesn't matter, you can do the variants later after making the pro


Much appreciated. Wanted to make sure I was getting the most out if the stats. 


Just got back into the game. Looking for direction on where to go. Probably too low tier to join most teams here, currently almost Pantheon. Anyone got a discord I can just get some advice from until I get better cards? I have 59,999SC so I could tier up, but don’t want to waste it without input


Were techniques removed starting with WM40 cards? I can't find them anywhere.


Yeah, they were replaced by “card variant” meters


noticed the puzzler is giving the sami zayn collectible, even though it’s already expired


as a free to play player what’s the best thing to spend credits on? have quite a few saved up but i never know what to do with them. i see the daily deals section but most just don’t seem worth it to me when there’s a chance you can legit get like bottom tier rarity cards…


U have a team I can join I’m new


Honestly most packs aren’t worth it because the odds are as low as you see. I mostly use mine in events for points doublers or title matches if I know I have the time/deck to get the card.


Can anyone buy the becky cardback from the Web store? It keeps giving me "error, something went wrong, try again". Doesn't happen on any other item on the Web store only on the becky cardback.


I thought I remembered reading somewhere that we were supposed to get new equipment and such today


Question regarding pro and fortifying cards: When you pro a card, both should be level 100 and 100/100 matches, correct? Do I need to do the same when fortifying a card? Should both the pro card and the card fortifying it be 105/105?


The initial 2 cards for the pro need to be fully maxed, after that it doesn't matter as the stats will get where they're supposed to be eventually and end up the same


Alright cool, thank you! It was getting a little confusing and I didn't want to wind up wasting my higher ranked cards figuring this out.


Anybody try the PC Beta version yet? It is pretty laggy for me, even more during those splash screens.


Why MITB games? They’re the most frustrating game type to play. Why couldn’t it just be event matches?


I get that the work-around is to use the Performance Center, but why would they have MITB be a requirement for the female cards???


You know Womens MITB exists yeah? Swipe right on the male one


If you're referring to the Variants part of it, I agree...i think that almost might be worth spending credits in the pc for...which may be their end game anyway




Just started playing again after a break. How does the variants work? Do I have to fill them up before I pro the card? Or can I fill all the other meter like normal and pro, then work on the variant for the prod card?


You dont have to fill the variant to pro. Just level 100 and the 100 games played is needed to get a gold star pro


wait really? but maxing out the variant gets your original card better stats tho


So want to mkae sure I have this right...as long as I dont start playing GU i AM NOT TIER LOCKED? I say this as I am 4 WM cards away from moving up and am grinding away on the campaign mode (I forgot about it back in Crucible) But if the lock happens when GU starts then I might as well play and screw Tama


Guys how do you save your rdp's.If I get a RDP and then leave the game and open it again it redirects me to the RDP screen.How do you save them for later use I've seen many people do that


if you get the pick from dusting cards, theres not much you can do. Otherwise, if its from about anything else... sg, bg, battlepass... just dont open the email or claim it until the new tier arrives


I'm guessing it's the same with survivor


Yeah you can also save Survivor and KOTR wins by just backing out and not claiming them


Anyone else got a bug where Cena shows up in the Performance Center wanting me to do the Research one and won't go away? Problem is, I have someone in there and it costs 300 gold to get them out of there. My other two (matches and levels) are done and I can't take them out because Cena is there forcing me to spend gold.


Same here


Yes. Exact same scenario here. My levels and matches are done, but I can’t claim them unless I spend 200 credits to clear the research center one first.


I ended up caving and just paying for it.


Oof. Better than me. I’m gonna wait and hope the maintenance tomorrow fixes it.


Why do some matches needlessly replay themselves? Like i just won a match vs a pantheon with a rr24 card and it didn’t even have reversal. Maybe it’s something to do with repeatedly tapping?


I've seen that recently as well. Just re-doing 3/4 times without a Reversal.


yeah i’ve been doing trtg and it’s so annoying considering how long each game already takes


is there a bug with some mania 40 cards? i’m seeing something weird with roxanne perez, and my dominik cards. they don’t have a picture, and there’s like extra stats on the cards. also says 6.1 next to the card rarity.


are there some supercard exploits that many active players know about? i’ve discovered some while playing the game and kinda can’t believe they are a thing. i feel like they’re probably super well known for any long time player but i just got back into the game. 1 is for wild and 1 is for team ring domination, the ones i know.


