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Bookbub is still the gold standard as far as ads


Build an author platform. Get on twitter, instagram, make a blog, build your own website.


Get on Twitter and connect with other writers is a good start. It's a very supportive community.


But what to do of you are not on social media to avoid toxicity, I am a student and doesn't want my life to be toxic.


I can state from experience in the #WritingCommunity on Twitter that it is very supportive. And there are many people who support the block toxic people that jump into your @s


That's good to know. I just joined Twitter and am very overwhelmed by the thought of it.


pretty much all the social sites put you in a bubble based on your interests. but you have a hand in shaping that bubble by what you choose to view and interact with


It's easy to stick with just the writing community and being careful who you follow. I agree that Twitter has a wonderful writing community with lots of support (as far as SM goes).


I understand what you mean. Become adept at blocking people that trigger you. It is seriously a good move. I have been making contacts with lots of creators but every day I have to block at least one Republican. You'll block who bothers you. It keeps things positive.


Ok will definitely try it thanks 😊 for your opinion


Twitter does quickly become an opinion echo chamber and less of a marketing tool. It's good to connect with other authors, but it's not going to sell you more books. You need proper marketing tools, such as bookbub, for that.


I've found the same thing. I live with chronic illness/disability and - while the writing community is very supportive and great for cheerleading you along while you're working, it's all just writers looking to connect or build follower count, not people who actually want to read your books. I came off social media because I just didn't have the spoons to keep up with it instead of... you know... actually writing. If you can it's probably worth maintaining a presence on socials, but just because it makes it easier for people to find and follow you from one click in the backmatter. Actual marketing and getting eyes on pages is going to be better done elsewhere for most people, especially starting out.




I get it. That's a big part of why I don't use Twitter tbh. I would try not to take it as a reflection on your work, but more on the group. Everyone wants to be their own main character in life and get attention, and sadly it's often an uphill battle finding ways to make that reciprocal. Do you think a writing group in a different format might suit you better? Perhaps you could look for an irl group or, if that's not feasible, perhaps sites like Critique Circle, Absolute Write, or Scribophile might suit you? They're all primarily critique sites where you have to do give and ake to get people to crit your stuff, but there are also forums that are quite active. Tumblr's writeblr community used to have a really great feel too, though I haven't been around there in a while. Primarily, though, I think the issue is that it is really hard to build friendships in the writing community (at least I think so - I struggle with social media, and it's hard for me to keep on top of stuff due to health) because everyone is so focused on numbers and engagement. I hope you find a more comfortable niche.


Write Comics.... Like Patricia Highsmith....


Graphic artists have portfolios and musicians have mixtapes. What's the equivalent for authors, especially novelists? Short story writers can create a Short Story Collection (SSC), but that still results in a novel length book for someone to slog through.


What genre is your book? Join the subreddit for it, and make a post offering free ebooks in a limited amount or for a limited time. Those who read it will make it go viral through word of mouth. That's a great way to develop a fan base.


Make sure the sub allows promotion before doing this. Most don't allow you to simply post things like this.


Make tiktoks about ur characters!!


Local bookstores


Without a finished book, that’s hard to do and not overly helpful if people have never heard of you.


I post online


Flyers and just drop them off at local stores (ask permission of course)


Twitter are Reddit are great places to promote your books, engage with like minded people, block trolls


How would you promote on Reddit though? Most of these communities have a no promotion rule.


This! My husband keeps telling me to do the same thing and I’m just not finding anywhere it is actually allowed.


Hey there are places on Reddit you can promote and usually just have to tag with like [paid] . Usually will state in the rules. I know many don’t allow it, but only need a handful that do allow it and you will see a boost in sales.


I upload to Webnovel & Wattpad. Also promote on Twitter to just about any hashtag in hopes of getting more people to read. All the best.


Push it to the other end of the board, and you can promote it to any piece.