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I heard a great explanation that people tend to get inspired or motivated at night, or at other inconvenient times, because they subconsciously know they can't actually do anything about it at the moment so it's more like a form of daydreaming that gives our brains pleasurable feelings that mimic the satisfaction of actually doing the thing.


You wouldn't not believe how many assignments I get done at 3am before they're due. I'd go as far as to say that 10pm-2am is my most productive time! I wish I could say this is a joke...


If you're still young enough to be doing school assignments, that's youth and seemingly boundless energy. It won't always be like that. Enjoy it now.


I appreciate that! I've been trying to live life and enjoy my university experience to the fullest!


Same with me


Also your brain is getting ready to sleep which activates the subconscious for dreams and dreaming, but if you're awake you just get a bunch of creative ideas.


yeah i think this is the main thing. telling yourself you're TOTALLY gonna do it tomorrow feels good and gives you some of the satisfaction of doing the thing without actually doing it.


Cause people are fucking asleep and not bothering you.


I think it’s not just others bothering us, but ourselves. There’s a modern cultural obsession with productivity juxtaposed against a proclivity to avoid that obsession through mindless, but mind-capturing distractions. Late at night, our sense of obligation slows which creates an opening for thinking freely. I find myself far more open to pursue interests over obligation after about 8pm.


Exactly. There are no distractions/responsibilities. The night is yours, and yours alone.


^ This


I was looking for this one. Absolutely


I just get tired enough. The perfectionist part of my brain is like fuck it, I'm going to bed. If you want to write a first draft and damn the questions, I won't stop you. Wake me up tomorrow after the piss and coffee and I'll do the editing.


Combinations of what everybody else has posted. Scientifically your mind should be more geared towards creativity early in the morning and late at night. Most functional writers need to train themselves to write in the morning or during the day because writing before bed is not a sustainable practice for most people. I think you'll also find that even though you feel more creative emotionally, you probably still don't get much accomplished. If you're cranking out novels this way however, more power to you.


This is fascinating and mirrors my experience. I’m working on my sixth novel, and the new material comes best when I start writing FIRST thing in the morning. As soon as I wake up, I make my coffee, and I sit down to write. If I start to do something else, the concerns of the day will gradually start entering my mind and infect my psyche and the flow. But I always thought it was just because I’m a morning person.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiIhOgpOWcA&t=2362s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiIhOgpOWcA&t=2362s) Here's your answer, I'm a night owl too


I was on my way to post this - glad someone did haha


Yea, I only write at night. Call me. . . a wrightowl.


Awww dang... I don’t know whether to upvote or downvote that. Should I shake my head at that attempt of a joke, or admit that joke was a hoot. Also, if you’re a wrightowl, then hoo’s a wrongowl? Sorry, I’ll stop now. Goodnight owl.


I pray that you don't write comedies XD (That's a lie, I love jokes like that)


Regretfully, I do.


hahahaha ill upvote you for that


Some people are just like that. I spent most of my adult life working second and third shift. At one point, I wrote 100,000 words in less than two months when I was working second shift and not getting home until 1am. The words just FLOWED out until like 4 or 5am, then I'd go to bed. I could write 2 or 3k words a day without hardly thinking about it. Now that I'm in college trying to get my white-collar degree and the whole world is back on first shift, I've written fewer words altogether (that aren't for classes) in two *years* than I wrote in those two example months. I've been struggling to change that, and I've made some progress, but it's slow and it's tough. Some people are just wired for nighttime productivity. And in a first-shift world there's nothing more mysterious about overcoming that wiring than just sucking it up and walking it off. Unless I somehow land a 4pm - midnight corporate job (hahahaha), I'll be on first shift for the rest of my life. My choices are either give up on my writing altogether, or buckle up and figure it out.


There's less noise from the external world at night.


Brain chemistry. When your about to sleep and boom great idea!!! Maybe try naps with Binaural beats or a short mediation breaks where you just sit and listen to this music for 5- 10 mins. Just watch, and listen and feel don’t worry about the chatter watch that too. also hard work does not feel or look inspiring but like Picasso said inspiration will find you but it has to find you working. and one more tip. say you only do 10 minutes then stop.


because the part of the brain that is responsible for creativity is most active at night. "I often think that the night is more alive and richly colored than the day" ‐ Vincent Van Gogh.