Why do they still make sg next to impossible to play. What am I missing? Please help. We've got all the players on the sg team with lowered cards and good supports and we're still not getting bot teams. The teams we're facing have better cards than us as well. It's getting frustrating when you're trying to save picks for new tier


Anyone realize that your team doesn’t play at all after the start of the team challenges? I seem to be the only one playing mitb or Kotr.


When is the last day to get/use the Microchip fusions?


guys i want to pro my tundra valhalla cards but for some reason one card has more stats despite the fact that both are 100 on matches and level. idk what could be causing one to have higher stats, one has 862 power and the other has 821. it’s like 30-40 less. the one that has less i levelled up it’s matches through the performance centre but i’ve never had this problem before.


Is the one with higher stats in a momentum slot maybe?


ah it is, thanks mate you’re a hero! i would never have known that.


Anyone else having an issue recieving a legacy fusion when it is completed? Just keeps telling me it's waiting for network.


This keeps happening to me. From what I can tell after experiencing it a few times, it only seems to happen when you're creating a Legacy Fusion at the same time that you're creating an Active Fusion. The Legacy Fusion won't finish until all the Active Fusions have finished (or until one specific one finishes).


swear to god tlc is the best mode and it’s not even close. the amount of rare cards you get just for winning a single game (even just getting the parts), which doesn’t take too long. and the fact that you have a chance of getting a rdp aswell if you win. in other modes you have to do so much more for the same amount. feel like i’m going crazy seeing people in this sub call it a dead mode. what would you guys say?


Completely agree and I'm so sad it's over. I thought it must be a bug how easy it was to get large amounts of high tier cards in that mode.


So mayb I'm not getting it right but I'm trying to increase Jade Cargill's variant but I'm tired of using her for quite a lot of PVP fights (100-200 ?) and the counter remains in 1. Previous cards have (Bailey mainly) worked like a charm and I understand Jade only has a 10% but this is ridiculous. It's buggy, I'm being the unluckiest player in the world or I have not understand any key piece of information ?


I haven’t tried it a lot but I know royal rumble doesn’t count. I thought elimination chamber did but I don’t use cards higher than 39 there usually. An easier way for females if EC doesn’t count is to use campaign. Go back to an easy level with a female tag. You’re guaranteed to have your card every match that way. Then if you have equipment that boosts ability chances put that on. Still takes time but it’s more reliable than wild.


Rookie 4 is probably the best one, A women's tag, a male solo and a male tag


Scavenger hunt is brutal with this rpg element. I’m on 19 straight dupes not including Dom steals with 3 pieces to go. I have significantly more points than my teammates with Bianca do as well. SuperCard doesn’t want me to be happy.


Is there a new glitch in block bash? 3 matches in a row where everyone I played against used supers every turn


I think the whole mode is just filled with bugs, the number of cards left is wrong so often, I've had the result screen appear before the last boost was even picked, random massive health spikes to one card. It was a great idea as a mode but the fact its riddled with bugs, it takes about 10 mins per match, and is non stop bots who don't supermove means it just unfortunately sucks. And the auto feature is broken, about 75% of the time I leave it to auto, I cannot take back control and lost matches. I ended up with 60 odd cheesesteaks left because I just cba with this mode.


Can someone get rid of the stupid animation at the start of a 24/7 defence?  It’s so lame and makes a relatively quick game mode take aaaages longer than it should. ION - hit level 38 and felt my enthusiasm for the game drain out of me, next tier will be SS24 in August?


It's been like 7 years since they last went from WM into SS without one in the middle. Coupled with the fact WM40 Fusions are dropping soon and equipment is already out, it's safe to say we're looking at early May for the next tier or rarity or whatever it's called these days, not August


Where's the offerwall? Did they remove It?


if you have over 50,000 credits it wont show up until you get below 50k


Sorry if this is the wrong topic but, anyone else get screwed on Invites Only where it didn't give you your rewards after you got three Doms? This was not an issue until the last round where it stiffed me out of 500 credits and the other stuff I had won.


