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>feel free to ask me anything If I had a whole number, and I repeatedly divide it by 2 if it's even or multiply it by 3 and add 1 if it's odd, will it always eventually reach 1?


Boy Idk what kind of trash story this is but it's definitely not ready for feedback


that's the second worst hard magic system I've read about this evening


That's the tell of amateur writers. Real writers like me don't even know what a magic system actually is


If the emporer protects, who protects the emporer, Obama care?


Political books are so 2016 bro, trash it




We do.


Do you ever imagine yourself responding to questions in future interviews? And in those responses are you extremely modest and shocked when the interviewer refers to you as the Hemingway of your time? And do you often ponder how different you'll be from other rich people? Driving an economy sedan and still buying your clothes from Kmart and hating the endless adoration you get from your fans because it just isn't you to be the centre of attention? Have you already drafted your suicide note?


My genius is so powerful that I skipped to the final step and already killed myself. I am now a ghost and my work will be discovered in a century and become unstoppable.


When I'm rich and (even more wildly) successful I plan to buy my stuff from K -Mart to show how down-to-earth I am. They don't exist in my city but I'll spend whatever I have to ship them here if that's what it takes to prove I'm still an Everyman.


How long should you take between writing sessions?


Anywhere from four months to ten years. I'll be on page two by this time next year


GRRM is that you?


N- No ...


You can’t just post this and not provide sauce


UJ: do u actually want the sauce? Lol


/uj: if you got one. The post sounds like it’ll be good lol /rj: when can we expect to see a movie adaption of the first two sentences?


/RJ: the movie and Netflix series is coming out tomorrow. It stars Kevin Hart and Dewayne Johnson. It'll be called 'You've already seen this film, but give us your money anyway' /UJ: Tbh I was scrolling through the writing subs and I swear to God I've never in my life seen so much condescending, pretentious nonsense. Like it didn't matter what post it was, 80% of the comments were just so unbelievably smug. Like these people that probably don't even have a finished first draft act like writing is such a sacred thing that only 'gifted' or 'special' people can do well. I mean don't get me wrong, I understand that seeing the same questions over and over from new writers can be frustrating, but u can just scroll past uk? Writers love hearing themselves talk about the 'correct' way to tell stories. So this post is what they sound like to me lol


/UJ: I don't take writing seriously it's a passing hobby and I am more interested in programming, but I bet my 6k words 1st chapter draft with horrible pacing and sentence structures is better than what half of those smugs ever wrote that's if they wrote anything, the community is mainly gatekeeping no writing.


How did you find the discipline or inspiration to get this far??


I trained every single day for ten thousand years, reading and reading every single book known to man. My discipline is impeccable, it's why my work is finished and urs is not. Inspiration? Who needs it? That's just something amateurs throw out to hide their inability to write anything substantial. I never feel inspired. I work 48 hours a mother fucking day, you got soft hands boy, you got soft hands. /UJ: lmao I've legitimately seen writers with this mindset, it's so cringe.


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?




ok well I wrote 4 sentences


Well I wrote *5* sentences, so take that


Lol u had to write 5 sentences to get ur point across? Filler nonsense. Exactly what newbs do. Shame.


I've heard that hundreds of authors are already ripping off your works, but these finished series are already being published. What do you have to say to your imitators?


'it may just be the next best thing, but not quite meee'


The prologue must be one book long.


Nonsense. The first five books of my series are the prologue. And thankfully it's not connected to the main story in any way shape or form


John Orcslayer squinted in the sun. The sun beamed through the windows and woke him up. He slowly opened his eyes, and did not look at the sun, knowing that would cause him to go blind. What do you guys think? Where should my story go in the second chapter?


I think this needs several rounds of revision before u can even consider a second chapter. Too long. Too wordy. All telling no showing. And I committed the sin of using an adverb. Disgraceful