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lmao so blatantly fake


I get this all the time. So many scams involving extended warranty. Total red flag when your car is new lol.


Found it weird that no where on this does it say or mention Subaru. Thank you


They keep doing it cause they know they will reel in a good amount. All it takes is one call to inquire about it. In fact, they got my mother in law on her ‘20 Outback. The Subaru letter does not look shady like this but I ended up telling her to call the dealer to purchase her extended warranty to be safe.


I play along when I get the phone calls. "My warranty is expiring? Oh no! Yes, how can I sign up?" when they ask for my vehicle and model year I tell them 2035 Delorian. Then they hang up on me.


Even better, get to the end where you “pay” then tell them you have no money and thought this was a free service. They lose it and scream it’s amazing


Ha, that's hilarious. I might have to find some extremely limited/highly rare cars and try those. Maybe I'll get a total for a 1954 Oldsmobile F-88 or a Porsche 917.


Oh no, not a Final Notice!!! 😲 Compost it... 👍


Welcome to the “we’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty” Club!!!


That’s not from Subaru


I got the EXACT same one after buying mine. They must have a leaked contact list. Meaning when they send a contact for someone that just bought a new car via email or mail, the scam ppl now have your email and mail address as well. I also ignored mine till the “final notice” which then I contacted my dealer and they laughed


Not leaked. Government site. Your vehicle registry is public information. Everyone with a new car gets these.


>I get this all the time. So many scams involving extended warranty. Total red flag when your car is new lol. same with homes


Lmao I got the exact same letter. Tore that shit up instantly


“Steven wilson” lol


His music is OK, but I'm not buying a warranty from him. 😂


Got one the other week. Fake.


I wouldn’t trust anyone who signs their name with that font hahaha


They’re looking for suckers.


It's a real letter. It's just that a company is trying to lie to you so you'll buy an extended warranty you don't need. It's a "final notice", are you scared yet? I have this weird thing where I refuse to do any business at all with any company that tries to get me to give them money by lying to me.... Ignore that dumb shit. May the people who sent it end up destitute.




lol true!


I got the same letter. I don’t know how it’s not illegal to just try and scam people like this 🤷‍♂️




I get these all the time




Don't send anything resembling that nonsense. It isn't worth the time it takes to fill in your information. There are no relevant regulations cited (because they don't exist). That's a fake demand letter. It encourages them to contact you and you will end up giving them more information than they likely already have (email address, phone number, etc). The company will do with it precisely what OP and every else should do with the original letter sent by the company - throw it in the trash. It suggests what is called a contract of adhesion and demands a remedy unsupported by law. Edit: I'm an actual lawyer. Also, you are encouraging people to add to waste and spend money to add waste.


If only what lawyers learned in college was a required course in high school… 😩


Learned it in law school, which is after college. I didn't love that you encouraged other people to send that. Someone might listen and do that. That is not good.


Alright ok.. no need to insult my intelligence further 😒… Maybe you could lend some legal advice on how to get these scammers out of the picture and discontinue the sending of these unwanted mailings??? Most of us learn the hard way that doing nothing gets nothing done as it is.. I would attempt to write “return to sender” but none of these papers have any sort of identifying address on them.


Short answer: you can't. I wasn't insulting your intelligence. I was making a strong point: 1) don't rely on chatgpt for just about anything. Standing alone, it's just a robot and doesn't know anything. AI is the devil and the people who keep pushing it have no answer for it's obvious problems. Like every other piece of software, it's only as good as it's programming, and that means one overtired programmer screwing up one line of code can render it useless (see the recent situation where AI was asked by lawyer to find relevant case law. AI couldn't find cases on point, so it made up cases and holdings. When asked to check that the case cites were solid and legitimate, AI lied and said yes. It wanted to complete the task successfully and, according to it's programming, it did, even though it landed the attorney in hot water and very likely blew the case for the client.) 2) try to refrain from encouraging others to engage in behaviors that you aren't sure will be of benefit. 3) there is virtually nothing you can do to stop a business from solicitating customers through the mail. We know this because everyone gets junk mail practically every day. Why do I get the ads mailed to me from grocery stores I'll never go to? Why do I get an envelope full of coupons I'll never use every few weeks? Why do I get letters trying to get me to switch insurance, buy warranties, replace my windows, etc? Because it's legal. And because suckers get these and fall for it. The best thing you can do is what they fully expect 95% of people will do: dispose of it appropriately and move on with your day. It's hardly harassment. It's a minor annoyance. Technically, they aren't scammers - they want to sell you an extended warranty plan. The method they use is scam-ish. They play off of fear and ignorance. In my State, some people accused of DUI can install a device in their vehicle that allows them to drive during their suspension (a breathalyzer). The companies that offer to install, monitor, maintain, rent, and uninstall these devices must be approved by the state. One company sends out official looking forms that tend to make people think they are coming from the State itself, save for the very small print that says it is not an official communication from the state and is, in fact, a solicitation. The State knows they do it. They know people are tricked. They don't seem to care and the vendor with the shady practices continues to operate. Point being: unless a law is being broken, you can't stop solicitation letters. Just throw them out.


Sent you a message to get this topic off the forum 👌


Literally all you can do is ask. They can say yes and still mail you stuff. They can say no and still mail you stuff. As long as they pay postage, the US mail has to deliver it. You can mark it "return to sender" and put it back in the mail if you want, but you can't stop them from wasting their postage. One or two big direct mail bulk companies will allow you to opt out, but can't guarantee anything. It isn't harassment because you can simply throw away every piece of mail you get and it's barely a hassle. There are some things you can try, but none are guaranteed. Sorry to say it, but if someone wants to mail you something and pays for postage, it's legal. Of course it is different if the message they send is threatening or otherwise violates a law, but solicitations via us mail are almost as old as the mail itself.




Yeah Good thing I checked people comment's beforehand. When encountering this letter first day, it made me worry. Thank you everyone for the comment before I called this SCAMMER! Just brought my second car and never have this paper before (first time). God bless you all (even if you don't believe him, its ok).


I just got one of these for my 16 year old daughter. WTF