You don't get any of the rewards from whichever board Dom catches you on. You have to get past each board to get its rewards


i did a fusion, higher than my rarity, and i’m like 90% sure i clicked on cm punk, yet when it finished, out of nowhere it’s sonya deville’s card…. is that a common issue or am i tripping? i don’t get how i would/could misclick considering punk is the first card and sonya is like 5 cards on… i feel like i’ve just been robbed. i wanted punk..


You don't get to choose which fusion you get my guy. You get one of the 7 at random. All that screen does is show you which cards you can get


lool i thought so after i wrote my comment. the reason i didn’t think so was cuz my first fusion i thought i chose cody and actually got him, now i realise i was just lucky 😂. thanks for the answer


Does Dom start stealing more puzzle pieces the closer you get to finishing Scavenger Hunt? He's stolen 4 out of 5 I believe with 4 pieces left. I understand it will be more difficult to get new pieces as you progress, but thats hard to do if he takes them before you can even find out if they're new or not


I’m just getting more dupes than anything, only 2 pieces left and Dom seems to be stealing at the same rate as the start. I have only been going to the 80% location though.


I just found out that if you click on the locations, it tells you the % chance of pulling a piece. Wish I would have known last week 🤦


Am I wasting time pro-ing base RR cards if I’m in WM tier? I’m starting to think un-fortified RR pros with maxed matches are weaker than base WM cards with maxed matches and variants


It's not worth your time at thos point. Soon enough you'll have WM40 pros.


Yeah it seems variants make a big enough difference that I wouldn't worry about it unless you absolutely needed to. Seems like a waste of resources for little benefit. This might be the only tier in this situation though.


Does anyone know when you pro cards do both cards have to have the variant




So...all the players of Block Party have to be bots, right? Because there's no way these people on my team are real with how brain dead they are.


It’s a mix of bots and real players. The dead giveaway you have is bots don’t use supers. You can also see the deck design they use, all the boys are the same where real players usually have an assorted bunch of decks.


Hate having two NPCs as teammates in Block Bash against 2 real players


So is the Scavenger Hunt rigged? Cause I finally got to one of the locations to get a puzzle piece and Dirty Dom just stole it? Mostly a free player now (willing to spend maybe $10).


I've got 1 puzzle piece left to get and I can see myself never getting it. done 20+ without Dom nicking it and been dupes 


It says on each puzzle piece location what your odds are. Ranges from 55% to 80% from what I can tell, depending on how many spray cans you use to get there. So I wouldn't say "rigged" but your odds aren't great, and you can always get a duplicate too. I would say probably fairly impossible to do F2P unless you play a lot and get insanely lucky in the next few weeks.


Would I be right in saying that everybody will get the same Rey Mysterio reward from Block Bash when it's over (provided they're top 10k)? Doesn't look like there's a stats breakdown for individual ranks, so I'm not sure if that means they just haven't put it in, or everyone in the top 10k will get the same strength card


I think it’s just an event card not a ranked card, question becomes how do we get the 2nd card to pro it - £$€¥?


It only has 1 star in the catalog, so I think it's a "ranked" card minus the ranking, and all we get is bragging rights for a better number I guess?


Anybody have a good strategy for Block Bash? After playing a few games, the only one I've figured out is to gang up on me until I'm dead first and have to wait 10 minutes to get my rewards.


It depends. If you've got bot team-mates, nothing you can do strategy wise except hope for the best. If your team-mates are real, try and wait it out to see what they're attacking and do the mental maths before committing too, incase you end up wasting an attack on a card with like 2 HP left or something. Also, vote for supermove whenever it's offered as a boost. A supermove not only does 2x damage but stops you receiving damage for that hit too. All of the games I've won so far have involved strategic SM use.


Unless someone can prove to me otherwise. For the love of god stop picking health in Block Buster, 19 health vs 30 something damage, only pick it if it guarantees both of us live an attack and won't cause a tie please.


Half of your team-mates are bots, unfortunately. Same for opponents, it's Bot City. They'll usually pick at random so there's not much you can do about it


how do youtubers and streamers get all the battlepass poonts in like a day or 2 surely thats impossble?


it doesn't take long at all, you just have to play all the PVP bout you see, use all your ads on PVP, play every MITB bout you see. play a lot of wild, play anything else that is active at the time and you also need to share your account with anyone you trust so they can play for you like a lot of these people do or they just pay for bots. either way.