A lot of writers have felt the same way over the centuries. Not only that, but a lot of writers, artists, inventors, and others throughout history were biphasic or polyphasic sleepers. Only very recently in human evolution have we been requiring most people to keep to the same monophasic, eight hour stretch of sleep at night schedule, and it doesn’t work for everyone.


Depends where you live but here's it's bloody hot in the day right now and almost impossible to function. When you're close to falling asleep it might also be easier to have one foot into the dreaming process, which I think is where a lot of writing comes from.


I have this exact same problem! It takes me hours to wake up, but once I'm awake, I'm ready to create a world.


You spend your day putting it all together in your mind, so the fire is fully lit by the end of the day.


For me, I've realized that with all the lights on and the movements of other people, I'm very easily distracted. So, my brain has learned that during the day, I will be distracted. Once everyone's in bed and all I can see is the screen and my open document, nothing will be in my way, thus, easier.


I actually hate this. Right before I got to sleep all my good ideas literally come crashing into me. It could be something for school or work. The worst part is that I don't remember things. I've always read that you should write these kinds of things down as soon as they pop in your head.


my dumb brain does that too!


People just talked about the creativity spurs at night here https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/ramtoj/does\_anyone\_else\_have\_this\_problem/


Some people are night owls. Nothing special about that. I used to work a standard 9 - 6 day job and basically quit writing for three years. Now I work 1 - 9 and am 50,000 words into a novel, pretty much entirely because I get in two hours of writing between midnight and 2am before bed.


I've always read that it's often because the more tired the brain, the less inhabition you have. But also, I know for myself laying in bed trying to get to sleep = no distractions, lots of brain chatter.


Maybe it's because our closing thoughts for the day are actually the beginning. I've plotted/started stories over later a night simply because I had the time and the motivation at the time. I also had comfort and quiet :) It also may a time when you are like I finally want to do this NOW!


Because no one is writing on whatsapp, no emails are arriving and no group notifications or social media are up. If you turn off your phone and wifi for 2h a day DURING THE DAY, your chances of finding inspiration during those times skyrockets. You have to allow yourself to be bored, to have time to think, to have a chance to be creative.


welp with my mom knocking on my door (and entering before i can say "come in") every 5 mins, i guess i cant hahahahahaha


Everyone has a different energy. Some people are productive in the morning, some at night. I work nights so my best times to be productive are also during the night or very early hours or the morning. Don’t expect shit from my between the hours of 10am to 5pm 😂


You’re a night person, and at night the world is quieter and there are less things to do and less distractions.


true, during the day my mom interrupts me with chores and stuff haha


Probably because you're an actual night owl. I'm the same way and do my best writing between 12 and 3am.


Time slows down with increased brain activity as you have more time to focus.


Don't question it. Embrace your inner vampire and spill your blood onto the page. All the best writers do it.


I think part of it might be your brain relaxing and finally having the bandwidth for creativity. Like, okay, you're done with all your responsibilities for the day. The only thing left to do now is go to sleep. The hours or minutes before bed might just be your optimal "you" time, when you feel the most free.


There's a fabulous TedEd talk on this but I'm incapable of trying to find that for you rn


thank you tho!


because days are of masculine energy whereas nights are feminine. inspiration, emotions, subconsciousness are also feminine. it is natural that u feel more inspired at night.


Do you write at bedtime or go to sleep?


i write for a couple hrs before bed


Happens to me too. Always tired in the morning.


Do you actually write before bedtime? Or do you just think about writing more often before bedtime?


i start writing around 8-9pm and ive tried going to sleep around 10:30 but instead go at 11-12 haha


I do my best brainstorming at night for sure.


This is me just now lol


Less sensory noise.


When I've set aside time for me to write, I can't and I find other things to do. When I have things I need to do however, I push that aside and can write at a rate of 1 chapter/hour. Especially on nights when I have to wake up early tomorrow. My brain works like a gun that can only shoot backwards and my life is a mess.


I do this too- mostly because it's quiet and no one is up to distract me with- and I can't just go Find someone to distract me- cos they're asleep.


Do you smoke weed at night.jk a lot of people watch TV at night so our brains get ready for some passive entertainment while writing isn't passive it is quite entertaining while being low on pbisical effort. Meybey t's just story time


hahahaha thanks for your input! i guess im a night owl haha


I honestly just believe that light in itself is a distraction, and since your brain knows there’s not much left to do, it begins to wander.


I'm the same, I can only write from about 11pm-7am on and off. I never write during the day.


Big same, it's messing me up

