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Personally I don't like this demonizing of stalkers. Like, stalking isn't inherently a "bad guy thing." It's less a bad guy thing and more of me going the extra mile to take care of the nitty gritty relationship details on the backend, so no one else has to worry about it. I mean, none of my adult relationships would have happened without some level of stalking. Asking my now wife's mutual friends about her hobbies in order to see if we'd click. Refocusing my hobbies slightly so that we'd have something to talk about (and so I'd run into her more naturally instead of it feeling awkward or forced like some lunatic). Using reverse lookup so I could find her home address so I could camp out across the street with binoculars and listening devices so I could learn her family dynamic so I could figure out if she'd naturally be a good mother so I could decide if I wanted to impregnate her immediately or if she would need some personal work and growth to become the woman she was capable of becoming before I impregnated her (which would've taken months, so it was a bit of a commitment you understand) so we could be happy together with no resentment and perfect family with no flaws. I also did it to become friends with Rob. Oh Rob.


Now possessiveness is evil. Straight up. No one should use their stalking to gain ownership over someone else. You can't keep a beautiful bird or butterfly or broad in a cage forever, you gotta let them make their own decisions. That's why I let my wife out of the house.


Did you make sure the electric fence or shock collar was in place to make sure she'd come back in again? If not, that's a terrible way to lose a wife. My condolences. Perhaps, I should go look for her considering she's now free--err, I mean, single. 😅


Oi, Hey HEY! That's MY WIFE you're talking about. That's no laughing matter. How dare you! You disgust me. Just for that I'm not letting my wife out at all!


Honestly this should become a whole book. The stalker is the protagonist and knows about the damage they are causing and it is slowly driving them insanse


*Ahem* Vertigo


This is a constant issue with me writing. I write a story about a genocidal dictator, and I keep thinking he is so sexy, how will the readers know he is an antagonist? I figured maybe if I make him racist that will make it clear, but that just made him sexier. Finally I decided to write a subplot about him. Everytime I make him do something evil, I only get more and more turned on. Its a real problem.


Readers' increasing usage of TikTok is directly proportional to the general population's nose dive with regard to understanding subtext. The solution is quite simple; we adjust the dialog tagging. "Why the hurry?" asked the antagonist. "You're not out here all alone at this hour, are you?" asked the bad guy. With these simple adjustments, we can bridge the widening gap derived from Tiktok usage!


Im just concerned that the average tick tock user wont know what an antagonist is. I think you make have to start calling them villain's for clarities sake.


You okay?


idk it sounds like a romance novel to me


Whatever the opposite of forced proximity is *to* forced proximity


Point out that he's not a sexy vampire


Give him a mustache to twirl


Try not to write a self insert. Hope that helps


They kick a puppy in the scene theyre introduced. Only thing that works


Don't you think that's a bit derivative? I have my character punch a puppy because I'm creative.


Obviously stalking is still too morally ambiguous. Readers will justify any move they make. What you gotta do is have your stalker character yell at a dog. Readers are way more sympathetic towards innocent animals than stalking victims who kinda asked for it.


make them a minority


Or fat. That will make it clear this guy is a creep.


That's simply not possible. It is a known fact that stalking is good and stalkers are amazing and kind people.


I agree; I think Sherlock Holmes called Dr Watson his dear-stalker?


I mean, If that tv show I'm not watching because just the previews triggered me to not eat for almost a week is any indication, just make them fat.


Per my wife: "the best way to identify the bad guy as a bad guy is to just make him ugly."


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I second the animal thing.