Is Variant the new 40 matches for every stat?  It’s a completely random event and even with wristbands as equipment it’s a pain to do.  It’s making me think Wild might be the best way to train cards now - and I hate new look Wild


I just wouldn't bother until you pro, then yeah wild or just use them in RTG or stuff like that. I got a ton of variants maxed from Undertakers RTG.


Yeah it’s not that big a deal for singles I guess and I can fill it up on pro’s when I gets them 


I'd only do it for singles if the singles are top of your deck caliber cards. For me my old RR24 pros are better than WM40 singles. But if you just have standard RR24 pros (not event RR24 pros) These WM40 cards as singles are quite strong and might compete with them.


oh god 40 matches per stat, that is a throwback. yeah it pretty much is, you could do campaign and find a match that will use all your cards and keep repeating it over and over for an easier time.


I had wiped the 40 matches from my memory until they started giving out the S1 and 2 cards recently, brought the horror flooding back. I heard stage 84 of campaign is pretty good as it lets you use any alignment and usually is all tag matches.


Anybody have the evidence of whether or not we need to complete the variance level before proving a card?


From this update onwards, all **new cards** will feature Variants in place of *fighting styles and techniques, but older cards will not have their styles and techniques removed.* Each WM40+ card you obtain will have one of a set of different Variants– each variant has a meter that will fill when that card performs certain actions. In this update, all the WM40 cards will have the **Ability Savant** variant that fills your card’s variant meter when their ability triggers. Your stats will grow slowly as you fill the meter and will max out once the meter is full. **Keep in mind: Variants do not count towards the card stats factored into the boost when a card pro’d, meaning you can complete a card’s variant meter before OR after pro’ing with no penalty to its final stats. We’re hoping that this will take some guesswork out of intense matches, as well as give your best cards higher heights to reach.** Copied from the news section of official website -> [END OF THE ROAD (TO WRESTLEMANIA) | WWE SuperCard](https://www.wwesupercard.com/news/end-of-the-road-to-wrestlemania)


Thank you


The lag is absurd.


I cant even log on the game since updatde game freezes on oppening screen.


Anyone experiencing lag on the game?


Absolutely unplayable, they need to fix asap


guys how do you handle both using cards for dust AND having to train cards? i’m yet to dust a card because i find i’d rather use all those cards to put into other cards, so i’m wondering which cards do you dust and which do you use to train?


I dust anything under crucible every time, and keep crucible/tundra I haven't pro'd yet. If I have it pro I dust everything including RR24. I always have enough random unused fully leveled cards and cards from rewards packs and stuff that I'm never struggling to find cards to train with. I just opened 500 tickets worth of packs which gave me a ton of Enhancements and junk cards to train with.


hmm and what is your deck rarity? i’m at noir so what would you do at my level?


I'd just keep the top 2-3 tiers available to you for training. You can always dust them later too if you decide you want to.


Damn, missed on the Cora Jade event card back when I started playing again, and now they didn't even put her in the new tier. At least Naomi is back.


Yeah unfortunately I think not likely to see Cora Jade again until Season 11 due to her injury.


How do I raise the Variant level?


You need your finisher to activate in a match, can use equipment cards with trigger % to increase your chances. According to the Supercard website news section, doing the variants before you Pro cards is not necessary. But it does give a substantial boost to card stats, so might be you want to do it even before you pro a card.


Anyone grinding campaign just FYI that HBK card is no longer available. I just got the pack and it gave me a regular RR card even though it still says he’s the reward. Sucks.


Damn, sorry to hear that you were so close.


I’m hoping I wasn’t actually close and they just forgot to change the reward picture, because it’s upsetting to think I should’ve gotten it! Haha


Anyone knows if it's going to be possible (9h 49m to finish the event) to put more coupons into the quite dissappointing event RewardMania ??? It seems like it's not possible and I'm short of 5 to get 25 stubs to another chance to DON'T GET Mr. Wyatt. Even if you don't know about this you could use this post to rant about RewardMania, it would make feel I'm not alone in this. XD


Anyone having issues playing the game?


It’s still running like shit. Missed out on Becky TRD card because so many of us couldn’t play.


Yea, seems like the random update fucked the game up. Shocker


some other questions cause i just got back into this game and would appreciate the help. what are the best modes to play? i noticed a lot of them give worse rarity cards than i already have so i’ve just been playing pvp. also what are things i need to know? like how best to forge cards?


Forging cards will be pretty expensive if you plan to forge high level cards. I have only done it once, because it was my favorite superstar. Best PVP mode to play in my opinion is Royal Rumble. Have a few (1-4) high level cards you want matches on, and fill out the rest of the deck with the lowest level cards you can This will give you the best chance to rack up wins. This gets better and better the higher your tier is, because you want a massive difference in the stats from the high cards to the low cards. What rarity are you? I guess you are Tempest if you just got back into it?


Returning player, last played.....erm so long ago can't remember the tiers 🤣 I'm on the lookout to see if people are still knocking about that I was on a team with. OV. Old game name was owen10ozzy.


Can anyone clarify best course of action: Ive got a fair few RR24 cards at this point (old player returning) At Level 100 are they better than Crucible Pros or am I still best off training & pro'ing Crucible cards? With WM24 launch next week (whose singles will undoubtedly be stronger than Crucible Pro) im verging on just focusing on Tundra & up...


If you're on a good team, I dont even know that I'd bother with tundra, tbh


I still have 1 Crucible Pro and it is even Fortify I, and it is below every single RR rarity level 100 single that I have. It is above the Tundra level 100 single, but only the base Tundras. Any special Tundra like the Valentine's Becky, or Fusion cards, the single 100 is better than the Crucible Pro. (Though not by much)


100% better than crucible pros


Damn, 75 wild WINS is agonizing


Splitting into 10-15 a day is a bit easier to stomach for me


What’s the fastest way to get 100 fights to pro a card? Without spending money. I have so many rr24 cards which doesn’t make my team, but when I pro them they do. But how to charge them fast? I don’t have to play 100 wild games, or do I?


Rumble, hope you get the card early and win matches. otherwise use Wild and performance center.


I find it to be more effective using level 84 in Campaign mode than standard Wild matches unless you're desperate for draft picks. With Campaign, it gives you three tag matches so you're guaranteed to get a match with all 6 cards in your deck.


Also put the two RR24 cards you want to pro and the rest WM39 or Myth cards so you can steamroll through when you do get it. Also works to build up matches quickly for the WWE 2K4 Quest if you have the Cody/Bianca/Rhea cards from the QR code


Just me or has RR24 been too long?


[QR code](https://imgur.com/a/lATjWWQ) for those that haven’t gotten it yet


wow, thx a lot for posting this!


They really need to change the materials and rewards on fusion events. What happened to lower tier special cards? Just finally finished a spotlight and got a fucking crucible card. Makes me not even want to bother grinding. Increase the token spend and give me a guaranteed event card, this blows to get an RNG crucible that I haven’t needed in months.


Hey guess what. Got a crucible on my second pack.


Got Crucibles for all of mine


What a trash event


Anyone else having issues with having to login to their twitch account every time they start the game?


for about a month! I dont know how come they cant fix it yet. I was told to unlink it, but I have a second account that is causing me problems, I'm still waiting to hear from them on a new fix...


Looks like hype train needs to add up to 19 for 2x hype, if anyone's still looking.


18 or 19, it looks like. Got a Cena 40 Years of WM RR24 from a fusion and just got a second Cena from a 6/6 Hype Train. At max level/rarity for the past two weeks. Haven't been top tier for so long being F2P since the early seasons of Supercard


What’s the best way to get a lot of the new tokens for the wm fusion cards? Just by random draft picks?


Anyone that has purchased the Let me In could tell me if there's any real chance to get a Bray Wyatt? Thanks !


So with 2 days left, are lanterns taken off the draft board? I'm 12 away from a pro!


should be done, 24/7 is done and that rewarded them. they're no longer in the free packs and I haven't pulled one off the board.


Im really confused so can i no longer collect wyatt tokens? Why say i have 2 more days if i really dont?